One Sword Reigns Supreme

2594 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred eighty chapters: mentality collapsed!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

I have to say that Tianzhong is completely ignorant at the moment!

Didn\'t you be altered? Tianzi is doubtful!

To know, when he just came into contact with this kind of power, it is almost the soul of the anti-alive, so that he didn\'t dare to touch the power for a long time.

However, Ye Xuan did not have to be anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-altitude, reverse, the power is very warm in the X Xuan,

Dizhen looked at the Ye Xuan, Mother, this guy is the master of the avenue. At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The predecessors, there is a practice of cultivation? I think, I can achieve it!"

Dizhen: ".

After a while, Ye Xuan has completely mastered the power!

Have to say, Ye Xuan is very excited!

God know!

He reached a sense!

After reaching the knowledge, Ye Xuan also mastered a horrible power!


Ye Xuan also has an invincible feeling!

And the side, the dust is completely speechless!


This guy has reached God in the shortcomings in front of him!


He has forgotten that he has been gotting for a long time from God, and it has been a long time!

At this time, Yaxuan suddenly looked at the dust, "What is the realm after the predecessors, I know?"

Dizhen speechless.

Is this going to swear directly? Ye Xuan looked at the dust, waiting for an answer.

After the Tian Dilla, I said: "God knows, it is known, and the road knows is the way to keep the avenue owner to stay in this world. The rule, and every strong person who cultivates the knowledge will feel more clearly, at the same time, at this time, the cultivation of cultivation will also be monitored by the avenue.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Know knows an ancient giant?"

The dust shook his head. And the great achievement is the power that represents the cultivation of cultivation is already able to master the power.

After finishing, he is open, in his right hand, a deep purple mark suddenly condensed!

Dizhen looked at Ye Xuan, "This is my path, purple is small, deep purple is great."

After reaching Dacheng, the Tao will become deep purple, and this deep purple, representing the cultivation of cultivation, it is already able to fully understand the role of the road, which is still a bit big!

Ye Xuan asked, "How do you condense the road?"

Dizhen Shen: "Ye Gongzi, you are now improving enough, I think you need to seize, take all these realm, and then practice the next realm, this is better!

Ye Xuan is nodding, "You are right!

After that, he took the dust to the small tower!

Ye Xuan looked at the dust and smiled: "Seniors, then you will be my sparring!"

What is best to adapt to the realm? Of course it is fighting!

When the dust appeared in the small tower, he stayed directly!

With his strength, it naturally found that this is different from outside.


Dizhen is complicated!

Really, people are more popular!

Look at people\'s cultivation environment, look at yourself!

What life is it before? Dog is the same life!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Former generations, let\'s get started!"

Amazing in the dust is sighing, starting to give Ye Xuan Dang!

And this time, Ye Xuan has a new idea!

Every time, he will go to a new place, it will become your brother, you need to be called talent to win!

This kind of routine is too boring!

He wants to change a new living method!

This time, he wants to cultivate the invincible and then the mountain!

Ancient giant? Do not!

His goal is not an ancient giant!

His goal is far from the ancient giant!

This time, he wants his strength to walk in front of all the map!

Time is a little bit.

In the eyes of a hundred years, of course, outside, only in the past 10 days!

In the past few years, the guidance and assistance of Ye Xuan\'s re-dust, the strength has a huge growth!

He has been able to use the road lines with very well!

Now his strength is better than before, there are at least dozens of times!

Because he has the power of Qing Xuanjian and the blood and the world\'s swords!

He doesn\'t have to cultivate, and the power of the source will automatically enhance his swords!

In the small tower, the dust looks at the leaves in front of you, and the look is still complex!

Ye Xuan is no longer a enchanting!

Ye Xuan\'s cultivation is just like cheating!

A hundred years!

In fact, Ye Xuan has already stabilized its own realm, but Ye Xuan took the initiative to practice more time!

He wants to do the limit!

In addition, he wants to integrate those shapes and demeanors!

Everything is merged into a sword!

If you don\'t show up, you will kill it!

At this time, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he was the palm of his hand, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands. He thought, a moment, Qing Xuanjian directly integrated with countless power!

The principle of the law, the strength of the blood, and the world\'s swords!

The Qing Xuan sword fiercely trembled, and a swager suddenly sounded through the sky!

The dust looks at the Qing Xuan sword in Ye Xuan\'s hand, and the look is more dignified!

Ye Xuan looks to the dust, "Seniors, we will fight again!

Dizhen nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan and Tian Dilla have left the small tower directly. He naturally did not dare to fight in the small tower, hit in the small tower, small tower can bear, but the world in the small tower cannot be affected.

The small tower is hard, inside is soft!


Among the void, Ye Xuan holds the sword, opposite him, it is Tianzhuang!

The dust is like water!

Although Ye Xuan is very enchanting, he is still very confident!

After all, he is now known as the great stories, in terms of the realm, than Jean Xuanyuan!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.


A swager suddenly sounded in the star empty, followed by a sword, straight, straight!

This sword, Ye Xuan directly piloted!

In the face of the strong people of the dust, the test is useless. If you want to shoot, you will make a whole effort!

On this sword!

Win win, don\'t win!

Lost is a sword!

In the face of the sword of Ye Xuan, the dust has changed the color.

At this moment, he knew that he despised!

There is no much thinking, he quickly stepped forward, his right hand turned, then slammed down, this pressure, a horrible force suddenly swept from his palm, at this moment, the whole star river Directly boil!



As a fried sound, a sword light crashed, countless swordscent sputtered into the starry sky, the whole endless star air is directly torn into a huge spider web!

Ye Xuan is also directly shocking to tens of thousands of feet!

However, that day, the dust is also a long-term violent retreat!

After the dust stops, the whole person is somewhat!

He looked at his right hand, on his right hand palm, there is a deep crack!

That is the sword hurt!

I was hurt? Some unbelievable look at Ye Xuan in the distance, have to say that at this moment is still very shocking!

He is the pride of the sky, so it can be an ancient giant. He is a challenge of his life, and recently, he is actually challenged by people!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Qing Xuanjian in his hand, smiled slightly, "OK!

He didn\'t think of a sword and defeated the dust. If you really defeated each other, then this ancient giants are too cheap!

It is now able to retreat the other side, then he is already able to fight with the other party.

At this time, the dust is suddenly awkward; "Ye Gongzi, you this sword.

Good life!

Ye Xuan looked at Dizhen, smiled: "This time, thank you for your help!"

The dust shook his head, and then the look weights: "Ye Gongzi, if you are the road to Kao, in the country, I am afraid that there are very few people are your opponent!

You are definitely the existence of almost invincible!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "The predecessors can say this, say that I will float!

Tasty dust smiled slightly, "I am telling the truth!

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Seniors, I want to sprinkle the way!"


Dizhen nodded, "Yes!

However, when practicing the King Kong, Ye Gongzi has to practice the exit!

? Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

Dizhen Shen said: "It is not so easy to practice the road, because you want to achieve the knowledge, it means that your body is able to withstand the powerful power!

Ye Gongzi, your sword is very strong, your soul is also very strong, but your flesh is not too enough, and this flesh is not enough hard, it is necessary to have a special Talent, which is the body, can withstand and accept the road. Power!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I don\'t think about it, I seem to be the body when I was born!

However, my sister will help me seal it, so the outsiders can\'t see it!

The sky has been incense, then said: "Ye Gongzi, are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nod, "You give me some power, I will see!

Tianzi hesitated, then the palm is spread, soon, a road will slowly float into the Ye Xuan face.

Looking at this path in front of you, Ye Xuanqi also became downgry, he just became a battle with Tianzhong, but his sword was broken, but the strength of Dizhen did not break!

This means that the power of the other party is still more than his sword!

And the power of the other party is this power!

Looking at the force in front of the words, Ye Xi wants to think, then the palm is spread, and the force of grasping the road!

That time, the force suddenly trembled, the next moment, the force was directly connected to the clean!

See this scene, Ye Xuantun is big!

His body is not an ordinary body!

And the day, the dust has already fallen, and he is silent for a long time, said: "Laozi\'s mentality collapsed!
