One Sword Reigns Supreme

2543 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and twenty-nine chapters: pull up!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


At this moment, the orlie has been completely ignorant, so many Yuan Coso enchanting to solve the sol lone.

What is the color of the orphan, they naturally know!

At this time, the ethnicity of the orlie has appeared in front of Lanhu et al.

I looked at a blue-eyed and waited, then said: "All, is this misunderstanding?"

There is no expression in the Languish, "There is no misunderstanding, let the lonely leaves come out, I will fight with him!"

Lonely smile, "Are you kidding?"

I heard the words, the Lan Fengbei wrinkled, "Do you see if I am joking?"

Silent Shen Sheng: "This is there any misunderstanding, Lanhu, you.

Lange is somewhat unfold, "you let him come out!

I am silent.

At this time, the head of the head suddenly said: "Let him come out!

Lonely leaves!

I am hesitating, then turn around, "Lonely Lee, come out!

Since the last time in the Holy City, the lonely leaves have been closed!

It\'s sudden to be released now, nature is not happy, but when he is taken to Lanhu and others, he is!

What do these people come to find themselves? Lanzai pointed to the lonely leash, "He is a lonely leather?"

I\'m eodies, "Yes!

Lonely is very angry, "Your orphaner is really do not face with the lonely leaves, even if you want to lie to me!

He is clear that it is not a lonely!

Lonely lens: ".

Lonely and silent; "This is definitely misunderstood!

Lan Feng said: "What is wrong? You hurry to let the lonely leaves!

Lonely face is also sinking, "Are you deliberate?"

He is actually not afraid of the genius of these Yuanyuan universe, you must know, this is a parallel universe, there are regulations, the people in the universe can\'t do it here!

Langai is going to talk, on the side of the land suddenly said: "He didn\'t lie to us!

Langhu looked to Lu Chao, Lu Chao Road: "Draw the portrait of the man!

Lanbei nod, his palm is booted, and a secondary force is eager, soon, Ye Xuan\'s appearance appears in the field.

See Ye Xuan, the lonely, then horrified, "Ye Xuan?"

Ye Xuan? I heard the words, the Langhou brows, "You said that this person is Ye Xuan?"

Solites: "It is!

This person is the Ye Xuan, who is watching the institution, he is now in the foreign domain!

I can take you!

"To shut up!

Lonely cold and looked at a lonely leash, "Rolling back!

The enchanting of these Yuanyuan universe, he didn\'t want to provoke, but there is a boundless Lord to the mountains, he doesn\'t want to provoke!

What do these comet do? Lonely looked at a blue-awaited, then turned and left.

In the field, the color of the Lankai, "When you really don\'t want your face!"

This person actually lied, God!

How can there be such a person in the world? It\'s really refreshing my three views!

The people: "

Lu Chao suddenly said: "Go to Xuan College!

After finishing, she turned and left!

They are all top forces of the Yuanyuan universe. If you want to find the view of Ye Xuan\'s view, it is natural to be very simple!

Not long after, the election of Lu Chao is coming to see Xuan Academy.

Before the main hall, Qin Guan came out. She looked up at the sky, and her brows wrinkled slightly. "How come it happened?"

View Xuancheng over, the Lange is overlapped in Xuancheng below, "Ye Xuan!

The sound is bonded to the power of the second, and suddenly, like thunder, it is always spread throughout Xuancheng.

Ye Xuan!

Below, Qin Guan blinked, then said: "Xiaoxuanzi is still in trouble!

After that, she shaped, came to the front of Lanhu et al.

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Are you from the universe?"

Last Nod, "Let\'s find Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan!

Qin Guan smiled: "I can find me!

Looking at Qin Guan, "You are not cultivator.

Not right.


Said, she frowned slightly.

She found that the woman in front of me is very strange, she seems to be seen, but it seems to be seen, it is very strange!

Qin Guan smiled, just talking, at this time, the following suddenly sounded a sword, followed, Ye Xuan appeared in the field!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the Langhu face suddenly sinks!

That is this hang!

When I saw Lanhu et al, Ye Xuantian stunned, very fast, he understood!

These guys are coming to revenge!

Looking at Ye Xuan, I\'m so Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The land of the land is calm, "We have played again!

Lankai is said: "I play with him!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Don\'t fight!

The brow is slightly frowned, "I am afraid?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Our parallel universe is over!

Lanhu Shen said: "I will challenge you!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I don\'t accept it!

Lanxuan angry: "Why don\'t you accept it!

Ye Xuan stalls the boat, said: "Your realm is much higher than me, you challenge me, do you think this is fair?"

Lanhu face suddenly became a little ugly!

He found that Ye Xuan did not have a state of mind!

And his realm, naturally is far super unimacted!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Do you think it is suitable?"

Lankai is silent.

Ye Xuan also said: "In this way, you have a realm of finding a realm from the second universe, we are fair!

Don\'t you see it? "

"I come!

At this time, a group of yuan in the universe, a senior man came out!

The secondary man looked at Ye Xuan, "I am a border, more than you, can you?"

Many levels!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

When I finished, the Qing Xuanjian in his body has disappeared.

Secondary men stared at Ye Xuan, "fair battle!

Ye Xuan nod, "is not called!

Secondary men\'s right hand gripped, just want to shoot, and at this time, the land of the land is slight, "Be careful!


The voice just fell, a sword was directly in the eyebrows, and a blood shot out.

All the enchanting of all yuan universe is!

This is defeated? The head of the head is dead to the Ye Xuan, do not speak.


However, this sword is very special, even her, only in the moment that appears in the sword!

One side, the color of the Lankai and others is a bit ugly!

Where is the hearts and states? This is outrageous!

You know, this shore is a teenager, that is also a genius in genius!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "One million crystal king!"

I don\'t kill him!

One million crystal king!

The sub-year who was nailed by Ye Xuanqing Xuanjian immediately became anger, "you.


Qing Xuanjian suddenly trembled, and the elegant soul became down directly!

Seeing this scene, the meta-year-old face is instantly changed, he quickly said: "I will give it!"

He doesn\'t want to die here!

Ye Xuan\'s right hand gently pressed, Qing Xuan sword stopped, and the teenager looked at Ye Xuan, "I.

I don\'t have so much!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Are you more poor?"

Secondary teenagers and nodded.

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked at Lu Chao and Lankai, "I will find two borrowings!

The secondary teenager hesitated, then looked at Lanai and Lu Yard, then, Lu Chao fell, and a never drifted into Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan reached out to pick up the quenteen, and when he was holding the moment of the quenteen, his face was instantly changed.


Ye Xuanfeng is a completely cracking in an instant, blood sputtering!

At this time, an invisible armor suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan Zhou!


This is the concept of Qin Guan upgraded!

When this one appears, the mysterious terrorist force on the Ye Xuan body was taken down.

Ye Xuan looked at Lu Chao, "amazing!

Looking at Ye Xuan, "Did you discuss?"

Ye Xuan is shook his head, "I can\'t play you!

Can\'t play!

At this point, it is one of the land!

Is it simply confirmed? At this moment, a horrible sword suddenly broke out in the xixiar in the next side.


In an instant, Ye Xuan\'s sword is like a torrent, it is generally swept around, in an instant, and the space is boiling directly!

Can\'t play!

Ye Xuanben is also slightly incent!

He didn\'t think that his mood didn\'t break through at this moment!

In the moment of facing land, he is very clear, he can\'t play!

Is it very shameful? He doesn\'t think!

Clearly know yourself, this is the most important thing.

And he didn\'t think of it, and he would make a contribution to make his own mood breakthrough!

This breakthrough, his swords will naturally break through!


In an instant, Ye Xuan\'s sword was so crazy!

Looking at the leaves in front of Lu Xuan, the look is calm, I don\'t know what I think.

In the side of the Qin Guanyue, the eyes flashed, and it seems to be what, her mouth is slightly slight.

Break through!

This is natural is an excellent thing!

After a long time, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, and the field is filled with his horrible human sword!


At this moment, Ye Xuan clearly feels that the world\'s sword has happened to change, it can be said that his current strength has gone a huge breakthrough!

At this time, Lu Chao suddenly said: "Is it now?"

Ye Xuan bloated his eyes and was talking. At this time, Qin Guan suddenly said: "I am playing with you!"

Wen said, everyone is watching Qin Guan!

Ye Xuan also looked at Qin Guan, Qin Guan blinked, "How, I can\'t afford me?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "How do you prepare?"

Qin Guan blinked, "it is normal!

How can you fight!

Ye Xuan speechless.

At this time, the land suddenly looked at Qin Guan, "Are you sure?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

The land of Lu Dynasty nodded slightly, "Then start!"

Qin Guan looked to Ye Xuan, smiled: "After coming to ancient, it has always been a performance!"

Now, I showed it!

Said, she turned into the bottom and then loudly: "Xiao love, pull the girl\'s cannon.

Ye Xuan: ".
