One Sword Reigns Supreme

2713 Chapter 269: Gentleman? Small person?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Seeing Ye Xuan once again shot, the gods in the field became dignified!

Because this time it is very likely to share the victory!

At this moment, the white clothes suddenly scratched, the next moment, he slammed out, this punch, he suddenly appeared a piece of mountain river and the sun and moon, these mountains and rivers and the sun and moon A variety of unknown mysterious power has produced, countless mysterious power is like a flood sweep.

One of the faces of all people!

Obviously, white clothes don\'t want to die with Ye Xuanxuan!

Because he knows, if you let Ye Xuan\'s close, it will be him!

Ye Xuan can be a body repair!

With the life change, how can he change? In the distance, Ye Xuan saw this white dress, he decided to stop, the next moment, his palm became open, in the body, countless human swords were now crazy, in everyone\'s gaze, his The world\'s sword is like a tornado, surrounded by stars!

Ye Xuan suddenly raised the sword of the world, the next moment, he slammed forward!

The sword is like a rain, straight down!

The two are hard!

Two terrible power just a contact - bang!

A deafening sound suddenly sounded in the scene, followed by a gas wave, swept in four weeks, and the strong people were turned back by this air wave shock!

Of course, those three knows are not!

However, those faces are all incomparable.

Ye Xuan two is an order of order, however, the power of the two has not been weak, and there is no weakness of the three-kid!

Thinking of this, a few of the past have suddenly become relaxed!

Because the real realm of the white clothes is a truth, and Ye Xuan is just an order!

On the one side, I looked at the curtain. I was very shocked in my heart!

At the beginning, Ye Xuan was in her heart, it was a person who leaned by the mountain, a person who relied on the mountain, but she found that Ye Xuan it was too strong, but he was too strong behind him, cover him himself. The advantages!

Receive your curtain back, she turned to look at the entrance of the returning place in the distance, the look is complex!

She didn\'t choose to enter the place of return, it is not suitable, some people don\'t solve it, they can\'t close this place!


Can not be that simple!

Even if the avenue owner does not appear, it is not that they can solve them in three or two!


At this moment, a roar will pull back the curtain, turn the curtain to the distance of Ye Xuan and white clothes. At this moment, the two have been fighting together!

In the stars, countless swords are torn!

You come to me in the two, no one is, there is a come.

Just then, Ye Xuan was again near white, he had to do it, because he had the advantage of the flesh, just near the white clothes, he was directly on the shoulders of the white clothes.


The white shoulders are directly cleared. However, at this time, the white reactivity is also very fast, and the left hand is directly in the leaves!


Ye Xuan was directly flying out directly, but in the moment he flew out, there were countless people in an instant to submerge the white clothes!

Seeing this scene, those in the past have changed when the face of the past!

At this time, a boxing suddenly broke out of the sword, countless sword light was shocked, but the next moment, Ye Xuan, who was shocked, was rushed to the white clothes!

Another sword!



The two have just been separated again, but the next moment, the leaves that flying out suddenly turned into a sword to rush to the white clothes!

In the field, everyone\'s face has changed!

A sword is another sword!

Ye Xuan is like a madman, is generally crazy to rush toward the white clothes!

Under the eyes of everyone, the Ye Xuan once retired once, the body will crack a few points, gradually, the Ye Xuanfeng has been scored all over, and countless blood is reddish, but Ye Xuan is still not stopped. Instead, I am rushing towards white clothes!

And that white, all over the sword!

Finally - bang!

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan once again rushed to the white clothes, and when he was roared, the white flesh suddenly became a general, a piece of drop, every meeting, his flesh, only soul!

Everyone immediately looked to Ye Xuan, but at this moment, although the Ye Xuanfeng has also been broken, the flesh is still being completely destroyed!

Only the white white coat remains slowly looked at the Ye Xuan in the distance, and at this time, Ye Xuan rushed over!

Seeing this scene, those who have become difficult to look at the faces of the past!

Is this a madman? The Ye Xuan at this moment is actually mad!

He didn\'t actively activate the madness of the madness, but crazy!

When I saw Ye Xuan again, the white eyes were suddenly squatted, and he was handed over, and a horrible soul force was gathered in his right hand.

When Ye Xuan came to the front of the white, the white is a punch!

This fist is out, a soul force is like a volcanic outbreak, and it is generally fierce!

At this time, Ye Xuan Yi Jian is under!

This time, Ye Xuan still did not use Qingxuanjian!

If you use Qing Xuanjian, this sword will kill white, it is not difficult, even if the white clothes restore the realm at this moment, he also has the other party!

However, he didn\'t use Qingxuanjun!

He Ye Xuan is right, you gentle, I am also gentle, if you are a small person, Laozi is smaller than you!

Since the other party fell, he Ye Xuan did not be a small person!

Although there is no Qing Xuanjian, but he actually combats a sword to set the soul, of course, there is no Qing Xuan Jian, this sword will be big enough, but at this moment, there is still a huge advantage for him!


Among the eyes of everyone, the soul of white is broken instantly. In an instant, white is far away!

White is just stopped, Ye Xuan is another sword!

White eyes are slightly smashed, at this moment, his soul is already unuspetent. Looking at Ye Xuan\'s sword, his look is more lighter, because he found that Ye Xuan\'s sword seems to be special for the soul!

If it is hard, he will have a big loss!

White is suddenly slowed down, "It is the body!

The sound falls, he is open right hand, and then grasps.


In a moment, the whole world trembled, followed, in the eyes of everyone, countless mysterious power gathered in the white soul, in an instant, white clothes were re-condensed out of the flesh!

At this time, the white clothes suddenly opened their eyes. He pointed to his own eyebrows. In an instant, he suddenly appeared hundreds of millions of mysterious ancient fonts, these mysterious fonts were like a cockroach, and Xuanao was incomparable, and the ancient breath was like. From distant ancient times!

"In the past!"

In the field, there have been in the past, Zongqiang exclaimed!

In the past, this is the second epistemology of the second in the past, once in actual combat, it can be gathered in itself, this punch, represents the past.

In the same year, the white clothes were relying on this punch, and the horror above the three kanshou!

And this time, white faces Ye Xuan, once again, this box!

White is suddenly gripped, and in a moment, this billion mysterious font suddenly turned into a fist in his fist, but at the moment, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped!

Because he felt the terrible of the ancient text after the white body!

So rushing, I am afraid that I have to be homolled by others!

At this time, the white is born!

This fist, a Wanzhang flutter, as the decisset is generally swept in the hands of the dress, go straight to Ye Xuan!

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles of star fields actually started to be broken!

In the field, those past Zongqiang saw this scene, suddenly violently retreat!

Even those of the three kizens, but also a violent retreat, avoid this fist!

On the side, Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, he is open, and the sword in the world is suspended in the palm of the palm.

And this time, he picked his own blood!

Gradually, the swords around him became a blood!

Blood pulse!

In the field, the past Zongqiang people who met the blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood!

They are all top-level, naturally they can feel the horror of this blood!

Rely on the mountain!

At this moment, all of the past Zongqiang believed a thing: it is really back to the mountain behind this boy!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "This battle, this is over!

The sound fell, he suddenly took the front, this rush, the countless blood red people sword suddenly documented as a sword flying into the Xuanxuan!

Ye Xuan suddenly took out sword sheath, inserted the sword into the sword , the next moment, he fierce, "Sword and death!

Extremely a sword!

This sword out, a sword suddenly resounded throughout the endless star!

With Ye Xuan\'s sword - Boom!

Suddenly, the whole endless star field turned into a dark, a horrible force slammed from Ye Xuan and white, and the two flew out, in the process of flying out, the white soul It\'s an illusory, and the petty meal is a virtual, his soul begins at this moment!

Finally, the two stopped after retreating more than 100,000.

And around, the starry sky visible to the naked eye becomes a dark!

The entire star field is broken by the horror power of the two!

In the field, those incredible, this power, this strength is too horrible!

After Ye Xuan stopped, the whole person slowed down!

At this moment, he felt that there was no strength!

At this time, there was a sudden residue in the field. Everyone looked at the remaining shadow, the next moment, and suddenly contracted the curtains, "Blocking him, stop him!

Said, she has already rushed toward Ye Xuan!

Because the remaining shadow is in the past!

This is to kill the Xuan!

In the field, those who have come to face each other.

What the hell? Also save this by the king? Everyone did not shoot!

This kind of thing, they can\'t do it!

At this moment, the soul of the curtain has been scared!

If you die, if you die here, then Play Nima? Of course, at this moment, she is more doubts, because people who shoot, it is absolutely not the past, since it is not the past, who wants to kill the king? .