One Sword Reigns Supreme

2583 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and sixty-nine chapters: What is wrong?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

South Emperor is desperate!

A sword is directly in the hole in her eyebrow!

Ye Xuan went to the front of the South Emperor, collapsed her quince, and the South Emperor looked at Ye Xuan. "Do you want to insult me?"

Ye Xuan brows, "What is wrong?"

Said, he sword.


The South Emperor\'s head flew out!

God\'s soul!

With the fall of the South Emperor, the strong people in the field are all dead!

Ye Xuan also got hundreds of quince quenches, metastolors, he got more than 5 million, and there were countless gods!

Fast fortifications!


At this time, the young turned to look at the debut on the array of the fairy, and the latter became the face of the face.

The young brows, "he said, not what I said!"

After finishing, she cut out!


The head is flying directly!

God\'s soul!

And the is also very unique at this moment!

Everything is set!

Ye Xuan fell to the front of you, smiled: "End!

Child nodded.

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared on the side, from the people, it is the world of the new world!

Tiandao respects a gift to the green, trembling: "I have seen the gods!

At this moment, he was panicked!

Because he is afraid of the sound of the Qing Dynasty, the whole new world!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Seniors, thank you, thank you for finding people!

Wen said, Tiandao is busy: "Don\'t thank you!"

Said, he laughed, "Ye Shaoyu, I couldn\'t help anything!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If you have an heart!

One side, Qingyan said: "You go!

Our brothers and sisters should be alone!

Tiandao quickly respects a gift, then turn around!

After the heavens left, the green turned and looked at Ye Xuan. She looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Outer Road?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Qing smiled: "It\'s very fast!

Ye Xuan smiled, "I am in front of them, or like a crust!

Qingye shook his head, "Don\'t think so, how long have they live? How long have you been alive?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You can talk about what you are doing?"

Jindier said: "I am in another universe world!"

Ye Xuan brows, "another universe world?"

Child nod, "I have studied some things recently, a little busy!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Then you are busy!"

I can take care of yourself now!

Qinglian looked at Ye Xuan, "As long as you don\'t want you to work hard!"

Tell me at any time!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

The green is lighted and hugged in Xuan, whispered: "I am invincible, isn\'t you invincible? Why are you so tired?"

Ye Xuan also hugged young, laughed: "I can\'t always rely on you!"

I also need to grow!

I also hope to have a day to protect you.

Of course, I know this is not realistic, but I still have to work hard!

I don\'t want to be a waste!

The young nodded slightly, "Okay!

No matter what you do, I support your decision!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

Qing people look up and look at Ye Xuan, "Our brothers, say thank you?"

Ye Xuanhaha smile, "is also!

The young children buried their heads in Ye Xuan\'s arms.

At this moment, she is no longer the invincible and indifferent, this moment, she is just Ye Xuan\'s sister!

All of her gentleness, only to one person!

After a time, the young leaves!

Ye Xuan looked at the depths of the stars in the distance, caught in meditation.

What is Qingre study? What is it worth learning? After silence, Ye Xuan is turned off.

Now, he can open the Shu Xuan Academy to the new world!

Watch the universe, the ancient, the universe, the new world!

These are the world currently ruled!

Of course, he has no hegemonic world, his purpose is to change the entire universe.

Human order!

This is the goal of Ye Xuanbi, building a new order, he wants the world to comply with his order!


Shortly after Ye Xuan, a white-haired middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the field, and the middle-aged man in the white hair looked at Ye Xuan, silence, and whispered: "Rely on the Mountain King.

Said, he flashed in his eyes, "Hey, you have not completed things, I will do it!"

After finishing, he disappeared directly.


On the other side, the boundless owner who crossed the void suddenly stopped. He turned his head and shook his head, "no!

After the body, "I don\'t understand," What do you mean? "

The boundless main road: "Anti-Tiandao!

There is no expression.

"The owner is sigh," "this group of guys.

Said, his eyes flashing in a touch of mouth.

When he was in the next year, he gave a confidence. Although he couldn\'t be friends, it was familiar. Today, it is quite emotion in the heart of this group of guys.

After a bitter, it is so gone!

It is a bit a pity!

There is no deep voice: "Are they changing?"

I am boundless, "There are two no deaths!

I didn\'t have a look, "I am boundless, can you talk about how big the code is this universe?"

The boundless look at that no stars, soft: "I don\'t know!"

The two stunned!

Headless: "I used to explore this universe, so I crossed the star field for a hundred years, however, I have never reached the end of the universe!

However, there are a lot of gains. In this endless universe, there are many very interesting civilizations!

There is no way: "Interesting civilization?"

Head, "We will go to the place, the famous star", there is a super powerful star river emperor, this person is also very special, he takes time to practice the source, the body is within the long river, The outsiders can\'t feel it at all, it is very unfair!

: "How is it?"

I watched it, "" You guess!

, then: "Hey, can you give us a bottom, how much do you have?"

I haven\'t answered this problem with my distance.

Next, God is somewhat intake, "What does he mean?"

After a moment, there is no silence. "I don\'t know!

God name: "

Just then, the distance of the Star River suddenly boiled, very fast, an ancient dragon suddenly flew in the distant starry sky!

The dragon blender, there is a width of a million feet, the whole body is bare, and a horrible Long Wei is emitted.

Three people stopped!

Shenming looked at the flying gold dragon in the distance, and the look is more dignified!

At this time, the three discovered that the ancient gold giant dragon\'s head stood with a woman!

The woman dressed in a purple skirt, with his hands behind him, long hair is light blue.

At this moment, the gold dragon suddenly stopped, on the faucet, the purple skirt woman looked at the boundless three people. "Who is coming!

Headless is calm: "Hey!

The purple skirt woman looks at the owner, "This is the star river, the outsiders are unremotted, and must not be good!"

I want to think about it, then the right hand suddenly lifted up, the next moment, he slammed down!


A horrible percentage suddenly swept the top of the purple skirt, and a moment, the surrounding River is boiling directly!

I saw the boundless sudden shot, the golden dragon suddenly fierce, it roared, a Longwei directly rushed!


However, this Longwei has appeared directly, and the powerful percentage directly shrouded in that dragon!


In an instant, the whole dragon flesh fell.

See this scene, the blues of the rope skirt are instantly changed, "you.

You are known!

Headless, calm, "Don\'t use the realm to measure me!"

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

There is no moon, I\'m so busy!

The purple skirt is suddenly holding boxing, "the seniors, the meticulous gift, still forgive me!

The star river is really not allowed to enter, of course, there is also exception, if the other party is too strong, it is also possible.

There is no side to stop, he turned to look to the purple skirt woman, "You are not a general person, why is it here to be the border?"

The purple skirt is busy: "I made a mistake in the palace, so I was punished to the border!

Borderless: "Is your old ancestor Li Xinghe a penalty?"

Li Xinghe!

The path of the purple skirt flashed in the eyes, "seniors.

Do you know my old ance? "

I have a smile: "I used him to tell him!

I heard the words, the woman\'s face of the purple skirt turned into a moment, and the next day, "I have seen the seniors!"

I am a slight smile, "You have a very polite!

The future is big!

Purple skirt women respect: "The senior came to see my ancestor?"

I nod, "I just pass here, but since I came!

How can I have to see him!

Is he still in the years? "

The purple dress is nodded, "Yes!

One is all!

Said, she shocked in this heart!


I know that my old ancestors are in the Star River, no more than five people, and this actually knows the old ancestors in the star river world, it is obvious that this is really acquaintance!

I thought about it, then said: "Shantou, send you a creation, do you want?"

I heard the words, the purple skirt woman nodded, "To!

Just joke, don\'t whit!

Head, "Soon, a young boy may come here, this person is famous, there is a big cause, if he arrives, you can make it with him, if you can be friends with him, the future, the future.

Ye Xuan!

The purple skirt woman was stunned, then said: "Dare to ask for the predecessor, what is the cause of this person?"

I am boundless: "You don\'t need to know this!"

As long as you know, this person is your chance, it is also an opportunity for your star river palace.

Also, even if you can\'t become friends, you don\'t have to be a dead enemy. Your old ancestors are not easy. Don\'t you engage in him, understand? "

After finishing, he turned and left.

Originally, the purple skirt woman expression is stiff.
