One Sword Reigns Supreme

2573 The second thousand and five hundred and fifty-five chapters of the fairy in the sword: "Let's talk about the world!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Zhao Wei has been completely ignorant!

The heavens are there? At this moment, his brain is directly blank!

He didn\'t think that this invincible Tiandao adult, actually kneeling in front of this skirt woman!

What happened to this world? At this moment, he has been awkward, this is a blank, which is invincible.

At this moment, this invincible Tiandao adult, actually kneeling in front of this woman!

What\'s wrong? Qing Dather looked at the heavens who were squatting in front of him, there was no expression, "Why didn\'t you appear when you do something?"

Wen said, the heaven god tremble: "I am with the boundless main sick.

For a while, please also ask the people to be sinful!

No side: ".

The green face is cold, and the sidewalk sword in her hands suddenly trembled!

Heaven\'s face is instantly changed, he directly fell into the black, crying, "Ye Shao, help me ask for pleasure!

I should not blow the burgeon.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then: "Qing, count!

He feels that it is still not very good. After all, there is no obligation to protect yourself!

Young nod, "listen to you!

Wen said, the whole body is one of the bodies, of course, the hung stone is falling!

I don\'t have to die!

Although he is just a point of mind, it has been gone, it can be said to be a creative, and it is very difficult, therefore, he is particularly afraid of death!

And the distance, the Zhao Wei has been completely awkward!

Does the heavens are so humble? Zhao Wei looked at the woman in a skirt, stunned: "Are you a big road master?"

Heaven: ".

Skirt women looked at Zhao Wei, whickers, and Zhao Wei directly disappeared without trace!


And the side, the Zhao Tong\'s body couldn\'t help but shake!

Skirt woman looks to Zhao Tong, the sidewalk sword suddenly got into Zhao Dynasty!


Zhao Tong\'s body fierce!

At this time, a jade pleasure in Zhao Mission suddenly trembled, the next moment, a cold voice suddenly passed from Yuxi, "I moved my husband, I destroy you!

Wen said, the woman brows the woman brows!

And the side of the day, the face is shocked!

At this time, Zhao Mission\'s chest is suddenly changing in a white light, and the white light is scattered. A woman appears in the field!

The woman wears a black skirt, wearing a purple square towel, holding a handle in the right hand!


Nowadays, it is a super hegemon. From a certain extent, the strength of the bismuth is a rolling Daozong and Xinzong. If it is not the owner of the avenue, it should be No longer exist!

And in front of this woman, it is the princess of the ghosts.

After the abroad, she looked at Zhao Tong. When I saw Zhao Dynasty, when I was more and more illusably ill, she was immediately cold, and then turned to look at the vegetarian woman on the side. "Is you doing?"

Skirt woman nod, "Yes!

Different eyes, "Who gave you dog?"

Skirt woman stares, "is called people!

I have a slim, "I am born!"

I hope you will still be so hard!

The sound falls, she is palm, an emoticon appears in her hand, next moment, she directly crushed the sound.

On the side, Qin watched the heaven and said: "She doesn\'t know you?"

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "She is not enough, I have not qualified to know me!"

Skirt woman looks to the heavens, the heavens directly on the ground, "I don\'t have anything else.

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Don\'t be so nervous, you get up!

Tiandao shook his head, "No.

I still kneel!

I am smashing, I feel safe!

Qin Guan: ".

On the other side, the old brow is slightly wrinkled. "You have this person, how can it be so bone?"

The heavens are cold and looked at the eyes. If you are not a doctor\'s skirt, he really wants to shoot this woman!

What is the identity of Laozi, is you can ? Just then, the time and space next to the body suddenly broke, followed by, the four of the four is coming out!

All are God\'s strengths!

See this scene, the words are sinking!

This alien family can call four Shenxin strong people.

When the four of the strong people appeared, it was a slight ceremony, "I have seen the princess!

Dear skirt woman who looks at the side, "Let her!

Four of the strong people turned to look at the beauty skirt woman, the four people will shoot, the sideways in the hands of the vegetarian skirt suddenly fly out!


In an instant, the head of the four of the four of the strong people flew out, and the blood was in the fountain, and it was shocking!

A sword spikes the top of the four of the ghosts!


Direct is straight!

Why didn\'t you? Skirt woman looks to the abdomen, "continue to call!


At this moment, there is more sleeve color on the face. "Who are you!

Skirt woman holding a sidewalk sword.


A crisp slap in the face suddenly sounded in the scene, and there was a deep sword mark on the right face!

Skirt woman looked at it, "is called!

Call people!

Different, I was already slapted, and my mind was directly collapsed. I immediately roared, "I want you to pay a painful price!

After finishing, she took out a sound star!

On the one side, the Zhao Di Vibreville that has not yet dead: ", forget!"

At this moment, his brain has been awake, he knows more, he knows, this kind of skirt woman is absolutely not ordinary people in front of you, you must know, it is still there!

Zhao Di looked at the heaven, just want to talk, and at this time, his soul directly disappeared!


Seeing Zhao Ming Shen\'s soul, it was a moment of illness, she turned around to look at the woman, I was talking, at this time, the vegetarian woman\'s right hand sword!


This time, the whole face is directly smashed by the sidewalk sword!

The opposite face is directly turned into the disabled, horrible!

Different gods in the original place!

Next, I\'m aloud, "I am a german!

The sword is a sword.


The whole head is directly fanned!

However, she is not dead!

At this moment, I\'m still afraid!

Because she is not afraid of the ethics for the first time!

And at this time, an old man suddenly appeared in the field, and it is also a boss!

After this old man appeared, he looked at an eye-catching skirt woman, then said: "What is your call?"

Qingren raise hand is a sword!


The old head flew out directly!

God\'s soul!

See this scene, I have a different!

Skirt woman looks to the abroad, "continue to call people!

It\'s a bit of horror to watch the vegetarian skirt, "you.

Who are you!

Skirt woman is smashed, "I let you call people!

Do you understand? "

Dear is dead, staring at the woman, "I have a countless universe. The forces are all over the world. Do you really want to die?"

At this moment, she has started to serve!

Of course, she has not completely served soft, still brought a little threat!

Yellow knead looks to the heaven, "Where is the ?"

Tiandao trembling: "Alien!

Child nod, "refers to the direction!

Refers to the direction!

Heaven\'s face is instantly changed, and he is busy: "Ten Date is a big man, there are thousands of people in the world.

He is heaven, and this day is nothing to do!

The new world is a big horizen, and the mid-ghost circles are also in the new world, and he is the whole world of the whole world, his strength and strength, part from the avenue pen owner, and some of the people from this world.

If he is a sword, he is equivalent to being cut off directly, the strength is reduced, not only, the whole new world may collapse!

Once the new world collapses, he can be big!

You must know that when the main road owner left him, he would guard against the entire new world!

The avenue pen is because things are not working hard, so they have not been able to come out so far, he doesn\'t want to become a road pen!

When I heard the words, the young brow wrinkled, "Is there a relationship with me?"

The heavenly expression stiffly, he quickly looked at Ye Xuan, he knew that if he repeatedly, it may be first result!

If you can change your mind, just one person, that is, Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then laugh: "Qing, count!

Qingmen looked at the Ye Xuan, soft saying: "I know, you have to create a order-to-order.

Also, if I destroy the universe!

Your order is afraid that there is nothing.

Speaking of this, she suddenly said!

Ye Xuan\'s face is dark!

Order sword!

The order of the order of swords is because the foundation of establishing order is the basis of establishing order is all beings, but the young people have the ability to destroy the people!

If you are in the Qing Dynasty, there is a hair in the swords of your own order. Thinking of this, Yaxuan is not sighing in his heart!

Order sword!

It seems that his order, the sword must have a young support, there is a support and obeying of yourself, your order, swords, you can force!


Thinking of this, Ye Xuanlon has some headache!

Qingqiu said that the corner overtakes, but intuition tells him, don\'t say that the curve is, it is not necessarily able to surpass you!

And the heavens on the side of the sky have heard a breath when he heard the whole foreign world!


Fortunately, this big gave birth!

Otherwise, the whole new world is afraid to collapse!

What seems to be, the Tiandao turned to the side of the heaven, the latter still wants to say anything, the heavens are very furious, and the throat of the abdomen is deducted, "You don\'t talk!

Besides, the world is destroyed!

Oh shit.

Everyone: ".
