One Sword Reigns Supreme

2629 Chapter 2615: Changing a place to develop?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

It is to bear, can\'t bear it!

When I heard the monster, Ye Xuantun was unknown. He directly palm opened, Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, next moment, he disappeared directly!


A sword is torn in the scene!

In the distance, the monster\'s eyes are also flashing a fierce light, it will rush out again!

Since the last time, it wants to fight against Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan can improve yourself through the battle, it is also the same!

After the last time with Ye Xuanyi, it also got a lot of improvement, so it still wants to fight this time!

Ye Xuan speed is very fast, the blink is in front of the monster, there is no nonsense, he slammed the sword!

And in this moment, he directly picked up the strength of the blood!

With the blessing of blood, Ye Xuan\'s sword is now exploding!

The monsters are not willing to show weakness, and they directly hit Ye Xuan!

One person, a demon!


As a fried sound, one person retreats when a person!

And the procedure of Ye Xuan retreats, and refers to a little, in an instant, countless sword light directly to the monsters!

In the distance, the monster suddenly roared, the right claws fierce the front of it, and a black light touched!


The two power just came into contact, it was slammed and annihilated!

At this time, Ye Xuan has stopped, but the next moment, he shaped, directly turned into a sword to rush to the monster.

When I saw Ye Xuan Chong, the monster didn\'t rush, and I clicked directly to my head!

Hard it again!


A sword light suddenly broke out, the beast\'s head, a blood sputter!

However, Yixuan also slammed out!

At that moment in Ye Xuanfei, countless planes will be overwhelmed again!

Half mountain, the three people do not leave!

Three people are looking at Ye Xuan and the Monsma!

There was no sudden sound: "This Ye Gongzi\'s strength.

Very horrible!

God agrees nodding!

Headless, calm,: "The improvement is really a bit fast!

It should be hung!

There are two people: "


Just then, there was a sudden sound in the distance!

Among the eyes of the three people, Ye Xuan once again rushed by the monster, but the monster is even more miserable, on its head, there is a deep sword!

Now Ye Xuan has already learned to be smart!

Just cut a place!

So, the crack on the emerald is getting bigger and bigger, and now it is already visible!

Continue to cut this, I am afraid that I have to be chopped by Ye Xuan into two halves!

The monsters are obviously aware of this, starting with Ye Xuanji, no longer head hard!

However, its speed is compared to the Xuan, that is much slow!

It is worth mentioning that Ye Xuan reactures his madness, it is getting stronger!

In the distance, there is no sudden silence: "Ye Gongzi this blood, it is true!"

The never looks at the Ye Xuan, then said: "Is it uniform!

However, his sword is the most terrible!


God is looking forward, he hesitated, then said: "He is the sword, it is really uncommon, but it has not seen it!

The boundless heart, "can\'t look at the surface!

His sword is the power of faith. Now that the power is really not very strong, but if you look at it carefully, he will find that his sword is also getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of sword is powerful than his blood. Still fast!

The two once again looked at Ye Xuan, very fast, two people gained an eye, such as the owner said, Ye Xuan\'s sword is indeed constant!

The owner continues to say: "The most important thing is not this power, but this sword is representative of his sword, the power of belief, endless, this represents his swords without the upper limit, if there is a day, his order is really all At that time, at that time, he said, representing the power of the whole universe.

Speaking of this amount, his look gradually gains!

: "The avenue owner will stop him? After all, if he establishes a new order, what should I do with the order of the avenue owner?"

No side silence!

God also said: "The order of the owner of the avenue, although it has been backward, and some corrupt, but.

Said, he looked at it for four weeks, it seems to be a jealous, no more and say it!

10, "Godming, with boundless, what are you afraid? What is it saying!

No side, who dares to move? "

God is full of black lines!


How is this monk? How is it more and more? The never looks at it, then said: "The avenue owner did not agree with Ye Xuan, but did not stop Ye Xuan!

There is no deep voice: "What does he mean?"

The boundless arms shrugged, "I don\'t know!

, then: "You don\'t know?"

Headlon: "Two possibilities, first, he acquiescence Ye Xuan, second, he did not pay attention to Ye Xuan, after all, to establish a new order, not a simple thing!

It is obviously still not enough with the strength of Ye Xuan\'s present!

Of course, he should now be the most potential, except for him, others want to build a new order, basically impossible!

There is no silence: "He will not be allowed, but why not allow Ye Gongzi?"

No side silence.

I want to say anything, I suddenly read him, "You two day, even the avenue didn\'t touch, how did you care about the universe?"

I am smile, "curious!

No side shook his head, "Whether it is the mountain king, or the avenue owner, the things between them are not outside the outside!

One is the mountain king, one is the existing order.

Old people are best not to intervene, understand? "

: "Do you have a station team?"

The boundless owner is nothing, "Do you look like a lot of support?"

There is no longer turn to look at the Ye Xuan, a moon and the monster war: "He wants to build a new order, not a bad thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing!"

Ancient and modern comes, no one has become a dragon from the Dragon Dragon? Even if he really has successfully established a new order, who dares to guarantee that in a certain day of the future, there is no boy like this, and it is necessary to establish a new order? "

Said, he shakes his head, "Ancient and modern comes, the universe needs order, but there is no eternal order, any order, but it is all over the cloud, and then replaced by the new order!

So, I\'m doing it myself!

There is no low sigh, "it is true!

God suddenly said: "I think we have ignored a problem, that is, to build a new order, you have to defeat the mountain king and his back.

After the side of the silence, he said: "You said this, you can only wait for new hanging people!"

Can defeat the hangar, can only be another harmonious hang.

Said, he shaken his head slightly, "Laozi despised!

Unlike me, I just started to open it, I haven\'t been driving!

Godming two: ".


Far, Ye Xuan and the monsters are still in battle!

And one person is more and more intense!

Ye Xuan also thoroughly made a fire, Jianjian wounded to the wound of the monster, gradually, the wound on the monster is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more blood flow!

Most importantly, Ye Xuan\'s human swords and blood movements are getting stronger!

Now, Ye Xuan has completely pressed the monster!

Winning, just time problems!


Just then, a loud sound sound, followed by, the monster directly by the Ye Xuan Yijuts to thousands of feet, and it was still stopped, Ye Xuan is again rushed up again, then, then, Another sword!


As a giant sound sounded, the monster directly violently, and finally fell to the ground, and it just fell, the ground was directly smashed!

In the distance, Yaxuan suddenly disappeared in the original place, and at this time, the monster suddenly trembled: "Don\'t fight!

Not big!


I will leave!

Ye Xuan stopped in front of the monster, he overlooking the monster, at this moment, the whole body is also scar, it is bleeding everywhere, but the blood is just out of order, it is absorbed by himself!

Ye Xuan coldly looked at the monster, "Don\'t you fight?"

The monster is busy, "Don\'t fight!


You go up on the mountain!

Ye Xuanzhi has no expression. "Do you not be a cow?"

The monster looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "What is this person? I am attached to this place, don\'t let you go up, you will hit me, are you doing people?"

Ye Xuan looked at the monsters, after a moment, he whispered thumbs up, "Your cattle!

The monster climbed to the side, then said: "Everything must be speech, you said, you do this, what is reasonable?"

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "Why are you going to the three people?"

The monster is now: "I am fighting them!"

Ye Xuan said: "So, are you bullying, is it hard?"

The monsters shook their heads, "The three people, I don\'t play, I can only let them go.

And you, why do you want to learn them? Others are bad, can you be bad? I am going to your home, you don\'t let me go, I will hit you, can this? "

Ye Xuan is silent, mother, this monster is not reading a book? Seeing Ye Xuan no longer, the monster continued: "I see you is also a cultural man, why do you do things with a rogue?"

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "Since you have to tell, then we will reason!

Said, he pointed to the top of the mountain. "Can I go it now?"

The monster hesitated, then said: "No!

But if you have to do it, then.

Then you will go!

Ye Xuan looked at the monsters, then said: "I think you are here, I really want to change, have you want to change a place?"


Due to seven o\'clock tonight.

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