One Sword Reigns Supreme

2698 Chapter 268: Xuancheng City Lord!

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Ye Xuan is not a stupid man, how can he see this Ye Qingqing\'s identity? You know, if it is not a young, the other party will be so doing this? Moreover, he also found a thing, that is, this young man has pointed him!

However, this time, he did not pick it!

After watching the sky, Ye Xuan received his eyes, then turned to look at the old monk, smiled: "Do you have any interest to change?"

The old monk hesitated, then said: "I like quiet!

Ye Xuan said: "Give 200 million first, give 3 million videos a year!

After the old monk is silent, the hands are all in the hands, "it should also be introduced to the world!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Yes!

Said, he was very open, and a quite is slowly floating to the old monk.

The old monk looked at the quenteen, and when he saw the Davae in the quite, he jumped when he was.

Really $ 200 million!

The old monk is hands together, slightly, then puts up, "Thank you!"

Ye Xuan also refers to a point, a white light does not enter the old eyebrow, "this is address!

The old monk nodded, "Old will go!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared directly at the end of the starry.

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, have to say that this place environment is really quiet, of course, too quiet!

He still likes lively!

Remove his thoughts, Ye Xuan flashed away.


In a starry sky, Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Xuan in the lower side until Ye Xuan left!

Being next to her, standing with a black old man.

Black old man whispered: "Zone.

Ye Qingqing double his eyes slowly, "At this moment, Xuanzong Zongzong is him!

If someone is not convinced, kill it!

Black old man nodded, "Yes!

Ye Qingqing turned to look at the horizon, after his silence, the look suddenly became a little bit, the next moment, she suddenly stunned.


The time and space in front of her is directly torn!

Ye Qingqing has no expression, "the past.

Said, she directly turned into a sword to fly into the crack, and the crack was quickly closed.

In the field, the old man is silent after a moment, turn around.


After breakthrough in the flesh, Ye Xuan\'s decision to go to the world who saw him before you.

Now, he, the ancient road strong, I want to hurt him!

I have a bad luck!

He stood up!

Just then, a black old man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and the old man was respectful to Ye Xuangong.

Ye Xuan Dao; "Do you come to you?"

The old man nodded.

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "I will let people go to the chaos to open the book, you cooperate!

Black old man nod, "understand!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, "There is nothing else!

Black old man said: "Where is it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "A very far place!

Black old man will contented, not too much, when I went: "I came in the chaos of the world!"

After that, he quietly returned!

After the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he disappeared directly on the starry sky.


Among the unknown star fields in a certain, the three are walking slowly!

As a first person, it is the owner!

At this time, there was no sudden way: "I am boundless, after leaving the chaotic domain, we have shutdard hundreds of weapons!

Bless: "What do you want to say?"

There is no hesitation, then said: "We should not touch people with Ye Gongzi!

I watched an eye, then said: "What do you mean, I am avoiding him?"

I am busy, "no!

That was not what I meant!

I am a smile, don\'t talk!

: "

Just at this time, I suddenly suddenly said: "You look!

I heard the words, I didn\'t look at the distance, and there was a river floating in the stars in front of them.

, "Is this?"

Said, he looked boundless!

Bless: "Don\'t know!

: "

At this time, there was no hesitation, then said: "Hey, we will continue to go deep in the universe now, is it safe as before?"

Have to say, the previous boundless is invincible!

However, as you worship the depths of the universe, he is more worried!

Can you continue to be invincible? If it is not invincible!

This is not good, it is the group!

I am boundless, "You are afraid that I am not invincible as before.

right? "

I am so busy, "I don\'t think this!

The boundless cool smile, "Reassure, follow me, even if it is not invincible, no one dares!

I am busy, "Yes!

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of the three people, and the vivid shadow looked at the three, "stop!

I watched a vivid shadow, "Where is this?"

The vain gradually condensed, it is a middle-aged man!

Middle-aged is difficult to look at the boundless, "Pluto!

Wen Yan, I am frown, "I haven\'t heard it!

Middle-aged man said: "Where do you come from?"

No side: "A very distant place, you should haven\'t heard it!"

Middle-aged man looks boundless, "Go back!

By somewhat intake, "Can this place can\'t you over?"

Middle-aged man nodded, "Yes!

Borderless, "Why?"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, "Why are you talking?"

The boundless right hand is suddenly spread, and then slammed.


In an instant, a horrible potential directly shrouded the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man\'s face changed, "you.

The boundless look is calm, "Can you talk about it now?"

The middle-aged man looks incomparably lighter, "said it is rude!

Also hope is your needs!

The boundless main road: "We want to go in, can you?"

Middle-aged man hesitated, then said: "Yes!

Three people come with me!

After finishing, he turned and left.

I\'m looking at it, "Don\'t doubt my strength!


After finishing, he followed the past!

Originally, there is no smile, and then I am busy with the past!

The three people followed the middle-aged man to an ancient city, and they were bound to the top gates, there were three big words: Xuancheng!

See these two words, the boundless face suddenly sinks!

Oh shit!

Will not be Ye Xuan, what kind of sister is engaged? The one side of the monk is also strange and god.

Shenming suddenly asked, "Dare to ask, this land city is male is a woman?"

I heard the words, the middle-aged man couldn\'t help but look at the god, some strange, "Why is you so ask?"

Shenming smiled slightly, "There is nothing else, just ask!

Middle-aged man smiled: "Female!

In this way, the face of the two people in the field is getting a little quirky!


Oh shit!

Is it a sister of Ye Xuan? At this time, the middle-aged man said: "Three, what happened?"

I have shake your head, "Nothing!

Enter the city!

Middle-aged man looked at three people, nodded slightly, "Good!

After finishing, he turned to the city!

Headless master: "Do not worry!"

What is it? I don\'t believe that his Ye Xuan\'s sister is spread all over the world!

There is no god, and it is nodded!

What happens to this world? After entering the city, the three discovered that this Xuancheng is also quite bustling, people come to people, very lively!

Moreover, the people in the city are unweound!

The middle-aged man brings three people to a hall, then said: "Three, the city is not in the city, the deputy owner will receive you!"

Said, he turned and retired!

The middle-aged man has just retired, and a woman who has a long-term clear show is in the temple. The woman looked at the three people and smiled: "Welcome three to Xuancheng!

The boundless look at the show, then said: "What about your city?"

The woman laughed: "The city is out of date, so far.

I thought about it, then: "Do you know Yuxuan?"

Ye Xuan!

Wen said, the woman was stunned, then said: "Who is Ye Xuan?"

I am boundless: "A person who is not face!

The woman shook his head smile, "I don\'t know!

I am born slightly, "understand!

The woman looked at the three people, then laughed: "The triple is far from a far away place?"

Head, "Yes!

The woman laughed: "I don\'t know where the three is going?"

No side: "Shen ancient universe!

God ancient universe!

I heard the words, the woman was suddenly squatted, "You actually know the ancient universe!

I am boundless: "The ancient universe is nothing."

After the woman is silent, he said: "The city owner is also going to the ancient universe!

Not yet!

If you want to see the city owner, you can wait!

The boundless but shakes, "Forget it!

As long as you don\'t know Ye Xuan, it\'s okay!

After finishing, he looked back to the two, "Let\'s go!

He nodded with the god, and then turned around to leave.

The Qing Dynasty woman looked at the three people and did not stop!

After going out of the hall, there was no sudden asked, "Hey, what is this ancient universe?"

Bless: "A very old place, once with the avenue, the owner tangled his wrist!

I heard the words, I didn\'t have fun, "then?"

Bless the shrug, "then the wrist is blown!

: "

Suddenly sighing, "It is also a tragedy place. Of course, I blame themselves, I don\'t think I can just pass the avenue master, hehe, how can they just pass? Really!

Just then, there was no sudden way on the side: "You look!"

I heard the words, the two turned to see the not far away, there is a statue of a woman.

I watched a woman statue on the waist, there was a sword with a hunger!

The unilateral light channel: "This should be the city of Xuancheng!
