One Sword Reigns Supreme

2595 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and eighty-one chapter: the avenue pen!

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I have to say that Tianzhong is really collapsed at this moment!

What is this guy? ? He spent tens of millions of time in order to cultivate the exquisite body.

Thousands of years!

No one knows how he spent tens of millions of years, really, that year, he thinks that it feels bitter!

Really bitter!

Optical refining resources, he prepared for thousands of years, because we must cultivate the exquisite body, the flesh must be strong enough, but to make the flesh basis, it takes too precious materials!

That is really a hugegar!

He is not affordable at the time, so he can only find a way!

After the flesh basis is hurt, he spent millions of time to cultivate the soul.

The most difficult thing is that during this time, he is still careful, for fear that someone will come to him, especially the avenue owner, because every time someone wants to practice the body, there will be mysterious lots, which is the legendary Robbery!

If you want to fight against the sky, you must experience thunder!

Therefore, in the years of cultivation, he is really careful every day!

And this guy in front of him, is actually born is the body!


Day dust at the moment really want to call someone!

Really, people are more popular!


Ye Xuan has a natural body, naturally can absorb the force.

The next time, Ye Xuan began to absorb the way.

Among the stars, Ye Xuan feels the power between the heavens and the earth, and this moment, he felt more clearly.


In this universe, there is a big and small way, these roads are like the defender of this endless universe, defending some order in the universe!

At this moment, he really understands why there are so many people want to go against the sky!

Order is constraint!

And these freedom is free, how is it willing to be constrained? So everyone wants to go back against the sky!

Of course, some people want to replace the avenue owner!

In the starry sky, Ye Xuanjing absorbed those power, countless ways to poured into his body, gradually, his body slightly fused, and an invisible war pressure from him, and then The surrounding starry sky is shocked!

On the one side, Tian Dilla is so looked.

On this day, everything he saw has subverted his three views!

It turns out that someone can still practice so!

Is this not cheating? Madness!

Of course, after calm down, the dust is more still shocked!

Why is Ye Xuan so enchanting? Who helped Ye Xuan\'s past now? Where is Ye Xuan, who is born? What is hidden in the back of Ye Xuan? The more I want to feel terrible!

After a long time, Tian Dilla looked at Ye Xuan, this moment, his mind suddenly rose a thought!

Following Ye Xuan, perhaps his opportunity!

After Keway, I want to improve again, it\'s too hard to be too difficult!

What exact is it difficult? It\'s hard to be desperate!

Not only him, all ancient giants are already desperate!

But at this moment, he saw the hope!

Because Ye Xuan has reached the knowledge, it will definitely want to improve again!

If it is someone else, he must laugh, but Ye Xuan is different, this guy is full of mysterious, if Ye Xuan wants to improve again, it may have a chance!

Thinking of this, Tian Dust suddenly excited!

As a result, the dusty time again, the eyes have become hot.

After a long time, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

He is born, a violet is flashing!


Suddenly, the star river in the square is directly boiling!

The star river universe trembles directly!


Ye Xuan Shen took a breath, this moment, he felt that his body was full of power!

Endless strength!

The force of the Digital, the power, the force!

Have to say, this kind of power will really make people swell!

Because of this moment, he feels invincible!

At this moment, he also understands that many people have to go to the sky!

Because of this moment, he also raised a thought: What is the avenue pen owner? Expand!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

At this time, the dust suddenly said: "Ye Shao, congratulations!

Ye Leaves!

The title has been changed.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I can only be small, right?"

Dizhen nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan looks to the dust, "I want to achieve big!

Tian Du smiled: "Okay!

I help you!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Thank you!

For Dizhen, he is really grateful. If he is not the other party pointing, he will definitely not so fast!

These realms are still very complicated!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, Tian Chen immediately laughed: "What is Ye Leo? It is my own person, say anything!

Ye Xuan: ".

In the next time, Ye Xuan began to cultivate crazy.

In order to save time, he directly entered the small tower cultivation!

As for the outside book, he has all handed over to Dark Treatment.

In the period of the Ye Xuan Shuan, the development of the mating for several months is also very fast!

This time is because of Danchen!

Danchen gets the incident of arrival in Guantong!

As a result, countless alchemists are like crazy, they will go to the Xuan Academy, and want to join the Danshen in Xuan Academy.

And the alchemy is still very much, and the entrance of Xuan Academy has at least more than 100,000 alchemists to join Xuanxuan!

And for the sake of mysterious books, the three major forces is surprisingly maintained.

No one blocks!

No one is engaged in things!

Because after coming from the secret, the three majors know that Ye Xuan is following a peerless big!

This peerless, but an ancient giant!

The three majors don\'t want to provoke this ancient giant!

Moreover, Ye Xuan\'s Watching Institute is just enrolled students, and there is no compensation for resources and chassis. Therefore, the three majors are not so strong to the Western Academy!

Ten days later.

Ten days outside, there are hundreds of years in the small tower!

In the past few years, the guidance of Ye Xuan\'s re-dust has reached the great achievements!

Kozhi Dacheng!

He now, it is also a ancient giant!

Ancient giants!

Plus the blood of the blood and the sword of the world and Qing Xuan swords, his strength is much better than the general ancient giants!

At this time, Ye Xuan looks to the dust, "Tell a fight?"

Dizhen nodded, "Yes!

He also wants to see if Ye Xuan can be invincible!

The two left the small tower and came to a dead star area!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, and his eyes flashed and complex.

This is a silent star field, but now he can see more things, in a long time ago, this dead star far field is life, but with time, this star field gradually Caused a thought!

The aura!

Is the aura in the universe really endless? Ye Xuan has no answer!

At this time, the dust suddenly laughed: "The tide is falling, normal!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Let\'s start!

The sound fell, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.


A swager suddenly sounded in the star!


A sword is scratching the dust of the long air!

The dust is slightly smashed, and it is full of dignity. This time, he does not dare to have any despise heart. He stepped out step forward, a boxing!


This fist is out, a horrible force is like a wave of waves.

Hard hard!

In the face of Ye Xuan, he can only choose hard!


As a fried sound, a sword light suddenly broke out, followed by, the dust is directly connected to the sky, this will be far away!

And Ye Xuan half walking!

In the distance, the dust is stopped, and the eyes flashed a complex!

Ye Xuan\'s sword, he can\'t stop!

Perhaps Ye Xuan is now invincible, but it is definitely the existence of there in the same order!

Another ancient giants were born!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Senior Dichi, I am very confused!"

Before you have said that after reaching ancient giants, you will be monitored, that is, you are also monitored now? "

Dizhen Shen said: "It should be!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "And you also said, there will be a lot of limitations, our two people shot, isn\'t it going to violate the order?"

Tianzi nodded, "

However, the avenue owner did not sanction with us.

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "should be Ye Ye\'s sake!

Ye Xuan silence.

He looked at the four weeks, tens of thousands of miles of star fields were directly started at a point in the same way with Dichia!

It can be said that a star river is completely lost because of the tricks of them!

Previously, here was only aura, and did not completely destroy. After many years, this place is possible to recover, but at this moment, this star field is directly thorough!

There is no chance to recover!

Read this, Ye Xuan is sigh, "The bigger the ability, the responsibility should be, the real strong, not human nature, but to restrict their own inner, don\'t let yourself want!


Ye Xuan\'s voice suddenly fell, a horrible breath suddenly down from the sky, the next moment, the time and space of Ye Xuantou\'s top, followed, a stroke slowed down!

See this pen, Ye Xuan is directly awkward!

Avenue pen!

This pen is actually a big road!

And the dusty dust is also in the original place!

This pen has a clear: That.

In addition, there is a little familiar at the horror, Tian Dilla directly confirms this pen, this is the legendary avenue!

Ye Xuan looked at the avenue pen before the eyes, silent!

This is a big road!

And, this is not bleaching!

This is actually a body!

At this time, the avenue pen slowly fluttered in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at the avenue pen, "Is your master let you follow me?"

The avenue is a pass: "The owner said, you have a responsibility, let me follow you for a while.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "What is your use?"

Avenue pen: ".
