One Sword Reigns Supreme

2582 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and sixty-eight chapters: running!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Three swords gathered!

Have to say, Ye Xuan at this moment is really full!

Oh shit!

Don\'t say that these people are, the avenue owner has to give Laozi!


This is invincible!

After exciting, Ye Xuan is somewhat confused!

Older and big brother also have you all appeared at the same time? It\'s not surprising, because he is ready to start it!

However, he didn\'t call the big brother and the old, how did these two guys suddenly appear? At this time, the young looked at the white robe sword and the green shirt, and then turned to see Ye Xuan, "Nothing?"

Ye Xuan smiled, "they haven\'t started me yet!

The green look is calm, "they won\'t have this opportunity!


At this time, the gods on the side suddenly brugged, "Are you a reliance?"

Qingre turned his head to see God, Shen Zhen, laugh: "Waiting for your last time!"

I have no expression in the green, "" Wait for me? Is it waiting for death? "

The sound came down.


A sword is directly in the cave, and the souvenir is directly stained to the place!

Shenzu is directly awkward!

Not only God, the strong people in the field are all in this moment!

Stemed? God is not a general strong, and Shenmu is also a future road, but at this moment, it is actually spiked directly? In the field, those who were unbelievable in front of the sky.

Shenmu himself is also a blank head now!

Who is it? What happened to yourself? Qingli glanced at the gods, "Shuang?"

Ye Xuan: ".

I am unbelievable to look at you, "you.


At this moment, his brain is really not very enough!

Qingre turned to look at the shackle, "What is your stuff?"

I stared at the blue, "I am a fairy, you are.

The green face is free, "It\'s too weak, I am not interested in you!

After finishing, she looked at the sword and blue shirt, "you go to solve!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

This sentence is not harmful, but the insult is very strong!

The green shirt man immediately said: "Treatment, you are not interested, how can we be interested?"

Said, he turned his head and looked at the mistake, "You commit suicide!

Everyone: ".

"Ha ha.

suddenly laughed, "It\'s a funny!

Laughing to the extreme!

Wen said, the green shirt man brows, "Let you commit suicide, give you a decent death method, understand?"

"To shut up!

The array of angries refer to the green shirt, "Do you know who I am?"

The green shirt man looked at the misty, "I don\'t know!

Angling angered: "I am in ancient array of law, !"

I am the avatar of 3,600 kinds of avenues, I.

On the side, Jian Xiu suddenly said: "Then you shot!

In the sword, the sword was seriously said: "Don\'t discontinue, go straight!"

The debut stared at the sword, "You shot!

I am afraid that I will shoot, you have no chance to shoot!

Sword repair brows, "How do you grab me?"

Everyone: ".

The debilled smirk, next moment, on the stage, the four sword suddenly trembled, followed, countless avenue lawization made a river to gather toward the four silends!


A swager suddenly resounded throughout the universe!

On the stage, the four swords suddenly rushed to the sky, directly to the sword!

These four swords carry three hundred and sixty avenues in the world!

Every shank can easily destroy a new world!

The sky, the sword is calm, when the four swords come to him, he whispered, a sword flew out!


Among the eyes of everyone, this sword directly cut off the four swords.


In an instant, the entire sword array directly started to break!

Everyone in the field is again!

Jian Xiu looked at the eyes of the eyes, "I don\'t want to be invincible next time!

Let me swine!

After saying, he is facing the palm of his hand, and the sword returns to him. He looked down the next Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "take care!

After that, he turned and disappeared directly in the stars!

If you come, you will go!

Ye Xuan smiled!

Big brother is really awkward!

On the array of law, there was still alive, because the sword repair did not kill him!

But at this moment, he is completely!

A sword!

He is also a second!

Three hundred and sixty avenues are directly broken by the other side!

Is this a legendary sword? The brain is awkward!

At this time, the green shirt suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Is it not called?"

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

The green shirt is smiled, then turned into a sword light disappeared in the end of the sky.

Also gone!

Ye Xuan speechless!

The old man and big brother are also, let\'s go!

Not right!

Old and big brother should don\'t want to be with you!

Yue is a bitterness, they should don\'t want to stay with you!

After the two left, the young looked at the people in the counterparts, "you are all weak!

Everyone: ".

"Ha ha!

At this time, the fabric suddenly came out, he walked in front of you, he didn\'t see you, "Do you think you are strong?"

Said, he is holding his right hand, and a horrible force suddenly comes out of his body!

Yue suddenly raised his hand is a sword.


Among the eyes of everyone, the phenketin is flying directly!

Blood is like spring water!

Everyone stayed!

Qingmen looked at the phenketchy, "What is garbage clothes?"

Everyone: ".


At this moment, those who are inverse alliances have been completely ignorant!

This has reached the future of the future, is there being killed? That is fine!

That is the future of the road!

Isn\'t that happened? On the side, the South Emperor looked at the youngest, and it was unbelievable.

At this moment, she suddenly understood that Ye Xuan is so unspeakable!

This horrible woman is afraid that it is only one battle with the pen. Avenue pen owner: ".

At this time, Ye Xuan went to the nest of the goddess that had not yet dead, his palm was spread, and the sword suddenly flew out.

It is Qing Xuanjian!

Ye Xuan Fengqi sword, he looked at Shenzu, "Do you know why I kill me, can all be the owner of the avenue pen owner? Because my sister will kill the avenue master!

understand? "


God\'s scorery, "she can\'t kill the avenue owner!

Ye Xuan brows, "Why do you have to talk to my bar? Interest?"

Shenza is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "The owner of the avenue is all because of all the fruits, it is not dead at all!

Ye Xuan said: "What do you want to kill me? Why? Why do you show me a dead, the avenue owner will end?"

Shenmu expression stiff!

At this moment, he began to doubt itself!

Ye Xuan also took the quie of Shenzu, and continued: "Do you still have something? You can\'t use it!

Give it!

Shenzhen double eyes slowly, "the last problem!

You used to be the people of life, why are you not? "

Ye Xuan smiled: "My sister invincible, understand?"

God\'s mood: "I understand!

People who don\'t want to be destiny, because people have a stronger back to the mountain!


The soul of Shenzu is getting smog.

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Do you have anything else?"

Shenza looked at Ye Xuan, "I am talented for you, do you know what results?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What results?"

God is a bruises, "Not a good result!

I heard the words, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly.

One side, life: "Brother, don\'t care!

I am, no one can give you bad results!

Who will not let you have, I will not let him go!

God\'s pastoral looks to the destiny, what is going to say, there is a head, "You, too weak, spy to a little bit of machine, I feel that I am a person!

Fortune, your own life can\'t grasp, and give others a fortune telling, what do you think? "

After finishing, she fell, and Shenzu disappeared without a trace!


At this time, it is the strong person who is in the next side and seeing this scene, and the back of the reverse League has changed!

Some people flee them directly!

However, they just fled, they were directly worn by a sword light!

In an instant, countless reversal violent people have been killed!

No power!

These minions in front of them are the strong people who have passed, like lambs, can only be slaughtered!

Ye Xuan also did not stop!

These people let him play, he must be able to fight, these people can be old monsters, not he can be enemy now.

After he can do it now is a young murderer, he will take the other party!

These people are old monsters who live in countless years. They have a lot of accumulation, and they will take a piece of gods in Shenzu, and they have thousands of !


This figure has to be said, it is really a bit horrible!

In addition, the strong wealth of other counterparts is also a lot of wealth, and the least is millions of people, and there are many gods in addition to the sacrifice of sacrifice!

If you give these, Qin Guan, Qin Guan must not be happy!

Once, he spent how much money in Qin Guan, and Qin Guan did not say anything!

He still remembers now, he finds Qin Guan to borrow money!

Of course, now he and Qin Guan, it is no longer divided into each other!

However, he has always remembered the generosity of Qin Guan!

In the field, the counterway strong people will then die!

On the one side, the South Emperor has taken out a monk crushing, she is in touching the land!

It is also the strongest inverse of the counter!

However, there is no response!

The South Emperor\'s face has become pale!

The main road has been running!
