One Sword Reigns Supreme

2687 Chapter 2673: Potholes!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Originally, Ye Xuan still wants to fight, improve his strength!

However, he did not think that the other party was still called!

This is not to talk about Wu De!

It is aqi!

After the Qingqiu came out, she looked at the three people, the look was calm.

Opposite, the middle-aged man\'s three people have become incomparably lighter!

Three people feel the danger!

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly said: "The past!

In the past!

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu, laughing in Qingqiu: "People come in!

really interesting!

In the distance, the middle-aged man headed is suddenly hoarsess: "Is your?"

Qingqiu gently screamed the hair, she looked at the Ye Xuan, smiled and said: "His sister!

younger sister!

Middle-aged man frowned frowned.

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly paused, Qing Xuanjian appeared in her hand, she looked at the middle-aged man headed in the distance, the next moment, her body became illusively!


The middle-aged man is directly cracking, and his eyes suddenly shrinks. Next moment, he is right-handed, and then the front box!

Above the fist, a horrible force swept, this moment, the Star River becomes illusively!

However, his strength just came into contact with Qing Xuanjun, it was a directization.


Qing Xuanjian is directly in his body without his fist!


The middle-aged man is directly stissible in the same place. The two mysterious poweries next to him are directly shocked!

Middle-aged men have some incredible look at Qingqiu, "you.

Said, his body began to become illusively!

Qingqi brow, "want to escape?"

Said, her palm is open, then slammed.


In the distance, Qing Xuan Jian is a rotation, a horrible sword swept!


The middle-aged man is directly erased!

Seeing this scene, the remaining two mysterious struggles must escape, however, how can Qingqiu let them escape? She refers to gently, and Qing Xuanjian is like electricity.


Wiping two!

The two mysterious struggles that fled to the depths of the stars were directly killed!

At this time, there should be sudden excitement next to Ye Xuanqiao: "You are the Qiqi Di!

Qingqiu turned his head to see, when he saw it, she slightly, "You are the future!

I should nod, she walked to the front of the Qingqiu, excited: "You are really a Qiqi Emperor!


Qingqiu blinked, "I am not a god, I am Qingqiu!

I should laugh: "You still don\'t know? You are in the later generation, your name is only the people of the sword.

Said, she couldn\'t help but look at Ye Xuan.

This is the sword owner, it seems that it is not too hit!

Stop development!

When I heard it, Qingqi shook his head.

At this time, Ye Xuan went to the green bun, Shen Sheng: "Shantou, she said that I am dead after two thousand years!"

I heard the words, Qingqiu\'s eyebrows got slightly, she looked at it, she should nod, "Yes!

Our ancient history records, the world\'s sword owner is indeed died of 2,600 years!

And his death, it seems to have a relationship with the past!

Two thousand years later!

After the silence of Qingqiu, she shook her head, "no!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "How?"

Qingqiu shakes his head smile, "You will die!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "if you die!

Believe me, there will be no them!

If she is hands, she will erase everything, even the place of returning, that time, no one can live in any way!

Ye Xuan silence.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "Don\'t think too much!

I am still with her, you will not have anything!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qingqiu suddenly turned to look at it, then said: "However, the three are just now.

Said, she frowned deeply, "the people in the past.

Ye Xuan said: "What can I come in the future?"

After the Qingqiu silent is a moment, "they are more special!

On the side, I should nod, "very special!

This mysterious force is almost in the future, and there is also a Qi Gun Emperor. Otherwise, our Yinhe Zong can\'t run!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "I am very powerful in my life?"

I should be busy, "quite powerful!

One person, a sword, killing the past paragrace!

Qingqiu smiled and said: "What are you from the future, what?"

Should be said: "The investigation is the matter!

Because of the death of the sword, history has a blank period, many civilizations are faulty, and the martial arts civilization of the entire universe is directly!

So, we were sent to investigate what happened to this year!

But didn\'t think of it, our machine has a problem, came to now.

After the Qingqiu silent is a moment, "" You should be inevitable! "

I should nod, "Yes Yes!

We are not legal with this behavior!


It seems that there is no heaven to come to us!

We are also confused!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you have this kind of behavior?"

Should nod, "will!

Our behavior belongs to the sky, in general, it is not allowed for the heavens, but after coming here, the heavens seem to have not come out!

Ye Xuan looked at the horizon, the next moment, he said: "This is the heaven can be?"


Suddenly, the leaves were not far away, there was an old man there!

This day!

Seeing Ye Xuan directly called the heaven, the side of the should look at the old man, and the eyes are shocked with a shocked!

The old man saw Ye Xuan, and immediately greeted, "I saw Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan refer to two people, "Do you know that they are destroying?"

The old man looked at the two, nod, "know!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why don\'t you take them?"

The old man hesitated, then some ambitions: "Are they not with you?"

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

The old man smiled, "Ye Shao, she did destroy the order, I also have the right management, but she is with you, so I definitely can\'t shoot!

Whoever\'s face can not give it, but can not give Ye Shao Fang!

dont you agree? "

Everyone: ".

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "You said this, will be a person!

Both them are not bad people, will follow me in the future, this matter, you will do it!

The old man is busy: "Okay!

Then I.

Get? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Go!

The old man is going to leave, but this, he seems to be what, then; "Ye Gongzi, in fact, they are returning to the sky, the time and space is a person who is just no A, you are encountered, you have to be careful!

Time and space!

Ye Xuan slightly, "Okay!

The old man nodded and then disappeared directly at the end.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the old man, then said: "You are looking at Xuanxuan now!

I should be busy: "Okay!

I will never run!

Ye Xuan smiled, he looked to Qingqiu, Qingqiu: "Go back?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I want to go shopping!

Qingqiu wants to say.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is it three people before?"

Qingqiu nodded, "The three people are not simple!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "If I don\'t play, I will call you, how?"

Qingqiu smiled: "Okay!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "I am gone!"

Qingqiu nodded, "Good!

Ye Xuan did not say anything more, turned to Yushi disappeared in the stars!

After Ye Xuan, Qingqiu suddenly said softly; "You said, after two thousand years later, my brother is dead!"

right? "

I should look at the Qingqiu, nod, "Yes!

Qingqiu is silent.

Should be said: "Is it an ancient history?"

Qingqiu looks calm, "no!

Wen said, should be stunned!

Qingqiu looks up at the depths of the stars, she is eyeing gradually, I don\'t know what I am thinking!

After a long time, Qingqi said: "Ancient history can be recorded, my brother has children?"

It should be stunned. She didn\'t think that the Qingqiao will suddenly ask this question. After her meditation, he said: "Yes!

Qingqiu: "Boy is still a girl?"

Should be said: "Boy!

Wen said, Qingqiu\'s eyes slowly slowly, "I understand!

The next generation of people have appeared!

Said, she slowly shocked his right hand, whispered: "Do I want to slaughter me the unbounded? This seems not very good.

Outside: ".

In the eyes, the two should look at it, and there are some .


When Ye Xuan was separated from Qingqiu, he directly rushed to the sword and came to a quiet starry sky.

In the stars, there is no endless, there is no end!

Ye Xuan Yulian, at this time, the little pen suddenly said: "I think things are awkward!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is awkward?"

Small pass: "The two people come from future!

Ye Xuan said: "How do you say?"

Small pen and silent; "They said you die!

And history also has a blank period, what does this mean? It means that your sister may really die, but there is no extinguishing!

Ye Xuan silence.

The little pen continues: "I think two possibilities, the first one, some people stop your sister from completely dying!

But this may be small, because if you really die, no one can stop her!

The second may be the next life!

Ye Xuan brows, "people who are destiny?"

Small pen and silend: "It\'s not the kind of life you think, is a real person, in the Galaxy, known as the protagonist!

So far, only three this existence, the first is your old father, the second is you, and one is the owner.

Oh, no longer, only halfway!

No side: ".

The little pen continues: "The next protagonist appears, it means that your protagonist can not exist!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Can I miss him when I just appear in the next protagonist?"

The little pass: "If you think so, you may not have you!

Ye Xuan stunned, "My son?"

Small pass: "Uncertain!

However, it is also possible!

Ye Xuan light voice: "Is this not a pothole?"

Small pen: ".
