One Sword Reigns Supreme

2678 Chapter 2666: Transforming!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Seeing that ten people rushing at the same time, Ye Xuan took a breath, this moment, the madness of the madness in his body is in the extreme!

In the face of these ten people, he didn\'t have any retreat!

Can only fight!

Ye Xuan suddenly roared, the next moment, his eyes closed on an old man, turned into the moment, he directly disappeared in the original place!


Among the eyes of everyone, a bloody sword is torn!

The old man headed to see Ye Xuan Chong, his face is instantly changed, he has to retreat, but it has already been refunded!

See you can\'t retreat, the old man suddenly flashed a touch, he suddenly got a full force, ready to die!


Among the eyes of everyone, the ten horrible power directly on Ye Xuan. In an instant, Ye Xuan\'s whole person is like a broken string.

When he flew out, his flesh was a little split, countless blood sputter!

However, the old man who has been with Ye Xuan is also flying, not only that, when he stopped, the flesh has been crushed, but the soul is nothing, because there is no rule to bond, Ye Xuan\'s power Weakly a lot!

After Ye Xuan stopped, his flesh has no countless cracks, although not completely broken, but it is almost almost!

Seeing this scene, the old man with broken flesh suddenly roared, "Do it!

I heard the words, and the remaining nine people did not have any nonsense, and they went straight to Ye Xuan.

At this moment, the show woman who was previously sold in Xuanping fruit suddenly said: "Do you want to pose? One million diamonds!

If you want, I will give you now!

Wen said, everyone looked to the show!

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already got awake. Naturally did not take care of the Qing Duxi woman, and at this time, Yunyou suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and she directly grabbed the shoulders of Ye Xuan, and immediately torn time and space, disappeared middle!

See this scene, the ten days of unspeakable people!

At this time, one of them suddenly said: "Chasing!

After that, nine people disappeared directly in the same place!

And the old man who left the soul suddenly looked at the show of the show, "Do you think you are humorous?"

Said, he is holding his right hand, then it is going to shoot, and at this time, a cold suddenly flashed behind the old man!

The old face is instantly changed, turned and turned, I wanted to shoot, I haven\'t come, a cold and honesty!


The old soul is erased in an instant!

The show of the Qing Dynasty ran quickly, "Hey!

The old lady dares to come out to sell medicine, will you be afraid of you? "

Said, she looked at the black man in front of her, "Skating!

After that, the two directly disappeared in the same place!

Everyone: ".


On the other hand, in the stars, the cloud prayed with Ye Xuan all the way.

However, the nine people are also chasing!

Yunyou suddenly turned to look at it, next moment, her palm opened, a golden light flew out of her palm, in an instant, the time and space behind her directly appeared countless golden runes, and when the nine people When there is a time and space, all the golden runes suddenly burned, and then a horrible force!


A starry sky is erased!

And that nine people are also hard-student!

At this moment, nine people have already felt that the clouds prayed with Ye Xuan!

Nine people are getting cold and cold!

Actually ran!

At this time, one of the middle age men suddenly said: "I know who she is!"

I heard the words, a few people in the field looked at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man was cold. "He is the Yunxian Yunman!


Wen said, a few young people are frowned!

At this time, the middle-aged man said again: "I have running monk, I can\'t run the temple!"


After finishing, he turned and left!

The rest of the few people have left.


On the other hand, the cloud prayed to look at it. He saw no one chased, she stopped, then directly bringing Ye Xuan to the small tower!

In the small tower, the sword spirit went to the Ye Xuan, and then start helping to suppress the blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood!

With the suppression of Sword Spirit, the strength of the blood in the hunter is beginning to be calm!

At this time, the clouds next to the clouds watched the sword spirit. "You are a sword!

Jianling watches the cloud, "Yes!

Cloud prayed to have a sword spirit, and the eyes were full of curious colors.

What seems to be, the cloud prayed: "The people who have just been those who are kings!

Jian Ling did not speak!

Cloud prayed at the sword spirit, "Do you point to the king?"

Jian Ling looked at the cloud, "What do you want to say!

Cloud prayer is true: "The king family is very powerful!

Sword spirit looks calm, "Oh!

Yunqi is somewhat speechless, "you attitude.

Not very good!

Sword Spirit continues to help Ye Xuan suppress blood, don\'t talk!

Cloud prayed, "speechless!

At this moment, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were gradually returned!

After a while, Ye Xuan is returned to normal!

However, at this moment, the injury is really heavy, the flesh is cracking, and the five organs are in the middle!

Jian Ling looked at Ye Xuan, "Is it okay?"

Ye Xuan slightly shakes his head, "Fortunately!

Jian Lingdao: "This time, your body is seriously over!

Be careful!

Ye Xuan nod.

Said, his eyes slowly slowed down and started to hear!

Jian Ling looked at the Ye Xuan and then got up.

Cloud prayed for a photo of Ye Xuan, then said: "You can really play, actually one can play ten!"

Ye Xuan smiled.

He didn\'t think that he had to fight twelve, and kill two days!


This is exactly because of his flesh!

If it is, twelve people can\'t hold a round!

The universal strong, is still very horrible!

However, this time, he also makes him confidence, and the general day does not have any dangers at all, unless more than ten, otherwise, why not give him!

Cloud prayed suddenly: "You should be healthy!"

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then calm up!

This time, it is really hurt too much!

Seeing the immersion of the leaves, the cloud pray did not say anything, turn around!



After the night city of the night market left, he returned to the road. He felt that it would be necessary to report things with the gods!

Some lakeside, the Taoist is quiet, sitting in front of her, is the heavens!

After the night market is finished, it is respectful to stand aside, waiting for the instruction!

The Taoist God is silent for a long time, said: "Know it!

Wen said, the night market is stunned.

Kao God said: "Go down!

Temporarily want to return to night market!

Tiandao hesitated, then nodded, "Take later!

After finishing, he turned and left!

The god looked at the lake in the distance, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

At this time, a woman went to the gods, she laughed: "This king is just up with the mountain king!

Taoist looked at the woman, "Dream, do you think this is a good thing?"

Dreams smiled: "At least is not bad!

The God is silent.

Dreams continue to say: "You don\'t think it is too much from the year, is it too much from the King? One is still the rule of the rules, destroying the order.

Said, her eyes flashed a cold, "Continue this, he is afraid that it is really necessary to establish an outer order.

The God is silent.

Dreams laughed; "I know what you are worried, I have to say, the woman of the college is really strong, but the royal family is not vegetarian!

Let them just, I don\'t think there is a bad thing.

There is still worry in the eyes of the God!

Dreams laughed: "You see him is not very cool!

Right? "

Dao Shen is silent!

Dreams are laughing: "This time, let\'s take a look, it is stronger by the mountain king, or this is stronger than the mountain!

After that, she looked at the god!

After the god silence, he said: "Let\'s take a look!


In the small tower, Ye Xuan is still healing!

At this moment, he has hurt the seven seven eight eight.

Ye Xuan sat up, he took a deep breath, he had to say, before the battle, although it was hit, but it was also happy!

I haven\'t played so much for a long time!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan\'s palm is spread, and the ring appears in his hands, Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you know this ring?"

The avenue is: "Don\'t know!

Ye Xuan Shen said; "Don\'t you know?"

The avenue pentagon: "The owner has a lot of treasures, how can I know?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "How do you know how this is used?"

The avenue is: "Don\'t know!

The small tower suddenly said: "The little master, this pen is a mixer, eat dry rice!

Ye Xuan: ".

The avenue pen is sigh, "If you don\'t.

I have the opportunity to make your sister to transform me!

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly sinks!


This avenue is actually playing this idea!

The avenue pen continued: "I haven\'t upgraded for a long time!"

Let your sister help me transform, I am fine, slightly transform, I can be useful than the small tower!

Ye Xuan smiled, "Take a look!

In fact, he also thinks that you can let the young people help the small tower and the avenue pen, the small tower is ok, as long as this counter-time function is still, it is always useful!

And this avenue pen is different, it is really too mixed now!

I heard the promise of Ye Xuan, the avenue pen suddenly excited!

When you change your phone, you will arrive!

At this time, Yunyou suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan looked to the cloud, smiled: "Cloud prayed, thank you!"

Before it is not a cloud prayer, he may be more miserable!

Cloud prayed to lose an eye, "hurt?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Clouds, I want to think, then: "I have to go back!

Ye Xuan looked to the cloud, and the cloud prayed again: "You have to go back with me!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Cloud prayed slightly, "the" Wang knows that I saved you! "

So, they now go to our Yun family to find us!

If I don\'t bring you back, they will find me the cloud!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, some innocent roads; "Are you paying for me to compensate for a hundred million crystals?"

Ye Xuan: ".
