One Sword Reigns Supreme

2689 Chapter 265: Really invincible!

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Ye Xuan Yu!

What is this woman? Do not talk about? At this moment, the animal husbandry suddenly shook his head and said: "Your flesh is too weak, destroying heavy repairs!

Come with me!

After that, she turned and left.

In the original place, Ye Xuan stunned a moment, he looked at the past, Intuit it, telling him that this woman wants to play him!

Repair the flesh, just an excuse!

However, he did not have any way, because the other person shot, he understood that he was completely imposed!


Ye Xuan followed the past!

In the distance, the group of flocks will be separated from both sides!

Mastopsis waved, "You go to play!

I heard the words, and those flocks suddenly screamed, and then turned around.

Ye Xuan looked at the raw sheep, then said: "Mastow girl, are you stocking here every day?"

: "Don\'t you think sheep is very cute?"

Ye Xuan is silent, sheep can not be lovely, he doesn\'t know, he only knows that the mutton is very delicious!

Shepherd laughed: "If the flesh is finished, do you want to put the sheep with me?"

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan quickly shook his head.

Mastopsis laughed: "You are too impetuous!

Ye Xuan speechless.

Shepherd came to a landscheston with Ye Xuan, and the water chambers were clear and clear.

Pastoral Road: "Go Go!

Ye Xuan looked at the water, some hesitated!

Mingsheng Ye Ye Ya Xuan, "Don\'t worry!"

Can I still kill you? Even if I want to kill you, I can\'t kill you!

Your person, there is a big causality, temporarily killing!

Ye Xuan is no longer hesitating, directly jump into the water.

At this time, the pastus: "Before you have a strong flesh, you have to have a strong will and the soul, because only the will and the soul are strong enough to withstand a very powerful flesh!

So, I have to exercise your soul and will!

Speaking of this, she suddenly talked, then said: "Well, you have to understand, I am not abused and tortured, understand?"

I heard the words, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly sinked, mother, you don\'t say it, one said, he suddenly hurts!

The animal husbandry is suddenly spread, and then gently press it.


In an instant, a mysterious terrorist force directly covered with Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan doubled, this moment, he felt that tens of thousands of mountains were pressed on him, let him breathe!

However, herdow is still pressing down!

Ye Xuan hands smashed, the whole head is like a lead, it is very heavy!

Moves looked at Ye Xuan, "Your basic is not too good, especially this will force and the soul!

Said, she suddenly closed her hands.


The horrible power suddenly disappeared, and Ye Xuanlun felt a whole body!

The pastoral sat next to it, and then took out a lot of food, she took a chicken directly roasted, then said: "How do you feel?"

In the water, Ye Xuan , this moment he is really out of order!

Monastery laughed: "The monster cultivation of the flesh, there is a unique monster, but we have no human beings, so, human beings want to cultivate the flesh, and cultivate more powerful flesh than the monsters, you must have a hard to endure. !

I tell you that this pain you have nowhere is, there is no one million!

If you want to give up, you can go now, don\'t give up in the middle, then, I have eaten it!

The flesh is not successful, then it is too much!

Ye Xuan looked at the pastoral, you ruined my meat!

Now call me to give up? What ghost? Ye Xuan is shook his head, "I don\'t give up!


Shepherd licking chicken legs, then smiled: "Okay!

Said, her palm is booming, then fiercely facing Ye Xuan is a pressure!


This pressure, Ye Xuantili once turned, then fainted directly!

At this time, the little pen appeared next to her husband, it tremble; "Husband, he is nothing?"

Mastopsis looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Nothing!

The little pen hesitated and said: "Can you die!

Ye Xuan is dead, it is big!

Mingsa laughed; "Reassured, can\'t die!"

Wen said, the little pen is rest assured!

Mastopsis looked at the little pen, then said; "Do you have a small pen now?"

The little pen nod, "Yes!

Mastiff smiled: "No matter what, come on!

The little pen is slightly nodd, "Thank you!

The pastoral laughed, didn\'t say anything, continue to squat the chicken legs in your hand!

After a long time, Ye Xuan in the water slowly opened his eyes, and this moment, he felt that he was weak, and there was no strength!

Mastopsis looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Wake up?"

When I heard the east, Ye Xuan looked at her, and then the weak said: "Continue?"

Mastopsis came to Ye Xuan\'s face and smiled: "Do you think that cultivation of flesh is a very simple thing?"

Ye Xuan silence.

Mastowas continued: "It is a hundred times more than you think!

Said, she watches, one moment, the scene in the field, while at this moment, Ye Xuan and herpadies appeared in a cold star area!

In this place, Ye Xuan cold actually trembled!

The pasta pointed at a stone step in the distance, then said: "From here, go to the end!

Ye Xuan looked at the stone steps, the stone steps have always spread to the end, they can\'t see the head at all!

: "Go!

Ye Xuan looked at the pastoral, then turned around to walk toward the stone step!

As long as the other party is not playing him, then tired again, he Ye Xuan also endured!

After Ye Xuan stepped on the stone step, he found that this place is really too cold!

Cold to the soul stinging!

Ye Xuanqiang took the sting of the whole body, step by step and walked toward the stone steps!


Ye Xuan tightly bites teeth, step by step, and he falls next, the whole body will be more cold!

Ye Xuan stepped steps, walking very slowly, because he is really not getting up!

He is not weak at this moment!

On the other side, the animal husbandry looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

At this time, the little pen appeared next to her husband, it took the road: "Here is the land of the sky!"

Pastoral nod, "I borrowed it!"

Small pass: "Have you greeted?"

Mastima looked at the little pen and then said: "Do you need?"

Small pen: ".

At this moment it remembers, this pastoral is in the juniority, but the existence of the little overlord!

Shepherd looked at the leaves of the stone steps in the distance, then said: "Little pen, he is cultivating the order!

The little pen looked at the pastoral and did not speak.

Shepherd laughed: "Repair is the outer order, that means that he is to rebel!

The little pen hesitated, then said: "The owner is almost emptive!

The pastoral laughed and didn\'t say anything.

The little pen is sighful, no longer say.

At this time, Ye Xuan has been getting more and more!

At this moment, Ye Xuan, the whole body is cold, but his eyes have always stared at the end of the stone, it is not right, he can\'t see the end!

In fact, what is the most desperate thing? When you do something, you can\'t see any hope, you don\'t know if there is any result in front!

This kind of torture is very horrible!

And he is facing this situation, step by step, every step is very difficult, but but can\'t see the end!

However, Ye Xuan did not be discouraged, still walking step by step.

give up? In these years, he has never given up!

On the other hand, a woman who dressed in white suddenly appeared in the past and the little pen, see this white woman, the little pen suddenly said: "Han Lord!

The cold looked at the avenue pen, shaking his head slightly, "the avenue pen, there was no such year.

You turned out to be this, I want you of you.

Said, her eyes were flashing in her eyes.

The avenue pen of that year is also a legend!

On the other side, you will laugh; "You don\'t say this!"

Otherwise, the small pen must be sad!

The little pen shook his head, "Nothing is hard!

I made a mistake in myself, blame myself!

Mastopsis smiled: "Nothing!

You have a chance to come back!

Take it easy!

The avenue is slightly nodded.

The cold looked at her husband and then said: "Husband, how have you come to me today?"

Emnant referred to the Ye Xuan at the far away, "borrow you use!

The cold looked at the Ye Xuan, a long-awaited, and the brow wrinkled, "relying on the mountain!

Mastiff smiled: "Do you know this guy?"

Han Cold: "Don\'t know, but I have heard!

Not long ago, he also destroyed the royal family!

Wang family!

I heard the words, the animal husbandry, then said: "The king family has been destroyed?"

The cold main, "Yes!

East poverty looks to Ye Xuan, whispered; "This is interesting!

Said, she looked at the avenue pen, then said: "Little pen, what is your plan?"

The cold is also looking to the avenue pen, the avenue pen is silent after a moment, whispered sigh, "Nothing is planning, only one step will be taken!

Two women have seen an eye, no more.

The cold looked at Ye Xuan, which was a long time, then said: "The God has ordered, no one in the road, not only the guys, some guys in the road, but also give this order, may not provoke this Rammer.

Said, she shook his head, "his two sisters, really invincible!

The pastus said softly: "He is really big enough!"

The Han Dynasty said: "Herm, you helped him cultivate the flesh, this kind of margin is not necessarily good.

Move a smile: "I am gambling!

I enrolled, as if I didn\'t think so much!

I am just a stock, I am not interested in others!

The cold looked at her husband and shook his head. She won\'t believe the ghost of herd!

Put sheep? This woman is savvy!

The avenue pen suddenly laughed: "Don\'t worry!"

If he really built a law, it is not a bad thing, the owner is not so small!

Mastopsis is going to talk, at this time, Ye Xuan on the stone step in the distance is suddenly climbed in the stone step!

Seeing this scene, the animal husbandry suddenly turned slightly, "Is this not going to go?"
