One Sword Reigns Supreme

2541 Swords in the first two thousand and five hundred and two chapters: is making money!

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The big sloppy is!

Ye Xuan looked at the quench in front of it, thoroughly speaking.


He can\'t refute it because he is really poor!

Of course, he also thoroughly understands that this is the universe in the parallel universe, it should be ordinary sparse!

There is no more thinking, Ye Xuan gains from the quotation, and then divides everyone, this point, each person has nearly 200,000 crystal kings.

And Ye Xuan has a total of 500,000 crystal kings!

Five thousand!

In the order of the universe, this is really a super huge sum!

But in the universe, it is obviously not!

Ye Xuan looked up to Nalan, he was the palm of his hand, and Qing Xuanjian left the soul of the Lankai. "You will go!

Langhuai looked at Ye Xuan, "Is it a lonely leash?"

Ye Xuan shrugged, did not talk, turn it away!

Lanhu suddenly said: "You don\'t want your face!

After finishing, he turned to disappear.

He now, has no power to fight, but not only the flesh is broken, the soul is also absorbed by Qing Xuan Jian, weak!

Therefore, he will choose to leave!

After the Lankai left, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let\'s go!


Everyone stunned.

Ye Xuan Dang said: "Go immediately!

After finishing, he turned directly to the sword to disappear in the deep place.

In the field, everyone faces each other, very fast, the classics and Qin Feng also turned around to disappear!

At this time, everyone wake up!

See you!

This Lanhu has so striking, if it is the genius of the universe.

The most terrible thing is not a genius that is better than the enchanting, but there are countless sub-universe!

If there is a conflict in this place, the parallel universe is no advantage!

There is no advantage!

Go now, blood earn!

After thinking, the parallel universe in the field disappeared in the distance.

Soon after everyone disappeared, another group of women appeared in the court, but when I saw it in the sky, this time the woman frowned and frowned!

It seems to find anything, the secondary woman turns to the end of the stars, "no side!

No side smiled: "Gu Chao Xi!

The woman named Gu Yixi nodded slightly, "the senior is well!

Boundless, the laugh, "You are very good, there should be hope to enter the Holy Hall!

Gu Qi Xi, "Thank you!"

I am laughing and laughing, turning around.

God is unable to keep up!

Take Gu Pei Xi looked at the unilateral owner, meditation.


In the distance, there is no sudden asking next to the main body, "she is the first person in the universe of the universe?"

Winterless main point.

There is no deep voice: "It is really terrible!

There is no laughter: "This girl has the opportunity to enter the Holy King Temple!

And the Holy Hall is the holy place in the hearts of the Yuanyuan universe!

: "Have you been to?"

Winterless main point.

I didn\'t have a look at the owner. "Is there a respect for you?"

Hehama smiled, "What about you?"

, "No side, you are hidden too deep!

Shenming suddenly said: "No side, I have been curious!"

No side smiled: "You said!

Shen Ming Xiao said: "You said before, your purpose is to kill the king, but you know so many people, why should I launch a strong in the boundless place?"

The boundless lasp is sigh, "If the people of the universe, that hang is too big, he will not work hard!

He will be directly called people, understand? "

Said, he shaken his head slightly. "It was the opportunity to end him!

Unfortunately, a guy is afraid of death, I don\'t dare to block the skirt woman for me, otherwise, it should be over now!

God asked, "Avenue pen owner?"

Winterless main point.

God is somewhat curious, "Is the avenue pen owner?"

"I don\'t think it?"

Shen Ming Shen said: "But I feel that he seems to have no sense!

The unilateral light channel: "This is the most terrible place.

God name: "

There is no side of the owner; "I advise you to say less, this guy, it is not the face than that Ye Xuan!

You don\'t have a life, it is best to low-key!

God hesitated, and finally did not ask anything.

If the owner does not say, it is still a low-key!

The boundless look is far away, whispered: "Go see the shame of the nine yuan in the entrance to the universe!

Of course, for the parallel universe, that place is not a shame, but glorious land!

Everyone who is the war is a model of parallel universe.

: "The parallel universe is very universe, the contradiction is very deep!

There is no longer laugh: "The same kind is right, the heterogeneous stand, there is a contradiction, normal things!

: "In fact, I suddenly feel that the new order to be established by the Kings is also very good!"

No side silence.

, "Do you think?"

After the silence of the silence, Tao: "It doesn\'t matter to me!

, "I think, a new order can make these universe more peace!

If it is someone else, it is obviously not available, but it is possible to rely on the mountain!

There is no side laugh: "A new order, not that simple, but.

Speaking of this, he suddenly said, and said: "As you said, if this universe should have a new order, I am afraid that only that can do!

Some people have people, they want money to have money, and that he is a head, it is not a spiritless.

: "When we don\'t have the enemy by the mountain king, suddenly found that this is actually still okay, of course, it is a bit too much!

The never looks at it, then looks far, whispered: "This world does not need a new order.


Ye Xuan returned to Xuancheng.

After returning to the city, Ye Xuan immediately found Qin Guan, and then took out a quilt in front of Qin.

Qin watched a new one, when he saw five hundred thousand crystal king, "So many?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qin Guan directly collects the quite rings, then said: "I keep!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

Lying in the trough? What are you keeping it? Qin Guan also took out a quarter of the ring to Ye Xuan, in the quince, only 100,000 crystal king, "This is to practice it, you should take a long time, you can use it!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "This.

Qin Guan smiled.

Oh, not, I mean, I can take the money to make money!

Ye Xuan has some helpless: "Okay!

After finishing, he quickly collapsed!

Qin Guan smiled: "You go out this time, it is great!"

Ye Xuan nod, "gain a lot!

Qin Guanzheng said: "I think, our next development, not only in parallel universe, but also in the universe!

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "Minyuan Universe?"

Qin Guan Head, "Recently, I know some yuan in the universe. I found that the second universe is too much higher than our parallel universe!

However, there is no way to open the book there, because civilization is different, the culture is different, we are now not working in the opening of the case, but we can open the Xianbao Pavilion there!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you want to open a Xianbao Pavilion there?"

Qin Guan slightly nodded, "Do it!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "is very difficult!

Because they can\'t let us open Xianbaoge!

Qin Guan\'s mouth is slight, "I have a way!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Do you have any way?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the way?"

Qin Guan smiled: "First confidential!


Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan also said again; "You now have the first task to break through!

You have to hurry to get through the stations and continue to break through the Internet!

Ye Xuan nod, "I am coming back, I just want to practice!

Qin Guan got up, "Then you cultivate!

I am going to be busy!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly took out a map, then pointed to one of the places. "This place is an internal area, and Qin family has already said to us, there is a dragon pulse!

You sent people to receive it!

Qin watched an eye, then some surprised, "They give us directly?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qin Guan has a thumbs up, "amazing!

Ye Xuan smiled and was very proud.

Qin Guan said: "I immediately sent people to take over!"

In addition, I want to borrow your sword!

Ye Xuan Dang said: "Do you want to build a transfer array?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

I have studied, I found that this ancient transfer array is relatively backward, and only the top ten power is there, there is no popularity, so I want to build a complete transport array system in this place, as long as it is built, We can make a lot of money.

However, there are two problems now, one, that is, our name is not big enough. If it is built, it is afraid that someone will find trouble!

Second, we need to build a pass array in many places, and every place is built, you have to be guarded, we are missing!

Speaking of this, her mouth slightly, "I am somewhat in the beginning, but now I am not awkward now!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Qin Guanyang raised the quince of the raft, smiled: "This money is really God\'s pen!

With this money, I can do a lot of things, give me some time, I can let this money turn more than ten times.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How do you earn?"

Qin Guanjiao horn slightly, "You guess!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Don\'t you take fishing law enforcement? If this is the case, I will also.

Qin Guan glanced at Ye Xuan, "What fishing law enforcement, I am making money!

Ye Xuan: ".
