One Sword Reigns Supreme

2572 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and fifty-eight chapters: I swear!

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White robe teenage is directly killed!

Seeing this scene, some people in the temple suddenly became an old!

This white robe is not someone else, but a grandchildren in Xinzong, a grandson, named Sun Ye!

Who is this grandson? That\'s a person who is now a new Zongzong owner!

In the temple, Ye Xuan suddenly does not understand, "The predecessors, why this person will find the trouble of our Xianbaoge?"

Talking, "He is not for no reason!

Ye Gongzi may not know that Zhao You, Zhao Du, Zhao Du, has established a Chamber of Commerce, a famous boy chamber of Commerce, and the first major chamber of Commerce in this world, Qin Guan girl created Xianbaoge, which is waiting to move his interests!

Therefore, they come today, the purpose is obvious, that is, it is destroyed!

Dao Xinzong!

Ye Xuan slightly, "I understand!

Taoism looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Ye Gongzi is rest assured, here is not a new copy!

Ye Xuan smiled and didn\'t speak.

In the Temple, Qin watched a verse, then said: "The auction will continue!

However, many people in the temple looked at each other, and they went away!

Seeing this scene, Qin Guanji wrinkled!

At this time, Ye Xuan came out, then said: "The boy is a new copy!

Dao Xinzong!

Qin Guan said softly: "So, the trouble will come to the door soon!"

The voice just fell, a horrible force suddenly swept it from the sky, directly crushed to the Xianbaoge!


Next to Ye Xuan, the tag is frowning, he is palm, a mysterious power is from the temple!


In addition to Xianbaoge, the powerful power suddenly disappeared without a trace, with this, a thrilling self-sounding, "Who!

Who are you.

The Tao is cold and glanced outside the big temple, "roll!

"Taoist the main!

At this moment, a boy suddenly appeared in the distance outside the temple.

See this teenager, the tag frowned.

In the coming, it is the young master of Xinzong\'s young people!

Zhao Di smiled: "Nouns have not been thought of, Dao Zongzong is here!

The road is calm, "I didn\'t think of it, this little thing, you will come in person!"

Zhao Di shook his head. "The people in China are killed, this is not a small thing, but a big thing!

Said, he looked at Qin Guan, smiled: "Taoism, this girl killed the people of our new Zong, I have to take her, do you not oppose, right?"

Taoism looked at Zhao Tong. "The girl is my Taoist, who moved her, that is, it is enemies with me!

At this point, everyone is shocked!

Zhao Ming looked at the road, and the heart was quite surprised. He did not think that the attitude of the road was so resolute!

At this time, Ye Xuan, Suddenly laughed: "Your person hits me, and we kill him. Is this not a matter? Also.

Said, he looked at the white dress of a grievance, "The girl was slapped by the people of Xinzong, I think you should compensate for some spiritual damages, will be 100 million yuan of holy crystal!

Isn\'t it? "

This words are in the field!

One slap billion yuan holy crystal? This is outrageous!

Taoism looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t speak.

Zhao Ming looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes were slightly smashed.

Ye Xuan looked at Zhao Tong, "200 million!

200 million!

Zhao Tong smiled: "Why don\'t you say billion?"

Ye Xuan nod, "there will be billion!

A billion!

In the temple, a person looks at Ye Xuan, just like watching a monster!

Is this uncomfortable? Zhao Ding stared at Ye Xuan. "I have a new , you go?"

Ye Xuan nod, "then take!

After finishing, he turned his head to see the words, "Zone, take us to Xinzong!

The Dao expression stiff, he hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi.

Really? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Really!

After the tag is silent, he said: "That go!

He also thinks that this is not reliable!

However, I think of a skirt woman, he feels reliable!

Moreover, he feels that the opportunity is coming!

Dao Zong and the new Zong battle for so many years, it can be said that it has been in the same water, the strength of the two, but it is not long ago, Zhao Duo, the Lord, the Lord, which is the same as that. The princess hooks together, the two sides have already married, once the two are married, then the two sides can be strong, then, Tao Zong can be stressed!

During this time, he can\'t do it for this matter!

Now, this Taoizong Zongzong is the main trick to this Ye Shao, is this not a self-requiring? go!

The road has disappeared directly with Ye Xuan and Qin Guan, straight to the new Zong!

Seeing Ye Xuan and others actually really went to Xinzong, and the Zhao Ming\'s brow wrinkled deeply!

At this moment, he suddenly rose a disturbed!

The other party dare to go to the new Zong to make a hundred billion yuan of holy crystal, not a madman, it is hidden!

Obviously, the other party is not a madman, because the Tao is a primary, will definitely not accompany each other!

Zhao Tong suddenly said: "Check this person!

After finishing, he turned to disappear in the temple!


Not long after, the Tao is to come to the Xuan and Qin Guan to go to the road. The three people have just arrived in Xinzong. I have a horribleity of the gods to be shrouded three people!

The road is bruising, and it is not afraid!

He believes that in front of him, in front of the women\'s women, there is no sword to block!

Invincible woman!

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ye Xuan three!

Taoist said: "This person is the new Zongzong Lord Zhao Wei!

At this time, the Zhao You also appeared next to Zhao Wei, he looked at the Ye Xuan, smiled: "100 billion yuan of sacrament!

I have a new Zong, I will see if you have this strength!

Ye Xuanjiaxia is spread, Qing Xuanjian appeared, "Qing Dather!


Seeing Ye Xuan called this name, the same side of the tag of the face suddenly changed, his body bent directly!

Ye Xuan\'s voice was just falling, and his time and space beside him suddenly broke, the next moment, a woman came out slowly!

Skirt woman!

However, this time is not a body, just a part!

Obviously, the body is busy!

After you appear, then the saying goes well: "I have seen the seniors!"

Seeing the vocabarine skirt woman so respect, the new Zongzong, the new Zongzong, a newzing, and the heart also rose a disturbance.

Skirt women looked at Zhao Wei two, the next moment, a sword suddenly flew!

The sideway sword!

Zhao Wei\'s eyes, he was in his heart, and his right hand was gripped. He just wanted to resist, and at this time, the sword had already wearing his eyebrows!


After Zhao Yu brain, a blood shot!

Zhao Wei directly stunned!

Is it second? Next to Zhao Wei, the Zhao You is also in the original place at the moment!

Next to Ye Xuan, the tone is flowing down in an instant!


This Zhao Wei is the same as his strength, all of which is God.

However, a Shenxiang strong person even in front of this skirt woman? so horrible!

Zhao Wei is limited to the plain skirt woman, "you are.

Who are you.

This time, give him a whole!

Skirt women don\'t care Zhao, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Brother, recently in Tao Zong, but fortunately?"

Wen said, the number of the words on the side will tremble directly!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Very good!

The teacher is very taking care of me with Qin Guan!

I heard the words, and the words were suddenly loose!

If Ye Xuan is not good, do you disappear from this world? When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the woman nodded slightly. "It\'s good!

At this time, Zhao Wei in the distance suddenly took out a piece of champion, shouted, "Hey, save me!


Ye Xuan stunned!

Does the owner? As the hand in Zhao Wei is broken, a horrible breath suddenly appeared in the field, followed by, in the eyes of everyone, the time and space next to Zhao Wei, three people came out!

The head is the owner!

No side laughs: "Zhao Wei, are you hit by heaven? Haha.

And when he came out, he saw the semester woman with Ye Xuan, and his face smiled instantly, "trough.


See the semester woman and the Yuxi, Shen Ming and !

How is this king? Both people are somewhat!

Ye Xuan saw three people, but also stunned, he did not think that it would see three people in this place, really too clever? On the one side, the Zhao Sheng suddenly said: "Hey, save me!"

At this moment, the soul is in a very horrible speed, and he will completely disappear!

The never looks at Zhao Wei, "You don\'t want to shout, no boundless, I am very familiar with you?"


Zhao Wei directly in the original place, what ghost? No side of the son sound: "I just pass!"

After finishing, he turned and went!

At this time, the Zhao Wei suddenly said: "Hey, she is not a body, just a way!

A part of it.

The never looks at Zhao Wei. "Please don\'t call me again, I am not familiar with you!"



After finishing, he took three people to disappear in the same place!

Zhao Yuzhuang, then turned to look into Ye Xuan, "You are the legendary relying on the king!"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

See Ye Xuan\'s God, Zhao Hao\'s face became incomparably ugly!

The never said with him, as long as it does not trust the mountain king, seeing Xinzong once a ancestor\'s face, he can be a new Zong out!

Obviously, he encompassed to the king of the mountain!

Rely on the mountain!

Zhao Wei suddenly built, a mystery, the next moment, this is directly burning directly!

Zhao Wei looked at the wine in the distance, "You are very strong, but do you have a strong height of the avenue owner?"

And at this time, a vain suddenly appeared in the field.

Come, is the heaven!

When I saw the heaven, Zhao Yu suddenly excited, and at this time, the Tiandao suddenly went not far from the vegetarian woman, and then his legs, a bend, \' , : "I swear, I There is no relationship with Xinzong.

Zhao Wei: ".
