One Sword Reigns Supreme

2576 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,562 Chapter: Dediang!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The weather at this moment is indeed panicked!

Ye Xuan is going!

Before Ye Xuan returned to the Xuan universe, he didn\'t know, because the Xuan universe has Qingqiu, so he is very relieved, not to follow!

However, he did not think that Ye Xuan was in the way back to the way!

Who is the Leaf Xuan? Obidity!

The sky is standing directly, turning around and disappears!

Soon, Tiandao came to the bismuth!

Just came to the heroic group, and the extra days appeared in front of him.

It is going to talk in different days, and the heavens angered: "Is it you moved?

There is no expression in the past, "I don\'t know what you are talking about!

Tiandao glared at the sky, "You are less nonsense!

Put Ye Leo!

Shake your head in the sky, "I don\'t know what you are talking about!

The heavens suddenly disappeared in the same place!


In an instant, a horrible pressure suddenly went to the weather!

Seeing this scene, the extraordinary eyes suddenly looked at the right hand, and then slammed down.


As a fried sound, the heavens have been directly squeaking to 10,000!

After the heavens stopped, his eyes were full of horror, "you.

You have reached now!


It means that all causes in this life is!

There is no expression in the same day, "Tiandao, you really think you are a character? I tell you, if it is not because of the taboo of the avenue master, you are dead!

What seems to be, the heavens have the face of the face, "You join hands with the sky!

It\'s a smile in the same day, turn around.

Originally, it is difficult to look at the color!


This is a special mystery organization consisting of some super strong, only one of their purposes, anti-avenue owner!

It is worth mentioning that the ancient strong people who have been banned from the wilderness are also against the sky!

However, those only around the sky!


Thinking of this, the heavens have become extremely difficult to look!

After a while, the Tiandao looked up to the sky and whispered: "The owner.

what do I do? "

No response!

Heavenly silent film lanted: "I don\'t understand, you resist the owner.

Why do you want to provoke less? "

After a while, the Tiandao turned and left!

He has to think about it!

He is not worried about Ye Xuan\'an, he is worried about his safety!

Ye Xuan was arrested, if he once again surprised the woman, he might be!


On the other hand, a white woman stopped the owner of the world!

Seeing the white woman, there is no lord: "Nan Emperor, is there?"

South Emperor!

White woman smiled slightly, "Hey, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

No side shaking head, "said directly!

The white woman blinked, "Hey, don\'t like this, we once also alone!

The owner is sigh, "You are not moving against the King!

Rely on the mountain!

The South Emperor is slightly smashed, "" You know!

No side shook his head, "guess!

The South Emperor smiled: "Hey, we sincerely invite you to join us, if you are willing, except for the Lord of the Lord, in the sky, any position will be!

After the burden of silence, Tao: "Nan Emperor, look at the same time!"

I am reminding you to provoke the owner of the avenue, there is no relationship, really, the people of the avenue, sometimes very small, but sometimes it is very big, you have a lot, toss, he may not manage, but Don\'t provoke this boy called Ye Xuan, this is a explosive package, just blowing!

The South Emperor looked boundless. "He is the person you want to kill, right?"

Boundless silent.

The South Emperor said: "You said, killing a person, everything will end!

I know, you can\'t see what you are not in the owner of the avenue!

right? "

Boundless silent.

The South Emperor continued: "I have been investigated, you have to get a little bit better!"

But by a full skirt woman stopped!

Skirt woman!

I heard this name, the boundless eyelids could not be trembled.

The South Emperor smiled: "Hey, a person\'s power is limited, join us, if we join hands, it can be!

I watched the South Emperor. "Do you know what you mean after killing him?"

South Demotao: "means able to end everything, all the fruit!

The boundless eyes, "God worses?"

The South Emperor nodded, "I wake up!

I am boundless, "Shenzhi.

Said, he whispered, "I know, I advise you!

Do you want to do anything!

However, I don\'t want to mix and these things.


After finishing, he turned and left!

The South Emperor suddenly said: "Hey, what are you afraid of!

Borderless to stop, then said: "Not afraid, but I am tired!

Also, I will do any choice now, I have to be careful, because I am not careful, I will drop it!

Said, he turned his head and looked at the South Emperor.

This person is now not talking about Wu De.

The consequences of recruiting his consequences are serious than the consequences of the host of the avenue!

After finishing, he turned and left.

There is no moon, I\'m so busy!

The South Emperor looked at the unilateral owner left in the distance, silent.

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared next to the South Emperor, he looked at the unilateral owner left in the distance: "The South Emperor, this is the owner of the life of the world?"

Nandi nodded.

The middle-aged man laughed and then said: "He seems to be very afraid!

The South Emperor whispered: "Is it a bit can\'t afford him?"

Middle-aged man is calm: "It is a bit!

Nan Emperor turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man, then laughed: "Ancients, do you know how God\'s pasture is the boundless?"

Ancient shook head.

The South Emperor laughed: "The first person under the avenue owner!

The ancient and negative eyes, "I can not accept!"

The South Emperor smiled: "Don\'t not accept!

In the past, the Lord and Shenmu were pulp over him, but he got untested to join us at all, he wants to do it!

Said, she suddenly said, "You may not know, he once had just passed with the avenue owner!

Although it is defeated, do you dare? Do you dare to find a big road owner hard? "

The ancient shortbrows were smashed, "He went to the Milky Way to find a big pen master?"

Nandi nodded, "Yes!

The ancient disadvantages: "He really hit the owner of the avenue?"

The South Emperor smiled: "I tell you, don\'t look at him is very low-key, in the past, he is not very good. He didn\'t even have a bird in the past that year!

Said, she shook his head slightly, "Unfortunately!

I still feel that he is more attractive. Now he is like a tiger that is pulled out of his teeth. It is a bit boring!

After finishing, she turned and left!

The ancient lack of viewing a long time, then turned and left.

On the other hand, there is no question, "I am boundless, they are the people of the sky?"

Head, "Yes!

Headless is calm: "A force for the protector of the avenue!

Resistance Avenue pen master!

There is no eyebrows, "Why is so many people going to rebellion the avenue master?"

The never looks at it, then said: "Many people are for freedom, but more people, after taunt, then do that dragon!


The boundless owner is sigh, "Shenzu, this god stick, will be miserable!

This guy is a master master, knowing the heavens and the earth, he can speculate that the king will be able to cut off all because of all the fruit, which means that his performance has reached a very horrible level!

Unfortunately, there is no big completion!

Otherwise, kill him, he does not dare to provoke the king of the mountain!

After that, he shook his head, "people who don\'t understand, only the most terrible!

There is no deep voice: "Why don\'t you persuade them?"

Headless: "You didn\'t see it, did you already persuade? Do they listen?"

: "

The boundless continuation: "They will not listen, because in their world, the Master of the Avenue is the strongest in the world, they are only taboo the owner of the avenue, can say that in addition to the avenue pen owner, they don\'t put anyone in the eyes inside!

As for the skirt woman, their strength is limited, and all the causality that does not reach the sedam woman!

Said, he whispered.

There is no deep voice: "Hey, what is going on next?"

The never looks at it for four weeks, "Sk!


Hey, the lake: "Continue to stay here, I am afraid that one day suddenly funeral!"

So, hurry!

However, before leaving, take you to see a person!

There is no such curiosity, "Who?"

There is no longer laugh: "A very powerful person!

After finishing, he disappeared in the distance.

God suddenly said: "Monk, do you say that the end of the future will be a good end?"

10, "Why is this asked?"

God is a bit worried, "the avenue owner is already arranged.

: "There will definitely have a good ending!

Shenming turned to see the , "Why?"

" Therefore, this time, there will be a good ending!

Said, he looked at the gods. "You look at the people, those who have the next anti-Avenue pen owner? It is boundless? At the beginning, I almost pulled the avenue pen owner, but you see, the avenue pen Has the owner punished him? "

God is silent.

There is no light voice: "The old says, leaning on the mountain king.

In fact, he as a man of life, there is also a mountain, and his relying on the mountain is the owner of the avenue.

It can be seen from a point that others are against the mountain king, not their own death is the whole family, you see him, now live well.

Speaking of this, he shook his head, "We don\'t seem to be aligned!

Wen said, the two expressions are stiff!

Suddenly, the two feel some of them.


PS: Recommend a friend\'s fantasy novel: Gay World King.

Introduction: The life of everything in the world is just a piece of dust left after the four seasons of the universe.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the reincarnation of the rolling, once made the world falling, countless civilization flashes, ancient times, no one can compete.

According to legend, when the spring is in the earth, the life of sleeping in the frozen soil will usher in recovery ... I like to watch the fantasy readers, I can see, very good!