One Sword Reigns Supreme

2592 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and seventy-eight chapters: I am angry!

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Sure enough, there is a conspiracy!

Ye Xuan is not unexpected, because this is in his expectation!

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked to the boundless owner, boundless, calm,: "What do you see?"

Ye Xuan said: "Help me hit him!

No side, black line, "Is there a hair with me? Do you have a girl? You call your sister!

Ye Xuan said: "Hey, I am not called, but it is for you!"


Ye Xuan also said: "Do you really want my sister here?"

Wen said that it is difficult to look at the face.

Don\'t say, he really doesn\'t want to see Ye Xuan\'s sister!

That woman kills people, always only look at the mood!

At this time, the drug suddenly said: "He can\'t kill us!"

I heard the words, and the side of the side of the side wrinkled, he looked at the medicine, "Who gave you a bottom?"

The pharmacists have no expression, "Try!

Suddenly the right hand.


The pharmacone has not reacted, it is directly erased directly!

Completely disappear!

Pharmacist: "???"

There is no expression without the side, "What is your clothes?"

In the field, Wei Wei and Chu Feng three people looked boundless, and there was more downs in their eyes!

Direct spike!

In front of this person, I actually kill an unknown topball!

At this moment, a vain suddenly drifted from the mountain wall!


In an instant, an invisible percentage directly shrouded everyone in the field!

The percentage of this percentage is noticeed, and all people in the field have changed!

Even if Ye Xuan, the look also gains!


Fang Tao is also very strong, but in front of this, it is like a drop of water and Wang Yang\'s sea, it is not comparable!

This should be the ancient giant!

At this time, the vain is gradually condensed!

Is a middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man is high, the square is straight, the national character face, the eyebrows with a shackle.

After coming out, the middle-aged man greedily took a sigh of relief, "I have a lot for many years!

In the field, everyone looked at the middle-aged man, and the look is alert!

At this time, the middle-aged man turned his head to see boundless. "Although he is a slave, but not anyone can kill!

The never looks at the middle-aged man, "garbage!


At this point, a few people in the field are stunned.

The middle-aged man is laughing, "Haha.

Rubbish? In the countless years, I was first being, haha.

I am boundless, "I hate you these people who think that invincible!

Don\'t think that you have a little more accomplishment, you will go more than yours!

Middle-aged man smiled and said: "Are you teaching me?"

The owner suddenly disappeared in the original place!


In an instant, a white light instantly flooded him with the middle-aged man!


Among the eyes of everyone, there is a horrible atmosphere in the white light.

After instantly, the neither owner appeared in the field. The middle-aged man also appeared in the field, and at this moment, he had only the soul, not so, his throat was also killed by an invisible hand!

The never looks at the middle-aged man, "Do you know how weak now?"

Middle-aged man is full of increders, "you.

who are you!

Headless is calm: "Hey!

Middle-aged man roar, "On the ancient god list, there is no name!


No side of the main god, "The tiger will compete with the ant antity?"

Everyone: ".

The owner said: "It has been sealed for so many years, and there is no low-key, what kind of brain?"

Said, he shook his head, "Under normal circumstances, you should understand one thing, why can you come out!

Why? "

The middle-aged man slammed into the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan slight smile, "I am just a general person!

Middle-aged man is silent.

Now he began to calm.

There is no side of the owner. "You are seal by the avenue master so many years, but you will come out one sentence!

Think about your pig brain!

The middle-aged man immediately went to the Xuan Gong, "The son, it is a no gift!

He still doesn\'t want to die!

He is not afraid of death, but you can\'t just die!

Ye Xuan is not talking.

He knows that the other party beggers for mercy!

However, the opponent\'s strength is too strong, he does not dare to ensure that the other party will not move!

It seems to know that Ye Xuan thinks, the middle-aged man is busy: "If the son can save, I will live and die!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "My Academy is missing, are you willing?"

The middle-aged man immediately said: "Willing!

Ye Xuan nod, "You can die!

Middle-aged man: ".

On the one side, I watched a eye, then turned to look at a broken hall in the distance, "the medicine, come out!"

The sound fell, an old man slowly came out!


Once Danzong\'s host!

Of course, he is now, there is only one soul!

I saw the boundless, the medicine is smirk, "" No side!

The boundless look, "I had a good margin with your ancestors. Therefore, I will return it! Now, you should return it!

Medicine respect.

No side: "Let me!"

After the medicine is silent, then the palm is spread, a black fashion slowly floating!

"Avenue Shen Ding!

On the one side, Wei Wei suddenly exclaimed.

I watched the Wei Wei, "Your girl, actually I know this Ding!

Wei Wei Shen Sheng said: "The owner of the Avenue has created six to high gods in all years. This avenue Ding is one. He has never thought of that this thing is gentleman.

When I heard Wei Wei, Danchen\'s eyes were suddenly hot!

Avenue Shen Ding!

This can be a best refining furnace!

Because it is a big road owner to create, therefore, every Tan medicine, the refining, is a big road!

And with this avenue of Dan lines, the effect of Dan medicine is at least ten times!

Now she finally knows why this ancient Danzong is able to become the parade of the first alchemy!

In the distance, I am boundless, I have a goddess, then turn around!

At this time, the drug is suddenly said: "Let\'s stay!

The boundless turning to look at the drug, the medicine is thinking, then said: "As far as I know, Mr. is not interested in Dan Road, right?"

Head nodded.

The drug is deeply awkward: "I want to use my Danzong all savings to change this Ding!"

No side silence.

The medicine is hilarious, "Not I am grateful to this Ding, but.

Said, he looked at Danchen on the side, "I want to give this Ding to this girl!

Wen said, everyone in the field is watching Danchen!

Obviously, this drug is looking at Zhong Danchen!

Nowadays, Danzong has been completely destroyed. He naturally wants to leave a heritage for Danzong, so that Danzong\'s alchemy is passed down!

In front of you, this Danchen is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate!

When I heard the drug, Danchen quickly served a gift, "Thank you for your predecessors, just, this thing is too expensive, I.

At this time, the boundless suddenly said: "I agree!"

I heard the words, everyone looked at the boundless, the opposite of the palm was bokey, and the avenue Shen Ding slowly floated to Danchen.

Danchen stunned!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Thank you for your neighborhood?"

Danchen quickly took up the gods of the avenue, slightly, "Thank you Mr.!

Ye Xuan also arrived: "Hey, thank you for giving me this face!

No sidebrows, "???

What the hell? He wants to sell Danchen a face, because he has seen Danchen\'s extraordinary, and Ye Xuan said, a good guy, his own human feelings become this guy!

What the hell? Danchen smiled and looked at Ye Xuan, then looked at the boundless owner, "Mr. this feelings, Danchen is in mind!

The boundless main situation, "You are more suitable for it!

As for the human feelings.

My name is boundless, have you remember? "

Danchen: "

Boundless suddenly: "I am gone!"

After finishing, he turned and left.

One side, I am busy: "Danzong\'s finance!

When I wanted to get it, he turned to look at the drug respected, the medicine is slight smile, the palm is spread, and a quite is slowly floating.

Ye Xuan looked at the quilt, "Hey, this may have.

The boundless but directly puts up the quie, and then disappears in the field.

Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Oh shit!

This family runs!

At this time, the monk did not suddenly: "Ye Gongzi, will be a period!

After finishing, he turned around!

On the one side, the drug is slowly walked to Danchen. He paid to the palm of his hand, and a quite is slowly floating to Danchen. " In addition, there are many ways of alchemy and formulas, now give you!

Danchen is busy collecting the quotation, respecting: "Thank you Master!


At this time, the drug is once, the next moment, the next moment, he laughed, smiled and smiled, his soul gradually became illusively!

Soon, the drug is completely disappeared!

At this time, the other side of the pharmacters suddenly walked to Danchen, "I have seen the main owner!


The drug is called Danchen\'s quench, it is not a normal storage ring, it also symbolizes a layer of identity!

Seeing this scene, Wei Wei and others in the side did not cover up!

This biggest winner is Danchen!

Of course, there is Ye Xuan!

Although Ye Xuan did not get Danzong\'s finance, he got a super gentle!

An ancient giant!

On the one side, the ancient giants are all silent.

Ye Xuan looked at the ancient giants, laughed: "If the predecessors don\'t want to stay in my college, you can leave!

I never stop!

After the ancient giant silence, he said: "I am abide by your commitment, this life will follow Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I said it doesn\'t stop, it is serious!"

Ancient giants hesitated, then: "Really?"

Ye Xuan looked at the ancient giants, "Not long ago, there is something like this, I saved him, he fell!

What happened later? "

Ancient giants shook their heads.

Ye Xuan smiled: "The grave should have been grass!

The ancient giant expression is stiff: ".
