One Sword Reigns Supreme

2699 Chapter 265: Auntie!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

I didn\'t look at the main statue of the Xuancheng City, suddenly, he was surprised: "Hey, do you look at her with the Ye Gongzi\'s eyebrows is not a bit similar?"

I heard the words, I was boundless, then I looked carefully. After a while, his face gradually became a little ugly!

If you don\'t say anything, it is really a bit like!

Is it Ye Xuan Sister? Thinking of this, there is a bit of egg hurt when you are born!

I didn\'t look at the face of my face, I was a bit unheatched, then said: "Hey, Ye Gongzi this person is actually good!

The boundless look is calm, he still looked at it, "What do you want to say, you can say it!

There is no hesitation, then said: "We can actually be friends with Ye Gongzi!

Boundless silent.

God suddenly also said: "Hey, what are you concerned?"

No side: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and walked towards the distance!

Shenming and no love, then two people have followed it!

After a while, the three left Xuancheng and came to a midst of no stars.

At this time, it is bound to look at the distant starry sky, whisper: "I know, you are afraid that I have conflict with the King King.

Said, he shook his head smile, "Reassured, I will not die.

Nowadays, the king is not talking about Wu De, no one is his opponent, even if the avenue owner, he is helpless!

Of course, even if he speaks Wu De, no one can kill him!

There is no double hand and ten, Shen Sheng said: "Hey, I have an incomprehensible, and the people behind the mountain have invincible. Why do they want to let the king are in this sky?"

Hey, you are here: "Don\'t go shopping.

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped!

Oh shit!

This can\'t be said, this is said that he is afraid to be arranged to be arranged.

, "Water?"

Blessed back, I don\'t think it is to go around. Do you think that the king is going to go around? Don\'t go around the king, it is to build a new order. This world needs a new order, you need peace, you need love, understand ?"

There is no god look that there is a little quirky.

No side: "Let\'s go!

: "Where is it?"

No side: "Go to the water!

After finishing, he famed, then, he saw a four weeks.

It\'s going to talk, at this time, the time and space in front of the three suddenly trembled!

Seeing this scene, the sidebrows wrinkled, isn\'t it so small? At this time, an illusory middle-aged man appeared in front of the three.

After the middle-aged man appeared, he looked at the boundless and smiled: "No side!

I am staring at the middle-aged man, "I don\'t seem to know you!"

Middle-aged man smiled: "You don\'t know me, normal!"

I am from the past!


The boundless eyes suddenly squatted, "the past!

Middle-aged men smiled slightly, "It is a person who once had a man, although we have never been touched, but you know us!

After a moment of silence, Tao: "What do you come to do?"

Middle-aged man laughed: "I want to invite you to join us in the past!

I am shocked directly, "I am not interested!

Middle-aged man suddenly said: "The place of returning, the snow!


A terrible ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

God is unspeakable!

The middle-aged man looks like water, "Hey, join us, she can live!"

The boundless man staring at the middle-aged man, "You want to kill the door!

Middle-aged man smiled, "Hey, the pattern is small!


Boundless silent.

Middle-aged man said again: "Hey, we look at you!

If you are willing to join us, you are in my place, only the three people, not only this, we are willing to help you go to the venue, take back your lover, make up your regret!

After the silence of the silence, he said: "I will ask a question!

Said, he whispered, time and space twisted, Ye Xuan\'s appearance appeared in front of him!

It is boundless to Ye Xuan. "Can you have this person in the past?"

The middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan, and then browned, "Do you know this?"

No side: "You know!

Middle-aged man said: "This person is a person I have to kill in the past!

I heard the words, I was boundless and sighed, "I didn\'t see it, I didn\'t have it!

After finishing, he turned and left.

The middle-aged man is frowning, "Hey, this era is coming soon, you haven\'t sure it is a good choice for yourself at this moment?"

I don\'t want to return, "I don\'t do anything, is the most favorable choice.

I heard the words, the middle-aged man frowned deeply, "We are your last chance!

Distance, boundless laugh, "Where?"

Said, he turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man. "You really think that the place can stop me? It\'s a joke!

After finishing, he turned to a biggest disappearance.

There is no moon, I\'m so busy.

Originally, middle-aged man looked at the unilateral owner and silence.

The end of the starry sky.

There is no quick step to go to the endlessness, "I am boundless, can you really entered the place of return?"

Boundless: "No!

I have no stunned, "Then you just.

I am boundless, "Is it a force?"

: "

God hesitated, then said: "Hey, the people said that the people said?"

Boundless: "My wife!



The boundless look at the depths of the stars in the distance, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

Shen Ming Shen said: "Hey, do you have a few wife?"

No side: "One!

I\'m smiling: "Monk, do you think I am very powerful?"

There is no nod, "only relying on the mountain king!

After a moment of silence, Tao: "No, I don\'t match the king of the mountain!"

: "

I\'m young: "I have been a little, I think that my destiny, I am the Lord. At that time, I can\'t always, I feel that I am very energetic!

In fact, I am just a piece of chess in others.

Said, he said self-laughing, "You will only know how small you have to experience the society

There is no low sigh, "" It turned out that you have been so difficult.

There is no side: "It is quite difficult, unlike the righteous king, all the way, I am occasional!"

There is no expression.

Shenming suddenly said: "Hey, what existed is this past?"

After the boundless silence, the road: "A force that exists in the past, specifically, I don\'t know!

I am not interested in them!

: "What is your interested?"

I am boundless, I have no, "I will force!

There is no expression.

Just then, the boundless brow suddenly frightened, he turned to look at the side, not far away, a sword is suddenly stopped, and the sword is scattered. A young man appears in front of the three.

See this young man, the boundless three people are stunned.

The young man saw the boundless three people, and also slightly, then smiled: "Hey!

This young man is Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan saw the boundless three people, and some accidents, he did not think that there was an boundless three people here!

This is really clever!

I watched a eye, I didn\'t talk.

, laugh: "Ye Gongzi, the fate is true, we can meet, this is really too bad!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It does have a good time!

Said, he looked at the boundless owner, "No side, where are you going?"

I watched the Yaixuan, then said: "Shen ancient universe!

Ye Xuan slightly, then laughed: "It can be really clever, I am also wanting to go shopping!

Let\'s join together? "

I am not shaking, "I don\'t want to be with you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why?"

Watching Ye Xuan, "Honestly, I see you is not very cool!"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Playing a?"

Wen said, there is no sense of god!

This Ye Gongzi stands up? I am staring at Ye Xuan, "Is it not the kind of?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "Of course!

Boundless nodded, "That being so, then you shot it!

If you want to ask why you let the first shot, then I can tell you in advance, because if I hit first, you have no chance of a shot!

Then he paused, then said: "? I speak some straightforward, you do not mind it."

Ye Xuan laughed: "do not mind!

Then he changed the subject, "I suddenly remembered something, boundless, when my sister had appeared, why did you run.

Oh, no, why do you go so fast? I would like to introduce to you my sister know about it!

However, when I turned around, you people are gone!

Monk and free as the one with the gods, so they invariably stepped back!

Ye looked boundless mysterious, "I hope your old body as hard with your mouth!


Heard, Ye Hyun frowned up!

This is Diao hair know how to practice the ancient body? At this time, the boundless suddenly said: "Since you do not shot first, then I shot!

Then he suddenly jerked his right hand clenched, a thrill of horror swept from power suddenly his body out!

Distant, mysterious leaf suddenly said: "Wait.

Boundless hunting channel: "I am your mother and so tall!

Then, he was about to shot, but at this time, he spatial and temporal head burst open, the next moment, a Jianguang straight Zhanxia!

Boundless eye pupil suddenly shrunk, he suddenly punched on!


An Armageddon forces suddenly broke off, the next moment, this boundless directly Jianguang cut back hundreds of thousands of miles!

Shen Ming and no stay.

Ye Xuan looked at the distance, "" playing, fuzzy, don\'t take my family!

After that, he turned and ran.

Borderless: ".
