One Sword Reigns Supreme

2700 Chapter 268: Low-key?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Among the stars, there is boundless standing.

His flesh turtle broke into a spider mesh, and the blood continued to overflow. In just a short time, he was dyed as a blood!

And he surrounded, endless stars are broken.

No side is silent, there is no hair!

At this time, there was no god to come to the side of the boundless main body, and there was no hesitation, then said: "Ye Gongzi ran!

The boundless nephew, then said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

There is no look at the back of the neighborhood, asks God, "He\'s okay?"

God hesitated, then said: "If you don\'t, you ask him?"

: "You ask!"

Shenming looked at an eye, "Do you see me like idiot?"

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

: "


At the end of the star, Ye Xuan Yujian is walking.

He finally chose to open!

Because he found that things were not as simple as the moment of the boundless shot!

Of course, he is not afraid, just strategic choice retreat!

At this time, the animal husbandry suddenly said: "Now you, but it\'s boundless!

Ye Xuan has some curiosity, "Mastopters, do you know boundless?"

Mu Tian Road: "Know!

Ye Xuan said: "Can you talk about boundless?"

After the grass is silent, he said: "A very exciting person!


Ye Xuan brows, "He has a wife?"

The animal husbandry is intimate. "Can he have a wife?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Mu Wei said again: "However, his wife is dead!"

And, because of his death!

In the past, he did a single place in order to save his wife, but he was hit by the owner!

He warrs a whole million years in the place of returning!

For a million years, he went to the market again and again.


Ye Xuan asked, "Haven\'t there?"

Mu Tian Road: "No!

Ye Xuan said: "I feel that the owner of the avenue is very good!"

What do you think? "

After the animal husbandry is silent, he said: "I think the owner is slamming!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I now understand why your owner does not resurrect you!

Shepherd: ".

Just then, next to the time and space suddenly broke, and then a powerful breath swept!

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the split time and space, a black robe woman came out slowly.

Over the past!

See this black robe woman, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

The woman in the black robe is cold and looked at Ye Xuan and does not speak.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I warn you, my big brother is in the back, if you are chaotic, the consequences are at your own risk!

The woman in the black robe is slightly smashed, and the eyes flashed a smell of cold and cold, "threatened me?"

Ye Xuan looked at the woman in the black robe. "My big brother has no longer than the world!

You move me, he destroyed you!

The woman in the black robe suddenly ridiculous: "I am now ignorant!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly turned around, not far, three people slowed down!

It is boundless main three!

See Ye Xuan, the main face is cold!

At this time, the woman\'s woman was at the end of the owner. "Are you a big brother?"

Wrecked, there is no longer, "no!

The woman in the black robe looks to Ye Xuan, ridiculous: "People don\'t seem to be your big brother!"

Ye Xuan went to the side of the boundless, "hit her!

Boundless main point to Ye Xuan, "Do you let me play me?"

Ye Xuan said: "You don\'t fight, I just called the sister!"

Boundless to stare in Ye Xuan, "What is the relationship with me?"

Ye Xi Ping calmly: "My sister likes to murder!"

No side silence.

This Ye Xuan did not say a fake, his sister really likes to kill!

No side suddenly turned to look at it, "Don\'t you say that there is an urgent matter? If you have anxious thing, let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and walked.

I didn\'t have it, then said: "I.


However, there is no longevible owner disappears deep in the stars.


Ye Xuan face suddenly turned black, this grim, actually escape!

I didn\'t look at the Ye Xuan, and then I looked at the black robe woman. "I really have a hurry!

Ye Gongzi, the speech!

After finishing, he ran!

God hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, waiting for us to run!

You call your sister!


After finishing, he disappeared directly.

Ye Xuan speechless.

The woman in the black robe looked at Ye Xuan, but he didn\'t work!

See the black robe woman didn\'t have a hand, Ye Xuanmi smiled slightly, "I know, you are called people in the scruple, come!"

I am not called people!

Said, his right hand is booted, then slowly grip.


One instant, four-week spatial direct layer layers crack!

The woman in the black robe is slightly smashed, "the body is powerful!

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the original place, one punched to the black robes!

The purest flesh power!

This fist is out, the surrounding star field is boiling directly, then fry!

The horror power in Ye Xuan\'s boxing, the woman\'s eyes suddenly shrink, and the heart was shocked. When did this born strength become this horrible? At this time, Ye Xuan\'s punch has went to the woman in the black robes, and she at this moment, I feel like a million mountains to rush, and the shares will make her breathless!

The woman of the black robe is a look, and the right hand is spread, and a black light suddenly poured from her palm.


As a fried sound, the countless black light is in an instant, followed by, the black robe woman retreats more than ten thousand feet!

Before the Xuan\'s face, hundreds of thousands of stars inside the stars directly became a paint!

Ye Xuan\'s boxing, distant, black robe women single knee, the blood is constantly overflowing.

Ye Xuan slowly walked to the woman in the black robes, the woman in the black robe looked up at Ye Xuan. She at this moment, the black robe has been broken, revealing a beautiful face!

The woman in the black robe is cold and looked at Ye Xuan. "Why do you get this stronger!

Ye Xuan squatted, he helped the woman\'s face and smiled: "Hang!

After finishing, he slammed his hands.


The black robes are directly to a three hundred and sixty degrees.

Ye Xuanqi, walk towards the distance!

Mujing suddenly said: "Why don\'t you pity?"

Ye Xixing calmly: "She is not a person who wants me, she wants me!

Mu Tian Dao Shen Sheng: "Do you know the past?"

Ye Xuan said: "Don\'t know!

Mu Tian Road is about to talk, and Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do I need to know?"

After saying, he smiled and directly turned into a sword light disappeared in the end of the stars!


Shortly in Ye Xuan disappeared, the spatial space suddenly broke, followed by the old man, slowly came out!

The old man looked at the corpse of the black robe woman, and his face was gloomy.

After a while, the old people in the black robes looked up to the end of the stars, in the eyes, killing, "It\'s good to rely on the king!



At this moment, the two swords and light suddenly went to the north and south, and the old people were not reacted, and they were divided by these two swords!

In some yard, Qingqiu looks up at the deep place in the stars.

On the other hand, Ye Qingqing stopped and turned to the right.

Separate millions of star fields, two women are eye-catching.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, returned to the eyes and continued to read.

Ye Qingqing also received his eyes and turned to the end of the starry.

In front of the yard, in front of the Qingqiu, asked, "Square, the girl is it?"

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "it is my brother\'s sister!

Ancient silence.

Qingqiu continues to read.

The ancients suddenly asked, "Do you have a strength directly to the past, right?"

Qingqi said: "Don\'t know!

The ancient stunned, "Don\'t know?"

Qingqiu put down ancient books, she thought, then said: "I don\'t know if it is modest, if I am a sword, I can destroy the past.

That is too arrogant.

I have a low-key!

I looked at the Qingqiu, "I can\'t feel your low-key!

Qingqiu blinked, "I am not low-key?"

Ancient and reverse, "I want to see your high-profile!

Qingqiu laughed, "I am a little sword repair, what is the realm of my brother, what is the realm!

The ancient looks in the past, the look is complicated.


After several days, Ye Xuan came to the unknown star empty, not far from him, there is a huge stone monument that is tall up!

There are three big characters on the stone monument: Shen ancient world.


Ye Xuan light channel: "Finally arrived!

He came to the gods this ancient world, because the old monk teaches his ancient body, only the upper half does not have the lower half, he came this time, just want to see the lower half of the ancient body. !

This ancient surgery is really horrible!

After he cultivated into ancient body, even if the ancient road is full, he will not have him!

Moreover, he wants to continue to cultivate the ancient bodies, but must come to this gods, because there is only the power of God!

At this time, the animal husbandry suddenly said: "This place, you have to be careful!"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How do you say?"

Mu Tian Road: "Shen ancient circles, Xu Jin, no!"

Here, that year, the family confronts the owner, seals the owner here, everyone in the god ancient world must not step out of the god ancient world, not only this, the owner has made a very cruel punishment for it.

Ye Xuan asked, "What punishment?"

Mu Tian Road: "I don\'t know if I specific!"

I only know that the ancient people are cool!

Ye Xuan has some intake. "Why do you not directly destroy them?"

Mu Tian Road: "I heard that someone is pleasing!"

Ye Xuan is curious, "conquest?"

Mu Tian Road: "Don\'t ask me!

I am just a small heaven, I don\'t know much about these things!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Okay!

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

When he passed the stone monument, the stone monument suddenly trembled, followed by a post, and a woman was printed. Hanging in the back of the brain, she stared at the Ye Xuan and the cold: "This place is not allowed to be good!

Ye Xuan took the avenue pen, then said: "Yourself!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Avenue pen, you said!

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Do you think my face still uses?"

Ye Xuan: ".
