One Sword Reigns Supreme

2688 Chapter 267: Do you play Yin?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no matter what this is!

Everything is right!

Said, he looked at the four weeks, surrounded by silence, quiet!

Ye Xuan sat down on the site, his palm is open, a quite ring appeared in his hand!

This is a quente, there is 3 billion dodies!

32 billion!

All is he got from the Davara Royal National!

In addition to the thirty-eighty cary, there is still countless martial arts and cranes!

In short, everything throughout the royal family is now here!

Now he, do not need to cultivate resources!

At this time, the little pen suddenly said: "I still suggest you go out after the order!

Otherwise, now you, go out, you may have a wave!


Ye Xuanmi nodded, "I make sense!

If the small pen says, his current realm is still too low. If he goes to the order, it will be completely different!

Because his order is outside order!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan gains up the ring, then the palm is expanded, countless people swing from him in his palm!

Human swords!

Looking at the people in the hand, Ye Xuan is quite helpless!

His order is different from the other realm. It is not that you want to break through, you must build order, there is enough beliefs!

In other words, he can only wait!

Thinking of this, Yaxuan is not sighing in his heart!

He can only be completely built in all the order of the college, and then complete his order through the power of faith!


Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I can upgrade my flesh!"


During this time, he can crazy down challenges, there is a biggest reason, that is his flesh!

Don\'t die, there is hope!

He thinks that his flesh can also improve again.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan said: "Little pen, you have seen it, can you recommend it?"

See how popular you know!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the little pen was suddenly coming!

It excited: "You wait, I will think about it!"

Ye Xuan: ".

After a while, the little pass: "I think!

Ye Xuan said: "Say!

The small pen silent: "You said to cultivate the flesh, I think there is a very horrible existence in the door, she is specializing in cultivating the flesh!

This person is famous, she is a very special existence in the Taoist.

Ye Xuan brows, "very special existence?"

Xiao Tower said: "Yes!

She is a little girl adopted by the owner, because the physique is special, so she specializes in cultivating the flesh. When I saw her, she had cultivated into the legendary immortal, very horror!

In the Taoist, there is basically no one dare to provoke her, because her flesh is really too metamorphosis, belongs to that kind of time that can stand to play a time, and then hold the one!

Powerful to make people despair!

At this time, the small tower suddenly said; "The body, the second day is the most hanging!"

Small silence: "The pastoral is very horrible!

Xiao Tower said: "The second is the most powerful, do not accept the rebuttle!

The little pen is angry: "That is you have not seen the pastoral!"

If you have seen younger, you.

The small tower suddenly said: "The second bother dares to have a sister of his sister, is your animal husbandry?"

The little pen is silent.

The small tower continued: "The second thing to have a sword of his sister, but she lived!"

If you have the past, ask her to have a sword to see her.

The little pen suddenly said: "Don\'t say it!

Laozi doesn\'t want to be with you!

Tower: ".

Small pass; "Are you interested in looking for that pastoral? I know where she is!

Ye Xuan Shen said; "She is not selling your face?"

Small pen silence.

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, at this time, the little pass: "Of course, selling my face!"

You can rest assured, let\'s go to her, she will definitely give me a small pen!

Ye Xuantili is skeptical!

The little pen is the same as the small tower!

I don\'t know where to learn these stinky disease!

Small pass: "Go!

I will take you to find her!

You can rest assured, my little pen is never put, say to my face, then she will definitely give me face!

Ye Xi wants to think, then: "I believe you!"

Small pass: "Go!

Said, Ye Xuan direct imperial sword disappeared in the deep place!

Soena disappeared soon, his time and space suddenly slightly fuse, the next moment, spatial cracks, a woman in the black robes came out!

The black robe woman is dark purple, and the hands are hidden in the wide sleeves, and there is a bloody mark in her eyebrow.

At this moment, the black robe woman brows, the next moment, she turned, and disappeared directly!

The woman in the black robe has just disappeared, and a sword does not know where to break.


The unknown ignorant of the black robe is directly erased!

However, at this moment, the woman has disappeared!

After a while, a voice sounded in the scene, "Running is really fast.

Great idea.

The sound fell, the sword disappeared.


Ye Xuan Yujian is traveling, shuttle time and space!

This time, his destination is the animal husbandry!

The animal husbandry is the place of the past, according to the small statement, the animal husbandry is different from the door in the door, she doesn\'t like the matter, she doesn\'t like the things inside the door, I only like to eat. With the sheep!

Therefore, the avenue owner gives her a world, this world is not big, there is no chaos!

Not long, Ye Xuan is coming to the animal husbandry!

After coming to the animal husbandry, Ye Xuan found that the entire animal husbandry was really a big, and he found that there is no city in the entire animal husbandry, and 90% is a prairie. In addition, there are some islands!

After a while, Ye Xuan came to a grassland, just came to the grassland, Ye Xuan is stunned!

On the grassland in front of him, there are hundreds of thousands of sheep running, and the head is a woman who is dressed in the beast. The woman looks older, as long as the Sixteen year old appearance, The whole body is wearing the beasti, and the hair is very casual. After this moment, she is riding a sheep, and then hundreds of thousands of sheep running in the grassland!

Woman riding a sheep!

Ye Xuan said: "She is a pastoral?"

The little pen is excited: "Yes!

Ye Xuan looked at the animal husbandry, then said: "It is not like a master!

Small pen: ".

At this moment, the pasting of the head in the distance suddenly stopped, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, the next moment, she suddenly said: "Rush!

After finishing, she rodeed the sheep and rushed toward Ye Xuan!

After her, hundreds of thousands of sheep are also rushing together!

I have to say, hundreds of thousands of sheep are so powerful, and the moment is still a bit amazing. At this moment, Ye Xuan feels that the whole grassland is shaking!

And when I was in the past, she suddenly said: "Call.

She rode the sheep stopped, and behind her, the slabs stopped!

Very neat, not chaotic at all!

Mastover looked at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan said: "Ye Xuan!

Mastover shook heads, "I haven\'t heard it!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, the avenue pen appears in his hand, see the avenue pen, the animal husbandry is slightly, then said: "Avenue pen!

The avenue pen quickly said: "Husband, do you still remember me?"

Husband smiled: "Remember!

Don\'t you have been confused? How did you run out? "

The little pen smiled and smiled: "I was released!"

Shepherd blinks, "You lie to me!

You must be running out!

Small pen: ".

Husband smiled: "Let\'s talk!

What do you come to do? "

The little pen is quickly said: "Yes, I will give you a brother!"

He is very excellent, you can\'t miss him!

Wen said, herdon looked at Ye Xuan, then laughed: "He is too weak!"

Ye Xuan\'s expression suddenly became some unnatural!

too weak? He was first said to be a weakness!

Mingsa laughed: "Why, you don\'t seem to have sufficient!"

Ye Xuan said: "My flesh is not weak?"

Shepherd worp, "Then I hit you a punch?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Small pen says that your flesh is very strong, right?"

Mastover laughed: "Others!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "I don\'t believe it, do you dare me try?"

Shepherd jumped to the sheep, then said: "Come on!"

Ye Xuan smiled: "This way, let\'s fight, if I can hurt you, you will receive me, help me improve the flesh, if I can\'t, I will give you 200 million Dovic!"

Mastow, "I don\'t want the past, I am not interested in the money!

Ye Xuan silence.

In this life, he only heard two people say that it is not interested in the money, one is Qin Guan, one is the animal husbandry, Qin Guan is because of much money is not interested, and this is really interested in money!

It\'s all cattle!

At this time, the animal husbandry suddenly said: "If you can\'t hurt my flesh, give me your small tower!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!

This woman saw the small tower!

Husband smiled: "How?"

Ye Xuan silence.

Shepherd shrugged, "When you think about it, come and find me!"

After that, she is going to leave, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Try now!

Shepherd turned to Ye Xuan, she reached out, "Give me the tower!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you think I have lost?"

I nodded, "Now you, I can\'t hurt me!"

Ye Xuan smiled, he didn\'t have any nonsense, took out the Qing Xuan sword directly, then directly on the palm of the animal!


A sword is bright!

After the sword is broken, the animal husbandry is a shallow sword!

Although it is very shallow, there is!

Seeing this scene, the animal husbandry is coming!

Ye Xuan looked at the past, "you lose!

After the grass is silent, he suddenly, she hit a box of chest!


In an instant, Ye Xuanfin directly made countless fragments, only souls left.

Ye Xuan brain is blank!

Oh shit!

Do you play yin? .

PS: Today, I don\'t ask for a ticket. I recommend a fantasy sword novel: "The first fairy of the sword", I am also watching, very nice, everyone can go see, if it is not good, please make the author, just like you Well, don\'t pay attention.