One Sword Reigns Supreme

2596 Swords in the second chapter of the two thousand and five hundred eighty-two chapters: Have the taste!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The avenue is a bit annoyed, "Please don\'t underestimate me, can you?"

Ye Xuan joked his mouth.

Before the avenue pen followed him, it was simply a mixer that was blended than the small tower!

Tower: ".

The avenue pen also said: "Before it is divided, now I am on the body, my body, is it?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then reach out to hold the avenue pen, this grip, a horrible breath suddenly shrouded him!

Avenue breath!

The avenue pen continued: "All the rules between the world, God, the road, all write it out!

Ye Xixiang is a joy, and it is busy: "That is to say, can you break all the law?"

The avenue pen: "No!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

The avenue pen is sigh, "You don\'t want to be so real!

I am a big road pen, the avenue pen in the hands of the owner is a symbolic, and my ability is not good!

On the one side, Tianzhong see is speechless!


This is a big road!

And this Ye is still too suspicious? What operation? At this time, Ye Xuan gains the avenue pen, then hang it with the waist!

Now, he is not very much for use!


To be invincible, it may be a bit too arrogant, but under the three swords, he feels that he should have a rare host!

It is boundless, you have to kneel down!

No side: "???"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, then looked at the dust, "Tian Dynasty predecessors, what is this knowledge?"

Wen said, Tian Dust suddenly excited!


Ye Ye finally asked!

Tian Dilla is busy: "As far as I know, the Kozu is the legendary non-service.

Ye Xuan brows, "no way?"

Dizhen nodded, "Yes!

Without a little, it is to practice the avenue of the avenue owner to the end, then start cultivating his own way, that is, there is no way, and there is no way, and it is also called to jump out of the existing rules, but I never I have seen some people have reached this realm!

No way!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "Jumping out of the avenue of the avenue!

Clean nodes.

Ye Xuan looks to the waist of the waist, "What should you know, right?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Know!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Tell me!

The avenue pen is sigh. "He said that he didn\'t have a mistake, but he said wrong, that is, it is not so simple, cut off, cut off now, cut off the future, then master the power, then Master the power of the road.

You must do the limits, breaking through itself, or there may be no good aftertaste.

And now you, obviously didn\'t do your own limit, so you can\'t reach there is no good aftertime.

Ye Xuan asked, "How do you reach there?"

The avenue pen silence: "Pellet!

Years pellet!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

The avenue pen smiles, "You are already very strong!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not enough!

Give me a back door!

Dizhen: ".

The avenue pen silen: "Are you serious?"

Ye Xuan brows, "Do you see if I am joking?"

The avenue pen sink: "The speed is not reached!

You should understand this truth!

Ye Xuan said: "So, you gave me a back door!"

The avenue pen is silent.

Ye Xuan asked, "Is there a problem?"

After the avenue pen is silent, I said: "If you insist, I can help."

At first, the dust is full of horror!

Oh shit!

Can you really open the door? Can you play with this? Do you play this, is it fair to other cultivators? At this time, Ye Xuan, on the side, suddenly looked at the dust, "When you come with me!

Wen said, Tian Dust suddenly watched, quickly said: "Thanhui you!"


After the door is really fragrant!

At this time, the avenue is in: "There is a set of precipitation, you can accept the inheritance of those ancient giants, then pioneer through their inheritance!

Ye Xuan brows, "this?"

The avenue is: "Yes!

This is the fastest way!

If it is someone else, it may not be too good, but you, sure you, because you have me, you can protect your consciousness and the soul, let you not be eroded by their strength!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is there a simpler way?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Big Brother, this hangs have been opened very out!

If you still have to be simpler, then you can only call your sister!

Because your sister is the biggest hanging!

Ye Xuan Mas face black line, what does this say? It seems that I often open the same!

Is it kind of person? Ye Xuan said: "Where to find an ancient giant?"

The avenue: "There is a place in front of you!"

Can start with him first!

The dust emots rigid.

This avenue pen is a bit not going to take yourself!

However, it is normal!

This guy is followed by the owner of the avenue, it is a matter of respect for Ye Xuan, that is because there is no way!

But others.

It is not so good to talk.

In addition to the three swords, who does the avenue need not to give? By it is only half a face!

At this time, Ye Xuan looked at Dizhen, Tian Dizhao thought, then said: "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The seniors are relieved, follow me, you can also reach there is no way!

Tian Dilla is busy: "I believe in Ye!"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

Then, Ye Xuan began to accept the inheritance of the dust!

And for Ye Xuan, Tianzhuang is also full, not to keep at all!


Watching an institution.

Nowadays, Fortun City\'s views have already had a certain scale, but because of Danshen\'s sake, most of them are not pure.

I want to refine!

In all directions, the status of the alchemist is too high!

It should be said that in any world, an excellent alchemy status is very high.

It is like Danchen, and that position is even more.

For Danchen\'s joining the way of watching the school, the other three majors can be described as angry!

In a small yard, Qin Guan and Danchen are relatively.

This is the first time two meet!

Qin Guan blinked, "What era when you come?"

Danchen smiled: "The island is just return!

Qin Guanzhi suddenly, then laughed: "2025.


You have come over better than me!

Danchen smiled and then seriously: "Qin Guan girl, are you a silver corporal?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "I am not!

However, they invited me, I didn\'t choose to join!

Danchen is some intake, "Why?"

Qin Guan smiled: "They want to be a worldwide, this is an impossible thing!

Danchen Shen Sheng said: "I have contacted them, their heritage is terrible, all people who have been hanging!

Qin Guan shook his head, "You have never seen it really hang!

Danchen looks to Qin Guan, "Who?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Xiaoxuanzi!

Danchen hesitated, then said: "Honestly, I don\'t know much about Ye Gongzi!

Qin Guan smiled: "I know your worried, you are worried that you join the Shuixuan Academy, will bring trouble to the Western Academy, this, you can rest assured.

Danchen laughed: "I heard the Qin Guan girl say so, I am relieved!" I am relieved! "

Said, she blinked, some curiosity, "Is Ye Gongzi is the protagonist?"

Qin Guan also blinded, "The word of tiger wolf.

I can\'t spoiler, it will be dangerous!

Danchen understood the meaning of Qin Guan, suddenly laughed, "I am relieved!"


Two women laughed with a fox.

Just then, an old man suddenly appeared on the side, the old man worked with Qin Guan, and then said: "The main owner, the Silver Wild, Xue Yi came to visit.

Qin Guan\'s brow, "Yinlong?"

The old man nodded.

Qin Guan wants to think, then said: "Yes!

The old man nodded and turned away.

After a moment, a man went to the field, the man wore a white robes, holding a folding fan in his hand, looking very style!

After Xue Yi went to the two women, I laughed: "Qin Que main, Danchen girl, Xue Yi, is also from Yanjing!

Qin Guan smiled: "That is the old town!"

Old township!

Xue Yi smiled: "It is!

Said, he looked at the two women and then said: "I will open the door!"

Alliance will come to personally, but he delayed because of some special things, so let me come!

We want to invite two to join our Galang!

Qin Guan said: "I seem to have said it!

Xue Yili, "I know!

Said, he looked to Qin Guan, "Qin Qi, this time, I did not represent Yinhe League, but the Galaxy"!

On behalf of the Galaxy!

Qin Guan slightly, then said: "What do you mean?"

Xue Yei Shen Sheng said: "The two have been here for a long time, we should know that our Galaxy is a civilized gap between the world.

Now, the Milky Way is because of special energy guardians, the people of the world can\'t travel to us, but once these special energy guards disappeared, then our Galaxy is dangerous!

Two women are silent.

Xue Zhun continued: "The Milky Way is a clean soil, and the people we are a Milky Way, there is a responsibility to guard this clean soil!

Our purpose is very simple, that is, to protect the Milky Way, do not let people of the world enter the Milky Way!

Danchen suddenly said: "As far as I know, there is a transmission channel leading to the Galaxy system, but that the transfer channel seems to be used!

In other words, people now will not go to our Galaxy.

Xue Yili shook his head, "that is before!

Two girls may not know, our latest information, there have been some people to go to the Milky Way!

Danchen brows, "Who?"

Xue Bi is seriously said: "The two demon!

Wen Yan, Qin Watching Xue Yili, Xue Yi and said: "A little girl with a white monster, and this little girl seems to be a monster, the strength is unknown, anyway, there is often chaos there, In addition, there is a woman in a seminated dress, this person is quite good, it seems to be a sword.

Qin Guan wants to think, then said: "Do you have three?"

Xue Yi was seriously said: "We have sent people to find that little girl and the little beast!

As for a skirt woman, she seems to have left the silver river!

However, we have gone a wanted order, and the whole universe chased this person.

Said, he is holding his right hand, flashing in the eyes, "" I am committed to Xia Xia, although far away!

Qin Guan leaned against the chair, after silence, soft: "This action.

There is a taste of Tianyi!

Tian Wei: ".


PS: I want to leave the king, my card is in the stars for a month!

Every time I\'m a little bit, I will last the king!

I am too difficult!

Today, I don\'t want to code words, I have to just.

Hope to ratify!