One Sword Reigns Supreme

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View in Xuancheng, on the city wall.

Next to Ye Xuan, Qin Guan said softly: "People who killed the huts, there is no doubt to provoke to the Xiao family!

In addition to the Xiao family, the people who are universe are afraid that they will not let us!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "What is the way?"

Qin Guan smiled: "It\'s over!

afraid? They are not afraid of them!

What they have to do is not simple things, the enemy, that is normal!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "You go to the second year of the world!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled slightly, "enhance strength!

Said, she pauses, thirty crystal king appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Crystal king!

Looking at the thirty crystal king in front of you, Ye Xuan is silent.

He naturally knows that this matter is precious, it can be said that a crystal king is worth the city, enough to let countless people are crazy!

Even if it is a border, it is also unable to refuse this kind of god!

And Qin Guan took a thirtieth!

Qin Guan smiled: "A crystal king can increase more than a thousand years of repair, your realm is too fast, the bottom is poor, this Jing Wang just makes up this shortcomings!

Ye Xuan nodded, he did not refuse, directly received thirty crystal king, then said: "I will go to the second yuan universe, if there is something, contact me!

After that, he rushed to the sword, disappeared directly in the deep place.

On the wall, Qin Guan looked up at the starry sky, after a long time, she turned and left.


After Ye Xuan came to the universe, he did not hesitate to enter the second yuan universe!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, he found that the space structure of this second Yuan universe and the spatial structure of the Yuan Universe, the space structure is corner shape, and it is very irregular, he looks at him, very adapt.

There is no much thinking, Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, then run Qin Guan to give him the heart, start to take this second yuan universe!

Gradually, there are countless times around you come together!

He found that Qin Guan gave him this card, still able to take the strength of the second yuan universe, but there is a little bit!

Obviously, this work is ongoing!

However, it will be used at this moment!

As the source of the source, the evil sword in Ye Xuan\'s hands began to gradually felt.

The force of the secondary!

Different from before, this time, Ye Xuan began to finely feel these yuan!

Ye Xuan found a question point, that is, these times are not self-cultivation, but from the universe of the universe, from some extent, it is also an external force!

If the day after the day, the universe is warned, the secondary universe is turned off, no longer picks up the power of the parallel universe. At that time, did the strong in parallel universe not directly paralyzed? Think, Ye Xuanbow wrinkled deeply.

Intuitive telling him that this is a hidden danger!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Tower!

no respond!

Ye Xuanzhi, then said: "Tower, have you fell asleep?"

The little tower is calm: "Call me!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Tower, you try it, see if you can learn the power!

The small tower is a bit negligible, "" I absorb the power of the second year? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Try it!

After the small tower is silent, then start absorbing the power of the sub-yuan, in an instant, the power of countless subunies is like a tide generally come to Ye Xuan Yong!

Of course, I finally didn\'t get into the small tower!


See this scene, Ye Xuancao!

The small tower can absorb the power of the second, what does this mean? It means that he can store the power in the small tower in the world, the world of the small tower is not small, how many times is this? To know, normal air is stronger, even if it is stored, it can only be stored in their own body, and they can\'t be like him, they can deeply take advantage of the universe space, endless intuitive!

Generally, the power of the air, not only the cost is very large, the difficulty is also very difficult, because they have to be a medium in the universe, but to be a medium, it must be integrated with a Yuancai, but this The difficulty is very very large, because the Yuan universe is completely different from the parallel universe, they want to be integrated with it, can be said, the difficulty is very large.

It is only possible to do it in ancient waste.

Therefore, the forces of countless universe want to come to ancients, and join the top ten super forces.

In the field, Ye Xuan and the small tower were crazy to absorb the power in the field, the small tower did not practice, since the transformation, it completely gave up cultivation!

It is better to transform a day, it is worthy!

Ye Xuan is done by the mountain king, it will do it by the mountain!

There is a small tower to help save, and the power of Ye Xuan\'s secondary yuan is more and more, and he also begins to use the power to improve its own!

His goal, but the sky is getting heart!

His goal is that the same level is invincible, the cycling!

Time passed, in the field, after absorbing the power of the secondary yuan, the breath of the Ye Xuan began to change the earth.

I don\'t know how long, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.


In an instant, his four weeks were directly turned into ashes, and the ingredit in his hand disappeared in an instant.


When the moment of breakthrough, the square will be boiling directly!

Mother is too big!

The Xixiang is shocked, it is going to retreat, and just here, the time and space suddenly broke out, a man is slow!

When I saw Ye Xuan, this man was toned, "It is you!

Ye Xuan brows, "Are you?"

The man looked at Ye Xuan, "Chutian!

Chu Tian!

Big Chu!

Ye Xiu Xiu, then smiled: "Is it a narrow?"

Chutian stared at Ye Xuan, "I have never thought of it, you can come to this second year of universe.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Is there something? If you don\'t do, I will go!

After finishing, he turned and walked.

Chutian suddenly passed: "Direct!

Ye Xuan fits to see Chutian, "Are you sure?"

Chu Tian smiled: "How, I am afraid of you?"

Ye Xuan Da smiled: "Let\'s come!"


The sound of the sound is just falling, and the time and space in front of Chutian is fell.

There is no sign of signs!

Chu Tian\'s eyes were slightly smashed, the reaction was very fast, and when the sword was half-inch, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.


Ye Xuan This sword is empty, after a sword, he is calm, and he turned to a sword.


A sword is broken, and there are thousands of miles to collapse!

A residual violation of the violent violation!

It is that Chutian!

Chutian retired a thousand stars, his right hand spread, and then slammed the bottom.


In an instant, the strange time and space of Yafitou suddenly turned into a overlapping applause, this moment, as if the millions of mountains fell!

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, the right hand holds the sword, and the swords in the body will start with the sky. At the same time, the Qing Xuanjian in his hand directly turned into a sword!

Hard hard!


The whateous overlapping palm layers tears, the front tear is very fast, but it is back, the slower.

At this time, there is a sudden feet in the distance.


Chutian instantly disappeared in the original place, next moment, a white light takes a very horrible speed to shoot in Ye Xuan!

Pure speed!

Pure power!

When it is too white, the secondary space is as thin as paper, and it is torn open.

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes, at this moment, his Qing Xuan sword is resisting to that countless palm print.

Of course, he has a sword!

Ye Xuanxin thought, a blood sword appeared in him!

Blood sword!

The blood of the hunter is surging, the next moment, he slammed forward.


In an instant, the time and space before Ye Xuan is directly blown away, and the two are crazy!

In the process of retreat, the sword of the ten shank suddenly appeared in that Chutian!

Chu Tian\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, and the right hand is holding into a punch, and then slammed out, this punch, a golden light smashed the center, once, the ten shank swords were directly by this golden light Shocking, but did not shock!

Seeing this scene, Chu Tian\'s eyes flashed in a strange, and at this time, the 10 handle sword was independent to him. At the same time, Ye Xuan in the distance disappeared in the same place.


Chu Tian\'s top four weeks and space directly cracks out of the eleven cracks!

Eleven swords!

Chu Tian\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, and the handsome faces two sides, "Run!


In an instant, a black light broke out from his body, in an instant, surrounded by millions of times in the morning time, instant into ashes!

Ye Xuan returned to the place, surrounded, a horrible force came toward him, but he was blocked by his sword!

In the distance, Chutian looked up to Ye Xuan. He padesed his palm. It gradually, which gradually, this second time the universe trembled.


Suddenly, Ye Xuan Head, time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, there were countless horrible black lights like a wave usually towards the next Ye Xuan sweehed down!


Suddenly, this second-year universe directly boils!

Nothing, the universe is shocked, and they come from here!


This is no longer the power of secondary yuan, but from the power of the three yuan!

This means that this Chutian has reached the other side!

Three yuan!

Seeing those black lights, Ye Xuan double eyes, this is already qualitative!

When I saw the power of terror, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, he did not use the blood of blood, and did not use three array of Qing Xuanjian, but directly possed the second yuan!

Of course, his second yuan is a bit more!

Ye Xuan wrist, a sword!

In an instant, countless secondary yuan, from the Qing Xuan Sword, the sword rushed to the sky.


The sky, the countless black light is in an instant, and it is virtual!

See this scene, the Chutian eyes in the distance suddenly, "how it is possible.

Ye Xuan looked to Chutian, and raised his hand, it was a sword.

Chutian double eyes, a punch!

In this box, carry countless three-time power!


In an instant, a sword is blown out, and Chutian is far away!

And Ye Xuan is not retreating!

The power of the second yuan confronted three yuan!

In the distance, Chutian stopped, he looked up to Ye Xuan, the eyes were full, "how could it be.

At this time, the spatial and space suddenly broke out, and one old man appeared directly in the field.

When I saw a golden sign in the old chest, all the people in the field were awkward, and they had retreat!


After the old man appeared, he knew it with Chutian, then nodded slightly, "can.

May you be willing to enter my Ye? "

Chutian silence.

At this time, a voice sounded in his brain, "agree!

Chu Tian immediately nodded, "I wish!

The old man nodded, "At this moment, you are my Ye people!"

You can keep your last name, but when you are right, you have to live in Ye people!

Chutian nodded, "Good!

At this time, the old man turned and looked at Ye Xuan. When he saw Ye Xuan, he shook his head, then looked at Chutian, "Let\'s go!

Chutian looked at Ye Xuan, "When you meet next time, you will not be so lucky!

It\'s going to go.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed, "Why don\'t you come to life?"

I heard, the Ye old old brow wrinkled, he looked to Ye Xuan, "Little Senior, so arrogant?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "natural, can\'t change!

Ye Elderly is slightly smashed, and the right hand turns, directly towards Ye Xuan is a pressure.

In the distance, the Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed, "Go to Nima!

Said, he raised his hand was a sword, and he broke the momentum directly. He held his sword to point to the Ye Elder and Chutian, "You come together!"

Everyone: ".
