One Sword Reigns Supreme

2527 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and three chapters: the hidden owner!

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Go together? In the field, those two yuan strong!

Chutian they don\'t know, but this old man is Ye people!


The super ethnic group who once appeared, and this Ye old people can also be held in the country!

Is this born be crazy? When I heard Ye Xuan, the Ye Elderly had a double-eyed suddenly squatted. "Who will give you confidence?"

The sound falls, he turned his right hand, and it was a pressure toward Ye Xuan.


This pressure, Ye Xuan head, a horrible four yuan forces and down!

Although it is four yuan, this force is more than the strength of Chutian!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, and raising his hand is a sword.


This sword was smashed, and the time and space of the head was broken. At the same time, the sword of the ten blood pulse was directly done to the old Ye old.

Ye Elderly sleeves.


A piece of power shocked.

In an instant, the swing sword was directly shocked, the next moment, he took the front, and directly moved to Ye Xuan.

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly smashed, and the right hand holds Qing Xuanjian and slammed forward, then a sword!

This sword, he directly picked the road!


As a fried sound, Ye Xuanliandi retired, and the Ye Elderly retired thousands of foots!

Seeing this scene, all the people who came in the field stunned.

Cooperate to hit the might The old man is also awkward!

He looked at his right hand, on the right hand, there is a deep crack!

That is Ye Xuanqing Xuanjian left!

Ye Elders looked up to the Ye Xuan in the distance, was shocked and angry, and he did not think that Ye Xuan\'s strength was so horrible. He was actually hurt by one than his first level!

Ye Elderly slowed down, and at this time, a voice suddenly came from the side, "I am very lively!

I heard the words, Ye Elderly turned around, not far away, where the three people came, when seeing as the first, Ye Elderly suddenly stunned, "No side!

No side!

When I saw the owner, Ye Xuan was also stunned. How did this guy come here? No side smiled: "Ye Xing, how do you start your hand in a late year?"

Ye Xing looked at the owner, "" Does the owner know him?

The never looks at the Ye Xuan, nod, "is it!

The boundless side of the world is slightly smashed, and the tone is cold. "So, is the owner to support him?"

I heard the words, and the owner of the head was frowned. "Is it Nima, will you talk?"

See the boundless main crude, the Ye old face suddenly was cold, "the owner, the old man advised you to do more, I don\'t need someone to teach, and don\'t need others.

The owner suddenly raised his hand.


Ye Elderly did not finish, the whole person fell directly, only soul!

Everyone is!

Ye Xuan also jumped, mother, this laugh is two times!

Ye an old man is completely , is there? Is it so bad in your own flesh? The gods behind the owner have no relationship with the monks, and the eyes are shocking!

During this time, I didn\'t see what is big. However, I rarely see boundless main shots. Under normal circumstances, there is no one to talk very well, and they have never thought that there is no side of the opposite side. When the son hits!

The two people are in the heart!

Do you want to be polite in the future? The boundless main looks at the old people, "Do you know why you can\'t kill you? Because you leave a dog life, you let you be!

Come, call your Ye people!

I heard the words, those who were in the field are shocked!

Clear provocative leaves? Ye Elderly looked at the boundless owner, just talking, just at this time, there was a blind image on the distance in the distance, this vain is blurred, and it is not true.

That vacation suddenly said; "Ye Xing, apologize to boundless owners!"


I heard the words, Ye Xing did not hesitate, and the moment is respectful to the owner, "Sorry!

The never looks at the vain, "Laozi is dissatisfied!

After the illiterate silence, he said: "There is no side, we give you face because you have met the Ancestral Ye Emperor, not.


No side, suddenly a punch!


That vacant momentum!

At the same time, the distant ancient land, Ye family, in the hall, a old man suddenly opened his eyes, the next moment, his flesh was directly blown away, only the soul!

By making your body!

The old man is full of horrific, "this.

He is completely ignorant at this moment.


The second yuan universe.

The never looks to the old people, the latter is also sweating at this moment. What is the ghost? How is this horrible? The owner suddenly swayed, "Roll!


Remember, from today, I have no longer owner, I\'m don\'t owe my Ye.

Ye Elders looked at the unilateral owner, without any hesitation, directly with Chutian disappeared in the field.

Ye Xuan looks the boundless master, "no.


The owner suddenly said: "Don\'t think that I am helping you, I don\'t have, you don\'t have a self-satisfaction!

Also, I don\'t want to talk to you!


After that, he didn\'t disappear with the god and there was no disappearance.

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

After a while, there were more and more strong people in the four weeks, and Ye Xuan did not stop, and the moment turned and disappeared.



The boundless ladies can\'t help but angry: "Fuck, what is it looking at the face of Ye Emperor? Grass!

Does Laozi need him Ye Emperor? Does which Yes don\'t know how much they have ancestors? "

After the body, Shenming did not look at it, silent.

They decided to respect the boundless owners!

The owner is still a flat, "Mom!

If you don\'t look at the face of Ye Emperor, let them follow the mountain king, this group of silly.

Said, he whispered, "Ye Emperor did to be a person, and he nine nine times the universe won the ancient Tiandi\'s body, it is really meaningful enough, otherwise, today, I\'m watching the show, watching his Ye people dead!

At this time, there is no suddenly pass; "" With the owner, Ye people also just rely on the king? "

Hey, the main scene: "Now you can leave the leaves, three, a holy king hall, one by the mountain king!

There is no somewhat confused, "Is there anything?"

The boundless point refers to himself.


The boundless look is not, "Monk, what is your expression? Do you think I am in charge?"

There is no hesitation, then the road; "This is not!

Just, you said before, Ye is the first super forces, this.

The boundless calmness: "Their bottom is indeed, but the bottom is more than the Holy King Temple, but it is more than the king of the mountain, as for me.

Please don\'t question my strength.


: "

God suddenly said: "Ye people feel very arrogant!

"They naturally have that strength," said that they are really terrible, and the family has at least 19 emperors, although it is not the owner of the avenue, but the nineteen emperors are really great. , Especially Ye Emperor, only him, was named by Ye.

This person, the talent and strength is also the second, the most important thing is that this person will be a person, the gods, and the people are bright, even his enemy Holy King Temple, the evaluation of him is very high.

Said, he shook his head, "Moreover, Ye people did a lot of things for this ancient and parallel universe, even if they want to die, they should die in the universe, rather than being relying on the mountain king.

, :: " , , ,,

After the silence of the silence, the road: "I am shocked by a strong body in the family, just to shock them, let them think that the king has I support.

Speaking of this, he suddenly didn\'t play one place, "Grass!

I think this, I still want to grass!

Laozi\'s most hate that the king!

God suddenly said: "Tell him!

"He, I may not dare to fight," He, I must dare to fight!

God is full of black lines.

At this time, the owner said: "I can help, I have helped!

If Ye is still going to go to the mountain king, it can only say that they are elid!

Said, he shook his head and sighed whisper.

There is no sudden road to a Buddha, "Let\'s go!

Head, "can only be so!"

God suddenly said: "No side, why don\'t you fight for nine yuan?"

The never looks at the god, "Do I have a full?"

God is seriously said: "For the sentient beings!

No side shook his head, "Guan me!

After finishing, he walked in the distance, "Let\'s go!

Take you to waves.

Shen Ming suddenly said: "Ye people will not think you are a group of people with the king, then crazy to revenge?"

No side: ".


After Ye Xuan returned to Xuancheng, it was also a belly!

I have just won\'t matter if there is no side, I just kill the old people, my mother, these top forces like to be deceived!

He originally thought that the neighbor is helping himself, then refreshment, it is not right, carefully think, he found that this is not the owner may be helping the husband!

Boundless dominant dog!

Ye Xuan is sigh, we have the owner of the small immortality and the owner of the avenue!

How do these two guys do not count on yourself!

At this time, Qin Guan appeared in front of Ye Xuan, she got an eye Ye Xuan, then said: "Playing?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Qin Guan asked, "Who?"

Ye Xuan said: "Chutian, there is Ye people!"


Qin Guan blinked, then turned and left.

Ye Xuan asked, "Where is it?"

Qin Guantou does not return, "" Multi-place missile!

Ye Xuan: ".
