One Sword Reigns Supreme

2631 Chapter 2667: Don't want to fight!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I saw the moment of the woman, next to Ye Xuan, the little girl was in an instant!


Be afraid!


The little girl is dead, staring at the vegetarian skirt, hands actually began to tremble!

And the sidelines are not with God!

At that time, there was no ride and did not take care of them.

Do you still run or run? The two are still hesitating!

At this moment, the time and space of birth was suddenly slightly vibrating, and the next moment, a shadow gradually condensed!

See this vain, the little girl\'s face suddenly became overcast!

Avenue pen owner!

At this time, the birth suddenly respectfully, and the trembling said: "The master.

The owner of the avenue is whisper.

The woman looks at the owner of the avenue, "I will give you a face!

Yeah? "

The owner of the avenue is silent.

The birth of the birth of a sudden view of the skirt, "arrogant!

You dare to do this for the owner.


Have not finished, a sword suddenly wore his eyebrows!

Tao life!

Skirt women looked at the life, disdain: "The ant ant is not as good!"

Daoheng: ".

The avenue owner suddenly opened, "What do you want to do?"

Skirts are suddenly holding swords to disappear in the original place, next moment, a sword scratches time and space.

Sky, the owner of the Avenue is suddenly lifted by the right hand, and then the next pressure!

In an instant, countless avenues emerge!

This pressure, Wan Dao is out!

However, as the sword came, a moment, Wan Dao collapsed!


The sidewalk sword is directly inspired by the avenue.


The avenue owner is directly stained to the place!

At this time, next to Ye Xuan, the little girl suddenly browed, "Framed!


Come, not the avenue pen master body!

The woman is cold and looking at the avenue of the avenue in front of the avenue.

The owner of the avenue is silent.

Skirt woman turned to look at Ye Xuan, at this moment, Ye Xuanzhi is pale, weak!

She walked to Ye Xuan face, soft: "Nothing?"

Ye Xuan slightly shakes his head, smirk, "Nothing!

I am a little complained: "Don\'t ask me even if you have time to die, do you want to call me?"

Ye Xuan bitter smile, "he is too weak, not worth your shot!

Qingli blinks, "Then you will enhance a strong enemy next time!

Ye Xuan: ".

At this time, you looked at the little girl, the little girl suddenly guarded!

Qingyue calmly: "Don\'t have alert, you are too weak, I am not interested in you!"

little girl:".

Qing suddenly pulled the hand in Ye Xuan towards it!

In the field, the life of the life, at this moment, his body lost at a little bit!


At this moment, he also realized the feeling of Ye Xuanfang!

Not sweet!


And there is no choice!

Death is not terrible, terrible is to feel the death!

Tao life turned to the head of the avenue pen, he wanted to say, the avenue owner shook his head, then he slowed down!

Daoheng: ".

On the one side, that is whipped: "Is this a dress woman?"

God\'s face is extremely lighter, "said the owner of this avenue.

It seems that it is not good!

Avenue pen owner: ".

. ..

The sister of this Ye Gongzi is too embarrassing!

God agreed to nod.

On the one side, the little girl looked at the distance, I don\'t know what I am thinking.


Among the stars in the distance, you will walk in Ye Xuan slowly.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I didn\'t think you would appear!

The cyan is soft: "You have difficult, I will be!

Ye Xuan is silent, the heart is warm!

Qingyue looks up and looks at the distance, whispered: "Brother, you have your own pursuit, I don\'t oppose it, but you should also understand, no matter what, you need powerful strength.

Ye Xuan nod, "I know!

Qingre turned his head to see Ya Xuan, "I am not going to work hard!"

I have to tell you, if you feel that you don\'t make sense one day!

Or don\'t want to work hard!

Just say, your road, I will come for you, your enemy, I will kill you, your business, I will do it for you!

Ye Xuan is in the same place!

Qingli tightly pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, "I just want you to become the happiest person in the whole universe!"

She pets Xuan, has always been so bright, and has always been so unscrupulous, always so unreasonable!

Ye Xuan suddenly hugged you, soft: "You, I remember!"

The young nodded slightly, she buried his head on the Xuan Shoulder, whispered: "In your arms, I feel that everything in this world is meaningful!"

Said, she suddenly looked up and looked at the depths of void.

Vacancy depths: ".

After a time, the blue suddenly stopped, she looked up at the end of the star, then said: "I am going!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

The green is gently touching the cheeks of Ye Xuan, "Remember, don\'t be too hard!"

After finishing, she turned into a sword light disappeared in the far star!

Ye Xuan looked at the depths of the stars, silent!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Hanging the sky!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and smiled: "How?"

The avenue pen is excited: "You know, never dare to threaten the owner.

God\'s girl.


I can only describe it with a trough!

Ye Xuan smiled.

The avenue pen continued: "I really admire her!"

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Do you have a hostess?"

The avenue pen quickly said: "No!

I just admire the girl, I didn\'t want to betray the master!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "But now it seems that I have been with your master!

The avenue makes thinking, then said: "Can you think so, the owner should not maliciously, after all, you used to be a person who was a person!

Just later, the destiny girl forcibly broke this cause.

Said, it whispered, "In fact, I can basically make sure, you used to choose people!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is it now?"

The avenue pen: "I don\'t know now, because I have never seen the master for a long time for a long time!

Just now, he is also divided, and his body should be very far away!

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen continued: "In fact, the owner should haven\'t thought that there is just just want to kill you!"

I don\'t know what this guy thinks, I actually kill you!


Saying this amount, he sonned: "This matter is wrong, Dao Sheng this guy knows that I am in your body, I know that you used to be a person, in love, he should not kill you Is!

Under normal circumstances, he saw that you have to take away the little girl, and the most is to stop.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The Lead!

Avenue pen sink: "Yes!

Is the legal!

It must be that they means!

Ye Xuan brows, "Is this a legal?"

The avenue is in the road: "It is the road!

However, the legal can make him help!

Ye Xuan is silent, the look is gradually cold!

Equivalent should let the greens directly in the fancy!

The avenue pen is low, "It seems that this fancy should be on your bar!

Ye Xuan said: "Tao lives are killed, will they continue to target me?"

The avenue strokes said: "If you have a bit of your mind, it shouldn\'t you!"

However, will you let go of them? "

Ye Xi\'s eyes gradually became cold!

Just then, the little girl on the mountain suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan took back his thoughts, he looked at the little girl, then said: "You are free!

After finishing, he turned and left!

He still doesn\'t want to provoke this little girl!

At this time, the little girl suddenly said: "Wait!

Ye Xuan flashed to look at the little girl, the little girl palm is open, and the two boxes appear in front of Ye Xuan, "this is what you deserve!

Ye Xuan silent!

The little girl laughed: "I believe me, this ancient tang and Guquan are very helpful to you now!

And, this is what you deserve!

Ye Xuan Wei nodded, he received the ancient tang and Guquan, then said: "The ancient girl, the war!

After finishing, he turned and left!

The ancient looks in the distance, if you think.

After a while, the ancient suddenly looked up, it seems to be discovered, her brow wrinkled, after a while, she turned directly to disappear!


Ye Xuan came to a void, he took out the ancient tang, he just opened, a moment, a white light did not enter his eyebrows!


Countless information flooded into his brain!

Ancient tang!

Gradually, Ye Xuan\'s color gradually became more daring!

Have to say, this ancient tang is much more powerful than this body!

The first battle of ancient times!

If it is cultivated, he is difficult to die!

After the just thing, he understood a thing, that is, now, he is very strong for many people, but for some real big , his strength is still not enough!

Must become stronger!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly became; "The life is just a good cause, and it should be the peak.

Also, follow you the little girl, she is not a body, wrong, should say that she only has the soul, the flesh is not there.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Isn\'t it a body?"

The avenue is: "Yes!

The strength of this little girl should be imprisoned because of some reasons!

Otherwise, the life is definitely not her opponent!

That is to say, this little girl\'s strength is definitely super-happiness!

Ye Xuan silence.

He naturally know that the little girl is not simple, even if the owner is jealous, the other party will be a general person? The avenue pen continued: "This world can kill your sister, no, but, you can kill you, a lot, understand what I mean?"

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "I understand!

What I want to say, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "So, I don\'t want to fight!"

Really too difficult!

How long does I am not enemiliated? Now, a group of people can hang my existence!


Avenue pen: ".
