One Sword Reigns Supreme

2591 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and seventy-seventh chapter: I want to try!

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I saw the boundless to go to the other side, and Ye Xuanlun was very speechless!

At this moment, the Wei Wei and others in the field are unparalleled, they did not think that there were so many pharmacters here!

Moreover, the strength is so powerful!


Just then, the pharmacy headed in the distance suddenly said: "This place is not welcome!

Wei Wei Shen Sheng said: "Seniors, don\'t you let go of you? If you think, my big Wei can help the power!

I heard the words, and the one side of the Safang Chu Feng and the Silver Wheet Jian Xianji frowned!

This Wei Wei hits a good abacus!

If you can take these medicines, the strength of the big Wei will enhance a grade!

Moreover, it may also be able to close the throughout of Danzong\'s inheritance and God!

So, Chu Feng is also said: "I am also willing to help you!

On the one side, the Jianyu\'s sword repair did not speak, and the look was alert!

At this time, the pharmacy headed suddenly: "When?"

I heard the words, Wei Wei squinted, "Nature!

Pharmacist Shen Sheng: "If you wait, if you can help me, I will wait until you are, not only this, but I will willing to hand over all of Danzong all inheritance and God!

The Wei Wei flashed in the eyes, "You can really be true?"

Pharmacist nodded, "Nature!

Wei Wei is going to talk, and the white man is suddenly mysterious. "Be careful!

Wei Wei looked at the poolist in the distance, "I know, but I want to gamble!

If you really can take these medicines, but not only the strength of the Wei Wei can improve a grade, she can be more stable in the big Wei\'s status!

You know, she is now known as the most powerful princess, but she is just a princess!

At this time, the drug suddenly said: "There is a seal in this manner, this seal is banned, if you are waiting for me to help me, I will wait for my life!

Wei Wei immediately said: "Please take me to take me!

Pharmacist nodded, "With me!

Said, he walked towards!

And around, those pharmacters have retired.

Ye Xuan looked at the necklace, and the neutral main god is calm.

Ye Xuan blinked, "Hey.

The boundless owner is said: "We are not familiar, thank you!"

After that, he followed the drug in the distance!

At this time, the sidelines have not suddenly laughed: "Rely on the mountain.

Oh, Ye Gongzi, hello!

Ye Xuan looks , , ,,,,,,,,,,

Ye Xuan smiled: "Seniors, why do you come here?"

I didn\'t have a look at the distance, then said: "He said that he has a god here, he is here to take it!


Ye Xuan is so curious, "What kind of God?"

There is no shook, "I don\'t know this!

However, Ye Gongzi should be careful, this place seals a peerless ancient giant, is the mascher of the avenue, Ye Gongzi must be careful!

Ancient giants!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Thank you for reminding!

: "It\'s all kind, you are welcome!

Ah? Yourself? Ye Xuan stunned.

At this time, there was no suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, we hurry!"

After finishing, he is also a bit of gods to follow the past.

Originally, Ye Xuan is still a bit.

Yourself? There is no much thinking, Ye Xuan took Danchen with the past!

On the road, Danchen Shen Sheng said: "Ye Gongzi, this location is quite strange!"

Ye Xuan nod, he also thinks that this place is not simple, especially these medicines.

Intuition tells him that it is not very right!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan went to Wei Lao, and then Shen Sheng: "The princess is a bit less quite, don\'t trust them!"

Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "I know, but I still want to gamble!

Many times, opportunities are gambling!

Ye Xuan silence.

What can he say? At this time, the poisonous people in the distance suddenly stopped, and at this moment, they came to a mountain wall, and the mountain wall was nearly 10,000, and there was a huge \'sealed\' word in the center.

See this word, the side of the side of the side wrinkled.

At this time, the pharmacy headed by the head suddenly turned to look at Wei Wei. "Within this hairdry, there is a strong seal ban, please also ask your others to help me to remove the seal!"

Wei Wei looked at the mountain wall, looked at the huge \'Tao\' word, and her heart also rose a disturbed!

The same is true of Chu Feng next to her!

I saw two people silent, and the pharmacy headed suddenly: "How?"

Wei Wei Shen Sheng: "I don\'t know why, why?"

Pharmacist: "An ancient monk!

Wei Wei brows, "the ancient monks?"

The pharmacman nodded, then he was very open, and a quite ring appeared in him. He looked at all people in the field. Give him!

Looking at the quench, Wei Wei and Chu Feng in the field are all hot!

And the men\'s look of the silver river is very calm, and he will look quietly, nothing to say.

Wei Wei\'s eyes gradually became calm, she looked at the mountain wall in the distance, "Ye Gongzi, I want to hear your opinion!

Ye Xuan glanced at Wei Wei, "My opinion is that Wei Wei girl is now!

Wei Wei turned to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao said: "This is my opinion!"

After the Wei Wei silently, he said: "Why?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "This is too deep, you can\'t grasp!

Wei Wei smiled slightly, "I still want to gamble!

Said, she looked at the mountains in the distance, whispered: "This is full of danger, but also represents an opportunity!

Ye Xuan nodded and no longer said.

At this time, Chu Feng suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, you can\'t grasp, then you? Do you grasp it? Or do you want to persuade us, then you have an independent treasure?"

On the side, there is no sudden way: "This son, what are you talking about? Ye Gongzi is not very simple, it is not very simple? His words!


Chu Feng looked at the emperor, "What is a sentence? I know, he is a bit related to the owner of the Avenue, but he is not the owner of the avenue, even if it is the avenue, it is not invincible!

, "


Chu Feng shook his head smile, "ridiculous is extreme!

I have a long!

I have a deep frown.

Why don\'t you tell the truth? Do these people don\'t know if my family doesn\'t fight? At this time, the Chu Feng in the side smiled: "I forgot!"

Since Ye Gongzi is so face, then ask Ye Gongzi to show!

This is his true purpose!

Deliberately irritating, let Ye Xuan first try this kind of print!

Ye Xuan looked at Chu Feng, then said: "There is no side of the owner, I don\'t dare to make it!

After finishing, he looked at the side of the side.

There is no sidebrows.

And that Chu Feng as he is boundless, "You are not three great people!

Borderless directly without visual Chu Feng!

Chu Feng still wants to say anything, no side: "Can you see it? He deliberately let you anger me, then let me knot you!

Chu Feng stunned, then looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "I don\'t do this!"

Chu Feng glanced at the lord and the owner, "You are two people!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "What do you say!

Head frown.

Seeing Leaf Xuan is not stunned, Chu Feng faces become difficult to look!

Ye Xuan looked at Wei Wei and Chu Feng, whispered, "Two, IMHO, you want this inheritance, but you don\'t want to do it first, afraid of cheap others!

Said, he shaken his head slightly, "How can I have this good thing in the world!

In fact, he has seen that big word is the word left by the avenue owner.

Since it is left by the avenue, it is not good. But he doesn\'t want to relieve this seal now, and now it is released, and it will be inherited by Danzong, there must be a lot of trouble!

At this time, Chu Feng suddenly said: "Ye brother gradually followed by the owner of the avenue, and the way of the world, all the people of the Avenue, so the Ye brother must have a way to relieve this seal, right?"

I heard the words, and several people in the field looked to Ye Xuan.

Under the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan nod, "You said yes!

Everyone stunned.

Chu Feng also stunned, he did not think that Ye Xuan actually admitted!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "I really can relieve this seal, but is this related to you?"

Chu Feng stared at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi is going to independence!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I just want to swallow, what do you want?"

Everyone: ".

Chu Feng looked at Ye Xuan and his face was extremely ugly!

Ye Xuan is shaking his head smile, "I originally want to low-key, but you have to give it to the Laozi to play these three abuse, you look.

Said, he walked to the mountain wall, he looked at the big word, "Give me a sister!

Give me a sister!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, I jumped when I was bolding.

Oh shit!

here we go again!

This grip is coming again!


And when Ye Xuan said the sentence, there is no reaction in the field!

On the side, Chu Feng ridiculously: "Give you some sisters? It seems that your sister\'s face doesn\'t seem to be, you.

Just then, the wall suddenly fused slightly, very fast, the \'Tao\' word lost a little one bit!

See the shape, the Chu Feng expression is stiff.

A few people in the field are also horrified!

Soon, in the eyes of everyone, the \'Tao\' word slowly disappeared.

At this time, Ye Xuan looked to the drug person, "Nat!

Pharmacist is silent.

Ye Xuanzhi Jin people, "Only I am joy, no people dare to yin, do you want to do the first?"

Everyone: ".

At this time, the drug suddenly said: "I want to try to do the first!"
