One Sword Reigns Supreme

2540 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and twenty-six chapters: I don't know if you are so poor!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

With the defeat of the mask, the parallel universe undoubtedly won a game.

And now, the parallel universe is three wins in the three battles!

On the side, Chutian and others look at the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan is undoubtedly the biggest winner in the field!

Now Ye Xuan, there is at least 300,000 crystal kings in hand.

This is really a giant!

Because only the top ten forces may take out so many crystals kings at once, and it is impossible to come out so easily.

Now, Ye Xuan has hundreds of thousands of crystal kings!

Is this guy to learn? This is to make money!

Ye Xuan is naturally happy, plus the two quenches, he has nearly 40,000 crystal king!

$ 400!

With this huge, he does not need to worry about cultivation resources in a short time, not only this, and the Xuan Academy can also quickly develop!

It\'s really blood to make!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the people in the field. When everyone looked at him, he smiled slightly, his right hand sleeves, and there was a quite in front of each person!

There are 10,000 crystal kings in the quie!

That Chut is there!

Moreover, there are 50,000 crystal kings in front of Chutian!

See this scene, everyone stunned.

Ye Xuan smiled: "All, no matter what we have in parallel, at the moment, we are all in the universe, what do you think?"

Everyone did not hesitate, directly collected the quench in front of it!

Qin Feng smiled: "Of course!

We all represent parallel universities, we are integrated!

The elite unscrupled, she looked at Ye Xuan, the corner of his mouth, I didn\'t know what I was thinking.

She found that she is getting more and more appreciation of this man!

Ye Xuan naturally can not take this cry of kings to give everyone, but everyone must have ideas for Ye Xuan!

Although this is Ye Xuan himself over, they are now a whole, seeing leaf Xuan Estate, their hearts must have ideas!

Humanity is selfish!

Of course, Ye Xuan does not give it, they don\'t dare to say anything. However, if it will be a group of Ye Xuanzhen, they will definitely help!

Benefits you, danger, everyone, how can this truth? But now, Ye Xuan directly tied everyone!

The pattern is very big!

On the side, Chutian didn\'t hesitate, and collapsed the quench.

50,000 crystal king, not a small number!

And he did not think that Ye Xuan actually gave him so much!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Everyone, the universe will definitely send strong!"

From the perspective of just now, the people of the secondary universe are very rich!

The more enchanting people, the more rich.

However, after a war, if the universe is coming again, it is definitely true super enchanting!

Said, he looked at everyone and continued: "My thoughts are very simple, single playing, can\'t do, because we are not winning!

Chutian suddenly said: "Why don\'t you win?"

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Well, I will give Chu brother, you first!"

Chu Tian expressive stiff, he looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "You said!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You didn\'t find it? The enchanting of the Yuanyuan universe is very conceited, they don\'t put us at your eyes at all!

I will fool.

Oh, not, I will talk to them, then you can see my eyes, I said, you must go, do you know? "


Chutian Shen Sheng said: "Is it not very good?"

Ye Xuan looked into Chutian, "It\'s not a group, you first, you will fight with the other side, we are in the head, are we , is it good?"

Chu Tian face suddenly turned black, "How can you?"

Ye Xuan said: "Listen to me!"

Chutian is: "Good!

Ye Xuan: ".

Everyone looks a little quirky!

Ye Xuan also said: "Everything, although you are representing the characters in the family, how many crystal kings can you have every year? And you also saw it!

This universe\'s enchanting and genius is a rich than one!

As long as you listen to me, mix with me, make money today, stronger is going to tomorrow, the future is yours!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, and the horizon is suddenly trembled!

See this scene, Ye Xuanlian is busy: "You are ready, listen to me!"

Everyone: ".

Soon, another group of men appeared not far in front of everyone.

Just one!

The Ye Xuan\'s mouth is slightly smashed, but very fast, his look is gaining!


This is what he feels at the moment!

At this moment, the Chutian gods also become incomparably lighter!

This time is completely different from the previous few!

On the other side, the owner suddenly laughed: "Lankai!

The second person is the second person!

The main point of the main point, "It is currently the fifth weight of the foreigners, it is really very powerful.

Mo said that in the young generation, even if it is the old generation of the universe, there are no few people to defeat him!

This, the king is going to be poisoned!

,, : "

There is no side of the old turn to see, "" The bald, what do I do, can you think I specially special cattle? "

: "

In the distance, Ye Xuan looked at the second man in front of him and smiled; "What is called?"

Secondary man said: "Lankai!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "My name is Ye Xuan!

Langhu looked at Ye Xuan, "I know you!"

You seem to be very poor!

Ye Xuan Master\'s black line, "What are you talking about?"

Lanzai shook slightly, "Come, we have played again!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "We are so don\'t so much, don\'t you do?"

Langhou brows, "I have to say all of you?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "What is your realm?"

Langu Road: "The secondary is five!

Ye Xuan said: "I have no state of mind!

Langhu looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you seem to have nothing to do with me?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Can I call help?"

Langhu looked at the Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan Dang is anger, "hit him!

After finishing, he rushed directly!

When I saw Ye Xuan rushed over, Qin Feng and others on the side were stunned. He also rushed over the past!

I saw Qin Feng rushed over, the rest of the people were stunned, and they also rushed over!

At this time, they didn\'t care about any face. Anyway, Namai did not agree with Ye Xuan called a helper? Chutian is hesitating, and it is also rushed directly!

Everyone has issued their strongest blow!


Seeing Ye Xuan et al. Directly

Help? Do you call so much? Originally he thought that Ye Xuan would only call one or two, in which it seems to face, it should not exceed two!

And this Ye Xuan Ke, call it directly!

What is this? What else is still wanting to say, but at this time, the sword of Ye Xuan has already begun!

It is still the strongest blow!

And around, there are countless strongest hits!

Lankai: ".

Boom rumbling.

Soon, there was a shocking sound in the endless void.

In this way, after about half a time, the whole will take a long time to stop, and at this moment, Nalantuan has only left the flesh, in his eyebrows, insert a sly sword!

Qing Xuanjian!


Of course!

Although this Lanhu is against the sky, but he can\'t stop the group again.

You must know that in the field, Ye Xuan and others, it is not an ordinary person.

However, although the group beat the Lankai, the look of Ye Xuan et al., Because this Lanhu just blessed half a time!

This is a bit away!

If you are not a group, they are afraid that there is no one to be able to win the other side!

Ye Xixiang is sigh, this time the universe, one is better than a enchanting!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts. He looked at Nairu, he was open, and his hand was slow, and a quite slowly floated into his hand. He swept it, and he jumped when he was.

There is more than 300,000 crystal kings in it!

This averages, there are at least 100,000 each person!

Ye Xuan is divided into Xiao Wang!

After getting the king, everyone is eyebrows.

Ear earned tens of thousands of crystal kings, this is really not too cool!

Ye Xuan looked at the arrival in the distance, and the Lankai was dead and stared at Ye Xuan, "shameless!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "You agree with me!"

Lan Feng angry: "You call so much!

Ye Xuan blinked, "I didn\'t say it just as a!

Lanchlton is not good!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Don\'t say anything!

Call your family to redeem you!

Lanha is dead staring at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why, you don\'t want to live?"

Lankai doesn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, he is a heart, Qing Xuan sword trembled, and start absorbing the soul of Lankai!

And the Langai is calm, nothing to say!

Ye Xuan face is sinking!

This is a hard bones!

Just killed? no!

So killing, not only don\'t make money, it is possible!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "If you die, don\'t you feel wronged?"

Languo opened his eyes to see Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "You live, next time we can single!"

One-on-one, not called people!

Lankai is silent.

There is something that is in the Langhuai, and Ye Xuanli is busy again: "Leave a green hill, do not have a firewood!

One million crystal king, we only have one million crystal king!

I heard the words, the Lanhu is the palm of the palm, and the time and space is distorted. One is floating from the twisted time and space, and then fly to the Ye Xuan face!

It is just a million crystal king!

Ye Xuan silently.

Also called less!

Oh shit!

At this time, another quite rancited, the quilt rings to Ye Xuan and others.

There are 500,000 crystal kings!

Langhu looked at Ye Xuan, "I don\'t know you so poor!"

Give you more!

Ye Xuan: ".
