One Sword Reigns Supreme

2679 Chapter 2665: Pregnancy?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "They really go to your Yun family?"

Cloud prayed slightly, "Yes!

The family now let me go back!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I will stay with you!"

This is his relationship with the royal family, and he naturally can\'t even be tired of this cloud!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Why is it uncertain?"

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "In my Yunnian, now there is at least twenty days without the strong!"

You will go, do you know the consequences? "

Ye Xuan smiled, "If I don\'t go, what should you do with you?"

Cloud prayed.

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he took the cloud to leave the small tower.

Ye Xuan looks to the cloud, "Let\'s go!

Go to your Yun!

Cloud prayed: "Is it really going?"

Ye Xuan has some helplessness. "Do you think I am joking with you?"

After the cloud prayed, after a moment, he said: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod, the two disappeared in the same place!

In the spatiotemporal channel, Ye Xuan and cloud prayed!

Cloud pray suddenly palm opened, a road appeared in front of Ye Xuan, "I have created!

Ye Xuan looked at the ring, then said: "

Cloud prayed: "Reassure, not much better than that!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "You are really talent!"

Cloud prayed two times!

Ye Xuanzi watched the ring after the ring, and then took it up. At this time, the cloud prayed suddenly: "I tell you the royal family!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "No!

Cloud prayed to look into the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I am not interested in a family that is about to be alivety!

Cloud prayed: ".



The Taoist dish is sitting by the lake, beside her, is a deep purple lotus!


This can be said to be the strongest god of the road!

At this time, the dream walked away from the gods, she smiled: "I just got the news, then I prayed to the cloud family with the Yun Wang!

I heard the words, the Taoist God slowly opened his eyes, and the dream continued: "This time they will definitely fight!

The gods are calm, "Is it?"

Dream mouth is slight, "this time, things will definitely be very big!

I have to see, the people behind the mountains can not be good!


Thinking of the woman, the Taoist eyebrows couldn\'t help but wrinkle!

At the beginning, she saw Qingqiu, and at the time, the feeling of the woman gave her is unleadage!

This makes her faint a little uneasy!

At this time, the dream of the side suddenly said: "Don\'t worry, this time is not our just, it is a queen, we look good!"

Taoist nodded, "Remember, this time I can\'t intervene!"

Number of dreams, "Nature!

At this time, the God suddenly said: "Is the neighborhood found?"

Dream said: "Just found!

The God got directly, "Go!

After that, she disappeared with the dream!


Among the unknown stars, the neutral owner who is walking suddenly stopped!

Being next to him, , "Hey?"

No side: "Someone is coming!"

I didn\'t have a look at the four weeks, then said: "No!"

There is no one who has no choice but to see it, "Don\'t talk!

: "

At this time, the time and space in front of the triple suddenly broke, followed by two women came out!

People come out, is the god and the dream!

Seeing two women, no side, "Is there something?"

Taoist looked at the side, "Hey, is there an interested to join my junior?"

I am boundless, "I am not interested!

Tao Shen Shen said: "Do you want to wander a lifetime outside?"

Unbounded and calm, "Is there something?"

The Tao god brow is slightly frowned!

At this time, the neither owner directly took two people to walk towards the distance!

Taoism suddenly said: "Do you know the teenager named Ye Xuan, right?"

I heard the words, and I was boundless and stopped. He turned to look at the gods. "Do you urge him?"

Taoism shook his head, "he enacted the royal family!

Wang family!

The owner wrinkled, "It was the master of the avenue.

Speaking of this, he didn\'t say it!

Taoist Tao nodded.

Tao god looked at the owner. "You are familiar with him, it is best to persuade him to make him low-key!

The never looks at the God, "Why do you think I am very familiar with him?"

Taoist said; "You are all coming from the boundless universe!

The boundless lasp is sigh, "ignorant woman!

I heard the words, the gods gods were cold and cold!

On the one side, the dream is in the eyes, "you are best to speak!

The boundless owner is a wave.


The dream is directly outside of a horrible force!

After the dream stopped, she looked at the boundless owner, and her eyes were full!

I have a night, I\'m looking at the dream, "Now I know what it is?"

Dream face is very ugly!

The neighborhood looked at the god of the side. "I know, you can\'t see the mountain king, think he is always challenging order, destroying the rules, affecting your interests, but.

Looking at the face of once a person, I remind you that this person can don\'t provoke, otherwise, you can\'t cry!

Wen said, the gods wrinkled deeply, "" Who is he is? "

Unbounded and calm: "Rely on the Mountain!

Tao Shen Shen said: "I know that he is relying on the mountain, I want to know his origin!

The boundless owner is sigh, "I put the three words of the mountain king!

After that, he no longer says, walk towards the distance!

There is no moon, I\'m so busy!

Originally, the godbown is deeply frightened!

At this time, the dream is deeply said: "This person.

Tao Shen looked at the dream Yuan, then said: "You should celebrate that he is a lot of temper, otherwise, you just die!

Dreams are silent!

Taoity looks away, whispered: "Rely on the Mountain.


Ye Xuan and Yunqi came to the cloud industry, just entered the cloud, Ye Xuan was found that more than a dozen horrible breath locked him!

Cloud prayed: "Don\'t worry!

Is my Yun people!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuanmi nodded.

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in front of the cloud, and the old man looked at Ye Xuan, and then went to the cloud, "I came back?"

Cloud to nod, "Hui!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, whispering!

Cloud pray suddenly looks to the old people. "I said to the family, do you not understand?"

The old man is in the heart, and it is busy: "Good!

Said, he respects a gift, then retreats!

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Go!

After that, she took Ye Xuan to turn away!

On the road, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t you add trouble?"

Cloud prayed for a photo of Ye Xuan, "You give me some money!"

Ye Xuan speechless!

After a while, the cloud prayed with Ye Xuan to come to a temple, and at this time, the gate of the hall stood in a black robe!

The old people in the black robe prayed to the clouds, then look to Ye Xuan!

Cloud prayed: "I took him in!"

The old man is still difficult to me!

Cloud prayed: "I haven\'t come back for a long time. Why, don\'t I listen?"

Wen said, the old man is busy: "Don\'t dare!

After finishing, he retired!

The cloud prayed with Ye Xuan into the hall, just entered the main hall, Ye Xuan is stunned!

In the main hall, there are thirty-six people!

And these thirty-six people are all in the universities!

Seeing this, Ye Xuan low sigh, the sky is not unbelieving!

At this time, the clouds prayed to Ye Xuan, smiled: "These days have not been unobstructed, and it is the Yunbian who has been cultivated nearly billion years!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then said: "You take me here.

Cloud prayed: "You will know!

At this moment, everyone in the temple suddenly rushed to the cloud, and the cloud prayed suddenly: "Grandpa?"

At this time, an old man won the road; "Miss, the ancestor said all things, let you handle it!"

Cloud prayed: "Yes?"

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Cloud prayed slightly, then said; "I want to know who I am around me!"

Everyone looked to Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Cloud prayed: "This Ye Gongzi is my friend!

I heard the words, the people in the temple frowned suddenly wrinkled.

Cloud prayed directly at the first place, then said: "I have to protect him!

At this point, everyone in the temple is stunned.

At this time, a black robes headed on the left immediately stood up, he was deeply said; "Miss, he is a person who is of the royal family!

Wang family!

If there is a jealous force between the clouds this world, then this is one!

Even if the Yun family, I don\'t want to provoke the royal family!

This is, it is related to the owner of the avenue!

In the temple, everyone has come out and started the full solution!

Ye Xuan looked at everyone, and then looked to the cloud, smiled; "Cloud prayed, your kind of heart!

However, this king\'s family, I will.


Cloud prayed suddenly: "I have to save you!"

Ye Xuan speechless.

Cloud prayed to the people in the hall, then said: "You don\'t want!"

Today, this Ye Gong is Baoding!

I want to fight Ye Gongzi to the last person!

I heard the words, the people in the temple were shocked, did this ethnicity are crazy? Ye Xuan is also stunned!

Which woman is this woman? At this time, Yunyou suddenly looked at the head of the black robe, "Three Uncle, give a letter to the royal family, this Ye Gongzi, I Baise!

If they want to kill Ye Gongzi, they have to go up from all of my Yunfu\'s bodies!

Wen said, everyone in the temple is stunned!

Is this not equivalent to declaring war? Everyone is a face!

How is this going? At this moment, the third uncle of the cloud hesitated, then went to the cloud, "Shantou, are you pregnant?"

Wen said, everyone stunned!

Yunyu also stunned!

Three uncles looked at the Ye Xuan, "You do a good thing!

Ye Xuan: "???"
