One Sword Reigns Supreme

2654 Chapter 264: I don't mind!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The ancient is directly with Ye Xuan to come to the ancient building of Alan!

During the building, the ancient sits on the side of the side, knot the Erlang legs, holding an ancient book in his hand!

It is the Alan opposite her!

Ye Xuan returned to the cultivation of the small tower!

Alan silent: "The law is dead?"

Old nodding!

Alan looked at ancient, "said the owner of the avenue does not stop?"

Ancient shoud!

Alan brows, "why?"

The ancient blinks, "Why?"

Alan silent: "Why do you sit in the avenue? You kill her!

The ancient smile: "May be related to Ye Gongzi!

Wen said, Alan whispered!

The ancient smile: "What is your breath? Kill the woman, isn\'t it a good thing?"

Alan silent: "What attitude is the avenue owner?"

After ancient times, he said: "Don\'t know!

In fact, she also can\'t figure out any attitude towards Ye Xuan\'s owner!

Alan looked at an ancient, "Congratulations!

Wen said, the ancient gods, then laughed: "Congratulations?"

Alang shouted: "Your fate, I have completely seen it now, even the trajectory can\'t see!

Ancient silence.

Alan: "It should be his sake!

You follow him, fate has changed!

The ancient smile: "Alan, what do you want to understand?"

Alan is going to talk, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in the field!

See Ye Xuan, ancient smile, "Alan wants to join the Shuixuan Academy, can you?"

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned, then looked at Alan, Alan silent after a moment, nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Welcome!

This Alan is also an order-to-order, if you can join the Xuan Academy, then he can now open the case!

Of course, he also knows why Alan is going to join Xuanchuan!

Ye Xuan suddenly walked to Alan, his palm was booted, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in him, "Give me a sister!

Alan: ".

At this moment, the Alan herb suddenly trembled, soon, she had a printer in her eyebrow, and the printer gradually faded. After a while, the syrup is completely disappeared.

When the rune disappears, there is a mysterious force suddenly disappeared!

After the alert, she slowed down!

Stand up!

Alan is in the original place!

become free!

It\'s so free!

The ancient is trapped for a million years!

Why is she not? Originally, she has already committed, thinking that she will be trapped to the dust of the dust, but at this moment, the man will restore freedom in front of this man!

A word!

The other party can change her destiny!

Thinking of this, Alan does not help but laugh.

She is fortunate in her life, then fights with fate, but go to the end, when she is desperate, she is saved in one sentence!

All of the efforts have dare to have a word!

this is life!

this is the truth!

Alan looks to Ye Xuan, "Thank you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t thank you!"

Said, he is on the palm of his hand, a small wooden sign floating in front of Alan.

Alan looked at the wooden sign, then collected a wooden sign, "Now, I am a person who is watching the school!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl is proficient in the future!

Then, the girl can set a stupid hospital in the college, and the Alan girl is the court of the Stuater, how do you see? "

Alan smiled: "Yes!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, then said: "I am going to open an alias in this place, here is the Alan girl to be responsible!"

I will call you!

Said, he is the palm of your hand, a quite rapid movement to the Alan, "there is 100 million ancient crystals, this is the basic funds, if it is not enough, you can find me!

Alan smiled: "Okay!

Said, she took up the quite!

Ye Xuan fizes to see a man outside the door!

Come and people are secret!

Ye Xuan said: "Still now, you listen to the Alan girl!

Dark and respectful gift, "Follow!

Ye Xuan nod, he looked to ancient and Alan, "Do we want to go to the Empire?"

Two women have seen a look, and they laughed behind: "You will go!"

Ye Xuan nod, "go!

Three people disappeared directly in the house!

Among the stars, Alan looked around without stars, and the look is complex!

become free!

When you lose free, you will find how important freedom is.

Thinking of this, she can\'t help but look to Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, thank you!"

Seeing Alan once again, Ye Xiunedied, then smiled: "Now is his own!

Don\'t be so polite!

The ancient laughs: "Yes!

Alan smiled slightly, "Okay!

Ye Xuan suddenly a sputum, said: "Ancient, Alan, what is this stone?"

Alan and ancient looked at the lascite in the Xunxun, all of them!

The ancient silence: "It\'s a Dow!

Ye Xuan brows, "Dow?"

Ancient nodded, "a very precious stone!

Its precious level, at least 100 times the ancient crystal!

Wen said, Ye Xuanqi is moving, "So precious?"

The ancient nodded, "which contains the power of the avenue, if it is swallowed, there is a very helpful help!

Moreover, after the small order, the role of the general crystal is already very small!

And at this time, you need to David!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "How much do you have!

Ye Xuan said: "100 million!

Wen said, Alan god suddenly became a little unnatural!

The ancient low sigh, "This law is really money!

This guy is engaged in corruption!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Many?"

The ancient white eyes, Ye Xuan, "That\'s more!

It is very very very very much!

I am in the peak, but only more than one million cars!

Think about it!

Wen said, Ye Xuantun was excited, "developed!

The ancient smile: "You are really developed!

With these vanguar, you can do a lot of things!

Moreover, your future is a long time, you don\'t need to worry about cultivation resources!

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Gu Dao: "In addition to the ancient crystal, should there be something else?"

Ye Xuan nod, his palm spread, a thick ancient book appeared in his hands, this ancient book has a golden big word: method!

At this time, Alan suddenly said: "Code!

Ye Xuan looked quite dignified to Alan, Alan God is quite dignified. "This is a code that the owner of the Avenue has left the rule, which is to constrain these rules!

Ye Xuan asked, "Is it useful?"

Alan nod, "very useful!

This is a high silent rule, if I have not remembered, it should be called: Wanfa Road!

Ye Xuan brows micro wrinkle, "Wanfa?"

Alan said: "Yes!

This truth, in this four-party universe, ranking second, only the first epicardial way!

This trust, once it is displayed, it can condense the whole four universe rules, it is very counter-day!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why don\'t I use it before God?"

Alan looked ancient, ancient laughed: "She is not applicable, but she has not been able to apply!

When I handed with me, she thought, but there is a scruple, because once this law applies, there will be a tired period, and that time, she is our weakest!

She is in guarding the Emperor and the old head!

When she made her hand with you, she didn\'t pay much attention to you, too much, so he was buried by you a sword!

So, do you not see how unwilling to have her death? "

Wen said, Yaxuan couldn\'t help but smile, "it is true!

Alan: "You can repair this code, and if you are the practice code, there is a natural advantage!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the advantage?"

Alan laughed: "Body advantage!

You are ancient trust, the flesh is very powerful, the soul is strong enough!

During this method, you can minimize the sequelae of this method!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "there is a problem, I can\'t open this book!

Wen said, Alan hit, she paired, the code floated into her hand, she got an eye, then laughed: "This method has the seal of the owner of the avenue!"

Except for the God of God, the outsiders should be can\'t beaten!

However, you should try it!

Said, she also gave the code to Ye Xuan again!

Ye Xuan took the Qing Xuanjian, just talking, the code suddenly trembled, and then a mysterious power lost!

Seeing this scene, the ancient suddenly laughed, "The owner of this Avenue is given to your sister!

Ye Xuan laughed, then opened the code, just opened the code, a golden light did not enter the bluff!


Soon, countless information is poured into the Xuanxun!


As Allah said, this is indeed an epicardial surgery. If it is cultivated, it can help the rules of the four-party universe in a short time!

The whole four-party universe!

Have to say, this is very horrible!

At this moment, he is also a bit surprised. If the law is not bad, he will fight against him, he will definitely not hold!

This is too metamorphosis!

Once the law of the rules of the entire four-party universe, the strength of the law will be in a real order, even more than the general order!

At that time, she was definitely not he can resist!

Ye Xuan opened his eyes, he looked to ancient, "If this law will enable this, can you hold it?"

The ancient blinks, "Is this not very simple?"

Ye Xuan speechless!

Khaha smiled, "You can do it!

I can\'t play your sister, but I can\'t play the master of the avenue, but get rid of it, you can\'t take me with them!

Moreover, you have not experienced my era, otherwise, you will not ask this problem!

On the one side, Alan is slightly nodd, "it is true!

Said, she looked at ancient, "The ancient is in our years, but the first person in the order!

Ancient positive track: "It\'s all things!

To be low-key!


Said, she looked at the Ye Xuan, "Of course, you can tell the brilliant record I once gave Ye Gongzi, I don\'t mind!"

Ye Xuan: ".
