One Sword Reigns Supreme

2601 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and eighty-seventh chapter: Who is putting it?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The ancient giant is not can\'t appear outside, but if Tian Dust said, the ancient giants appeared outside, that is to suppress your realm!

Moreover, doing things really can\'t be too!

Anyway, there are a lot of limited!

However, Yixuan will not be limited!

Moreover, the ancient giants are only known, and Ye Xuan has no good aftertaste!

If an ancient giant still suppresses his realm and Ye Xuan, then a hair? The more I want to think, the more I feel the first skin!

This is less, it\'s invincible!

In the distance, that Xiao Yu suddenly laughed: "Ye Gongzi, you are also the enchanting in the young generation, we are bullying you less, it is really a bit can\'t say, so, you and Lin Tiancheng single!

Single fight!

Ye Xuan looked to Lin Tian, ​​"I will talk to him?"

Xiao Yu nodded, "Lin Tian is known, but he can suppress his realm to God, don\'t bully you, how do you see?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

very fair!

Dust look at Ye Xuan, full of face.

Sky, Lin Tian began to suppress his realm!

Soon, he directly pressed to the Shenxiao!

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Don\'t want it!

Lin Tian nodded, "I know!

Said, he slowly went to the next Ye Xuan, "You shoot!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Or do you take it first?"

Lin Tian smiled: "Why?"

Ye Xi Tao: "I shot, you have no chance to shoot!"

Lin Tianzhi suddenly, then laughed, "Are you serious?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Lin Tian suddenly stopped, he stared at Ye Xuan, "Come, I want to see how I didn\'t have a chance!


Lin Tian\'s voice just fell, and a sword directly took a hole in his eyebrows!

The instant is shocked in an instant!


On the side, Xiao Yu\'s smile suddenly solidified, he looked at Ye Xuan, the eyes were full of incredible colors.


Lin Tian is so killed by Ye Xuan Si? In addition, the two ancient giants also fell on Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan just shot quickly, let them be one of them!

So fast sword!

On the side, Wei Wei looked at the Ye Xuan, and the eyes were flashing and excited!

Ye Xuan is more extraordinary, the more happy she naturally!

On the other side, Narutian is also a horror.

He didn\'t think that he didn\'t even touch the Ye Xuan Yi sword!

His gold fingers are still useless!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Xiao Wei, "Do you want to single-handed?"

Xiao Yu is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "You hide your realm!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I have never said that I am a goddess!

Xiao Wei Shen Sheng said: "You are at least God!

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes, I am gratitude!


On the one side, Lin Tian, ​​who has not yet dead, suddenly angered: "You are known, but I still have to press the realm, you don\'t want your face!"

Ye Xuan said: "I have never asked you to suppress my own realm. What can I do if you have to suppress the realm?"


Lin Tian\'s angry refers to Ye Xuan, but also wants to say anything. At this time, Qing Xuanjian suddenly trembled.


Lin Tian is directly erased!

Ye Xixiang Tao: "I dare to be so hard on my brain. What do you think? I am also drunk!

Lin Tian: "

On the side, Xiao Yu suddenly said; "Play pigs to eat tiger!

Xiao Yu smiled, "I have no interest in a fake pen!

Ye Xuan looked Xiao Yu, "fake?"

Xiao Yu stared at Ye Xuan, "Just a fake pen!

Ye Xuan smiled, "Okay!

Said, he looked at the other two ancient giants, "This is true or false, do you see it?"

Wen said, the two old faces have become a little downtown!

They naturally be able to see!

This definite is true!

However, they are a gang!

Ye Xuan smiled: "In fact, I am tired of the kind of routine that I can\'t kill!"

Really, I think that is not very good, after all, I am a reading person, a scholar should have a reader!

So, I want to talk to you!

Said, he Yangli\'s avenue pen, "This pen is in my hand, I should know what you mean!"

And this time, you still have to target me, then I suggest you go to see your mind, your mind is really important, don\'t worry!

One of the old people said: "What can the avenue pen in your hands? What do you mean? Do you mean the passage of the owner of the avenue?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I have already made me say that I am hung up!

You still have to engage me.

I am really helpless!

Tian Dilla looked at the two old people. In fact, he is also speechless.


Ye Xuan is really like cheating!

How does these two guys do not engage in Ye Xuan? Is it really not seen in the coffin? At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly said in the side: "Ye Xuan, we are all living in many years!"

You want to three words, scare us, unrealistic!

If you want us to convince, it is not good to rely on his mouth, take some real effort!

Ye Xuan looked at Xiao Yu, "Since I speak, you don\'t listen, then we will do it!"

Said, he looked at Xiao Yu and smiled: "Do you have three? Of course, I suggest you put together, this, you can save time!

At this point, Wei Wei, on the side, opened his eyes!

Do you want to challenge three ancient giants? Arrogant!

This is the first idea of ​​Wei Wei!

Not only Wei Wei, Xiao Yu three people are also stunned!

Because they did not think of Ye Xuan will challenge them!

They are all ancient giants, although they can\'t expose all strengths, but that is also ancient giants, it is never average people to be better!

Only the dust is calm in the field!

Because only he knows the strength of Ye Xuanzhen, is Ye Xuan? No, it is not arrogant!

With the strength of Ye Xuan, the ancient giant is really not enough in front of him!

At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly laughed: "Do you let us three together?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Xiao Wei smiled: "It\'s really interesting!

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!


A sword light is over.

In the distance, the Xiao Yu\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, the next moment, his face is instantly changing!

He felt danger!

When the Ye Xuan\'s sword, all his despotection was exhausted at a moment!

At this moment, he also caught the rules of the rules. When the right hand is turned, it is prior to the top.


A horrible force is like a tide, which is generally swept in his palm, and in this moment, the whole world is boiling!

Just a palm, you can ruin this world!

However, as the sword of Ye Xuan is coming, the horrible power is instantly smoke, followed by, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan\'s Qingxian sword did not enter Xiao Yu\'s eyebrows!


Xiao Yu is directly stained to the ground and cannot move!

Everyone in the field directly stayed with wood!

Wei Wei walked at Ye Xuan at this moment, and her brain was blank!

Even an ancient giants can\'t get Ye Xuanyi sword? On the other side, the two ancient giants are also like lightning strikes at the moment, directly petrified in the same place!

Xiao Yu, an ancient giant!

Even Leaf Xuan Yi sword can\'t get it? This is not true!

Xiao Yu looked at Ye Xuan, "You.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Walk all the way!

After that, he will take it, and at this time, Xiao Yu is busy: "Slow!

Ye Xuan is not stopped, and the sword is cut off.


In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Yu\'s head flew out!

Blood like a fountain!

And Qing Xuanjian is also absorbed in a moment of absorbing Xiao Yu\'s soul!

See this scene, the two old faces in the side have changed!

Xiao Yu is directly erased!

An ancient giant, it is like this!

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s head was booted, Xiao Yu\'s quite slowly flew to him, he looked at the quench in his hand, the corner of his mouth picked up, then turned to look at the two old people!

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s view, the two old faces were instantly changing, one of the old people came busy: "Ye Shao, I have come today, there is no malvice.

Ye Xuan looked at the two, "Do you say that it is not malicious?"

For the first old face, the face became pale, and at this time, the dust suddenly suddenly said: "What is to do, hurry to surrender!

Ye Shao founded the college, Zhengcai talent, you are now joining the college, the future is bright!

I heard the words, the two were first, and then they went to respect the road: "Ye Shao, I am willing to join the Xuan Academy, which is the power of Ye Shaoyi dog!

Ye Xuan saw two people and silent.

Seeing Ye Xuan silent, the two faces have become difficult to look, then quickly look forward to Dust, Tian Dilla thinks, then said: "Two ancient giants, still very valuable!

Ye Xuan looks to the dust, laughs: "Okay!

Give you this face!

I heard the words, Tian Dizhen first was a stunned, and then some were stunned, "Thank you Lee!

Give your own face!

I have to say that Tianzhuang is really a bit of being stunned. Of course, more is unexpected!

He didn\'t think that his share of Ye Xixiang is so heavy!

Ye Xuan looked at the two, then said: "That is to serve in my college!

Wen said, the two people are happy, and they will be busy, "Follow!

Ye Xuan nodded, just left, and at this time, the horror of the sky suddenly broke, the next moment, a horrible breath suddenly swept the sky!


In an instant, the stars in the entire view of Xuan Academy are boiling directly!

At the same time, a horrible pressure is like a wave, but not only that, there are countless lightning flashing, the whole starry sky lights, glaring.

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, the look was calm, "Who is loading?"
