One Sword Reigns Supreme

2574 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and sixty chapters: It is a brother!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

At this moment, the heavens really have to collapse!

This is a good thing to give up the destruction of the world, if you let this diverse woman will irritate her kill, it is really improving!

If this is a big life, it is really going to destroy the new world, even if he owns can\'t stop!

In this day, in addition to her brother, no one!

When I heard the heaven, the villain was furious when I was dramatically. "You dare to marry me!

Tiandao is dead, "I am the heaven!"

Heart is incense, then anger: "Let your dog fart!

How can you be a humble country? you.

Tiandao right hand is hard to force.


Different Dragonfly is directly eradicated!

He wanted to give a face, but at this moment, he really couldn\'t help!

This is really stupid.


After solving the abortion, the Tiandao turned to look at the vegetarian woman, he hesitated, and then respectd the road: "Adult, give you trouble!

The woman looks at the heaven, "take care of my brother!"

I am very busy: "Yes!

Skirt woman turned to look at Ye Xuan, she was silent after a moment, said: "Brother, wait for me to finish, I will come to you!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Skirt woman smiled slightly, she looked down and hugged Xuan, and then disappeared in place.


Ye Xuan looked at the depth of the horizon, the brow is slight, what is this young? After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he looked at the Zhao Dynasty on the side. At this moment, the Zhao Dynasty soul is completely unreal, but it is a life that is hit!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you want to live?"

Zhao Tong nodded.

Ye Xuan nod, "Give me billion yuan to the Taozong, give you three days!

After that, he turned to leave!

At this time, Zhao Du suddenly trembled: "Ye Ye, no need for three days, I will give you now!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Oh shit!

I have grown myself!

After a while, Ye Xuan got the ochang holy crystal, and he was separated from Qin.

The heaven did not follow, he called the way, "Can Ye Ye can pass it?"

Taoism smiles, "What are you talking?"

Tiandao stared at the road, "You don\'t have this expression, I tell you, this is a big chair of your Taoist!

Understand? "

Taoism looks, "How do you say?"

Tiandao whisper: "When she will get less, I will give you a variation from Daozong.

You are waiting!

Of course, the premise is that you take care of Ye Ye.

Note, "I understand!

Said, what he seems to be, and it is said: "The boss.

There is no expression in the sky, "I will solve it!

Note, "Good!

He is not allowed to solve it because he really doesn\'t want to deal with the boss!


On the other side, in a starry sky, there is no side of the horror: "This is the king of the mountain!

This damn relies on the mountain king, how he also comes to the new world!

It\'s really a dog!

He didn\'t think that Ye Xuan has also come to the new world, according to him, Ye Xuan does not have a million years, it is impossible to go here!

One side, there is no sudden way: "Will it be that the life is coming?"

I heard the words, and the main face was sinking!

Obviously, it is to come to this place with Ye Xuan!

Just what is going to do with the owner? There is a deep frown that is deeply frown.

At this time, Shenming suddenly said: "Nothing.

No side, shook his head, whispered!

If you are provoking others, he can keep it, but the province is to rely on the mountain, and that woman is still there.

The owner is sighing again, "It\'s really egg!

This is really a soul!

There is no sudden highway: "I think things are unlikely!

Berior, you said, is we arranged by the owner of the avenue? "

Wrecked, there was no sidebrow.

God also said: "I also feel that it is not normal, we will not be arranged by the owner of the avenue?"

The boundless owner is slightly smashed, he is a sudden expansion, next moment, the world, countless strange text messages from him, and in this countless rune, it is a horrible avenue!

In an instant, the boundless owner condenses the law of countless avenues!

With this hand, it is enough to proud the world!

After a while, the endless descent wrinkled.

See this scene, the gods and unfacked instantly changed!

They don\'t understand the law of these avenues, but they can feel that anything can easily destroy them!

God is nothing more about, this is a bit amazing!

At this time, the boundless sleeves, the law of those avenues in the world disappeared without a trace!

There is no blessing, "" You are really arranged! "


There is no hesitation, then said: "The Master Avenue is really arranged?"

The never looks at it, "Big Brother, he is arranged for me, not arranged you!"

Now you, what can make him arrange!

There is no expression, this is a bit hurt!

He took a sigh of relief, he looked at the world, then said: "Do you think about any end?"

No response!

Boundless, nodding, "Good!

Your cattle!

There is no deep voice: "What should I do now?"

After the silence of the side, I laughed: "Do you know how to have a good ending?"

There is no hesitation, ask, "Do you not resist?"

The never looks at it, "Do you think it is useful?"

: "Can you fight him with your strength?"

No side, light channel: "I have to change a way!

, "Do you change?"

Head, "just right, no!

Because the current is concerned, no one can kill him, even the woman, can not kill him at this time, unless she put down the king of the mountain, it is obviously impossible!

So, you can\'t just have the front side, you can only change your way!

God is curious: "What way?"

No side, light channel: "Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan!

God and !

I thought I thoughtless, then said: "What is my current situation? It\'s just as long as you don\'t have the enemy from the mountain, there is basically no one can kill me!

However, now he is arrangeing me, that is, it is very likely that there is unknown powerful existence.

When I said this, he frowned deeply. "I causing my next plot!

The first one, continued the waves, but this risk is very big, continue to the waves, maybe there will be sudden waves one day!

Of course, it is just possible!

Article 2, that is, I gradually develop into a guy of the mountain.

Then at some point in the future, with him to fight against the unknown enemy, then, in the battle, I was alive by the King, I was tragic and died, earn a tears.

Said, he laughed, "It\'s likely!

Shen Ming has no face, and did not speak.

There is no side of the owner to continue: "Article 3, that is, I will continue to rely on the king of the mountain, but now this is no longer talking about Wu De, that is, to rely on the mountain king, with the mountain king, My ultimate ending is definitely even worse!

Said, "his eyes are slightly," the last one, from now on, I completely disappeared between this world, becoming a past style, only in the legend!

There is no hesitation, then said: "Which is it?"

The boundless eyes are slower. "Do you know? A person\'s fate, many times, it is already destined, but many times, it is not destined, that is, a person\'s choice is very important, his one Choose, will affect his future life!

The owner of the avenue has not forcibly arranged me, he is letting me do it yourself!

: "Can you choose it yourself?"

Head, "Yes!

Of course, this is hard!

There is no some intake, "Is it difficult?"

Nodded, "In addition to born, some ordinary people\'s children, they want to change their own environment, they have to go more effort, but they can\'t give him a better platform, so his parents can\'t give him a better platform, so he is at the beginning Whether it is the condition or the eye, there are many more than those birth, and even things they struggle for a lifetime, others are born.

Said, he shakes his head, "This problem is very complicated, not much discussion!

What I want to say is, just like the Milky Way, if you take the time to read the book, then improve yourself, they will definitely be better, but many people often don\'t do it!

They can\'t play crazy to play at the age of being played, so that the future is mediocre.

To be seen, he looked like a boy, "I have encountered a teenager in the night, it is a very young teenager, poor, I asked him why didn\'t he try to work hard, to fight, he tells me, now If you don\'t play, wait until you have a pro, there will be no chance to play!

There is no deep voice: "Later?"

Bless: "Later, he can\'t afford!

There is no expression.

Benang and said: "The Galaxy is a very real place. In that place, the money is very important. Of course, in any world, money is very important!

Just, that place is too heavy too heavy!

The whole world is full of copper smell!

Moreover, that place often measures a person with money, rich is a grandfather, no money, nothing!

Said, he shakes his head, "This is the fate of a small person, but decided to be fate, it is money!"

And the people of our cultivation.

Deciding that our fate is life and death, it is the future.

Speaking of this, he looked at the distant sky, whispered: "If you can\'t reach the extent of the woman, what is the difference between my teenagers? He is later, and I can\'t afford it. Later, I was afraid that I didn\'t even have the right to choose!

There is no sudden son sound: "Anti-him!

The boundless look, no, no silence: "We rely on the mountain, fight with him!"

The avenue pen owner, it seems that there is nothing.

Really, as long as we invest in the vegetarian skirt, the owner of the Avenue is a brother.


PS: Chapter 9!

This month, broke out in advance!

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