One Sword Reigns Supreme

2653 Chapter 2639: Distance!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Just then, the law suddenly disappeared in the same place!


Ye Xuan suddenly looked up, the next moment, he took the front, and a sword slammed down!

When the god rushed to the Xuan face, she slammed out, countless golden light accompanied by the strength of the soul!

The sword is falling!


Among the eyes of the gods, the countless golden light is like tofu, it is directly torn!


A sword is directly lying on the law.


The law will violently violently, and when she stopped, the Qing Xuanjian suddenly did not enter her eyebrow!

The law was nailed to the original place!

The law of the gods is round, and it is incredible in the eyes.

I have lost myself? I have lost myself? At this moment, her brain blank!

In the distance, Ye Xuan slowly walked to the gods, he suddenly paused, the law of the gods, a new quite slow flying out!

Ye Xuan did not look, directly put it up!

The god is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "This is impossible!

This is absolutely impossible!

She is still unacceptable to the defeat of Ye Xuan.

This person in front of you, but it is Tiandao!

Just Tiando!

This kind of goods, even if it is one million, it is impossible to hurt her!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "The law, what is impossible, you only see him is Tiandao, but did not see him hanging.

The gods look at the avenue pen, "the avenue pen, you are also the door, we are a group!

The avenue pen suddenly roared, "Grass!

You know now we are guys!

Why don\'t you say it before? You don\'t have to Biline!

The law is said: "The avenue pen, you dare to help out the people who kill the door, do you know the consequences? You.

The avenue pen is bruising, "" There is a decent man cover, Laozi is afraid of a door.

Speaking of this, it\'s busy!

Can\'t give the master face!

What did the law he still want to say, at this time, Qing Xuanjian suddenly trembled!


The spirit of the gods is directly absorbed!

And when Qing Xuan Jian absorbed the soul of the law, a powerful breath suddenly came out of Qing Xuanjian!

To break through!

Originally, Ye Xuan stands, don\'t talk!

At this moment, he displaced a horrible killing and !

However, with the help of Jianling, his gods slowly recovered!

After a while, the blood in the eyes of Ye Xi slowly retired!

In front of him, Qing Xuanjian is draped, and there is a horrible breath that it will continue to emerge!

On the other hand, when the Emperor of the Emperor saw Ye Xuan killed the law, the two were incredible!

The law is actually killed by this guy? The two did not dare to fight with ancient times, turned directly!

The ancients did not chase. Although she was able to fight the Emperor and the old man, but these two people are orderly, they want to kill them, as long as they don\'t love the war, it is difficult!

Before the ancient leaves, I didn\'t completely restore my gods.

The ancient trend has a eye of the leaves, then it is gently put on the shoulders of Ye Xuan!


When the blood of the leaf is suddenly suppressed!

Ye Xi\'s eyes have also restored Qingming!

Ancient smile: "How?"

Ye Xuan took a breath and then said: "I killed the woman?"

Old head.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "It is all the strength of the blood and Qing Xuanjun!

He knows that if he is not his blood and Qing Xuan sword, he is not the opponent of the law!

Moreover, if the woman is not too bad, he can\'t kill each other!

The other party should not go to him!

If she is not destroyed, even if his sword can restrain the law, he can\'t kill each other!

Small order!

Ye Xuan light channel: "You still don\'t have enough!"

The ancient smile: "You can be a little bit of respect!

Although she is like that, but she is a law god, is the first of the law of this universe, and it has been pointed out by the avenue owner!

In the small order, although it can\'t be said invincible, it is also an opponent!

You can kill her, it is really a very good!

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "I want to reach the order!

Old head, "Slowly come!

Said, she looked at the sword of Qing Xuan, "Have to say, your sword is really very powerful!

Is your sister gave you? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The ancient smile: "Do you know that this sword is sealed!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

See Ye Xuan\'s look, ancient smile: "It seems that you don\'t know!"

This sword contains the power, far beyond your imagination, but it has not been unresolved!

Now, after she has absorbed the godlings of the woman, she should be to solve the next layer!

Ye Xuan light channel: "It turns out!


At this moment, Qing Xuanjian suddenly broke out a horrible sword!

The ancient jade hand lightly, and the sword is dissipated.

The ancient exchange of Qing Xuan Jian, she got a clear sword, then smiled: "It\'s a good sword!"

After finishing, she handed Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan brings over the sword, once in an instant, he felt a horrible breath!

From Qing Xuan Jian\'s own breath!

Ye Xuantili is a bit excited, and now the Qing Xuanjian has a lot of times better than before!

If it is the enemy of the enemy, he will become a lot!

Ancient road: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

I looked at your eyes, then took Ye Xuan!

Shortly after the two left, the three appeared not far!

It is boundless main three!

There is no deep voice: "The ancient girl found us!

The never looks at the distance, no talk!

There is no hesitation, then said: "Hey, how much is the ancient girl?"

Bless: "Anyway, it is stronger than you!"

I haven\'t face it when I have a face!

I watched my eyes, he looked at a verse, whispered, "When Laozi killed this law, the guy came out!

And now, when this is killing, the guy doesn\'t matter.

Really bullying, afraid!

Have to say, he is still a bit!

He was almost taught throughout the franchise, but he was blocked by the owner of the avenue!

Now, Ye Xuan kills the law, the owner of the avenue is not moving!

Really immanent!

There is no sigh. "This law is not enough, then the king once is good, it is also a person, what do you want to do?"

Said, he shook his head, "all didn\'t put your position!

There is no a little curious, "How do you say?"

"First, Ye Xuan is the people who have lived in the world, the people of this life, represent him a person who is the monk owner, the identity is much more than they are more than they!"

Second, the avenue pen!

Although the avenue pen is now not very good!

However, that is also the existence of many years!

The avenue pen is definitely not emotional, but this law does not take it when he takes it.

Said, he shook his head, "Many people are dead on their own expansion!

Especially some people, once the strength will expand, it will be no one, but

Since there is no sudden pass: "Since you know that the king can\'t be provoked, why not remind these rules?"

After the silence of the silence, Tao: "You find a question? That is, there is a relationship with Ye Xuan, but there is also Ye Xuanjiao!

, "it is true!

The unilateral light channel: "Two possibilities, first, he really wants Ye Xuan inherited his order, or said, let Ye Xuan set up a new order, second, he wants to with the hand of Ye Xuan, Come to clean the inside of the road!

Although I didn\'t have a skin, I didn\'t have a skin, but I didn\'t have anything wrong. Therefore, I didn\'t have no reason. Therefore, I used him as a sword, and then clean up the inside of the road, nor impossible!

There is no deep voice: "If the latter, the avenue owner he will do it, can\'t it work?"

No side shook his head, "Duanmen!

Too big!

Manghati can\'t imagine!

Although these people respect him, he can\'t manage the humanity of these people!

You let him clean, how can he clean it? This group of guys must definitely be deceived!

There is no way: "This is this kind of thing?"

No side, "" What happened to do this? The whole fancy under her leadership, a fertilizer oil!

Just relying on the king to take her to take her, do you know how many ancient crystals in it? At least billion ancient crystal with hundreds of millions of Dow!

A billion!


This ancient crystal is very clear, it can be said that it is a must-have product after Tiandao, usually monks, there is a tens of thousands of ancient crystals, it is very unable to!

And this law god has more than ten billions!

The most important thing is that there is that Dop Crystal!

, "No, what is this crystal?"

Headloolands: "The four-party universe the most cattle currency, wrong, it should be said, even if there is a four-party universe, this crystal is also very cattle, very rare, there is a special way to condense a special Energy spark, which contains the power of the avenue. If you have enough videos, it is entirely possible to make your strength close to the order!

Normal order, it is very difficult to practice, and this crystal is equivalent to a cheat, let you get close to this realm, and if you are very enchanting, there is this crystal assistant, to achieve order, It is very easy!

Otherwise, even if you enchanting, there is no money to be auxiliary, you are useless!

Said, he shook his head, "cultivation, it is to pay!

I didn\'t have a look, "I am boundless, are you still rich?"

Hey, "" Do you ask this? "

: "Curious!

Borderless: "Real men, cultivation never rely on money!

After finishing, he turned and left!

, "Don\'t rely on money, what?"

Never return, "Distance!

: "
