One Sword Reigns Supreme

2590 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,576 Chapter: What?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The people are not someone, it is the owner!

Seeing the owner, Ye Xuan is directly!

How did this guy appear here? And when I saw Ye Xuan, the opposite of the opposite is also stunned!

How did this be the mountain king? After the side of the side, the gods and , the two are full of doubts.

At this time, Wei Wei looked at the side, then said: "Ye Gongzi, this is your friend?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not!

He is not a friend with the boundless owner!

The never looks at Ye Xuan, then said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and left.

God is unable to follow the past!

Ye Xuan looked at the three people in the distance, the brows were slightly frowned, and some doubts in my heart. What did this guy come here? Also for the ancient Danzong? At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, she walked towards the distance.

Ye Xuan and Danchen have followed.


Every meeting, the three came to a broken door, the door had only two stone pillars and broke down.

At this moment, some people have gathered here!

When I saw Wei Wei, a man immediately walked over, he smiled slightly, "Hall!

Wei Wei smiled: "Chu Feng brother, don\'t be innocent!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "It is true, on the same day, we have not seen it for a few decades!

Said, after he turned to look at the body, then smiled: "This urge is dangerous, our companions?"

Wei Wei thought about it, nod, "Good!

At this time, Chu Feng looked at Ye Xuan, but did not say anything.

Wei Wei smiled: "Ye brother, Danchen girl, introduced you, this is the Chu Feng brother of Fan Zong, is also a young owner!

Fan Zong!

Ye Xuan smiled and didn\'t speak.

Chu Feng smiled: "Ye Gongzi, before, I have a misunderstanding with you, it is ok, misunderstanding has been released!

Ye Xuan Wei smiled: "Yes!

Chu Feng still wants to say anything. At this time, Wei Wei suddenly looked at the side and smiled: "This should be the Yinhelen!


In the field, everyone turned around, not far away, there was a man to come to come!

The man wears a large robes, and the waist is sword!

Obviously, this is a sword!


Have to say, the people of the Milky Wildness are a special existence in all years, because in the people of all people, the Milky Wilders are all outside people!

The man\'s sword repaired the two eyes, and then his eyes were falling on Danchen, "Yinlong, is your best choice!

Danchen smiled and didn\'t talk.

The man said again: "We all come from a place, and it should be hug!

After Danchen silence, he said: "I think about it!"

She didn\'t reject directly!

She is an alchemist, no matter which side, she can\'t afford it!

The man nodded slightly, did not say anything, he looked at the broken hall in the distance, his eyes were hot!

Shangguan Danzong!

This ancient Danzong is not a general zone. This parade is in ancient times in ancient times, that is, it is rich!

Rich enemy!

Moreover, this paradise is also a lot, and precious medicinal herbs is more countless!

It can be said that three forces are three feet for this zone of wealth!

At this time, Wei Wei suddenly laughed: "It has arrived!

Then let\'s go in!

A few people nod.

Everyone walked in the depths!

On the other side, the boundless main brought three people, but they were stopped by an old man!

The old man looked at the owner, "This place, the outsiders must not enter!

That site has been taken by the big mall and the Milky Wheet and Mandan. They naturally do not let outsper!

The never looks at the old man, "Why can\'t you enter?"

The old man brows, "Roll!

Before I didn\'t change my mind!

The owner is a slap.


The old man has not reacted, it is directly erased!


The boundless side has no expression, "What is your clothes?"

After finishing, he took a rickets and gods walked away from the distance!

At this time, a horrible breath suddenly hit it!

Soon, a black old man is once again in front of the neverhere.

The old man is dead, staring at the owner, "Who are you!

There is no expression in the endless side, "I am your father!

After finishing, he raised his hand.


The old man is once again killed again!

The distance, there is no a bit curious, "I am boundless, what are we doing this secret?"

No side: "There is something inside is mine!

I will retrieve it!

,, :

Headless is calm, "it\'s a few million years!

There is no deep voice: "Hey, saying that you are alive?"

The never looks at it, "add a zero, thank you!

: "

God hesitated, then said: "Hey, what is your era?"

After the silence of the silence, the road: "Headless!

The two stunned.

I watched two people and then said: "Do you think that I am in the era, can someone can compare with me?"

Both people speechless!

How did this say how to put it? I am boundless: "I am in the era, everyone is burned, I am invincible!"

God suddenly said: "The owner of He Avenue will abandon you?"

Bless: "At that time he poor!"

No one looks, so it will not write!

Both people do not understand.

It\'s no longer saying anymore, walking towards the distance.

The two faces each other, do not solve it.

Avenue pen owner poor? No, you shouldn\'t!

Money is a number of numbers to the owner of the avenue? How can he be poor? Both people are very different.


In a short while, the three people have entered the secret.


Hey, the Lord: "What happened to the King? I am afraid of him? I am afraid of him?"

I didn\'t have a look at the owner. "I didn\'t say that you were afraid of him!

There is no expression in the boundless main surface, "We are we do, he is doing him, nothing to do!

, "Good!

At this time, Shenming suddenly said: "Hey, what kind of Zongmen is this ancient Danzong?"

No side: "A cultural man of alchemy, very money!

God is somewhat curious, "How did they be destroyed?"

After the two silence, the road: "I can\'t provoke people?"

I heard the words, the gods and ignorant watches the boundless owner.

Headless is calm: "Not me!

Also, I have not done something that hurts the world!

Don\'t take the same African with you!

Two people: ".


The boundless continuation: "They provoke an ancient giant, and was destroyed by the ancient giant!

There is no a little curious, "Dao Guardian?"

Nodded, "Every Taoist giant, at least hundreds of millions of years!

They cut everything, hiding in the legendary virtual place!

, "hide?"

Both nodded, "They are too strong, they can feel the avenue owner, and the avenue pen owner also implemented the control. If it is in the world, it is necessary to receive many restrictions, such as, can\'t be causing, can not slaughter .

In order to avoid the control of the owner of the avenue, they will hide the false, that is a gray zone.

The owner of the avenue will not go there, where they are more free!

There is no such thing as a little, "I can\'t even the avenue owner."

I am boundless, "I don\'t want to go!

Not can\'t go!

: "So, the stronger these strengths, the more restrictions have been limited?"

Head nodded.

: "The avenue owner did this, isn\'t it afraid to cause anger?"

I am boundless, "A lot of people fighting him, but he is still living now!

After that, he looked at the distance.

For so many years, I don\'t know if this is dead!

There is no deep voice: "There are many people often slaughter, but it seems that there is nothing, why.

I\'m looking at it, "" is causing, not not reported, but it is not arrived!

During the speech, the three have come to a temple, and at this moment, Ye Xuan and others are there!

See the boundless three people, the Wei\'s a few people have flashed a shot!

You know, in addition to the three great people, this place, other people can\'t come in here!

Ye Xuan glanced at the owner, smiled: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Boundless: "Is there a relationship with you?"

Ye Xuan is also not angry, he pointed out the first in front of the main hall, "There is a ban, can you break?"

Boundless: "No!

After finishing, he took it next to it.

Give you a block? Think beautiful!

Ye Xuan speechless!

He knows that this is boundless, this guy\'s strength is still very horrible!

At this time, Wei Wei looked at the side, then said: "Is your?"

The boundless eyes slow down, don\'t talk directly.

Wei Hao Yudi was slightly, and Ye Xuan suddenly smiled: "Under the Hall, you need to provoke this person.

Wei Wei looked at Ye Xuan, "Why?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Listening to me is!"

Wei Ren, then the look is a little quirky!

At this moment, the main hall in the distance suddenly slightly fused, next, a horrible breath, the temple, followed, and the imaginary shadow came out!

Seeing this vain, Wei Wei\'s face suddenly became downgry, "This is the pharmaceutist who is refining the ancient Danzong. Everyone is careful!

Her voice has just fallen, and hundreds of pharmacists suddenly appear around around!

Each pharmacone is actually the lowest of God!

And the medicinal person, is a unknown power!

See this lineup, a few people in the field suddenly become difficult to look!

Ye Xuan did not move the sound to the side of the owner, and he watched the lord, "What?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Here is safe!

Watching Ye Xuan, then go to the other!

Ye Xuan: ".
