One Sword Reigns Supreme

2580 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and sixty-six chapters: gap!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Tiandao Shen Sheng: "Cang Xuan, this is your opportunity!"

Believe me, if you are willing to help, you will get a big kind of goodness, such as this kind, you have a big chance in the future to break through!

When I heard the heaven, Cang Xuan shook his head smile, "Tiandao, you don\'t fool the old man!"

What opportunities don\'t have the opportunity, have to fight against the sky, what is the good results? You should know that the group of guys is some of the heart, I still want to live a few years, really!

Tian Dao still wants to say, Cang Xuan continues: "I really don\'t want to take risks!

Understand? "

The heaves are sighful, no longer say, turn around!

When he walked to the door, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "Cang Xuan, how long is you sleepy in the future?"

Cang Xuan said: "120,000 years!

Tiandao nod, "I can tell you very responsible, you have no chance to break through!

Because you missed the biggest chance of this life!

After finishing, he disappeared in the distance.

In the bar, Cang Xuan silent is not a meal!

After a moment, Cang Xuan shook his head, "alive more important!


On the street, Tiandao looked at the horizon of the distance, whispered: "Ye Shao, don\'t do things!"

Say Wow, he disappeared directly in the same place.

He is not worried about Ye Xuan will die, he is worried that after anger, the skin is destined, and it is directly that the whole new world is destroyed!

If the new world is destroyed, don\'t he have a command order? At this moment, it is anxious!

At the same time, he also wides thousands of people in the sky!

This group of guys really look for death!

Nothing to provoke what is going on by the King King? Is it too comfortable? .

Ye Xuan is very calm, he is not worried at all!

worry about what? It\'s nothing to do!

He is now completely seen!

Desperate? nonexistent!

Anyway, he also spelled now!

At this moment, an old man suddenly appeared not far from the Xuan Xuan.

Ye Xuan opened his eyes and looked at the old man, brows, "the boss!

This old man is very similar to the elderly!

Before the old man went to the face of Ye, "Different days, my father!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How?"

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Tiandao is for you to kill my daughter?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not for me!

But for himself!

The old man laughs, "Tiandao said, can\'t provoke you!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Do you know what your daughter is?"


The old man suddenly broke out a horrible momentum and went to Ye Xuan crushed!

Ye Xuan raised his hand is a sword.


This sword, the horrible momentum is directly broken!

At this time, the old man directly blends into the Ye Xuan\'s head!

In his palm, there is a purple shape!

Ye Xuan suddenly pulling the sword is a big!

Pull the sword to die!

This sword technology, he has been long been used for a long time!

This sword is under, a sword is like a water!


As a fried sound, Ye Xuan and the old man retreat at the same time!

In the process of retreat, Ye Xuan\'s heart is a moving, countless swords and swords, and the sword is chopped!


In an instant, the sharp tear sound of a dense Ma Ma when he suddenly became!

In the distance, the other eyes flashed in a touch, "said a bed!

Said, he looked at him.


This, a horrible force suddenly swept around, countless Swords were shocked!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed to the other days, and slammed!

Big round back sword!

Nothing reincarnation is like a volcanic outbreak, and it will be out of turn!


Directly is directly retracted in the earthquake!

Ye Xuan was thinking about the chasing, and at this time, the weather suddenly appeared in front of a rush, a punch, a moment, countless violet shrew.


Sword is broken, and Ye Xuan harden students are forced to stop in place!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!

I am invincible!

It suddenly looked up in the sky, this looks up, he suddenly appeared a few leaf Xuanfu, and Ye Xuan fierce is a sword, but this sword is used to use a big round of sword!

During this time, he has completely integrated two swords!

Ye Xuan, this sword, his one of his portions is also the sword!


Digital sword light directly will override it!


A sword is blown out, and the abnormalities have been shocked to thousands of feet!

After the sky stopped, I still want to shoot. At this time, the gods suddenly appeared in the field, he looked at the same day, "He can\'t die now!

Wen said that it has become difficult to look!

However, he did not dare to refute God!

God\'s pastoral turned to look at the Ye Xuan, "Can you not toss?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you see clearly? It\'s not me tossing, but your people have been going to find me!

Shenza looked at Ye Xuan, "You really have quite undevened!

Ye Xuan smiled: "I am waiting for you to kill me!"

On the other side, the sky ridiculate: "Are you still waiting for the Tiandao to save you? I tell you that the heavens are indeed in seeking people to save you, but you don\'t know, what he is looking for refuses him!


Wen said, Ye Xuan is a little surprised!

He didn\'t think that the Tiandao actually found someone to save himself!

This guy is trip!

Although it is not necessary, this is still coming!

At this time, the sky said: "There is also your sister, I tell you, we didn\'t put her in my eyes at all!

When you arrive, you will cry!

Ye Xuan looked at the same day, "kill!

Wen said that it is full of anger when he suddenly turns. "You don\'t be too mad!

Ye Xuan said: "Killing!

It\'s okay to arrive!


This fuck is too arrogant!

It\'s still a hand, but it is still blocked by God, he looked at the same day, "the time is not arriving!

I can\'t kill Ya Xuan, because the has not been completely done, this time, if you kill Ya Xuan, attract the owner of the avenue, there is no meditation, they face the avenue pen owner, not too big!

I took a deep breath, he looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan also said: "To kill!

The different expression is stiff.

On the side, Shenzhen is cold and looked at the Ye Xuan. "You can rest assured, how long, we will meet your requirements!

Ye Xuan shrugged, then went to the side, then, he looked at the two, "to kill me!

I really want to die, really!

It\'s dead to stare at Ye Xuan, and you don\'t hide you!

Shenmu is also cold and looked at Ye Xuan!

This guy is not a general thing!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I didn\'t have time saints!

You give me some points!

I heard the words, it was very angry when I suddenly turned, "Who are you thinking? Have you? You are clear, you are prison!

You still have to change the holy crystal, you really want to laugh at me!

Ye Xuan looked at the same day, "Killing!

I heard the words, and the almost in the sky was violent!


He has never seen such a person who is so arrogant!

He is really a bit can\'t help!

However, the goddess still did not let him do it!

Finally, the air is directly lost!

After the arrival of the sky, Shenzha is watching the Ye Xuan, "You don\'t have much time arrogant!"

Ye Xuan did not care about her husband, he turned and went to the side and continued to cultivate!

He deliberately angered the sky, but he was not for the mouth, his real purpose was to fight with the other party!

He is now urgently wanting to fight, and here will come to upgrade yourself!

Seeing Leaf Xuan did not talk, Shenmu did not say anything, turned away, he came to a void, at this time, the South Emperor appeared in front of God!

Shenza looked at the South Emperor, "Is it found?"

The South Emperor Shen Sheng said: "I found some!

However, it is not detailed!

Shenzhen nodded, "Tell!

The South Emperor Shen Sheng said: "The skirt woman is the sister of Ye Xuan, as for what is the realm of her, no one knows, only know, she kills people are a sword!

Moreover, destroying some universers!

Investigate the skirt woman!

God is also not stupid. When I saw Ye Xuan, I was still worried when I was so concerned, so I still re-let the South Emperor investigated the suxeous skirt woman behind the Xixia!

The South Emperor said: "Although she murdered with the universe world is a sword, the representative can\'t, because those people are very weak, and we can do one in our unions!

After the silence of Shenzu, he said: "Is there still?"

Nan Di Road: "This person is a sword repair, rumored is a big sword!

God\'s pastry, "Da Jianxian?"

Nod nod, "there is no information!

The only one with this person is the owner!

Shenzhi looks to the South Emperor. "She didn\'t kill the neutral owner?"

The South Emperor laughed: "How is it? I still know the strength of the owner, don\'t say her, even if the avenue owner is afraid that it is not possible to kill him!

Shenmimu whispered: "There is no second to kill the owner, which means that the strengths of the opponent are different from the non-border, maybe more than the boundless, then the same, then we don\'t have to worry too much!

The South Emperor nodded, "it really doesn\'t have to worry too much!

Ye Xuan this person has no punishment, that is because he doesn\'t know anything about our strength!

He is coming from the small world. I have never seen too much world, just a person in his eyes!

Therefore, we don\'t have to waste the world with a short dress!

God\'s pastoral nodded, "What is the progress of the array?"

South Emperor Shen Sheng said: "You can do it for up to half months!

God is shaking his head, "I have been half a month, I have been too long!

Accelerate speed!

Dragning the strains!

You will make it, let them do it!

The South Emperor nodded, "I will remind!

After finishing, she turned away, it seems to be what, she said: "When killing Ye Xuan, the woman will definitely appear.

Shenza laughed: "Is this not very good? Can you take her to sacrifice!

