One Sword Reigns Supreme

2602 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred eighty-eight chapters: I live up to me!

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Under the eyes of everyone, a white man appeared in everyone\'s attention!

Seeing this white man, Ye Xuan brows smiled slightly, he looked at the ancient giant old people on the side.

The latter hesitated, shook his head, "I don\'t know!

do not know!

Ye Xuan\'s white man is about to talk, at this time, the white man suddenly disappeared in the same place.


Ye Xuanjia top, time and space suddenly broke, a god thunder is straight!


Ye Xuanqi is calm, the palm is spread, and Qing Xuan swords will rise!


The gods directly turned into ashes!

At this time, a residual shadow brushed into the Xuan face, at the same time, countless lightning instantly lost Ye Xuan!

On the other side, the dust is slightly smashed, and the heart is shocked!

This person, strength is strong!

At this time, the lightning suddenly fell, followed by, as a sword sounded, a white shadow continued!

Bai Ying stopped after retreating, he stopped, he looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, and it was full of excitement.

Ye Xuan looks to the white man, "Yinhe League?"

The white man laughed: "Yes!

Said, he was facing the palm, and a jade appeared in his hand.

White men look at Ye Xuan, "Can you know this?"

Ye Xuan looked at the jade and shook his head.

On the side, the dust is changing, "Dao Yu!

This is the legendary road jade!


If you hear the dust, the other two ancient giants in the side are also instantly changing!

Seeing the three people, Ye Xuantili is a little curious, "What is Daoyu?"

Dizhen Shen said: "Da Yu is the first god of the avenue pen owner. When the head of the first Avenue left six gods in every field, this yarn is the first of these gods, with the first Dynasty supreme avenue!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan. "Under this, anyone\'s realm will be suppressed, and at least three realm!

It can be said that this thing is quite a cheat!

Compress three realms!

Ye Xuan eye wrinkles!

At this time, the white man in the distance suddenly drove the jade.


In an instant, a powerful breath over the jade coil.

The world suddenly appeared countless strange characters!

Gradually, in the field, Ye Xuan and others felt that their breath was gradually lost!

Seeing this scene, the dust is changing.

Ye Xuan looked at the jade, "Little pen, do you know this?"

Avenue pitud: "Don\'t know!

Ye Xuan brows, "it is created by your owner, you don\'t know?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "It is just that the owner is created in this world, and it is only useful in this universe, this place will be a discount.

Simply, I am a central center, it belongs to the periphery, is not a circle, understand? "

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

Then can you solve it? "

The avenue pen: "No!

Ye Xuanbei, "Why?"

The avenue pen continued: "I don\'t know it, it doesn\'t know me!"

Ye Xuan silence.


This avenue pen is not reliable than the small tower!

What the hell!

At this time, the realm of a few people in the field began to be suppressed!

Ye Xuan looked at the jade, then said: "You are the owner of the avenue, you should have a spirituality, it is a spiritual, why is it to help?"

At this time, the jade suddenly trembled, soon, there was a voice. "He is the main guardian selected by the owner!


Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, and the sky is difficult to look hard. The owner is selected, so they are also known as the people of life!

Wen said, Ye Xuanlun understood!


Many times, a universe will have a life!

As such, then there is nothing unfortunately!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan looked at Daoyu in the white man, "Do you know who I am?"

Dao Yudao: "You are not abandoned!

Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly was black!

He also picked up the avenue pen, "Can you know this?"

Dao Yucao: "Avenue pen!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Since you know that it is a big road, why do you want to help?"

Dao Yucao: "It is just a pen!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

The avenue pen suddenly became anger, "Little Dao Yu, actually dare to know me, do you want to live?"

Dao Yu calm said: "The avenue pen, you don\'t scare me!"

Although you often follow the owner, you are just a pen!

Moreover, you are in helping to abuse!

The owner has strictly, and after the knowledge of the knowledge, the owner must not go out, and this person you follow, he has reached Ko, but it is still outside, he has violated the order of the owner!

The avenue pen sink: "Broken jade, do you know who he is?"

Dao Yuxu said: "Little pen, you are the first, can you have a bit level? It\'s really a bit of a good drop.

Avenue pen: ".

Dao Yu continued: "No matter who he is, you can\'t violate the order of the owner!"

The owner\'s order, anyone should follow, including your avenue pen, you have to remember your identity, you are just a pen, you should not override the order set by the owner.

As for this person next to him, he violated the order of the owner, it should be punished!

The avenue pen silently said: "It is the owner let me follow him!

Dao Yur, "The owner can say that he can ignore any order and rules?"

The avenue pen is silent.

I really didn\'t say it!

However, this is almost the default!

This matter, Ye Xuan can do it, but they can\'t say it!

This is said that the owner is not a face? Dao Yusheng continued: "Where is the owner, this universe has hundreds of millions of people, and the knowledge of the Kozu, may lead to countless life!

Therefore, the owner sets the rules, where to achieve the Kozi, do not have another way to do it!

Today, he even kills people here, has violated the order of the owner!

I took him, it is reasonable.

The avenue pen silently; "Da Yu, I have followed the master, it is the pen in the hands of the owner, I can\'t say that I am exactly the owner, but there are fewer ideas that I don\'t know some of the masters.

And you, the owner will stay here, so you don\'t know a lot of things, but I can tell you now, if you intervene it, your road is ended!

Daoyu is silent.

The avenue pen continues to say: "You are a guardian of the owner\'s choice, but I am from the guardian of this world, he may be the owner of the Wanjie Cosmoon.

After the jade is silent, he said: "But he broken the rules!

The avenue strokes have some headaches, he didn\'t expect that this jade actually a rib!

At this time, Dao Yu suddenly mysteriously sounded, "brother, you told me that he is the protagonist, or is this protagonist?"

The avenue pen calm: "What do you think?"

Dao Yuxi said: "But he didn\'t have a destiny of gas transport.

The avenue pen is sigh, "those are virtual!

Daoyu is silent.

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Dao Yu, one read heaven, one read hell, you choose it!"

I can tell you responsibly, if you choose the wrong, the owner can\'t save you!

After Dao Yuxi silence, he said: "How can I choose? Of course, I am looking for a brother and horse!

Brother, you told me how to choose, I will choose!

Wen said, the avenue strokes are somewhat speechless!


It feels that you are all right!

This jade is a bit of a cockle!

If you choose the wrong, you will push all things directly to its avenue pen.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do you talk about it?"

The avenue pen nodded, "Talking!

Ye Xuan looked to Daoyu, Dao Yu slightly fuse, then slowly drifting to Ye Xuan face, "Ye Gongzi, in the future, we will be a guy!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Good!

And far, the white man has been directly , "Daoyu.


Dao Yuxi said: "Night son, you still surrender!"

White men\'s face is very ugly, "Da Yu, you actually rebellious!


Dao Yucao: "I have never served you, why?"

The white man is dead and staring at Daoyu, "Why?"

Daoyu whisper sigh, "Night son, in the world , Do you say that you are doing this line, the station team is also very important, a station is wrong, it is lost, and it is heavy.

I hope you can understand!

White men\'s voice: "I am a person who is destiny!"

I am the guardian of this world!

Dao Yudao: "I am sorry to tell you, every world has a guardian, you are just one of these worlds, simply, like the emperor\'s family in the world, the emperor may have countless sons However, the Prince is only one!

All of us have a meal, nature is a prince!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuanqi quasi is incomparable!

This guy\'s metaphor is a ratio with the small tower.

Dao Yu continued: "This Ye Gongzi followed the avenue pen, that means that he may be the future order of the future.

Speaking of this, he whispered, "Night son, doing a human doner, there must be self-knowledge, it is not possible.

Do you want to be mistaken, or return to me!

The white man is dead and staring at Daoyu. "I will not help me!
