One Sword Reigns Supreme

2581 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,567 Chapter: I am invincible, you will be free!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

On this day, I was practicing Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes!

God\'s pastoral appears in front of him!

Shenza looks at Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan also did not have nonsense, get up.

God is walking in the distance, he looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Outer Road?"

Ye Xuan looks to God, "Is my sword gave me?"

God score laughed: "Is it meaningful?"

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, and Shenmu said: "If you die, even if you still give you, what is the meaning?"

Ye Xuan speechless, "The line, you stay!"

Shenza looked at the Ye Xuan, "You have no sense of science, it is really annoying!

Who gives you courage? "

Ye Xuan said: "My sister!

God\'s pastoral, "Will she come later?"

Ye Xuan nod, "will!

God score smiled: "Then let\'s take a look, you are a clown, or we are a clown!

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

After a while, Shenzhaizi came to a starry sky, not far in front of the two, there is a huge starry sky whirl!

In that starry sky, a horrible breath is constantly overflowing!

See this scene, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly!

At this time, the South Emperor and the abnormalities appeared in front of the gods, and the two were respectful to God, "Shen Muadians!

God\'s pastoral nodded, "Is it here?"

Nan Emperor nodded, "arrived!

God is affected: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he walked toward a magnificent hall!

Ye Xuan looked at the big temple, there were three big characters above the hall: against the sky!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I have a little curious, why must you go back against the sky?"

God\'s pastoral turned to look at the Ye Xuan, "I am waiting for the world, and who doesn\'t fight with God!"

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

After a while, everyone entered the hall!

At this moment, more than 100 people have already gathered!

Ye Xuan found that these more people have a minimum of the past!


This lineup has to be said, it is a horror!

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "Is this the king of the mountain?"

Wen said, the people in the temple were falling on Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, one side, Shenza laughed: "Ye Gongzi introduced you, this is the deputy director of the Tiandao!


Shenza smiled slightly, and said: "Food is now a future situation!

Future road!

This means that the fire is already able to cut off the past and the future!

This strong man is definitely a super-flow between this world!

God is also said: "I will enter the martial arts for six years old, and I have been playing all over the world in the new world. It has reached the past. I have reached the past. I have reached the present. Now three hundred years old, it is a future situation!

His talent is called the strongest in the history of the new world!


Have to say, this person is really amazing in the new world!

And that era is also called the era of dryness!

It is three hundred years ago!

However, after the invincible new world, the dead is completely disappeared. No one knows where he went!

Show the head, "all is something wrong!

Shenza laughed: "Food, I will have to appear, I will give you!"

how? "

Die Xuan looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "No problem!

God is walking down and then said: "Is our people get together?"

Dunny nod, "Chu Xian has not yet arrived!

Chu Xian!

At this point, the people in the temple have a subtle change!

Shenmu wrinkled!

Chu Xian!

This person is in the back of the counterparts, with the power of the Lord, and the Lord is up and down!

It is worth mentioning that the other party has reached the future in the past few years!

Now the strength is deepening!

God is affected: "He will appear!

Shutdown: "I heard that it is boundless!"


At this point, everyone in the temple is a little surprised!

They naturally understand the boundless, because they have been mixed in this place, and this guy, it can be a person who is attentive!

God nodded, "I let the South Emperor have to find him, but he is afraid of the owner of the avenue, and he is not willing to join us!

I heard the words and frowned frowned.

God is shaking his head, "it will!

Not force!

The dryness of Xuan Xuan: "This person is not good. If you are willing to join us, it is very helpful to us!

Shenmimu Dead: "Do not see, this person is really good, but the mouse is like a rat, fear of the feature, this kind of person, it is difficult to become a big event!

Said, he looked at an old man below, "I didn\'t even have a problem."

Even the head, "there is no problem!

In the array of law, there is 3,600 kinds of avenues. Once started, even if it is unknown, it will be spike!


At this point, the people in the temple have become more dignified!

Shenza looked at the Ye Xuan, ", is the ancient killing of the ancient, is also known to know the strongest big array, rumors, the owner of the Avenue is taboo, so I will seal this array, don\'t let it live !

Avenue pen owner: "???"

Ye Xuan looked at God, "What do you say to me?"

God score laughed: "Don\'t you say your sister invincible? Waiting for us to know that she is really invincible!"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I seriously suspect that you are arranged by the owner of the avenue!

Really, do you want to check it? "

"Ha ha!

God is suddenly laughing, "Arrange us? Run!

Ye Xuan looked at a goddess, and the heart sighed.

What happened to this world? The longer people live, the more the brain is? At this time, the small tower suddenly said: "The little master, you ignore it, the more you are not living, but they live in their own world.

Just like at the Milky Way, there is a lot of spans in the Milky Way, and they are striking in the virtual world, but in reality but only Ino.

Why? Because they live in their own world, their cognitive is limited, thinking that the world is what they think!

This is true of these people, they all believe that the avenue owner is the strongest in the world, the owner of the avenue, all of the ant!

So, not they are stupid, but the problem of pattern!

Moreover, your strength is relatively weak. If you say, they will not convince, if it is the avenue pen master standing in front of them, telling them that the sister of the sleepy sister is invincible, they will definitely believe!

but you.

Said, it whispered, "This world is like this, there is a powerful person, put a fart is fragrant, there is no strength, say no share!"

Therefore, the problem is that you are too weak, people have not taken care of you, understand? "

Ye Xuan face suddenly black, "I know a hair!

I want you to talk nonsense!

The small tower is carefully: "Little Lord, you can\'t do it, wrong, wrong, we must recognize!"

Thanks to you or the reader!

I don\'t recognize it wrong, how do you teach students? "

Ye Xuan: ".

What I want to say, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Shut up!

Xiao Tower said: "I am not!

I have to say!

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower continued: "In fact, we are talking about them, we may be that kind of person!"

Our current cognition is that the sister is invincible, maybe there is anyone who is more sister!


This is absolutely impossible!

Domestic sister, it is definitely forever!

So, many times your light is not used, but also to see if you have anyone!

I am young when I am young, I am following my sister, so I have been glorious, I have never been lonely!

Speaking of this, it suddenly took a meat, and said: "Just follow the person, practice all rely!

Ye Xuan speechless!

The small tower is thorough!

It is lying flat!

At this time, the gods in the temple suddenly said: "Everything will be our most critical war, as long as we kill the avenue pen owner, we have no ancient people before, after a few, the fate of all beings in this world Will you do your own!

And we will also completely get rid of the temptation of fate, becoming a real \'free\'.

Inside the temple, everyone nodded!

They gathered together to rebell the avenue master, because the avenue owner is everything because of all fruits, in the dark manipulated their destiny!

Do not kill the prototypes, they can never get real \'freedom!

At this time, Shenmu suddenly said: "Go to the fairy!

After finishing, he walked outside!

Everyone disappeared in the original place!

Ye Xuan also followed!

After a while, everyone entered the depths of the whirlpool, in the depths of the whirlpool, turned out to be a world!

When Ye Xuan entered this world, suddenly stunned!

The whole world is full of all kinds of blood runes!

And in the middle of Tongtian, hovering a huge meuge for a long and 12,000 feet!

In the four corners of the altar, there are four swords!

Ye Xuan looked at the four swords, and the brow frowned slightly!


? At this time, the godmia on the side suddenly laughed: "" Zhu Xianjian, the ancient law, this array can be ! "

After that, he turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan. "This will use your brothers and sisters!

Ye Xuan nod, "a bit look forward to!


God is soaked, and then his eyes slowly slowly. He took several copper money to lose on the ground. After a while, the copper coil fused, soon, several copper coins were automatically sorted directly on the ground!

At this time, Shenmu opened his eyes. He looked at the copper money, flashing in his eyes, " shows, Daji!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, excited: "I have done at least 10,000 times before and after, tens of thousands of times, killing you, I can end everything because of all the fruit!

After finishing, he took out a piece of chess, laughing, "General words, the sky is irreversible, today, my gods must fight with the sky!"

I want to prove to the world, the sky will be defeated!

Due, he fell out of the chess pieces, and the piece of chess flew directly to that, when the chess fell to the center of the array, the whole array suddenly started!


In an instant, a horrible percentage is directly swept away, and the field, countless strong faces instantly change, some of which are directly removed by this stress pressure!


Just then, the suddenly trembled, the next moment, a vain appeared in the center of Take the array!

Seeing this scene, Shenmu is more excited, ""!!


It can be said that it represents three thousand six hundred avenues!

After the appearance, he took a sigh of relief. In an instant, the whole new world heard a breathing!

This breath makes all the hearts of all the people in the world, all of them!

The debut suddenly opened his eyes. He turned his head. At this eye, he saw the Milky Way.

After a moment, the debut was returned, and there was no expression, "the invincible feeling, it is really annoying!

This voice spreads throughout the world in a strange way!


Just then, a sound suddenly sounded in the end of the universe, "invincible?"

The sound is falling, a horrible sword is directly torn in numerous time and space, which is coming to here.

Soon, a sword of the clouds in the clouds appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing people, Ye Xuan expressive stiff!

At this time, next to Ye Xuan, suddenly cracking in time and space, a woman in a dresses slowly came out!

Ye Xuan: ".

However, yet ended, the blood of Ye Xuan suddenly trembled, the next moment, not far from the sky space, a man dressed in a green shirt slowly came out.

Seeing the three, Ye Xuan suddenly excited, heroic dry clouds, big hands, domineering: "I am invincible, you will be free!"

Everyone: ".
