One Sword Reigns Supreme

2578 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,564 Chapter: Siflow Salers!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the South Emperor was clear, "I ignorant!

Ye Xuan shook his head, no longer talk to this woman!

These people even the avenue owner is so fear, how to go to the anti-young? Not at all levels!

Moreover, although the woman\'s strength is strong, even he has a battle force, it can be said that this woman is afraid that even the neither owner can fight!

Just then, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the field.

The middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan, and then turned to look at the South Emperor of the side, "God\'s pastoral people want to see him!


I heard the words, the South Emperor flashed a shoy, "Shen Muada has been cleared?"

Middle-aged man nodded, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, please!

Ye Xuan did not resist this time, he received a sword, then said: "Let\'s go!

The middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan and turned and left!

Ye Xuan has followed it!

The South Emperor on the side is also busy with the past!

Ye Xuan came to a valley with two people. In this valley, there is a simple grass house. Before the grass house, it is a vegetable garden, and the vegetable garden is full of fruits and vegetables.

The middle-aged man with the South Emperor took Ye Xuan to the grass house, and then she was retired!

Middle-aged man looks to Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, please come!

Ye Xuan walked into the grass house, in the grass house, sitting in a old man, sitting on the bed, stacking in front of the hands, double-eyed, and similarly in cultivation.

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, the look was calm!

At this time, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, he looked to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, please sit!

Ye Xuan is also welcome, sitting aside.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan. "I opened the door to see the mountain, I want to kill you, the causality of the avenue pen owner!"

Ye Xuan nod, "then kill!

The old man smiled slightly, "You have no fear!

Ye Xixing calmly: "It is not there, I am alone, I am lonely, strength is strong, I have to face it in the face, how can I not ask you? Ask for mercy, is it useful?"

The old man shook his head, "no use!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Isn\'t this?"

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "I have to kill you when I am, but I am not successful because of your sister, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, "I have done it, but I can\'t feel all of her causal, why?"

Ye Xuan is active: "Maybe you are relatively weak!

"Ha ha!

The old man laughed, "Young people, do you think I am weak?"

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, "If you are not weak, how can you feel the causality of my sister?"

The old man laughed: "She should be the cause of the past and the future now!

In other words, she is the lowest in the future!

Ye Xuan silence.

The old man said again: "I call you, there is something!

I have done a lot of the sky, killing you, I really can end everything in the avenue owner, but why can I end, but I don\'t know, can you solve it for me? "

Ye Xuan shook his head, "it is not important!

The important thing is that you are ready to do this!

Not? "

The old man looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuanqi, then said: "I won\'t escape, when will you kill me, come directly to me!

After finishing, he turned and left.

When I walked to the door, he suddenly stopped. "Can I give me my sword?"

The old man shook his head, "I can\'t!

Ye Xuan nod, no more, start away!

In the grass house, Shenmu palm is spread, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, watching Qingxuan sword in his hand, he silently didn\'t speak, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

After Ye Xuan left the grass house, he looked at the South Emperor and Zhongnan Men, in the end, he looked at the South Emperor, "Come, re-played!

The South Emperor is slightly smashed, in the eyes, the cold is flashing.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned a sword light disappeared in the original place!


The time and space in front of the South Emperor opened a huge mouth!

Sword is now!

The South Emperor flashed in the eyes, she slammed, a horrible force was pouring in her fist, in an instant, a powerful force is like a storm is generally sweeping!


With a sword light, Ye Xuan directly retreats to 10,000!

After stopping, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, and his right hand gently boiled, and then a spin.


In an instant, countless human swords are in the body!

Human swords!

Seeing the people of Ye Xuan\'s sword, the South Emperor suddenly flashed a wipe!

She is a loss of this sword!

At this moment, she found that this Ye Xuan\'s sword is even more stronger!


The South Emperor looked at the Ye Xuan, the right hand slowly grasped, and her right hand is calm, and a golden stripe quietly condensed.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the original place!


The Southern Emperor suddenly cracks, and a sword is broken.

The South Emperor is slightly smashed, and it is a palm!

In the palm of the palm, there is a horrible force to pour!


Ye Xuan\'s horrible sword is directly blocked by this horrible power!

The Nilm looked at the leaves in front of him, and the eyes were shot.

Said, she slammed forward.


The sword is broken, and the Ye Xuan fir is returning to Wanshang!

Ye Xuan Kong stopped, the South Emperor suddenly appeared in his head, and then slammed again!

This palm, as if the whole day is compressed, a horrible percentage of direct pressure is not too angry!

The Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed, and his right foot was slammed, and the whole man was brought together!


This sword directly destroyed the power of terror, straight to the South Emperor!

When I saw my own strength, I was broken by the Ye Xuan Yi, the South Emperor was suddenly shrinking, the next moment, she screamed, once again slammed, this moment, her whole person, countless golden light out!


A sword is broken, and Ye Xuan is directly bombarded in the sky, and after a few times, the foot of Ye Xuan, a sword is now, he stopped!

At this time, the northern emperor suddenly meditated the ancient speech, very fast, a huge golden stripe appeared in the top of the leaves.


A horrible pressure directly shrouded Ye Xuan!

Below, Ye Xuan looked at the stripes, there was no expression, his right hand turned, four weeks countless human swordsman time to make a sword back to him!

At this time, the northern emperor suddenly slammed down, "destroy!

The sound falls, the golden stripes in the top of Ye Xiji suddenly fall, countless golden lights are like a heavy rain, and they will submerge the Ye Xuan!

The Ye Xuanzi\'s mouth has a touch, he is in the body, the blood suddenly boils, turning instantly, his whole person has changed directly into a bloody person, the next moment, he turned into a bloody sword!

At the same time, countless people swords from the sky, volatile!


The bloody swords of Ye Xuanhua is like a shady, unstoppable torrent, instantly punching those golden light, and finally, his sword is on the golden stripes.


The sky suddenly trembled, and a horrible force broke out, instantly swept away from hundreds of star fields!

At this moment, the original golden look at this moment began to become dull!

Seeing this scene, the South Emperor\'s eyes suddenly appeared in an unbelievable, "how it is possible.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly turned down again!


That golden look fierce, and then broke out a horrible force, at the same time, it actually started to crack!

Seeing this scene, the South Emperor was shocked, her palm opened, the golden look back directly, she looked at Ye Xuanyuan, "You are dead!

Said, her eyes slowly closed, and at this time, there was a purple rune between her eyebrows!

This is her second road!

During the past, there will be a roadprint. Nowadays, there will be a second shape, and this road in her eyebrow is the second!

Obviously, she has already played the fire at this moment, and I want to kill the clothes!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t fight!

After finishing, he directly turned into a bloody sword light disappearing.

The South Emperor stunned, the next moment, she had to chase, but very fast, her face became incapacitated!

Because Ye Xuan returned to the grass house in the goddess!

The South Emperor stared at Ye Xuan, the eyes were like a sword!

Below, before the grass house, Ye Xuan disk sat down, he took a deep breath and then began to cultivate!

When he was a battle, he harvested huge!

This battle made him a clear understanding of his strength!

He is definitely with the South Emperor to have some gaps, but this gap is not too big!

The reason why the gap is not big, and his swordsman is very good!

Human swords!

At this moment, he realized how terrible this, and the sword of this person is still constantly become stronger!

It can be said that if it is the battle, he is almost invincible now!

But not enough!

Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, and he carefully felt the swords between those people.

At this time, the South Emperor suddenly appeared in the court, she looked at Ye Xuan, and she did not cover her eyes!

At this time, suddenly came from the sound of Shenmu in the grass house, "Nan Emperor!

I heard the words, the South Emperor took back to the eye, she walked into the grass house, after entering the grass house, the South Emperor went to the gods, gods, gods, and laughed: "So can\'t stand up?"

The South Emperor is silent.

God is laughing: "He is taking you!"

Nandi nodded, "I know!

Shenzhen looks to the Ye Xuan, whispering outside the door: "Have to say, this person is really a great enchantment!

His sister is not a general person, at least in the future, even higher.


The South Emperor\'s face is immediately changed, "how it is possible!

Never possible!

Future, absolutely limited!

God is laughed: "Don\'t happen, even if she is unknown, how is it? Under the owner of the avenue, all the ants!

Said, his eyes slowly closed, and the palms were suddenly out of two chess pieces. "This time, I want to win the day!"
