One Sword Reigns Supreme

2655 Chapter 2641: I recognize!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Brilliant record!

Ye Xuan smiled!

How did this ancient girl like a little pen, so like to put it? At this time, the ancient suddenly said: "What do we go to the Yuan Empire? Do you really want to destroy the Empire?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do I don\'t work?"

Gu thought, then said: "Without you, we may have a little chance!"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

The ancient smile: "You can don\'t look at the Empire, this is a big master to stand up, not lucky!

Their bottom is very deep!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "That is to say, even if you join hands, you can\'t destroy them?"

The ancient nodes, "two order, can\'t die!

However, it can make them uncomfortable, because they must not have us!

I want to kill me with Alan, they have to take more than a dozen order, and they will not be able to do it!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "That\'s enough!"

I looked at Ye Xuan, I didn\'t say anything.

Soon, the three people came to the capital of the Yuan Empire!

I have to say that this Yuan is very popular, the city is at least thousands of feet, the whole city is like a beast, standing in front of it, and a feeling of oppression is coming!

At this time, some concealed atmals appeared around!

Looking at Ye Xuan, smiling: "What do you want to play?"

Ye Xuan looks to the city wall in the distance, the palm is spread, and Qing Xuanjian suddenly flew out!


The wall is directly used by a sword!

The whole element is shocked!

Does anyone dare to make a dollar? At this time, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and it was the emperor!

And next to the Emperor, followed by an old man, it is the order of the order!

Seeing the three people of Ye Xuan, the Emperor\'s face suddenly became somewhat uncomfortable!


Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yuan Emperor, you should know what we are doing today?"

The Emperor is a brightened, "To destroy my Yuan Empire?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Don\'t you do it?"

The Emperor is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "You can try!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the ancient, "You block two, no problem?"

The ancient blinks, "How is the two? Come ten!

Said, she looked at the Emperor, "Come!

Call ten order!

The Emperor\'s face is blue!

Ye Xuan is also a bit speechless!

This woman must know that people can\'t call ten order, so they are so arrogant!

Seeing the Emperor of the Yuan Emperor, the ancient: "How? How do you think I am joking? I am not kidding!


Call ten, I want to fight ten!

Ha ha.

The Emperor Shen Sheng said: "Ancient, have you forgotten you how to be seal by the avenue owner?"

The ancient smile: "You don\'t use the avenue master to press me!"

It\'s useless!

The Emperor\'s face is gloomy.

Ancient looks to Ye Xuan, "I will fight them first!

After finishing, she disappeared directly!

The Emperor suddenly said: "You dare to do this place!

At this time, the ancient suddenly stopped, her browbood.

On the one side, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "What happened?"

The ancient silent: "I forgot one thing!"

That is, it is no longer a few people, otherwise, it will lead to heaven.

Ye Xuan said: "Are you playing too much?"

Gu Dao: "Hit!"

However, it is best not to fight, otherwise, they will be called people!

Moreover, in the end, it may come to the avenue of the pen.

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Then you will change your place!

The Emperor suddenly angered: "You change the place to change the place?"

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor, "You don\'t change place, then we are here, fight your Emperor!


Just then, the horizon suddenly came from an ancient voice, very fast, an illusory giant appeared in the top of everyone!


When I saw the weather, the Yuan Di suddenly turned into a breath!

Don\'t say, he is really afraid that the ancient two people come!

Tiandao overlooks Ye Xuan, "Are you in an ignorant law?"

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, then said: "Do you know this?"

Avenue pitud: "Don\'t know!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then turned to look at the ancient, "Do you play it?"

The ancient smile: "Is it easy?"

Ye Xuan nod, is talking, ancient suddenly said: "You can talk to him!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then look at that day, then suddenly said: "Talk? Is there anything? Today, who dares to do it again, I will destroy anyone!

Ye Xuan looks ancient, "teach him to be a person!

The ancient disappeared in the original place!

The sky, the day, the eyes suddenly flashed a touch, the next moment, a thunder pen!

The ancient raise hand is an ax!


The gods suddenly became half a half, at the same time, the ax was directly in the great eyes!


The whole heavens are trembled, then directly crack!

That Tiandon roared in the West, "you.

You dare to go against the sky, you.

I looked at the sky and I looked at the sky, "I\'m still going back!

Really, take yourself serious!

Said, she is an ax!


That day, the sound is abrupt, then completely fell, and it is virtual!

Erase the heavens directly!

Seeing this scene, the Emperor\'s Emperor is deeply taboo!

He is also an order!

However, for this ancient, he is still very taboo!

Because this is a chaotic!

I dare to follow the owner of the avenue, but he didn\'t dare!

Today, this woman came out!

Is there anything she dare not? But very fast, the emperor is clear!

The ancient killing of the heavens, undoubtedly provoating the guy of Tiandaojie!

This is not good!

At this time, the ancient came to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said: "Tiandaojie will come to heaven?"

The ancient smile: "Already here!

I heard the words, Ye Xuan stunned, he looked up, the sky, there was no one, there was a mistake!

The ancient smiles, "coming is an order!


Ye Xuan looked at the vain, at this time, the vain suddenly said: "My Tiandaojie is unintentional to the grievances between you!"

However, here, you can\'t do it!

I heard the words, the Emperor\'s Emperor\'s Emperor was wrinked!

Is the attitude so soft? Emperor looked at the vain, "she killed a heaven!

That vacation was cold and glanced at the emperor. "Do I need you to remind?"

What is the attitude of this guy? It seems that you have killed the sky!

The vocabulary is very small, "You go with them else!

I heard the words, the Emperor\'s face suddenly sinked, "Why?"

The vain is calm, "If you don\'t want, then we don\'t care!

Just destroy your place!

The Emperor stared at the vain, "he killed the heavens.

The vain suddenly angered: "I don\'t need you to remind me!"

Yuan Di suddenly invisible, "Then you don\'t get him? Playing him!

After the vain is silent, I will ask you, ask you, do you change the battlefield? If you don\'t change the battlefield, we will not take it!

The Emperor is dead and staring at the vain, "Why!

Why is it!

Make the head, "You don\'t want to provoke others, how can someone else to retaliate?"

Yuan Emperor angrily pointed to the Ye Xuan, anger: "They killed the law of the legal world, then kill your heaven, you can\'t see it?"

Virtual Shadow calmly: "What is the relationship with my Tiandao?"

The Emperor is in the same place.

The virtual shadow said: "As for her to kill the heaven, it is what I have between the Tiandaojie and her, what is the relationship with you?"

The Emperor Emoticon stale.

Victory: "I finally said, if you don\'t change the battlefield, then this place will no longer be protected by heaven!

The Emperor\'s face is blue, "You are biased!"

He is also clear at this moment!

This Tiandao is biased by Ye Xuan, and it is a favorite of his eyes!

Vivid shadow looked at the emperor, "I asked you, Ye Gongzi can have a hatred? Nothing? Since there is no hatred, you will kill people, this behavior, isn\'t it to extract people? Now, people have retalled you, is this wrong? Is it wrong? "

Yuan Emperor said: "It is the legal god to let us kill him!

The vain brow is slightly wrinkled, "the law god let you die, don\'t you go?"

The end of the Yuan Emperor is navigated!

The vain is also; "You are so big!

Is it not distinguished? Since there is a distinguished ability, why do you want to listen to others? Furthermore, as I said, you go to kill others, others will retaliate you, is this not normal? Tiandao Tiandao, what is the heaven? That is the skyline, maintain the world\'s justice!

And you this behavior is really unpaid!

Said, he slowly held his right hand, a powerful breath directly shrouded the Emperor, "finally ask you, do you want to change a place, if you don\'t change, for this blessing, I can only help this Ye Gongzi Come you!

The Emperor suddenly calm down!

He has found that things are not right!

Why? Ye Xuan killed the law, this door did not have any movement, this is not the most outrageous, the most outrageous is just a heaven!

That is to maintain the order of the world!

However, this Tiandaojie did not revenge? why? It is definitely a jealous!

Thinking of this, the Emperor\'s face has become extremely difficult to look!

He knows that he is pitted by the law!

At this time, the old man who has never been speaking next to the Emperor: "I recognize!"

Everyone looked out to the old man, the old man came out, deeply rude to everyone, sincere: "I was deceived by the god and the Yuan Di, committed a big mistake, I am willing to apologize to Ye Gongzi, and compensate Ye Gongzi\'s mental loss fee !

Said, he has a deep gift for Ye Xuan, "Please ask Ye Gongzi to give the next chance!

Thank you!

After finishing, he is deeply average.

Everyone: ".
