One Sword Reigns Supreme

2715 Chapter 26: I am also very uncomfortable!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan looked at a man, "the seniors are very reasonable!


A family, love each other, unite mutual help, is this not normal? Revert to mountain? If it is a shame, then there are more people in this world!

After all, as long as it is not an orphan, who never rely on my parents? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan has always disappeared.

It\'s my blood with my old!

It\'s brothers and sisters with yourself!

A family!

How can I say that I am leaning on the king? Thinking of this, I suddenly relieved in Ye Xixiang!

It turns out that it is not myself, but someone else!


At this time, in the pixel body, a sword suddenly poured out!

Human swords!


At this time, the little pen suddenly said: "Don\'t tell me you to break through.

This is too fucking? "

The small tower also said: "Over!

In the field, everyone looked at Ye Xuan!

Is this guy to break through? At this time, Ye Xuan Zhou\'s fencing suddenly swayed back to him!

Ye Xuan looked at everyone, then said: "What do you do? I just feel a bit cold, release the sword to warm the body!

Everyone: ".

The convoy looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "You go in!"

If you hear the convoy, the strong people who have passed the past are busy toward the stone door!

Ye Xuan went to the robe man, "There is still strong inside?"

The robe man shook his head.


Wen Yan, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

In the field, those past Zongqiang heard the robe man, suddenly rest assured, very fast, they rushed into the place of returning!


A sudden sound suddenly sounded in the land of the market, and the next moment, a shadow flew out!

At the same time, the past, the past, the past, who was originally rushed into the market, was retreated!

Seeing this scene, the context was frowned and wrinkled!

The robe man is next to Ye Xuan Shen said: "Don\'t you say no one?"

The robe man smiled slightly, "I lie to them!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

In the distance, the entrance to the returning market, a white-haired old man slowly came out!

White-haired old people looked at the servants and others, then said: "Do you want to break the market? Are you thinking about it?"

The servant looked at the old man, and his face was low.

This white-haired old man is not in the information they survey, not only they are, but they don\'t know the two people.

The door hides the strength!

Thinking of this, the contest god suddenly became more dignified!

At this time, the next side suddenly said: "Continue to drag down, how many of your past can stop with seven ministries? Especially the Ling, you should be too old, you should be able to fight her, right ?"

Dao Ling!

Today, the first person!

I heard this name, the contest brow couldn\'t help but wrinkled!

This woman is too strong, and it is necessary to have the older, the elders in the past, and it can only be dragged with the super large array in the past!

Once this woman is getting off, no one in the field is her opponent!

At this time, the Zongxion suddenly turned to look at the depths of the stars, "the tree family is long, there is labor!

The tree family is long!

Everyone looked in the deep place of the stars, there, a huge transfer array suddenly appeared, the next moment, a tree person who had a talented man slowly came out!

When I saw this tree, the robe next to Ye Xiqiao frowned frowned.

Ye Xuan asked, "Is this?"

The robe man is sonless: "The ancient trees, from the Semizum, belonging to the distant Sen era, and their ancestors have established a powerful jungle order!

Ye Xuan brow, "Jungle order?"

The robe is nod, "Yes!

This jungle order, with tree people as the core!

But later, Mr. was out!

Ye Xuan looked to the robe, "Mr. is the owner of the avenue?"

The robe nodded.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Why is it destroyed?"

The robe men looked at the Ye Xuan, "The jungle order, they only allow this universe to have only trees!"

Wen said, Ye Xuanlun speechless!

What is this? Only tree is allowed? Is this not a bad? The robe man said: "They made anger in the past, and then coupled with the owner to establish a new order, so they knew them!

Unexpectedly, they now will play with the past.

They are learning smart!

I learned to pull the gang.

Ye Xuan said: "Are you playing?"

The robe man looks to Ye Xuan, Zhengqi: "It is us!

Ye Xuan speechless.

After the treasures of the trees have appeared, it directly looks directly to Ye Xuan. "Are you leaning on the Mountain?"

Sound like Hong Zhong, earthquake!

I heard the words, Ye Xuan stunned, he looked at the trees of the trees, "Do you know me?"

The tree people are overlooking the Ye Xuan, and an invisible power pressure is pressed against Ye Xuan from the sky. "I heard that you are very strong by the mountain!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Go ok!

Tree family is suddenly clenching, "Let them come out, I want to kill them!

Ye Xuan god color became an old!

On the one side, I wrinkled my brow, she looked at the convoy, and the Zong Kong looked at the treesman family, then said: "You, our goal is not him, it is the place of return!

Returned place!

When I heard the context, the Tree Division took a look of Ye Xuan, "When I break it, I will catch you again!"

After that, he looked at the stone door in the distance. He took the next moment, he rushed to the stone door!

This rush, the entire star river is like a big earthquake, which is generally violent, and it is horrible!

Seeing this scene, everyone\'s faces in the field are changing, and they have violent!

Ye Xuan\'s face is also very uneven!

This grip is so horrible!

Before Shimen, the white-haired old man frowned, he was very open, and the mirror suddenly appeared in his hands. He suddenly rushed to the sky, the mirror was taken, and there was a long shot!


That Wanzhang Xia Guang was hard to stop the tree, but after retreating hundreds of feet, it was a hard or one, and then the front is a hit!


This hit, the Wanzhang Xiaguang crusted directly, and he himself rushed to the old man!

The white-haired old man suddenly shrinks, he missed the spell, the mirror in his hands suddenly trembled, countless Xia Guang is like a tide!

At this time, the tree person is born!


This boxing, countless clouds are broken, the white-haired old people are directly outside hundreds of thousands of feet!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field is one of them!

The tree person who seems is not too smart is so hanging? After the treesman, the trees fame, he smiled, "Weak!

I only have a complement, you can\'t hold it!

Everyone: ".

Zongxun looked at a tree, then said: "You, go to the land!

The tree people turned to look at the contest. "You don\'t teach me to do things, in the Sen era, there is no departure of the trees, human beings are dare to talk, is it to be beheaded, understand?"

The contest brow wrinkled. He now calculates that the order of the tree people will be broken by the avenue owner!

These guys are really defective!

After the trees got a confrontation, he suddenly felt very cool, so he laughed, "Haha.

Everyone looked at the tree people laughed, and the looks were unborn!

Ye Xuan looked at the trees, then said: "Nouns have not thought that there is an invincible tree people, but now become a dog in the past!


It is really sad!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the tree laughed suddenly disappeared, he looked at Ye Xuan, angered: "Human, when is my tree to become a dog in the past?"

Ye Xuan pointed to the distance in the distance. "If it is not a dog in the past, why do he let you do, what do you do?"


Tree people roared, "he did not qualify for me, I.

Suddenly said: "He is in the province!

Tree people look to the convoy, doubt, "What is a provocative separation?"

Everyone: ".

I heard the tree of the tree, and the Zongruography took one of the trend, he was a little speech hurt at this moment!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The meaning of chaling allocation is the meaning of good friends!

Good friend? In the field, everyone looked at Ye Xuan, full of horror!

This guy is so clearly black and white? Tree people look to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanzheng, "I want to do a good job with you, I don\'t think about it, I have been admiring the tree people!"

Tree people look to Ye Xuan, "admire?"

Ye Xuan nod, "The tree people are invincible!


Tree people say, do you dare to comply with the universe? right? "

Tree people get a laugh, "Yes!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "But I am very disappointed now!

Tree people brow, "why?"

Ye Xuan angered: "In my heart, the tree people are arrogant!"

Now, you have colluded with the past.

I asked you, if you know that you will learn from humans, what do he think? "

Wen said, the face of the tree gradually sinks!

Ye Xuan continued: "How can the tree people? How can a strong and invincible tree family? How can people with human beings? In my heart, the tree people are alive, which is definitely unable to join hands with humans!

But now, you teamed up with the family.

Do you have the ancestors who have been a tree people? Your kind of behavior is giving them shy!


The tree hesitated, then said: "We are fighting the market, it is for the ancestor!

It is for the ancestors!

Ye Xuanjing said: "In order to resurrect ancestors, join hands with humans?"

Tree people nod, "Don\'t join hands with them, we can\'t play the door!"

Ye Xuan looked at the tree, "If you are your ancestor, would you like your posture to collide with humanity? Will you give up dignity for resurrection? Let your tree people have invincible? Do you will?"

The trees hesitated, then shook his head, "with humans, I am also very uncomfortable!

Tree family ancestors: ".

Everyone: ".
