One Sword Reigns Supreme

2600 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and eighth chapters: bullying people!

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The reason why Ye Xuan is inserted by Wei Wei because he knows that in this all world, Watching Xuan Chuanyuan wants to set an end, it is an impossible thing!

Passive attack and active attack, he chooses to take the initiative!

Watching Xuan Chuanyuan wants to be completely based in all directions, light against virtue people.

Ye Xuanzhi returned to Western College, and Wei Ren received marriage, but it also spread throughout the whole world.

Wei Ren repel marriage and joined the Shuixuan Academy, this big Wei and the Milky Wong League are undoubtedly the most no face!

But it is worth mentioning that the big Wei has nothing to face, but there is no movement!

Wei Yuan said that we must bring Wei Wei to the big Wei, but did not do this!

Many people against Wei Wei have continuously suggested this matter, but they have been pressed down by Wei Yuan.

The final result is that Wei Wei left the big Wei, but Dafei did not deprive her identity!

At least there is not!


Gilong League.

Some riverside, Xiao Yu looked at Wei Yuan, smiled: "Wei Yuan brother, do you want to stay?"

Wei Yuan\'s meaning, nature is nothing to do!

Wei Yuan did not bring Wei Wei to the big Wei, very clearly, the meaning is to stay!

Wei Yuan shook his head, "Xiao Yan brother, after all, I am my daughter, I have cultivated for so many years, do things, can you do it?"

Xiao Yu laughs and not speak.

Wei Yuan continued: "The fault is not in her, but that Ye Xuan is he flickering.

Said, he looked to Xiao Yu, "Xiao Xiong, do you know? This Ye Xuan has a big road!

Avenue pen!

I heard the words, Xiao Yu frowned slightly.

Ye Xuan has a big way to make him very unexpectedly!

Wei Yuan looked Xiao Yu and did not speak.

After a while, Xiao Yu suddenly said: "The avenue pen is fake!

Wei Yuan stunned.

Xiao Yu looks to Wei Yuan, "fake!

Wei Yuan Shen Sheng said: "If it is true?"

Xiao Yu smiled: "It can only be fake!

I heard the words, Wei Yuan\'s brow wrinkled deeply.

Xiao Yu directly see Wei Yuan, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Wei Yuan naturally understood.

If the world knows that the avenue pen in Ye Xuan is true, it is too bad to them!

Although the Master of the Avenue hasn\'t been there for a long time!

However, in this whole world, the avenue owner is still prestigious. If the world knows that Ye Xuan has a big road, then in all years, Ye Xuan will definitely get a lot of support!

Therefore, even if it is true, they can\'t admit!

At this time, Xiao Yu also said: "Wei Yuan brother, I can tell you very responsible, the Ye Xuan is definitely not a person who chooses the owner of the avenue!

Wei Yuan recovered his thoughts, see Xiao Yu, "Why?"

Xiao Wei smiled: "First, Ye Xuan is not a person who is destiny, second, he is not a silver river.

You are not the people of the Milky Way, may not be particularly known for many things!

The real person is only our galaxy.

Wei Yuan looked at it and Xiao Yu, he was nose!

Oh shit!

Do you have a special person in the Milky Way? Of course, in order to the league, he naturally didn\'t say this!

What is the regional discrimination now is not particularly reasonful!

Xiao Yu smiled: "Ye Xuan is doing this, this proves that he has already as an enemy, since he has already as an enemy, then we naturally do not need to be a good time.

Let him disappear from this world!

Wei Yuan is a little cautious, "the avenue pen is true!

Obviously, he wants to remind Xiao Yu, not to say that he is not admitted, the avenue pen is fake!

The avenue pen is true, then represents Ye Xuan and the Master of the Avenue must be related!

Xiao Yu looked at Wei Yuan, "Even if it is true?"

Wei Yuan Shen Sheng said: "It really represents that he has a relationship with the owner of the Avenue!

You don\'t think, should we be taboo? "

Xiao Yu shook his head smiled, "I tell you, we have discovered the true protagonist!

Wei Yuanbow, "The protagonist?"

Xiao Wei wants to think, then said: "It is the people who really select the avenue pen owner!

Wei Yuan is silent.

Xiao Wei said, it should be the legendary people, Ye Xuan is not a person who is destiny, but he has a big road!

Xiao Wei continued: "I speculate, this Ye Xuan is the grinding stone of the real man!

Any era, the rise of a strong, is destined to have many accompanying!

As for this Ye Xuan with averaging pen.

This doesn\'t mean what.

After all, he didn\'t have a life!

Moreover, even if he is related to the owner of the Avenue, we don\'t have to be taboo. What? Moreover.

Speaking of this amount, his mouth is slightly suspended, "the avenue pen, there is a powerful!

He believes that he lifts the avenue pen, you can scare others, I don\'t know, this behavior is really stupid, because many people will hit his big road\'s mind, to know, he is now talented!

Wei Yuan is silent!

At this moment, he also suddenly remembered that Ye Xuan is like a goddess!

Xiao Wei continued: "The avenue pen is a big road owner, and the super artifact will have a special function. If it is in an ancient giant, everyone may not be taboo, but in a Shenxiang Hand, everyone Will not be taboo, only move!

Wei Yuan looked at it and Xiao Yu, "Is Xiao Xiong been a heart?"

Xiao Yu smiled: "I am a heart, but, it is also a hot salami. I won\'t take it, but some are people to win!

Wei Yuan did not say anything.

Intuitive telling him that this is not so simple!

However, I saw Xiao Wei so improper way, he also made it easier.

For example, Xiao Yu said that the owner of the Milky Wildness and the owner of the Avenue is from the Milky Way, so they can represent the owner of the avenue!


After the Ye Xuan took Wei Wei, he returned to the book. He was arranged Wei Yuan in the art, now the most lack of people in the art, and Wei Wei\'s ability is very strong, so she can help the school!

After joining the Xuan Academy, Wei Wei also quickly adjusted his identity, and began to help Ye Xuanjun to see Xuan Academy.

In the case, Ye Xuan is in the chair, next to him, is Tianzhi!

Dizhen, respectful!

Ye Xuan, the moment, is already there!

In other words, any ancient giants are now in front of Ye Xuan, that is all the existence of slag!

In the eyes of the world, Ye Xuan is still a goddess!

Ye Xuan looked at the information in his hand. After half of it, he turned his head to see the dust, "That is to say, in the virtual place, there are many ancient giants?"

Dizhen nodded, "The ancient giants will basically be there. It should be said that ancient giants that have enough cultivation resources will go there!

Cultivate resources!

Ye Xuan looked at the dust, Tian Dilla was a danda, perhaps because of the ancient times of cultivating resources!

Of course, he will definitely not mention these things!

They have passed!

Tian Dilla suddenly asked, "Do you want to go to virtually no place?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not!

I have to build the college now!

As for another, don\'t worry!

Dizhen looked at the Ye Xuan, nodded, "Good!

At this moment, Wei Wei suddenly appeared next to Ye Xuan, she calm: "I have an accident!

Ye Xuan double eyes, "said!

Wei Wei Shen said: "We have some college students who have been killed!


Ye Xuan\'s eyes gradually be cold, "The Great Wei is a silver corporation?"

Wei Wei said: "I am uncertain!"

Still still check now!

Ye Xuan smiled, "no need to check!

In addition to them, there is no other person!

Go to the Milky Witch!

Wei Wei looked to Ye Xuan, "Go to the Milky Wildness?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Said, he got up directly.

Wei Wei suddenly said: "I will go with you!"

Ye Xuan looked at Wei Wei, "Yes!

Three people are going to leave, and at this time, a white light suddenly appeared over the mysterious college, and the white light was scattered. A young man appeared in front of the three!

Seeing people, Wei Wei brows smiles, "Lin Tian!

Ye Xuan looks to Wei Wei, "Is the object of your previous engagement?"

Wei Wei nodded.

Ye Xuan looked to Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian smiled and said: "Are you Ye Xuan?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Lin Tian looked at Ye Xuan, "In fact, I am also very nasal, because I don\'t want to marry!

However, however, however, she Wei Wei is also a unmarried wife in my nominal, and now she is decisive divorce to join in the school.

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Is this not playing my face?"

Ye Xuan looked at Lin Tian. "I just invited her to join my college, and join my college, I don\'t lose my own freedom, if she likes you, you can completely, I will not block!

Wei Wei suddenly said: "I am not interested in him!

Lin Tian smiled: "I am not interested in you, however, since you are a fiancee on my name, then you are my woman, my woman, I don\'t, that is not someone else!

Said, he looked to Ye Xuan, "I have to take her now, in your face!

"Who do you think you are?"

At this time, the dust suddenly opened, and he directly acougrant to Lin Tian is a grab.


This grab, a horrible power flooded to Lin Tian.

The sky, Lin Tian is calm, just in the power of the stock, a middle-aged man appears in front of Lin Tian!

Middle-aged man with a sleeve.


The ancient power suddenly turned to the smoke!

From the people, it is the Yinhe Alliance Lord Xiao Wei!

Xiao Yu looked at the dust and smiled: "With a big bullying, it is not very good!"

The dust is calm, silently retreats to the bliss.

Xiao Yu looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Ye Gongzi, I don\'t engage in those curved channels!"

Come here today, I want to let the scholastic college disappear from this world!

Said, he smiled slightly, "You don\'t mind?"

The sound falls, and the two old people suddenly appear in the sky.

Two ancient giants!

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the dust, "Don\'t you say that the ancient giant can\'t shoot?"

Dizhen wants to think, then said: "They will suppress their realm!

Ye Xuan light channel: "That is to say, they must suppress their realm, but.

I do not need.

Moreover, my realm is higher than they.

So bullying others, it seems not very good!

Dizhen: ".
