One Sword Reigns Supreme

2676 Chapter 2666: Bye!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Have to say, Ye Xuan has some!

What is this? Robbery? This white woman actually has to rob!

Really outrageous!

The white woman suddenly took the next to the nation of Ye Xuan, when I saw the five million crystals inside, her mouth was slightly smashed!

Ye Xuan said: "It\'s not good!"

The white woman looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Do yourself, it is better to rob it once, why do you say it?"

Ye Xuan said: "Are you afraid of affecting your reputation?"

The white woman blinked. "Who knows you come here? Who knows that you are here?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The white woman laughed: "There is also a lot of treasures on your body, right?"

Ye Xuan low sigh, "You think about it, I can carry 500 million crystals with you, will I be a general person?"

White women looked at Ye Xuan, "Your origin, definitely is not simple, but you don\'t know, what is my origin!

Moreover, you can rest assured, I will make things very clean!

No one knows that you have disappeared from this world!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Yes?"

Wen said, the white woman is slightly squatting!

Too calm!

At this moment, her heart suddenly rose a disturbed, because men in front of them are too calm!

There must be relying!

Read this, the white woman flashed a murder, her right hand suddenly turned to the leaves Xuan\'s throat is a touch!


A cold horse flashed away from the Xuanxunxia!

However, Ye Xuan is not a little!

Seeing, white women stunned!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "As I think, really, this place is nothing wrong with the flesh!

Said, his right hand slammed forward.

White woman\'s face is instantly changed!

She didn\'t think that the man in front of him was sealed by the road, and she could have such a horrible strength!

In the case of a sudden defense, the white woman can only pass the arm, and when the hand of Ye Xuan contacts in her arm - bombing!

The white woman is almost broken, the next moment, one hand buckled her throat!

Women\'s expression is stiff!

At this time, there are a strong breath suddenly appearing around.

All is the unique!

See this scene, Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, when this day doesn\'t value? The white woman suddenly shocked: "He wants to rush!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned, this woman is going to put it!

At this time, a black old man appeared in front of Ye Xuan\'s face, he stared at Ye Xuan, watching the soul, "Who is you, dare to come to me to rob!

explain? Ye Xuan did not explain, because he knew that in this case, you will not use it!

Because these people can\'t know what the white woman is doing to him, since knowing, but not stopping, it is obvious that these people are a hill!

So, explaining is just a self-sufficiency!

Ye Xuan directly took up the rings, and then he took the white woman slammed into the ground.


The entire ground is directly fried, and the white woman\'s head is blocked. Blood sputter!

Ye Xuan\'s foot stepped on the soul of the white woman, laughed: "I have to say, I have some accidents, I didn\'t expect it to enter a black shop!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Ye Xuan gods, he fierce!

Countless lightning striped!

Seeing this countless lightning, the old man is slightly smashed, and the sleeves are unable.


When a light smashing, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in his head, and then slammed the sword!

Countless lightning swordscent pen straight!

The old man flashed in his eyes, he sleeved, then a punch, a golden light!


The two power just came into contact with it, and it was a horrible force to explode. In an instant, the entire small room flicked directly!

However, it is not broken!

Because here, there is a mysterious powerful juncture, even if it is an unnecessary strong, you can stop!

And the battle here is also a sensation!

In the black market, countless people will look at the way, and they are shocked in their eyes!

Does anyone dare to do it? who is it? It\'s horrible!


Two people are touched!

The old man is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "Physical Repair!

Ye Xuan goggles, "Come!

Said, he rushed forward, a boxing of the old people!


In an instant, Ye Xuan is like a thunder, countless violent Thunder\'s strength is in his fist!

The horror power of Ye Xuan\'s punch was spotted. When the old face suddenly was cold, he did not dare to share, and the right hand was full, and countless golden light is like a sun to make a rush!


When the two power came into contact, it was a more powerful force, and the force was instantly swept through the room. The whole room was crazy at this moment, and the comic circle was broken at a little bit!

At this time, and some suddenly rushed to the old man, the old man flashed in the eyes, he also directly went to Ye Xuan!

How can he be in front of a good and evil, how can he be in front of a good and fashionable? Hard hard!

However, at this time, the Ye Xuan glamful fists suddenly released, and the sword appeared in his hand. He saw this scene. The old face was in an instant, and his heart was shocked, but he had no time.


Qing Xuan sword is light and easy to shroud countless golden light, and then it will enter him in his body along the old man!


Countless golden light!

The old expression is stiff!

And at this time, there are more than a dozen strong breath to go toward Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan\'s heart is moving, Qing Xuanjian directly absorbs the soul of the old man!

Ye Xuan is immersed, directly exits the room, however, he just came to the outside, a dozen gods were directly locked him!

In the air, Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, around him, at least twelve days union!


See this lineup, Ye Xuan is not panicked!

He wants to urge the ring, but he can\'t use it here!

Need a spell!

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan\'s face, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Dare to be robbed in me, you are the first, dare to kill me, you are also the first Piece!

Ye Xuan Xiao; "You are together, or a one?"

In this case, the strong people in the dark are shocked!

This teenager is so big? Opposite to Ye Xuan, middle-aged man said: "I am playing with you!"

After that, he wandered, and a mysterious juncture directly shrouded around.

Middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, "I want to see, you have more enchanting!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Okay!

After that, he suddenly surged in the body. In an instant, a horrible blood pressure directly locked the middle-aged man, next moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!


A blood sword is torn in the scene!

In the distance, the middle-aged man is slightly smilling, he is calm, and then slowly.


A horrible force is toned from him to condense, although there is a juncture, but this stock is still the whole black city, people feel a horrible perspective!


Dark, countless people shocked!

This is true that there is no water in the sky!

At this time, the sword of Ye Xuan has been rushing to the middle age, he holds his hands with the sword!

Middle-aged men\'s eyes flashed a spoiled prove!


This punch, directly in Ye Xuan\'s Qingxuan sword hurt!

Hard hard!

However, the next moment, his face was instantly changed, because when his hand touched the Qing Xuanjian sword of Ye Xuan, he only fell directly, blood sputtering!


Among the eyes of everyone, the middle-aged man retreats directly to the edge of the nephew!

However, he just stopped, Ye Xuan is rushing to him, then it is a sword!


This sword fell, a sword light like a water!

Surrounded by the junction of the junction, it took directly to this moment!

The middle-aged man suddenly shrinks, this moment, he felt the breath of death!


The middle-aged man is very awkward. He dares me, palm is turned, and the golden huge shield suddenly flew out of his palm.


Ye Xuan Yi Jian is on this golden shield, the Golden Shield is cracking in an instant, but at this time, the middle-aged man suddenly born in the abdomen of Ye Xuan!


A horrible force is slamming from the blossoms of the ferrous belly, but Ye Xuan has not retired half a step!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man\'s face suddenly changed, but at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly cut out!


Among the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan\'s sword passed directly from the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man\'s head flew out, and a blood was sprayed directly. It was shocking!


All circumstances, everyone shocked!

When Ye Xuan Yi sword killed the middle-aged man, gently waved Qingxuanjian, and then glanced for four weeks, "Come, next!


Silent surrounded by silence.

At this time, the sky space suddenly trembled, the next moment, a horrible power of the horror was swept away from the sky!

The perception of this percentage, the face in the field is the drama!


The heavenly road is finally shot!

A old man appeared in the air, his eyes were directly located in Ye Xuan, when he saw Ye Xuan, he stunned, "is you!

Ye Xuan!

After the first thing, the Taoism has been strictly in the junior, and anyone must not recruit this king!

Therefore, people today\'s people have known to Ye Xuan.

Seeing Ye Xuan, the old face suddenly became a little difficult to look!

At this time, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared on the side, the beautiful woman looked at the old man, "I also ask you to host the fair!

I heard the words, the old man sinked down!

Housing in charge? He suddenly somewhat speechless!

Seeing the old people silent, the beautiful woman is slight, "It seems that this person is not small!

Why, is your best? "

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "Can this matter?"


The beautiful woman suddenly angered: "This person first grabs me to God, and then kills me two people, good? How is it possible?"

Tiandao looked at the beautiful woman, then said: "Then your royal family will play with him!

I don\'t blend it!


After finishing, he turned and went!

Everyone: ".
