One Sword Reigns Supreme

2630 Chapter 2666: Today!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Change a place to develop!

The monsters have seen a eye, "Go to you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The monsters thought about it, then: "What kind of benefits?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Come with me!

Said, he directly took the monster to the small tower!

When entering the small tower, the monsters are directly stunned!

Ye Xuan looked at the monsters and laughed: "Is this environment better?"

The monster hesitated, then said: "Yes!

but I.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is it?"

The monsters are nod, "the owner called me to guard this mountain.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Does he say that you can\'t leave?"

The monsters thought about it, then: "This is not!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Isn\'t this?"

The monster blinks, "That is to say, I am leaving, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The monster is still a little scruple, "I am still afraid.

Ye Xi Xiao said: "How long have you been calm here?"

The monsters have a scent: "It is a million years!

Ye Xuan said: "Outside, even if you work, there is still a false!

You have been working here for a few million years!

What is wrong? "

The monsters thought about it, then: "The words are reasonable!"

Said, it looks to Ye Xuan, "I have to practice it in this, what do you need?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "No, even if it occasionally help me fight!

The monsters ask, "What level of the shelf?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "The kind of stability is not lost!"

The monster grin smile, "Good!

Ye Xuanjiao is spread, and 100,000 laws appear in front of the beast, "this is given you!

" !

Some of the monsters are shocked, "Is this given me?"

Ye Xuan nod, "you stay in cultivation!

The monster looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Human, you are a good man!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How do you call you?"

The monster depth: "Ancient demon!

, "The ancient brother, you will practice it here, what needs, you can talk to me, can do it, I will help you!

The monsters nodded slightly, "Thanks to human brothers!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "My name is Ye Xuan!

The monster hesitated, then; "Ye brother, but you want to go to the mountain?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The monsters are deep: "It is very dangerous!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "You know what is there?"

The monsters shook their heads, "I have never been over, because the above is dangerous!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Thank you, the mower reminder!

Ancient pelesh head, "I don\'t gree!"

Ye Xuan left the small tower, he looked up at it, when he saw the boundless main three, his mouth is dangerous, then directly appears next to the three!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Hey, let\'s go together!"

I watched the Ya Xuan, "Do you take it away?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "The owner of the Avenue should not find me?"

I am boundless, then turn around to walk towards the hill!

Ye Xuanli is busy with, "Hey, what are you doing this place?"

Unbounded, calm,: "Do something!

Ye Xuan nod, "Just, I am also coming to do something, smooth road, smooth road!

The neighborhood looked at the Ye Xuan, nothing to say.

After a while, the four people came to the top of the mountain, on the top of the mountain, the clouds were linger, and the birds were fragrant, like a wonderland.

At this time, there is no sidebrow but frown is deeply frightened!

Seeing, Ye Xuan three is ranking quickly after retreating!

Just then, suddenly a knife knife suddenly wished!

After the side of the silent silence, began to go slowly towards the distance.

After a while, several people came to a wooden house, in the courtyard in front of the wooden house, sitting on a little girl, the little girl is about eight or nine years old, a long braid, and in her hands, holding one Handle short ax!

The little girl is wearing, and it is also very strange. The upper body is a piece of floral small skirt, and the lower body is a white trousers, and the foot is a pair of small slippers.

Ye Xuan saw this dress!


This little girl is dressing, is the side of the Milky Way!

At this time, the little girl suddenly turned to the Ye Xuan and others. He saw the little girl. When the world\'s eyes suddenly squatted, he slowed his right hand slowly.

The little girl glanced at the owner, "people in the upper generation!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "" this generation of life!

After finishing, she shook his head, "" The generation is not as good as one generation! "

I heard the words, Ye Xuan face suddenly blackded down, it is about to talk, but it seems to be what, he looked at it without angry, so he didn\'t say anything!

The gun is playing the bird!

Still let the boundless first!

Watching a little girl, don\'t talk.

The little girl suddenly said: "Don\'t look!

To your current strength, you see through me.

After finishing, she raised the ax and continued to cut the wood.

A wooden knife, very sharp!

Boundless suddenly: "Order!

I heard the words, the little girl was stopped, she turned to see the boundless, and the eyes flashed a strange, "it means a bit!

I watched a little girl, then said: "It turned out that this is the reason why he does not come here!

After finishing, he turned directly to it!

Seeing, Ye Xuan also did not have any hesitation, even busy with you!

He doesn\'t want to stay here!

This little girl is not a good thing, stay here, you will have to be played!

At this moment, there was no longer to stop, he looked at Ye Xuan, then he looked at the little girl. "If you want to leave here, I can help this Ye can help, believe me, except him, no People can take you away, he will be your only chance!

After finishing, he turned and went!


Ye Xuan is angry watching boundless, "you.

Said, he also quickly followed the past, wanted to go to the mountain, and at this time, he was shocked, he couldn\'t move!

He feels no power, but it can\'t move!

At this time, the three people who have no longer have disappeared not far!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

At this time, the little girl slowly walked to Ye Xuan\'s face, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I know, make a friend, have any problems?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Do a friend, no problem.

Can you take the ax first? "

The little girl reached out and won the ax in the Xuanxuan brain, and then went to the side, continued to swim, "I admit, I just ignored you!"

But this doesn\'t blame me, you can only blame you too weak.

Well, I mean, your realm is too low, it is easy to ignore!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then sit in front of the little girl, "I admit it, I am a bit weak, you can say, my heart is still able to afford!

The little girl looked at the Ye Xuan, "We are friends now!

right? "

Ye Xuan is silent, do not accept!

The little girl suddenly took a ax, the wood in front of the face should be broken!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Should you call me, right?"

The little girl is calm: "You guess!"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I have the guy with just now, so, what he said, you can\'t believe it!

Little girl continues to scream, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan also said: "The master of the avenue, very strong, I can\'t play him, this, don\'t you oppose it?"

The little girl looked at the Ye Xuan, still did not talk.

Ye Xuan stalls, "" You said!

The little girl suddenly took out a box, she handed the box to Ye Xuan, "I will give you!"

Ye Xuan opens the box, in the box, is a thick ancient book.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then asked, "Is this?"

The little girl said: "The pain of the ancient tang is!

If you succeed, it is more than a thousand times better than your current flesh!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I can guarantee you that this renewal is definitely the strongest flesh practice.

Ye Xuan silence.

The little girl took out a black box to handed Ya Xuan, "Gu Quan, self-employed, the source of all power in ancient times, endless, is the essence of all beings, hanging!

Ye Xuan looked at the little girl, "Give me?"

Little girl nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then: "Why?"

The little girl looked at Ye Xuan, "Do we not friends?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "What do I want to send you?"

The little girl shook his head, "No!

Ye Xuan silent, don\'t take it!

Little girl said: "You are afraid that I am doing something?"

Ye Xuan looked at the little girl, didn\'t talk!

The little girl laughed: "In fact, I can calculate what you? You!

Don\'t want people too bad!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Why are you by the avenue owner?"

The little girl said: "Because I lost him!"

Ye Xuan brows, "lost to him?"

Little girl nod, "Yes!

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!

I lost!

Then I was locked!

This is normal!

Ye Xuan looked at the little girl, "What are you coming?"

The little girl laughed: "I am ancient!

Have you seen it? "

Ye Xuan shook his head, the little girl smiled: "Very normal!

History is written by winners, you have not heard me, very normal, understand!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Are you a big way?"

The little girl shook his head, "can\'t say this.

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "If you want to know more, I can slowly tell you, go, we go down, say it!

After finishing, she directly picked up the ax, then pulling the Ye Xuan\'s arm and walked down to the mountain!

Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Ye Xuan and the little girl just stepped into the stone steps in the mountain, suddenly, a huge vortex appeared on the top of the mountain, in an instant, a horrible and pressure-saving, a huge purple \'Tao\' word, In this \'Tao\' word, I feel that my soul will disappear when Ye Xuan Don.


At this moment, Ye Xuan felt like the antity under the sky, and the idea of ​​a little resistance lifted.



At this moment, Ye Xuan saw his own small, but it didn\'t help but!

All negative emotions are like tide!

Ye Xuan suddenly looked up!

Not sweet!


However, it is not used!

Just like the people, many times, they are bound by fate, they want to resist, but they will not have.

At this time, a shadow appeared in that track.

The vain is carrying your hands, looking down on Ye Xuan, there is no expression, and does not speak.

The little girl looked at the vivid shadow, "Dao life, bullying children, don\'t face!"

Tao live indifferent: "The antity, there must be awareness of the ant ants, and it is imperative to fight against the sky, it is self-timing!

Said, his right hand is pressed, and a horrible force is directly rolling into Ye Xuan.

Below, Ye Xuan full body directly starts inch annihilation!

At this time, a voice came from the side, "Dao life, why don\'t you play the little girl?"

The person who talks is, it is the owner!

Daoheng looked at the owner, "Female, I don\'t play, do you have a problem?"

Head, thumbs up, "no problem!

Tao life recovered, he looked down in Ye Xuan, his right hand looked up, and he was going to shoot, but at this time, the time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, a woman in a dressed skirt slowly Come out!

Seeing this scene, there is no major face color, the next moment, when he turned, the speed is very fast, and the blink is the end of the starry.

After the woman appeared, she turned into the cold and looked at the eye.


Ten chapters.

Tonight is from 7:00.


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