One Sword Reigns Supreme

2575 Swords in the second thousand five hundred and sixty-one chapter: lunch box!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard the words, I was silent when I was boundless!

Surrender? He is naturally not to do this!

Starvating is small, the loss is big!

After the silence is a moment, there is no side asked very seriously: "Monk, why do you think the avenue owner is like?"

10, serious to: "Skirt woman!

I heard the words, I shook my head when I suddenly turned, "I succumbed!

He is really satisfied!

This monk, don\'t move, take someone else\'s and vegetarian woman!

Your understanding is compared to the woman, that is indeed, who is that!

There is shake your head without shaking, turn around.

Since I have learned that the avenue owner is arranged, then he has to think of a way to resist!

Accept fate? nonexistent!

Hey, he can\'t do it!

I saw the boundless main point, there was no low sigh, and the look was not comparative. "What is the avenue owner arranged?"

Shenming looked at an endless, "Mon Shang, people arranged are boundless, not two, please figure out!

I have no eyebrows, "Why do you want to be self-purple?"

Shen Ming expressive stiff: ".


After returning to Daozong, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan returned to Daozong, Qin Guan was with a billion yuan of sacrament, with this money, she could do a lot of things!

Big knife is dry!

After Ye Xuan returned to Daozong, he began to cultivate.

He is now a secondary field, and his purpose is to reach the outside world!

Because there is a full support of Daozong, his cultivation is fast, and Daozong is full support!

All the best resources are used by Ye Xuan!

Under the full support of Taozong, Ye Xuan\'s improvement speed is also very horrible!



After the end of the matter, the heavens did not go back, but they came directly to the mid-ghost circles.

The ghost city.

Tiandao has come to the foreign ghost city, and an old man appears in front of him. This person is the full day of height!

I looked at the sky in the same day. "What is the wind today, will the heaven adult?"

Tiandao shakes his head, "Different days, we don\'t talk nonsense!"

Your daughter is killing!

Tour: "Reasons!

Tiandao calm tone: "Don\'t kill her, you have no life!

Don\'t laugh in the sky, don\'t talk.

See this scene, the heaven brow wrinkled, "How, don\'t believe it?"

It\'s a smile: "Heaven, you are honest with me, is it that your hostee sees me the rise of my bismuth, so I want to suppress us?"

Tiandao looks at the same day. "Do you think I am lie to you?"

The same day is calm: "I am very curious, don\'t kill my daughter, I will have no!"

Tiandao Shen Sheng: "Do you know who you have to provoke?"

I looked at the sky in the same day. "I don\'t know!

Tiandao glared at the same day, "Different days, I know, your old ancestors have now reached now, but I tell you, don\'t say that I have reached the truth, even if I reach the unknown, in front of the woman, it is also antique!

No, even the ant ants are not!

The same is calm, "I said, you killed my daughter, but I would like to thank you?"

After watching the sky, nod, "I understand what you mean!

So, don\'t benefit!

After finishing, he turned and left.

He knows that the people of the ethnic group don\'t believe him at all!

Of course, he also understands that there is no person who is pair of skirt women, it will not know how terrible!

This is an invincible woman!

As for the boss, as long as the boss is not going to find Ye Xuan\'s trouble, this matter will be over!

And if the ghosts dare to find Ye Xuan trouble, then he is ready to tear his skin!

Seeing the heavens away, the extraordinary eyes got up.

At this time, an old man appeared next to the sky, the old man said: "The owner of this avenue is afraid that it is going to start with us!

There is no expression in the past, "he didn\'t have this opportunity!

After finishing, he turned and left.


Dao Zong.

Ye Xuan, who is sitting in the small tower, suddenly opened his eyes, opened the moment of his eyes, a horrible breath swept from him!

Old road!

With the help of Tao Zong and the small tower, he used the whole ten years, and finally reached the road!

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, Qing Xuanjian appears in his hand, he gently waved, a horrible force suddenly swayed into the Qing Xuanjian!

See this scene, the angle of the Ye Xuanzi is slightly picked up!

Old road!

Now he is in this new world, it is finally not a brother!

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt boring!

No enemy!

When you become strong, look at it, but there is no powerful enemy!

The Yuanyuan Cosmark Hall of the Shengwang, was a pot of a sword!

And the new Zong was also completely worked.

Ye Xuan shizes his head.

I will encounter trouble, or try my own efforts!

Otherwise, this life is too boring!

Unless it is really playing!

At this moment, Qin Guan appeared in front of Ye Xuan, she looked at Ye Xuan, and then smiled: "Outer Road?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qin Guan has a thumbs up, "amazing!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "How is the Academy and Xianbaoge?"

Qin Guan Head, "With the help of Daozong and Xinzong, everything is smooth!

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "Dao Xinzong?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

After the last thing, they want to repair the relationship with us, so this time, they have been trying to help us!

Ye Xuan is nodd, "understand!

Qin Guan continued: "I am ready to open a bank.

Ye Xiuned, then said: "Bank?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

It is a place to save money!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Do people find us for money?"

Qin Guanjiao horn slightly, "will!

Because of the money, there is interest!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Others have saved the money, and then we used to do? Is it spent?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Stupid!

We can lend these money to those who need it, of course, they need to pay us a certain interest.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "The left hand is collected, lend out right hand?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

Use someone else\'s money to make money!

Ye Xuan\'s thumbs up, "cattle!

Qin Guan smiled: "It is very difficult to open the bank, because many people are definitely unwilling to believe us, but, in the view of the universe, there will be no such problem, because in Xuan universe, our Xianbao Pavilion and Wen Xuan Academy The credibility is very good, so I want to go back, after doing it, I will come here again!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you want to look back in Xuan?"

Qin Guan Head, "I am already in place here, I don\'t need me for the time being!

After I go back, I want to integrate these messy sectors on my hand!

When I handled it, I will bring some people to this place, then in this way, it will grow!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin Guan took out a quarter of the quarter, "This is 100 million yuan of holy crystal, you take it!"

If it is missing, go to Xianbaoge, now they see you as seeing me, what do you want, they have, will give you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

Qin gods nodded, then said: "Then I will go first!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin watched the Qing Xuan sword in the Xuanxuan, "I have to send me a way!

Ye Xuan Xu drums the Qing Xuanjian, then disappeared with Qin Guan!

This time is slow, about one time, Ye Xuan this only sword Qin Guan sent back to the Xuanjian from the new world!

After the two people, Qin Guan was busy!

Ye Xuan did not immediately returned to the new world, but came to the college, in the courtyard, the Qingqi, who is reading the book, suddenly opened his eyes, she turned to look at the Ye Xuan, a slight smile, "Brother!

Ye Xuan went to the front of Qingqiu and smiled: "Is it busy recently?"

Qingqi nod, "Bus!

Very busy!

Said, she got an eye Ye Xuan, then said: "The outer road?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qingqiu smiled: "It seems that she is a little slow!"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "I feel that you are a little urgent!"

He can feel that the vegetarian skirt will want him to make him stronger, and it is still an urgent!

After the Qingqiu silent, he said: "She may feel anything!"

So I can\'t wait to want you to become stronger!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Shantou, do you know what she feels?"

Qingqi shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan silence.

At this time, Qingqiu smiled: "Don\'t worry about these, the sky!"

Have her with me!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Okay!

After a moment with Qingqiu\'s cold, Ye Xuan was returned to Daozong.

On the way back to the tribute, suddenly, his time and space tunnel suddenly broke, followed by a residual shadow!

Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly smashed, and the sword is full.


This sword is under, the whole time and space tunnel suddenly opened, and Ye Xuan fell into a slight-time chaos!

This time and space is crazy to swallow the body of Ye Xuan!

The Xixiang is shocked, even if you are busy with Qing Xuan sword, you must escape this time and space, but at this time, an invisible hand suddenly pressed toward his head!

Ye Xuan fiercely looked up, a sword!

Big round back sword!

This sword is out, countless reincarnation is suddenly emerging in Juanjian!


The invisible giant hand is directly retired by this sword!


At this time, a shocked sound suddenly sounded in the scene, and next moment, a black light suddenly swept, the speed was extremely fast, and the blink of the blink of Ye Xuan directly.


New world.

Among the void, the Tiandao, which was sitting, suddenly opened his eyes, the next moment, his face was changing, "lying in the groove!


Ye Ye.

Said, he directly uploaded the time and space disappeared in the original place, and when he came to the time and space tunnel before the next, it was empty!

Seeing this scene, the heavens face became pale, he sat on the ground, trembling: "Do I want to lead the box?"
