One Sword Reigns Supreme

2677 Chapter 2666: Loing!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Tiandao gone? In the field, everyone\'s face!

This is no maintenance order? Heaven is also speechless!

Wang Qiangqiang? Of course, strong!

That but the top family can order!

However, what about this king? This is also horrible on the mountain!

That sister, killing the same as killing chicken!

It is the god of the gods, I don\'t dare to talk in front of the woman!

Who can this he help? No one can help!

Hurry and open it is the right way!

Seeing the Tiandao directly walk away, the beautiful woman is still stunned, he has never thought of it, this day is just going!

What seems to be, the beauty is just looking to Ye Xuan, acknowledges, "I didn\'t expect, you still have a bit background!

Even Tiandao does not want to provoke you!

On the side, Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Don\'t talk nonsense, are you coming together?"

Beautiful woman staring at Ye Xuan, "together!

The sound falls, she is directly on the side of the world, and she is rushing directly to Ye Xuan!

I saw the beautiful woman to choose the group, and Ye Xuanbei wrinkled. "How can you do this?"

Said, he also rushed out!

In the night city, the strong people see that the two sides should be played directly, and there is no junior, the face is the drama, and the shop owners will pick up things directly, then quickly leave!

The rest of the sites are also violent!

This is the battle of the strong level of the days!

At this time, Ye Xuan has been fighting with the beautiful woman!

There is no doubt that he is directly pressed!

After all, he is now, it is impossible to do it for more than a dozen!

Beautiful woman, I want to kill Ye Xuan, but very fast, their faces become difficult to look, because Ye Xuan\'s flesh is too hard!

Even them, it is difficult to break the flesh of Ye Xuan!

So, the two sides were dead!

In the dark, everyone saw Ye Xuan actually able to take more than a dozen days without a strong, all shocked!

Take a shot of 12? Explore!

After a while, the entire night market has been hit, not only this, this mainland began to break up!

And that day, already hiding!


At this moment, Ye Xuan was born in his head by a horrible force. He took a moment, and his whole person retired more than ten thousand!

After stopping, Ye Xuantili felt a little dull!

His flesh is really strong, but it can\'t live so many people.

Moreover, the twelve days unsuccessful people teamed up with it, he almost didn\'t have the power of the hand, was suppressed by the other party!

At this moment, the beautiful woman and others have rushed over him again!

See this scene, the Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed, the next moment, his eyes changed directly into a blood!

Thorough mad!

When he entered a thorough mad, a horrible blood of the blood suddenly poured from his body!


In an instant, the four weeks will become a bloody sea!

In this blood sea, countless lightning!

Ye Xuan suddenly rushed forward, slamming the sword!

After he completely crazy, his strength of every sword has got greatly!

This sword, the first beautiful woman was immediately retracted to more than ten thousand feet, she just stopped, her right hand arm directly fell, blood sputtering!

Seeing this scene, the beauty of the beauty became incapacitated, she looked at the bloody Ye Xuan, and the sound: "Kill him!

Said, she rushed toward Ye Xuan!

Beautiful woman, etc., this time is smart!

They didn\'t choose to have a hard time with Ye Xuan, because the strength of Ye Xuan and the sword were too horrible, as long as Ye Xuan is hard, it will be seriously injured!

Therefore, they start to choose a guerrilla, and when they change the strategy, Ye Xuan is headache!

Because these days, the union is no longer hard!

Continue such a starting, he will be dying from hard students!

So, Ye Xuan directly picked up the surgery of Wanfa Road!


When the Ye Xuan is prototype, after the surgeon, a moment, the power of the source is beginning to come to Ye Xuan Yong!

Seeing this scene, the face of the beautiful woman is getting hard to look!

Beauty woman said: "Block him!

Said, she took the lead in the past!

At this time, the Yu Xuan in the distance suddenly opened his eyes, in the eyes, a bloody sword is shocked!


In the eyes of everyone, the blood swordsman flew out the beautiful woman in an instant, and at this time, Ye Xuan dynasty, a bloody residue shine in the scene!

In the distance, the beauty of the woman suddenly shrinks, and the heart is very awkward. "Block him.

At this time, a sword suddenly passed through her eyebrows!


Beautiful woman is directly by Ye Xuan\'s Qingxuan Sword in the original place!

At this time, at this time, the power of more than a dozen horrible is directly on the body of Ye Xuan.


In a flash, Ye Xuan\'s personal person flew out directly, this flying is a far away, and he stopped, his mouth is overflowing a blood!

Although his flesh is very powerful, it is still difficult to withstand such a siege!

so horrible!

At this time, the rest of the eleven people once again rushed to Ye Xuan!

Take you sick, you want you!

They want to kill Ye Xuan!

Seeing that eleven people rushed toward themselves, and the Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed, he slammed, the madness of the madness in the body was so long, not only this, not only the power of the law, !

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s body began to show the cracks!

Because the strength is too strong, it is a bit hard to support!

Ye Xuan suddenly walked forward, and the hand held Qing Xuanjian and slammed down!

This sword fell, and the whole world was directly torn, and the powerful sword swept the sky!


A heavenly unwaffleman is directly erased by the Sword of Ye Xuan, but the next moment, the power of ten horrible power is directly on Ye Xuan.


In the event, Ye Xuanlian continued to retreat, and the union of the union had once again rushed to Ye Xuan again!


Ye Xuan madness!

Although his flesh is strong, but at the madness of the ten strongholds, he has gradually cracking, and countless blood slowly penetrates!

His flesh is already supported!

Seeing this scene, the remaining ten days of unspeakable people suddenly be happy!

At this moment, they also played a fire. Twelve people killed a good and fashioning, if they kill them, this is to pass out, are they not be laughed and big? When ten people have to shoot again, Ye Xuan suddenly took out a fruit taking!


This flat fruit just served, in an instant, a pure energy broke out in the mysterious body, in an instant, the cracks under Ye Xuanquan recovered!

Fortunately, the blood is resurrected!

See this scene, the ten people directly in the original place!

Dark, the show of the fruit of the fruit suddenly tried: "Do you see it? This is the pose fruit of our genius shop. This effect is against the sky. It is needed, you can come to me, I will give you a discount.

Everyone: ".

On the dark, many people have become quirky!

Hard blood is resurrected!

This is hit!

Opposite Ye Xuan, the ten people have become incomparably ugly!

They made Ye Xuan into a serious injury, sacrificed two days of union, and they were all hurt, and they wanted to kill Ye Xuan, but at this moment, this guy in front of him is full of blood resurrection. !

Full of blood!

Ten people are collapsed!

In the distance, Ye Xuan danced a Qingxuanjian, in an instant, a horrible pressure directly moved to the four weeks!

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!

The first time!


Time and space suddenly torn, next moment, a bloody sword light directly to ten people!

At this time, the old man headed in ten people suddenly said: "Kill him!

Said, they rushed out directly!

If you have a tenth to escape, then they really want to become the smile of the entire universe!

Mo said others, they can\'t go this ridge themselves!

In the field, the war will rise!

Ye Xuan is still in the face of ten people, and this time, ten people are smarter!

Resolutely not just right!

Because they find it, as long as they are hard to be hard, they are not dead!

Ye Xuan\'s sword is in the moment, it is not to resist the union of the sky!

They can only consume slowly!

And Ye Xuan can be uncomfortable!

Because the other party is no longer hard to just, he can no longer kill, but continue to consume so much, it is very disadvantageous to him. To know, he is now so horrible, all because he has this Wan world law. For the ancient ancients, once he lost these rules, his power will weaken, then, he can\'t compete with these days without these days!

Ye Xuan also knows this, but he doesn\'t have a way at this moment. In front of him, he wrapped him in front of him, so he couldn\'t take it at all!


Everyone knows that this ten people are spending on Xuan!


Just then, Ye Xuan was directly bombed. This flying is a far more than ten thousand. When he stopped, his mouth, a bloody blood slowed down, not only, there are many Small crack!

And that ten people did not shoot again, but they were surrounded by Ye Xuan, and blocked the time and space of Ye Xuan, that is, it is afraid of Ye Xuan fled!

Ten people, Ye Xuanzhi\'s blood, his hands, Qing Xuan swords trembled!

At this moment, the efforts of those rules on him began to retreat!

Seeing this scene, the ten people surrounded by a smile!

This gods really have time limit!

Once the power of these rules, Ye Xuan\'s strength will be big, then, when they can kill Ye Xuan!

Soon, under the eyes of everyone, the rules on the Xixiang in Ye Xiangqi!

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s breath has weaned a lot!

When I saw this scene, the ten days of the union were suddenly turned to surging, and the fire directly locked the Ye Xuan, the next moment, and ten people disappeared at the same place!

They have to kill Ye Xuan!
