One Sword Reigns Supreme

2528 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and forty-four chapters: war!

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When I heard Qin Guan, Ye Xuan smiled.

Qin Guan stopped, she also shook his head.

Just came to ancient times, now I\'m going to enroll a Xiao family, and there is a minimal universe, and now, I will provoke a first super power Ye!

This is not good!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said; "I am low-key in the future?"

Qin Guan smiled; "Forget it!

It\'s over!

Ye Xuanhaha smile!

Qin Guan got an eye of Ye Xuan, then said: "You are no heart now?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qin Guan nodded, "You go to the small tower to practice, I will give you a secondary order!

After that, she turned and left.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "How to get?"

Qin Guan turned and looked to Ye Xuan and smiled: "If you have money!"


Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

He did not polite with Qin, because of their current relationship, no need to polite!

Ye Xuan directly returned to the small tower, just reached the heart, he needs to consolidate your realm now!

After returning to the small tower, Ye Xuan took a crystal king, he swallowed directly.

Sub-crystal can be swallowed directly!

After listening to Crystal King, Ye Xuan found that there was an extremely pure power when he suddenly broke out!

Ye Xuan is a little shocked, which is more pure than those who have absorbed before him, at least a pure ten times!

Ye Xuan god colors were extremely lighter, and he now knows why this Jing Wang is so precious!

Really the best!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and began to absorb those power in the body.


View Xuancheng.

Now I have already created a science and technology city by Qin Guan, the defense in the city, she is carefully crafted, there is not enough to see it!

This day, Xiao love came to see Xuancheng!

See Xiao Love, Qin Guanzhao\'s mouth suddenly turned slightly.

Inside the temple, Xiao love is slightly rude to Qin Guan, then said: "The owner, the immortal substance has been broken!

After saying, her palm is booming, two boxes appear in front of Qin Guan, "see Xuanjia, this A, not only the latest scales of Ermoy girl, but also our high-tech technology, although the material immortality can not reach the life girl The degree, however, now there is a material, we have compressed nearly 10 million, and its defense ability is at least ten thousand times compared to the on-generation view of Xuanjia, and we are still manufacturing new array, compressed, array Once we built, our technology will increase again!

Qin watched the box in front of him, then said: "How much is it?"

Little love Shen Sheng: "There are a lot!

Qin Guan shook his head smiled, "Soupe!

It\'s all money, money is the thing outside!

Xiaoyei nodded.

In fact, this is a little extravagant because of the two gods, I really spend a lot of a lot of ginsets, even if she is a little heartache!

This is also destined to make this god unable to make a breakthrough unless the technology has been broken!

Qin Guan put two boxes, then said: "Space folds?"

Xiaoji nod, "has already made a breakthrough, but it still can\'t do it like a destiny girl.

Qin Guan smiled: "Normal!

Let\'s come slowly!

Little love nod, then took out a box and handed it to Qin Guan. "This is a weapon for the owner. This weapon no longer uses the god veins, but uses times the crystal, use the times, it means this gun is also A power!

Qin Guanwei looks to Xiao love, "What about speed?"

Little love Shen Sheng: "Million Star Field, I am in a hurry!"

Space fold!

Qin Guan opened the box, after reading a moment, nod, "Y!

However, it is not enough, you have to continue to study!

Xiao Love nodded, "understand!

Qin Guan continued: "This city is located in ancient, and we have to stand the ancients, the difficulty is not generally big, so the defense here is the weight!

You come with me!

After finishing, she got up.

Xiao Love is busy with the past.

After a while, Qin Guan came to the depths of the mountains on the right side of Xuancheng. Qin watched the four weeks, then said: "This place is remote, I want to build a launch station here!

You personally supervise!

Xiao Love looks to Qin Guan, "How big!

Qin Guan said: "The biggest!

Little love is silent.

Qin Guan smiled: "Is there difficult?"

After the little love is silent, he said: "I need more people!"

Qin Guan said: "People of all military factory, let you dispatch!

Xiai love slightly, "no problem!

Qin Guan Head, she saw a four-week, then said: "Now we have just entered the ancient rules, those who have not noticed us yet, so now, now, will not cause other people\'s attention!

You speed!

Xiaoyi nodded, "I will do now!

After that, she turned and left.

After the little love left, Qin watched a look at the four weeks and whispered; "It\'s really a crisis!

At this moment, Qin Guan suddenly turned into the royal sword to disappear.

View Xuancheng.

On this day, an old man came directly to the view of Xuancheng.

Qin Guan appeared in front of the old man, she looked at a big word of the old man\'s chest: Xiao!


The old man looked at Qin Guan, "Are you watching the city of Xuancheng?"

Qin Guan smiled: "It\'s just!

The old look is calm, "Your view of Xuancheng killed my foreign disciple!

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

The old man is slightly squatting. "Do you know that he is the outer disciple of my Xiao?"

Qin Guan wants to think, then nod, "Yes!

The old man laughed, "I said, you are known that he is the person of my Xiao, but I dare to kill him, right?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

The old man looked at Qin Guan, "Why?"

Qin Guan smiled: "He is trying to find us!

The old man shook his head. "I am not asking you something wrong, I am asking you, why do you know that he is a person of my Xiao, but you still dare to kill him!

Qin Guan looked at the old man and smiled: "I am not saying it? It is to come to us first!

As for who he is, this is not important. The important thing is that he will come to find trouble, understand? "

The old man see Qin Guan, "Is this?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

The old man nodded, "from today, there is no way to see Xuancheng in the world!


At this moment, a sword light suddenly rushed from the city!

The old man suddenly shrinks, it is going to shoot, but it has not been there, a sword directly caves wear his throat!


A blood shot out!

At this time, Ye Xuan appeared in front of the old man.

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, "you.

Ye Xuan grazes Qing Xuan Jian and slashes a horizontal.


The old head flew out directly!

God\'s soul!

Ye Xuan gains the sword, then look at Qin Guan, "I will practice!

After finishing, he turned and left.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly said; "Do you like the communication now?"

In the distance, Ye Xuan should not return, "These self-righteousness is the big force, never talk about the wrong, they only speak strength.

The truth should be told and how to tell!

After that, others have disappeared in the distance.

Originally, Qin Guan smiled slightly, "said that the truth should talk to the truth.

Also, the truth, within the range of the cannon!

Dry his mother!

After that, she quietly saw a four-week, then patted the chest, "lady, to be a lady!

After that, she quickly disappeared.


Qiu City.

Inside the temple, the Skili family suddenly got up, he looked at a black man in front of him, Shen Sheng: "They really kill the foreign matter of the Xiao family?"

Black man is deeply said: "Yes!

I heard the words, the Skili family is slightly smashed, excited: "Good!

it is good!

it is good!

very good!

Black man is sinking: "This view is Xuancheng.

Shu family suddenly laughed, "It\'s really looking for death!

Ha ha!

I actually kill the gap of the Xiao family!

It seems that this view of Xuancheng doesn\'t know how terrible in the Xiao family!

It\'s really foolish!

The black man hesitated, then said: "What is the reason why they dare to kill a Xiao family?"

The Skili family shook his head, "they just have the power outside, how can I have no fear? Look!

How long does it take? The Xiao family will be retaliated!

Now they will die!

We can only watch the play!

Black man nodded.

The long eyes of the Skili family slowed down, "see Xuancheng.


Ye Xuan returned to the small tower and swallowed a crystal king!

Now he, the breath is strong than ever!


If there is a minor order, he even wants to sprint the border, but he still pressed this idea.

The realm is improved too fast, it is really not a good thing!

He didn\'t just arrived in a hurry, and now he needs to have a firm and firmly stabilized this realm, and he finds that this realm is not so simple, he didn\'t do it directly!

In the small tower, Ye Xuan is crazy to absorb the power of Jing Wang, and his breath is getting stronger and stronger!


View Xuancheng, Qin Guan is furnishing quickly!

She is personally commanded!

To fight!

Qin Guan naturally clear, killing the Hous people, the Xiao family must retaliate!

Moreover, the next definitely is old, so it must be ready, wait for the enemy, let the guns, mutually die!

fight? As long as she doesn\'t play with the three sword, she is not afraid!

She fought a word: fried!

When the people of the Xiao family, they naturally became anger. Of course, this matter has not passed to the Chi Headquarters. After all, it is only an old man, and this foreign matter is old, simply, it is to deal with some minions outside the Xiao family. People, this kind of person is in the Xiao family, it is a mixed!

However, this is not small!

Because even more, it is also a Xiao family!

Can you kill out? In less than half a day, a black tall is a view of dozens of topballs to see Xuancheng.

The head of the black robe is actually the other side!

And after him, there are two noises, and dozens of breaks!

This lineup is placed in ancient ribbon, it is really only horrible!

The head of the head of the black robes looked at Xuancheng below. "The male kills, the woman leaves a living, especially the Xuancheng female city owner, I want to live!"


View in Xuancheng.

Qin Guan looked at the palm of the green shirt, a sword, whispering: "Do I want to go to the Xiao family to take their family? Do you.

Will it be a bit too much? "
