One Sword Reigns Supreme

2571 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,557 Chapter: Who is I am afraid of Qin?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The boundless owner is really very happy, because he really doesn\'t want to see the king!

Seeing this by the king, he will come!

: "Hey, is this new world created by the owner of the avenue?"

I am boundless, "no!

However, he once stayed in this place, and left some treasures here!

: "Tao?"

Head, "Here, there is a complete set of practice!

In addition, it is also a very good heart method, the road!

This is what he personally written in the same year!

Road law!

God is somewhat curious, "Will we come to this place, will it become a brother?"

I am bound to look forward, "You will be two people, I will not!

The god expression is stiff.

Winterless look far, soft: "Go to Xinzong as an old friend!

I don\'t know if he hangs now!

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

God is unable to keep up!

The two now are now the sixth weight!

The reason why can be cultivated so fast, naturally because of boundless pointing and care!

Follow the boundless, the future is great!

Moreover, it can also be installed everywhere!

They found that there is no side in the face of a skirt woman, in front of others, it is very lifted!


Dao Zong.

In the eyes, I have been in the past. During this time, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan are reading a book every day.

During this time, he has a new understanding of this new world!

The new world is divided into both north and south!

The southern border is headed by Xinzong, and this new Zong is also created by the owner of the avenue!

It can be said that Dao Zong and Dao Zong were once a family, but after the avenue owner left, they had their own differences, so they were divided into two, becoming two!

Now, the two relationships are trend with water, because they claim to be the orthodox of the owner of the avenue!

And in addition to the north and south, this new world has a super forion!


This is a very horrible race, unified hundreds of thousands of super universe, forces all over the world.

And the reason why this is no new Zongzong and the new Zong are because the avenue owner!

These two passmen are created by the owners of the Avenue, so the bismuth has never infringed two!

Of course, two strengths in the two are not weak!

In addition to the ghosts, Ye Xuan found that in this new world, there is a very special place!


This place is where the owner of the Avenue is hidden!

Now, this place has become banned, no one dares to step!

Avenue pen owner!

Ye Xuan is a little curious about this Vatican Mountain, but he has not chosen, because this place is very dangerous!

He is now in this place, should be a brother, you are not there, so, or a low-key is good!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly came in.

When I saw Ye Xuan, Qin Guantun suddenly squinted his eyes and smiled: "How about learning?"

Ye Xuan put down the ancient books in his hand and smiled: "Harvest a lot!

Qin Guan Head, "I went to visit!

Then, I opened a Xianbao Pavilion here!

Ye Xuan slightly, then said: "Open a Xianbao Court?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Yes!

Said, she took out a quite, "the people who kill before the young girl, I got their quenteen, then I went some, and I had a Yuan Sheng Jing more than 7,000!

I have left 50 million in ancient and watching Xuan universe, and I will bring it here, I am going to do a career here!

Ye Xuan nod, "can!

Qin Guan also said: "In addition to these Yuan Yan Jing, I also got some top gods!

Today, we must auction these top gods. Are you free? go together!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course there is time!


Qin Guanzhi Head.

After the two left the hall, under the leadership of Qin Guan, the two left the Daozong, and just left the Taozong, the road was in front of them, the Taoism slightly, "Ye Gongzi!

For Ye Xuan, he does not dare to make a big!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The Lord of the Lord, no need to be so polite!"

The Tao is slightly smile, then said: "Ye Gongzi is going to leave Daozong?"

Ye Xuan nod, "go out to do something!

Taoism hesitate, then said: "Then I will go with two!"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Yes!

In this way, the three people go to Xianbaoge!

When I came to Xianbaoge, I gathered a lot of people in Xianbaoge, which was obvious that this publicity work is in place!

Inside the box, Qin Guan Yuxi sat, and that said the saying of standing behind two.

Ye Xuan invites talking, but how can the contact not will!

Ye Xuan also helpless, can only be let him!

Qin Guan sat next to Ye Xuan, laughed: "The things that Mshand is very good, you should be able to sell a good price!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do we want to open a college in this place?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Of course!

I have arranged it!

My people are now searching for talent everywhere!

Others, the college is now established!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

It is good with Qin Guan, you can save a lot of things because she will arrange anything!

At this time, the auction has begun!

The auction is a woman. The woman looks in the age of 20, wearing a very clean white long dress, Wen Wenya!

The woman looked at the people in a glance, smiled slightly, "Welcome everyone to participate in the auction!

Said, she took her hand.

A woman lifted a box and walked up, and then opened the box in the face of everyone. In the box, it was a quite ring, the white dress woman took the quince ring, then the heart-minded movement, one, a long gun appeared in her hands!

The long gun is silver, the top has a strange word, and there is a bloody rune at the gun handle.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "This is the weapon of Mingshen. In fact, the animal husbandry is a gun repair, but also a peerless gun repair, except for this gun, there are several The gun is very powerful.


He encountered a young girl, even the gun has not taken it out!

It\'s really sad reminder!

Ye Xuan: ".

Taoism looked at Qin Guan, the heart was shocked, he knows that the young girl in Qin Guankou said that the woman in the original dress!

Someone is second!

The Taoist sweat suddenly appeared!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Senior, this foreign road is in this new world, what exists?"

The Tao is slight smile, "" medium is biased!

Medium off!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then look at the road, "The seniore is?"

The Tao smiled: "Taoism!

Said, he suddenly said, "Of course, although it is just the difference, it is a natural, it can be said that this realm has a gap between 100,000 miles!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

Say, is there a strong in God? "

Taoism wants to think, then said: "The legend has been banned by the Vatican, but I have never been there, so it is not particularly clear!

Vatican banned!

Ye Xuan light voice: "Is the place where the avenue owner has hidden?"

Note, "Yes!

That place, it is also our holy place!

Now, we can\'t step into it, so.

Speaking of this, he shakes his head, "So, there is a specific situation there, we don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

At this time, the Tao is hesitant, then said: "The young girl should be a strong in the past?"

God is the past!

Obviously, he is in the test of Ye Xuan, I want to know the specific strength of youth!

If you hear the tag, Ye Xuan smiled and smiled. "Yellow!

She, there is no realm!

No realm!

Wen said, the Taoist lived!

At this time, a horrible breath suddenly covered the entire Ximenge!

Inside the temple, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

Qin Guanji is also slightly smoking!

The Tao turned head and looked at it. He was cold, I don\'t know what I am!

At this time, a young boy dressed in white robe suddenly entered the temple. This white robe joy just in the temple. The temple is frowning, and many people have exposed the color!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the words next to him. "Is this teenager?"

Dao Zun: "Dao Xinzong!

Dao Xinzong!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, he looked down the white robe teenager, whispered: "This is not good!" This is not good! "This is not good!"

When the white robe was walking into the temple, he looked at the white dress on the stage, smiled: "Let you come out!

The white skirt woman smiled slightly, "the son, today is the day of my Xianbaoge auction, the son.

White robe teenager suddenly waved right hand.


A crisp slash sudden suddenly sounded in the temple. At the same time, the white dress had a bloody hand on the cheek of the white dress!

Seeing this scene, Qin Guan face in the box changed!

Next, Qin Guan directly appeared in the main hall, see Qin Guan, white robe teenage laughed: "You are the owner.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly took out a gun, then directly buckled the trigger!


Among the eyes of everyone, a white light is directly on the front of the white robe.

White robes are slightly smashed, and the right hand is in the arm.


As a fried sound, the white robes were directly bombed, and at the same time, it was a white light.


White robe teenage flesh is directly broken, only soul!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the temple is shocked!

Only the white robes of the soul are already awkward!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly appeared in front of the white robes, she held a short gun in the forehead of the white robe, and the white robes were dead and stared at Qin Guan. "You will try!

Qin Guan said: "Try the death!

After finishing, she directly bucking the trigger!


Among the eyes of everyone, the white robe teenage directly dismissed!

Qin Guan blows a gun, then said: "Spring breeze blows, the drums, who I am afraid of Qin?"

Everyone: ".
