One Sword Reigns Supreme

2593 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and fifty-nine chapters: not terrible!

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When I heard Ye Xuan, the ancient giant helplessly smiled!

He didn\'t think that Ye Xuan was scaring him!

He is not a general person, naturally it can see Ye Xuan\'s not simple!

He is an ancient giant, and there is very little existence between the world, but he almost called the boundless man!

And the attitude of the boundless man to Ye Xuan.

Is a jealous!

The most important thing, if it is bound to say, he was trapped for so many years, and Ye Xuan saved him!

A word!

The owner of the avenue must give the face!

I read this, he smiled slightly, "Ye Gongzi is relieved, I am a person who is committed to commitment, I said that I follow Ye Gongzi, then I will follow Ye Gongzi, never repent!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Ten years!

The man looked to the Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "Nothing to take too long, it is enough for me ten years!

Ten years later, you recover freedom!

The man hesitated and then said: "Really?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I also speaking also countless!

The man immediately smiled: "I am a son!

Ye Xuan slightly, he turned to see Danchen on the side, then said: "Dan Chen girl, let\'s go!

Danchen nodded, "Good!

Said, she looked at Wei Wei, "Wei Hao, sorry, I can\'t join the big Wei!

Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "I can understand!

Danchen nodded, "Girl invited the feelings, Danchen is in mind!

I heard the words, Wei Wei suddenly laughed, "Don\'t be too polite!

I am in detail with you, then we are commensurate with sisters in the future!

Dan Chen was incense, then smiled: "Good!

She naturally understands Wei Wei\'s meaning!

For her, it is not a bad thing!

Seeing Danchen agreed, Wei Wei\'s face smile is even more brilliant!

Danchen has got through the inheritance of Shang Guantong, and he also got the legendary supreme artifact. It can be said that Danchen will definitely be a super alchemy master. This kind of person, now there is no chance, there is no chance to pull it again!

The only thing is that Danchen has not been able to join the big Wei!

Otherwise, she will instantly boat high in the great advantage.

Very helpless!

Because she doesn\'t dare to grab people with Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan is now with a super-powerful super power with a strength!

Thinking of this, Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, then we don\'t have this!"

However, Ye Gongzi still should be careful, Danchen girl follows you, I am afraid still trouble!

On the one side, the ancient giant looks calmly: "Who dares to find Ye Gongzi?"

Wei Wei looked at the ancient giants, smiled slightly, "There is a gentleman, of course, no one dares!

Two, take care!

After that, she turned around!

On the one side, the Chu Feng looked at the Ye Xuan, and didn\'t dare to say anything, turn around.

At this time, the Jienian of the Milky Way was slow to go to Danchen, and did not open it, Danchen smiled: "I have decided to join Xuan Academy!"

Watching the book!

After the silence of the sword, he said: "With you!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Danchen turned his head to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, can I join the Xuan Academy?"

Ye Xuanzi is dangerous, "Of course!

Now, you are the courtyard of Danyuan!

Danchen smiled slightly, "Thank you!

She knows that she has got the inheritance of the ancient Danzong. If you don\'t find a powerful forces, she can\'t survive!

Ye Xuan is very suitable!

Ye Xuanzhao with Danchen and the ancient giants directly returned to all years!

Ye Xuan is also not idle, start looking for talents around, ready to open the case!

Inside the temple.

The Ye Xuan is standing in front of a black man. This person is that the Dushi, Qin Guan\'s strong talent.

Ye Xuan directly told him!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How can it be fine now?"

Dark point, respectful: "The owner is okay, it is a bit busy!

I have never I have made many new projects, so I\'m busy!


Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, "She has been very busy!

Darkness: "Before you come, the owner has an explanation. When she is busy, I will come to the son!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Without Qin Guan, he still not adapted.

Darkness continues: "Ye Shao, we are in all kinds of books in every world, the biggest problem is not a person, nor money, but the two super forces.

Ye Xuan said: "Where is the Galanarian Union?"

Dark point, "I have a knot, these two forces are different from the big Wei, the big Wei is on the other, there is no extension, but these two forces are obvious, all have the meaning of typing!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I think, the most careful or big Wei!

Dark look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said: "The meaning of the domain is the most terrible!"

Darkness: "Ye Shar said that they may hide ambition?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yinhe League and Fan Zongzhi did not play, it is estimated that this big Wei!

Said, he looked secretly and smiled: "If you do it!"

We now open an entry, as long as they are smart enough, they will only pull us, rather than suppressing us!

I nodded and turned around.

In the temple, the Yuxuan dish sat down, his eyes slowly closed!

Cultivate the past!

Hawthorn? However, very fast, his face became an old!

What is the past? It is to feel the past, then cut off the past, however, he feels this, but what is not induced!

What about myself? Gone? With doubts, Ye Xuan found the ancient giant.

This ancient giants are called Dizhen, as for his real strength, Ye Xuan has not asked!

However, Tian Chen said that in this whole, two ancient giants are hidden.

Ye Xuan guess, it is likely to be that the Milky Wildness and Mandan!

These two forces are very uncommon!

In the room, Tianzi looked at Ye Xuan, a face of a face, "You said, do you feel in the past?"

Ye Xuan nod, "My sister said that year, she has helped me to cut off the past and the future.

She has helped me cut off, then what do I do now? Can I directly reach the future? "

Dichown: "It is not possible!

A person\'s past life and future generations, only you can cut off, because this is your own causality, only you can guess, you can\'t help.

Say this, he suddenly stopped.

impossible? The sister in Ye Xikou, that is, the owner of the Avenue must give the face!

How is it impossible? Thinking of this, Tianzi Chen suddenly became a little quirky.

Really can? After the dust is silent, I said: "Then you just condense the look!"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How to condense?"

Dizhen smiled slightly, then the palm was spread, a white light did not enter the bluff, "this is a way of cultivation!

You are condensed according to this method!

Ye Xuan nod, then sit down, after a while, he began to condense the look!

He is very open, suddenly, there are countless energy fluctuations in the world, soon, he has a shallow shape in his palm!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuantili is happy, and quickly continued to condense!

Soon, the shallow shape is getting deeper, and finally become golden.

Digitally condensed!

When the traxard is condensed, Ye Xuanlon felt a horrible mystery!


And on the side, the dust is extremely complicated!

He can determine that Ye Xuan is here, just a goddess, but now, this guy is so easy to condense a look!

He is also a proud of heaven, when the first road is condensed, but it spent a hundred years!

Because I want to cut the past, it is really not a simple thing!

And this Ye Xuan does not need to experience this process.

Really don\'t make sense!

At this time, Ye Xuan began to condense the second road!

In the case of a quarter, Ye Xuan went out the second road!

Seeing this scene, Tianzi has not spoken.

He condensed the second road pattern and spent three million years!

Docked in this life!

Everything in this life is so easy to cut off? And this guy is so easy before.

After condensed the second road, Ye Xuan began to condense the third road!

Not long after, he is directly condensed out the third dark!

Digital is successful!

Tian Dilla has been closed!

Don\'t play this!

Ye Xuan right hand holds three roads, this moment, he felt an extremely horrible mystery!

This is from the strength of the dark, have to be said that these three power is really very strong. If you add his current sword, he can even easily kill an unknown!

As for God, he didn\'t make a hand, don\'t know the true strength of the other party!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan looks to Tianzi, "Tian Dizhen predecessors, how did this unknown cultivation?"

Tianzi has adjusted his mentality, then said; "In that year, after some people reached the future, there was a confused time, because no one knows what is!

So, everyone imagined a realm, it was unknown. In fact, this realm can be said to be a future road, when the road, now, after the future, it is unknown.

Later, there was a goddess, and the so-called gods, in fact, I felt the gods, and the patterns were some mysterious power of the avenue pen.

After saying, he is open, sweeping, and the space sweeping is directly erased, but not long, the space that is raging is slowly returned to normal!

Ye Xuan looked at Dizhen, Tian Chen soft: "This is the power of the avenue pen to stay in the world, knowing, feeling the power, then cultivating the power, control the power.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is it difficult?"

Dizhen nodded, "very hard, because this power is very attacked, you want to master it, you must have to smother it, and it will resist, the average person wants to control him, may spend thousands of years And, the monks who die in it are more countless.

The power is too strong, an accident, will be against it!

Said, he is the palm of your hand, and it is like the bright fire. "This is the power, do you feel it\'s terrible?"

Ye Xuan suddenly reached out to hold the power, the dust face is instantly changed, it is about to recover, but the next moment, he stood.

Because the power did not have anti-Fei Xuan!

Ye Xuan looks to the dust, "It seems that it is not so terrible!

Moreover, warm, very comfortable.

The dust emots rigid.
