One Sword Reigns Supreme

2599 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and eighty-five chapters: I have me!

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Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Intuition tells her that Ye Xuan is flicking her!

After all, she grew up in the palace, not to eat vegetarian, have come, she can\'t live now!

However, the avenue pen is true!

Avenue pen!

I looked at the avenue pen between Ye Xuan waists, Wei Wei whispered, "Ye Gongzi, you are really getting more and more mysterious!

More more contact with Ye Xuan, she found Ye Xuanyue mysterious!

Amused man!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The Hall, now it is a choice, see how you choose!"

Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan. "I only join the Xuan Academy, you will help me, is this this?"

Ye Xuan nod.

He is not a good person!

You don\'t join in Xuan Academy, not your own woman, why do you help you? After the moment of silence, he said: "How can I believe that you should follow you better? Ye Gongzi, you should know, if you follow you, you have to give up what!

Ye Xuan blinked, "You can also choose not to keep up with me!

I don\'t care!

Wei Wei is silent, the right hand is slowly grasped!

This man does not eat her at all!

Gamble? Wei Wei hesitated.

Because she is very clear, once gambling means anything!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You choose, I don\'t want!"

After finishing, he turned and left!

At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said: "I agree!

Ye Xuan stopped, he turned to look at Wei Wei, ", this you have to think about it!

Choosing me, means you may have a sinful banking, or even your father.

Wei Wei went to Ye Xuan face, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, I choose to believe you!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why?"

Wei Wei Direct View Ye Xuan, "Nothing, I believe!

She is betting!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Go to the big Wei!

Wei Wei slightly, then said: "What to do?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Now you are a person who is watching the book of Xuan!

So, your business should be taken by me!


Let your father lift your marriage with the Milky Wild!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Wei Wei looked at the back of Ye Xuan from the distance. After she was retired, I was busy with the past!

Da Wei, the palace.

Wei Yuan looked at Ye Xuan in front of him, "lifting marriage contract?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Wei Yuan turned his head to see the Wei Wei, "What do you mean?"

Wei Wei nodded, "Yes!

Wei Yuan has a slightly smashed, and the eyes flashed a cold, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Wei Wei is going to talk, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "She is very clear what she is doing!"

Wei Yuan looks to Ye Xuan, it is very welcome: "Ye Gongzi, this is my family!"

Ye Xuan gently bounced the clothing in front of the chest, then picked up the waist of the waist, then said: "She is now my college!

Wei Yuan\'s eyes fell on the avenue pen of Ye Xuan waist, soon, he didn\'t help but stand up, and the voice was a bit trembled, "this.

Avenue pen? "

Ye Xuan blinked, then said: "In my eyes, it is just a general pen!"

Avenue pen: ".

Wei Yuan looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes have changed, he hesitated, then: "Ye Gongzi, you with the avenue master.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I have no relationship with the owner of the avenue, really!

Wei Yuan is silent!

Does it not? Does this pen can be in your hands? Ye Xuan also said: "You are the father of the girl, I will ask you to the old!"

Wei Lao, you are an ancient giant strong, you press this in this secularity, what is the purpose? "

Wei Yuan is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nothing is for the benefit!"

Because of your cultivation, it is also a huge resource, right? "

Wei Yuan nodded.

Ye Xuan continued: "You are fighting for the world, but it is interest, but you seem to have ignored one thing, that is, all the circles are created by the owner of the Avenue!

Wen said, Wei Yuan\'s face suddenly became difficult to look!

Don\'t say, he really ignores this!

Ye Xuan also said: "The avenue pen master is the owner of all years!

Wei Yuan looked at Ye Xuan, "Is this the meaning of the avenue pen owner?"

Ye Xuan Xiao: "What do you think?"

Wei Yuan is silent.

He is really a bit, don\'t understand, this is the meaning of the owner of the avenue, or the meaning of Ye Xuan!

Intuition tells him that the young flowers are a little flowers!

Ye Xuan continued: "Order!

Wei Yuan double-eyed, he looked to Ye Xuan, "Order?"

Ye Xuan nod, "the avenue owner should establish a new order, and I.

Is a spokesperson of this new order!

Wei Wei turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan, a horror!

Wei Yuan was dead and stared at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan continued: "Do not believe?"

Wei Yuan looked at the avenue pen between Ye Xuan waists, silent.

Ye Xuan smiled: "In fact, I don\'t have to talk to you at all, but I am friends with Wei Wei, so I don\'t want her to fall into her family.

Wei Lao, my college is a new order, and I am not only to establish a new order in all years, but also to build order in the universe!

I believe that you have all investigated me.

Wei Yuan suddenly said: "I am not!

Ye Xuan stunned, he looked at Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan hesitated, then said: "There is no!

Ye Xuanmaster face black line, "I have no appearance, is it very amazing?"

Wei Yuan looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "There is not too much.

Ye Xuan face will sink!

At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said: "I investigated Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan smiled: "The girl should know, I will come all the way, it is my enemy, what is the result!

Wei Wei Shen Sheng said: "It\'s not surrender, it is giving you!"

Ye Xuan nod, he looked to Wei Yuan, "Wei Lao, Da Wei in all directions, belongs to super forces, but put it in the whole universe, really can\'t."

As for another, I don\'t say much!

When I walked out of this hall, if you didn\'t give me an answer, I can tell you very responsible, your big Wei will be the object of the avenue owner!

After finishing, he turned and left!

Wei Wei hesitated, then look at Wei Yuan!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "The girl, let\'s go!"

You don\'t join in Xuan Academy, this is his freedom, believe me, one day, you will ask you to inherit the big Wei, and that time, what do you think is the big Wei? "

After finishing, he turned and left.

Wei Wei is silent, then turn around and follows Ye Xuan.

Have to say, Wei Wei is naturally nervous at this moment!

She is betting!


Use your future future at gambling!

Because once followed by Ye Xuan, Wei Yuan did not change his idea, it means she is completely related to the big Wei!

Although she has means, I have IQ, but I don\'t have a powerful relying on the mountain and the platform, she is not countless!

This is my biggest bet in this life!

When Ye Xuan went to the door of the main hall, Wei Yuan still did not speak.

Wei Wei double his eyes slowly!

At this moment, Wei Yuan suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi!

Leaf Xuan stopped.

Wei Yuan looked at Ye Xuan. "I don\'t believe that the avenue pen owner must establish a new order, and I don\'t believe that you are the people in the avenue pen master, because you are not the people who are destiny, only the talents of the destiny is the avenue pen master Detailed people!

Said, his palm is booted, and a reel is slowly floating to Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, this is your information!

And one of your information, that is, your evaluation of your enemies is: Hua Ri whistle, like fool people, only one sentence in ten words may be true!

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly. "You want to use the three words to make me with the whole big Wei for you.

I am not , I have seen the wind and rain, more than you have ever eaten.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Wei Yuan, smiled: "You ignore a little, that is to evaluate my enemy, die!

And those who are willing to choose to believe me, now they are still living!

After finishing, he walked outside!

Wei Wei also had to leave, at this time, Wei Yuan suddenly said: "If you go out of this hall, you will no longer be my big Wei, you have owned everything, will be lost from this moment!

After Wei Wei, I was a moment, and then went out!

In the temple, Wei Yuan\'s face became a bit gloomy.

He didn\'t think of it, Wei Wei, who has always been cautious, this time, this is so gamble!

Moreover, he knows that Wei Wei is character, but Wei Wei is not only cautious, but also a very real person, the most important thing is that she is not a person without a brain!

That is to say, she believes that Ye Xuan will have anything!

Thinking of this, Wei Yuan double eyes slowly.

He has not retired!

He is naturally impossible to listen to the words of Legsu, the big Wei, that is, there are countless generations, just so embarrassing? Don\'t say Ye Xuan, even if the avenue owner is here, he will not easily serve!

Unless it is really playing!

After a while, Wei Yuan suddenly got up and got straight.


He does not believe in Ye Xuan, there is an important reason, that is, the avenue owner is at the Milky Way, and the people of the Yinhe League is from the Galaxy!

The people of the Milky Wi League can represent the Yinhezong!


After Leaf Xuan left the big Weihuang Palace, he stopped and turned to look at Wei Wei!

Wei Wei went to Ye Xuan\'s face and smiled: "I am now alone!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How? You are now there is a college, I have me!

Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you believe me?"

Wei Wei nodded.

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan, "Because you dare to come to the Palace, when my father\'s face, let me marry Lin Tian!"

Ye Xuan stunned.
