One Sword Reigns Supreme

2577 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters: I used to be alone!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When the Ye Xuan opened his eyes, he was already in a hall at the moment!

The whole hall is empty, nothing!

On the walls around, Ye Xuan saw some strange runes, these runes form a strange shape, very weird!

What is this place? Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

Is it a boss? Probably!

Because of the current, he is an enemy!

What seems to be, he frowned slightly, the palm is spread, he found that his Qing Xuan sword is gone!

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!

At this moment, a woman walked into the temple!

Ye Xuan flashed to see the woman, the woman smiled slightly, "Hello!

My name is the South Emperor!

South Emperor!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, "I am sure we don\'t know!"

The South Emperor smiled: "It is definitely not to know, we are the first time!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then said: "Irrrower?"

The South Emperor smiled slightly, "The ghosts of the ghosts and the elders are always with us!

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

The South Emperor blinks, "Are you not afraid at all?"

Ye Xuan looked at the South Emperor, "Why is I afraid?"

South Emperor Harha smiles, "You are really interesting!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Nan Di girl, your goal is me, or someone else?"

The South Emperor looked at Ye Xuan, "Our goals, not you, but the avenue master!

Ye Xuan brows, "Avenue pen master?"

Nandi nodded.

Ye Xuan has some intake. "Your goal is the master of the avenue, then you go to find the owner of the avenue!

The South Emperor shook his head. "Our Shenzhada has been present, killing you, you can end everything of the avenue owner and all the fruit!

Ye Xuan stared at the South Emperor. "Why do you not directly find the protector?"

The South Emperor shook his head, "We may play him!

Ye Xuan silence.

Oh shit!

It turns out that you are also bullied!

The South Emperor smiled: "You can rest assured, we will not kill you forever!"

Said, she stepped to sit down and said: "I want to talk to you!"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "What?"

The South Emperor smiled: "Do you know the owner, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I have seen one or two!

The South Emperor directly looks in Ye Xuan, "The person he has to kill is you, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The South Emperor stared at Ye Xuan, "Why does it fail?"

Ye Xuan said: "My sister appeared!"

The South Emperor smiled: "Even the skirt woman!

Ye Xuan looked at the South Emperor, "Do you know?"

South Emperor nodded, "investigated!

Because of her block, there is no longer than the owner!

That is to say, your sister\'s strength is at least one level with the non-boundary!

Ye Xuan silence.

The South Emperor looked at Ye Xuan, "Don\'t talk, is I wrong?"

After Xuan Xuan silently, he said: "Wrong!

The South Emperor smiled: "I guess it!"

Your sister\'s strength is stronger than the owner!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I don\'t want to target the owner, but, if you take my sister, is it a little less respect than the owner?"

No side: ".

The South Emperor is slightly smashed, "Many!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "You want to kill me, then end the leader of the avenue, right?"

Nandi nodded.

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why do you still don\'t do it?"

The South Emperor laughed: "I am still the gods, Shenzu is still being fulfilled!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Then I will wait!"

The South Emperor suddenly got up to Ye Xuan face, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Why do you not worry? Who gave you confident? Your sister? Avenue pen owner?"

Ye Xuan said: "Why do you think I have a relationship with the owner of the avenue?"

The South Emperor smiled: "According to my investigation, you used to be a person who is destiny, but you are a pity that you are later deprived of the identity of the people!

Now you, there is no peace of life!

Otherwise, we are really a bit trick. After all, we must kill a person who will be a great price!

Ye Xuan said: "Is there no price now?"

The South Emperor\'s mouth is slight, "Of course!

Now kill you, our enemies are your sister, as for your sister, we will find ways to deal with her!

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

The South Emperor walked two steps toward Ye Xuan, she looked straight to Ye Xuan, "I know, you are confident, but you don\'t know about our heritage and strength, when you see us terrible, you All reactions will become floating!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Killing!


At this point, the South Emperor is one of the eyes, in a moment, the temperature in the main hall will drop directly, cold and cold!

Ye Xuan brows, "Hand!

The South Emperor is going to speak, and Ye Xuan suddenly made a sword with swords, and it is a head!

Big round back sword!

This sword is under, a horrible human sword is very happy!

Seeing Ye Xuan suddenly shot, the South Emperor brows, her sleeves, a horrible force swept!


The two power just came out, and the whole hall was trembled, and the runes on the walls in the hall were dramatic, and the horrible power was spread out towards the four weeks!

In the distance, Ye Xuan holds the sword, he looked at the South Emperor, and his mouth disdain, "Come!"

kill me!

The sound fell, he suddenly went forward, and he was a sword!

This sword, he not only urged the strength of the world\'s sword and reincarnation, but also sent itself to his own blood!

Three kinds of strengths gathered in a sword, the power of this sword suddenly doubled!

The horror power in Ye Xuanjian was noted. Then the brow wrinkled. She said with her palms. He suddenly emerged from his palm. The next moment, she took the front, and she took the plane!


A Jinguang suddenly spurted in the palm of the South Emperor!


A bloody sword is suddenly felted, and the two have retravened in a moment!

Ye Xuan this refund, directly returned to the wall.


He flesh fierce!

However, he did not have an obstacles, because Qin Guan gave him the idea to block most of the power for him!

However, this woman\'s power is still too strong, so some part of the power is still on him, let him hurt, but not fatal!

In the distance, the South Emperor looked at the leaves of the leaves, there was no expression, "God A!

Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, in his body, countless people swords crazy!

In an instant, this countless human sword is gathered into a situation!

Human sword!

The South Emperor is slightly smashed, "Sword!

I have to say, she is still very shocking at this moment, because the realm of Ye Xuan is much lower than her, but Ye Xuan can have a few tricks with her, and she found that Ye Xuan\'s sword is very special, Also very strong!


Although I see Ye Xuan is some uncomfortable, she has to admit that this boy is really enchanting!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly walked forward, a sword to the South Emperor!

In an instant, countless swords plus this sword, like a huge flood to sweep in the main hall, straight to the South Emperor!

In the distance, the South Emperor flashed a cold light, she suddenly turned into a residual and disappeared in the original place!


A horrible harsh tear Saint suddenly sounds in the temple!


Suddenly, a deafening fried from the whole hall, it broke out, once in an instant, the whole hall was directly dramatic, but because the mysterious strange words suppressed, the power of the two was extremely horrible, but I haven\'t broken the main hall!

Ye Xuan once again hit the wall!

This time is more serious than the last, his mouth, blood is constantly overflowing!

And the distance, the South Emperor has retired from the corner!

At this moment, the South Emperor\'s face is incomparably ugly!


She is actually retired by a man who is much lower than her realm!

This is simply shameful!

The South Emperor roared, the right hand spread, a golden rune appeared in her palm, the next moment, a horrible force continued to have a self-her palm!


In an instant, the time and space in the entire hall is directly twisted!

In the distance, Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed, his body, unfelt the blood crazy, and a horrible blood of the horror and the sword in his hand!

No Qing Xuan sword!

Otherwise, his combat power can also enhance a lot!

Of course, for him, there is no Qing Xuan sword, which is not particularly big!

At this time, the South Emperor suddenly disappeared in the original place, the next moment, the main hall in the field did not split!

Those who cracks about the terrorist power of the South Emperor at this moment!

At this moment, the distance in the distance suddenly directly turned into a sword light disappeared in the same place!

Hard hard!


Suddenly, as a shocking fried sound, the entire main hall directly made a powder, Ye Xuan and the South Emperor at the same time, Ye Xuan, this refund, tens of thousands of feet!

The South Emperor has retired nearly 10,000!

And the temple is broken, but those runes are not broken, but floating in the air.

After the South Emperor stopped, her face became incomparable!

She still did not kill Ye Xuan!

You must know that she is now in the country, which is several realm than Ye Xuan!

Too enchanting!

The South Emperor looked at Ye Xuan, and the eyes were more and more.

She once is a super enchanting, and she has seen a lot of enchanting, but like Ye Xuan, she is still the first time!

The difference is so many realm!

Be distant, Ye Xuanzhi\'s blood, then looks at the South Emperor in the distance, his brow wrinkled, "" Is this? "

The South Emperor is slightly squatting, "If it is not a meeting, can you kill you now, do you think you can live? I tell you, don\'t think you have your sister, you can arrogance, in front of me, in front of me What is your sister? "

Ye Xuanqi is calm. "There is also a person who is as arrogant to you, and now, his grave herbs have been high. Do you know who this person is?"

Tian Wei: "???"
