One Sword Reigns Supreme

2542 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,528 Chapter: come out!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

make money!

Ye Xuan did not manage Qin Guan. He knew that the strength of Qin Guan, must be able to make more money!

He doesn\'t have to worry about money!

The main goal of his present is to become stronger, after touching the second universe, he found that his strength is still not enough!

After Ye Xuan returned to the small tower, he swallowed a few crystal kings!

He now, it is no need to save the king!

The cultivation resources are completely enough!

After swallowing the crystal king, the hunter of the hunter suddenly broke out an extremely pure energy.

The force of the secondary!

Ye Xuan began to absorb these power!

With the power of the subunit, Ye Xuan\'s breath gradually became more and more stronger!


When I was cultivated in Ye Xuan, the secondary universe has been blown up!

Eight Yuan Yuan Universe!

Before a luxurious hall, a young man in the universe has been gathered at this moment.

At this moment, the young people of these Yuanyuan universe are indignant, and they are angry.

In history, the secondary universe and the parallel universe have never had a full defeat like this!

Full defeat!

Not only the full defeat, but also ranked millions of crystal kings!

It\'s a shameful humiliation!

Everyone gathered in the temple!

Every time the universe has a temple of the Yuanyuan, and this temple is the Holy Temple, only return to the Hall of the Hall.


In the field, some yuan suddenly swayed, soon, everyone gathered!


This result is definitely unacceptable!

At this time, there is another chairman suddenly said: "They occupy cheap, definitely don\'t want to change again!

Some people said: "Take the treaty!

Tear Treaty!

At this point, suddenly it suddenly was quiet.

Tear Treaty!

This words are out, everyone has to think of a person!

Ancient Tiandi!

This treaty is the ancient Tiandi and the Holy Temple of the Holy King.

Some people have traveled in parallel universe, but finally have been severely punished by the Holy King Temple!

Over time, no one dares to spend the parallel universe!

Just then, the Lancy on the side suddenly said: "Tear Treaty, this is, don\'t say it.

I heard the words, everyone looked at a blue break, did not say more.

Lanhu is, now the second person in the universe, the second person, is also hopeful to enter the Holy Hall!

Langhu looked at the Holy King Temple in front of the country, then respecting a gift, "Everything, everything is all wrong, I live up to the hope, sorry!

At this time, a man suddenly said: "Lankai, can this matter blame you? It is too shameless, they actually have a group!

Really don\'t face!

I heard the words, the people in the field were nodded quickly, and an anger could not meet!

The headed Lankou is also hilarious!

If he is a single fight, he is really not afraid of anyone who is parallel, even if he is playing with the old generation of the parallel, he is not afraid!

But the problem is that the other party is not single, but chooses a group!

Double boxing is difficult to fight!

Thinking of this, there is also a bit of fire in the heart of Lan.

Lonely leaves!

It\'s all the people who don\'t have face!

At this moment, a woman suddenly appeared in front of the Holy King.

With the appearance of this woman, the scene suddenly became quiet!

Lu Chao!

Today, the first person in the universe!

Langhu looked at the sun, and the eyes were also flashing!

He is very small to serve, but this person in front of him!

Lu Yard turned to the temple of the Second, seeing this scene, everyone in the field is surprising.

You know, they can\'t enter the temple of the second!

And at this time, Lu Chao has entered the Temple of Yuan!

Seeing this scene, all the elements in the field are petrified in the same place!

Did you say that Lu Chao has been recognized by the Holy King Temple? The people of the people have faced each other, they are shocked!

Lanhu is also shocked, but more is still complex!

Because he has not received the recognition of the Holy King Temple now!

Inside the temple, there is a nine statue!

Nine Big Holy King!

Lu Chao, respectfully, respects the nine statues.

After a long time, I left the Temple of Yuanyuan, and she looked at everyone, "Go to the parallel universe!

Go to the parallel universe!

This words come out, all the people cheer!

Soon, a person disappeared at the gate of the main hall.


Parallel universe, ancient.

He also shocked the parallel universe of the universe.

Nothing didn\'t think of it, this time, the parallel universe is even better!

Although this kind of victory is a bit.

It\'s a bit bad, but at least the win!

Ten power is naturally happy!

After all, not only win, they also earned a lot of crystal kings!

This is really a famous money!

It is worth mentioning that the top ten forces except Ye Ethi and the orlifa, starting to the Xuanxuan Academy to Ye Xuan!

Moreover, it is clearly welcomed that Welcome to the inner areas!

This is a good thing to see on the Xuan Academy, nature is a good thing!

It can be said that although the mystery of the book has not yet entered the internal domain, the forces of the internal domain have received them!



Ye is the first big family, located in the emperor!

This emperor is a big world that Ye is creating.

Of course, Ye people have this qualification!

Somewhere in the mountains.

Chu Tian is walking with a old man.

This old man is now today Ye\'s family leaf name!

Ye Pei looked at Chu Tian, ​​then laughed: "How do you think that Ye Xuan?"

Ye Xuan!

Chutian slightly, he did not think that the Ye Name suddenly asked!

After thinking, Chutian Shen Sheng said: "Strong strength, thick face!

Yeha haha ​​smiled, "The face is thick.


Chu Tian Shen Sheng said: "The family is long, the universe will not give up, right?"

The leaf nodded, "they have never been eaten so losses, naturally will not be good!

Chutian Shen Sheng said: "Is the family, will the Ministry of the Universe tear a treaty?"

Leaves laughed: "Will!

Chu Tian stunned.

Leaves whispered: "If the ancient sky is still alive, they will not naturally, but the ancient Tiandi is falling!

A dead person is impossible to bind them for a lifetime!

Therefore, torn treaty, for the universe, just time problems!

Chutian silence.

The leaf suddenly said; "Do you know the Ye Emperor I Ye?"

Chutian nodded, "Know!

Leaves look at Chutian, "You know, how did he save the body of the ancient Tiandi?"

Chutian shook his head.

Ye Ning smiled; "Mo said you, even many people in my Ye I don\'t know!

Said, he looked up to the deep place in the starry sky, whispered: "When the Ye Emperor won the ancient Tiandi\'s body, he began to be targeted by the Holy Temple!"

One day, he just entered the sub-universe, and he was grouped by the four holy princes!

Speaking of this, the smile on his face has been completely cold.

Chutian silence, the heart shocked, he did not expect that this Ye Emperor has this story.

The leaf name turned to the Chutian. "My Ye family is working hard to do two things, the first, the first, the second, and the second piece, the bodies of my Ye Chao Zu Ye!

Chu Tian Shen Sheng; "Ye Emperor\'s body is glory?"

The leaf name nod, "For us, it is glory, the universe, that place is the shame of our parallel universe!

Speaking of this, he looked to Chutian, "Tell these, you want to tell you, these enchanting geniuses in parallel, whether it is Ye Xuan or other, not your enemy, your true enemy, in the second Universe, do you understand? "

Chutian nodded, "I understand!

Leaves laughed: "If I have not guess wrong, your goal should be the same as me, the battle of the universe, the flesh of your master, right?"

Chu Tian slightly, "Yes!

The leaf is laughing, then turned to look at the side, not far away, where a white man is coming.

Chutian happy white men, white men smiled slightly, it is a greeting!

Leaf name suddenly said: "Ye Chen!

Chu Tian Shen Sheng said: "The Ye End is now the first person in the first generation?"

Leaf name nod.

Chu Tian looks to Ye Chen, "Tell a fight?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly, "Yes!

The two directly disappeared in the same place.

After about a minute, the two once again appeared again, but at this moment, Chutian has no soul, but that Chutian is not lost!

Chu Tian\'s look is extremely dignified, he looked at the dust, and it was incredible in his eyes!

The leaf is laughing: "His enchanting degree, has transcended the ancestral emperor of the year, fake the day, his achievements, must surpass the ancestors of the ancestors!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Ye Chen looked at Chutian, "" Hurped to hear the treatment, the enchanting and genius of the universe, there is already a parallel universe, the war is here! "

After that, he also turned and left.

Originally, Chutian is silent, don\'t talk.

At this time, the old man suddenly sighed, "this leaf.

It\'s a lucky one!

Every generation, there are stunned enchanting enchanting!

This lime, is even more free.

Chu Tian\'s eyes slowly, and he wanted to be parallel, "I won\'t be worse than them!

Wilderness: "Nature!

You need time!

This lime, it is very enchanting, plus the Ye Ethi\'s efforts, its combat power is not bad!

You need time now!


Chu Tian took a breath!

His goal is the goal of Feng Di, the battle of the universe, and the flowers back to the yellow body, to report the party\'s experience!


Chu Tian\'s eyes flashed a firm and turned around.


On this day, under the leadership of Lu Chao, the strong people in the universe were directly coming to the parallel universe, and their fall, it was alone!

Langhu looked at an alone, then calmly said: "The orphant, let the lonely leaves come out, I am singing with him!

The whole lone is already awkward!

Lonely leaves? Is this Yuanhe Universe crazy? So many people come to find a lonely? When is the lonelier? .