One Sword Reigns Supreme

2525 The second chapter of the two hundred and fifty-one chapters of the fairy in the sword; people who have relying on the mountain!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

I have to say that the mood of Ye Xuan is complicated!

Practice the way!

Originally, he thought that ordinary people could change against the sky, but now, he is a little bit!

People who have no need to have no background, want to change against the sky, it is really hard!

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Don\'t think so much!

Whether it is this parallel universe, or the second universe, we have to change slowly!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, "change the entire parallel universe and the second universe?"

Qin Guanzhi, she looked straight to Ye Xuan, "Is there confident?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course!

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Ren is far away!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s work together!

Qin Guanzhi Head.

What seems to be, Qin Guan suddenly looked up to the horizon, "people who worked in the white dress, should come to us to trouble!

Ye Xuanqi is calm. When he first killed the white dress, he had guess the trouble!

so what? At this time, the sky suddenly trembled, very fast, there was a huge crack in the sky, and the fellow came out as the crack appeared!

Ye Xuan looked at Qin Guan and smiled: "Do you can\'t do it here, right?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

So you can fight with them!


Ye Xuan smiled.

Sky, the voyage overtights the next Leaf Xuan and Qin Guan, and the eyes are Senjing Kill!

Ye Xuan does not show weakness with each other!

The second person suddenly said: "Sui KC, I am giving you the daring?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I don\'t want to discuss the wrong with you, and I don\'t want to discuss things with you, because I know, there is no sense, you will not listen, you will not talk to us, since this If you want to play, you will do it. If you don\'t want to play, then you will roll!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the Yuan people suddenly squinted.

At this time, the distance between the horizon suddenly came from a sneak, "a big tone!

The sound falls, and the horizontal space is split. A young man is slowly coming out.

Qin watched a young man, then said: "Ancient city Husband!

Thousands of years old, hungees came to ancients, and stood at this side, although they have not completely entered the core area of ​​the ancient shortage, but they have developed for thousands of years, not that thousands of cities can be better!

Moreover, they are the attachment of the top ten super forces.

Speaking of this, she turned to look into Ye Xuan, "This is a person who has a mountain!

Ye Xuan Master face black line, "What do you see me!

Qin Guan smiled and didn\'t talk.

In the distance, the juji looks to Ye Xuan, a laugh, "arrogant people, often there will be anything to do, in this ancient, people still want.

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!

The church eye suddenly contacted, the next moment, his eyes, a sword light appeared quietly!

The mushroom is very shocked, the right arm is in front of the ground!


A sword directly caves in the right arm of the question, then take his right arm into his eyebrows!


The whole person is directly nailed to the place!

Qiu Xi!

The veteran of the sky is also awkward!

What the hell? Where did this come? Do you do things completely? Ye Xuan looked at the rumor, "Ask you, ask, your hill is to blend my relationship with the white dress women\'s chapter?"

Shu Yan is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

Shu said: "I am a foreign disciple, you.

Ye Xuan also refers to a cut.


The trousers flew out directly, blood sputtering!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I hate people who have moved in the back office!

Qin Guan turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes were blink!

Ye Xuanbai has an eye of Qin Guan, "Don\'t blink!

Eyelashes are grouped!

Qin Guan smiled.


At this moment, the sky suddenly broke, the next moment, a very terrible breath swept!

No heart!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the sky, and saw that the sky space was once again cleared again. Next, a middle-aged man slowly came out!

Qin Guanhe immediately said; "Qiujia is currently the owner of Hiloxo!

Ye Xuan looked at Niuqiu Xiao Xiao, prisoner is also watching him.

In the Xuanxuan, the Qing Xuanjian suddenly slightly fuse.

Kiu Xiao suddenly turned to look at the veteran of the sky, he was slightly rude, then said: "A Chang, sorry, my hills did not gave it!"

I am very sorry!

After that, he turned directly to the end of the sky.

No hands!

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan are all stunned.

This is gone? Qin Guan suddenly sounded softly: "It is a bit meaning.

Said, she looked at the veteran of the sky, "Do you want to talk about?"

The elderly people have no expression, "I haven\'t talked!

Qin Guanzi has no expression, "Xiaoxuanzi killed him!

Ye Xuan suddenly creates a sword to get up!

The sky, the end of the veteran flashed a touch, "Let\'s go!

He hit his right hand and wanted to do it, but it would like to think about it. You can only flash behind it, return back to the secondary!

Still don\'t dare!

Even if the person who sangs the universe first, the secondary universe can\'t do it in parallel!

This is the inequality of the year!

This treaty is a shame, shameful humiliation!

However, they have to abide by this treaty!

Because if the people of the second universe dare to do their hands in parallel, they will be able to join hands to siege!

They can make people in parallel universe, but they can\'t personally do it here.

In addition, they have to be asylum that the universe!

This treaty, since ancient times, it has been by the universe as a shame!

Unfortunately, they didn\'t dare to tear this treaty until now!

Because the nine holy king of the first nine holy king has sent a poisonous vow!

Once it is contrary to this treaty, the soul will be found.

Moreover, it is said that this vow is not a general vow, and there is a mysterious witness.

In short, before the Hallowager did not tear this treaty, no one dared to calm the universe, and this is why the universe is not afraid of the Yuan universe!

After retreating the sub-community, the Yuanqiang worked deadly at the parallel universe, the face is boundless, "you are waiting!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed, "Wait? Why do you have?"

After that, he jumped, and he took directly into the universe.

Seeing this scene, the Yuan strong person\'s face was instantly changed, and it was incredible in his eyes. This guy actually entered the sub-boundary. Looking at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!" Who are you!

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!

He knows that he has only a sword!

Because he is here, he will surprise the guardian of the Yuan Universe. Therefore, if a sword can\'t kill each other, he will no longer have the opportunity!

The sword of Ye Xuan, directly picked up the three arrays and the roadfats and the human swords, and the blood is also used!

Because the people in front of you have no state!

When Ye Xuan\'s sword came out, the horizon in the distance, a sudden sound suddenly, "Stop!

As this voice sounded, a horrible breath swept!

The guardian of a Yuanyuan!

Ye Xuan did not stop!

At the distance, the Yuanqiang\'s eyes suddenly contacted, and he called his hands, in an instant, the secondary space of him suddenly turned into a space barrier to block the body!

However, when the Qing Xuan sword came into contact with the space barriers of these yuan, they didn\'t expect their strength!


Qing Xuanjian directly took the eyebrows of the power!


The secondary power is directly used by Qing Xuanjian in the original place, and his face is incredible, "how it is, you.

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, the Qing Xuan sword is trembled, directly absorbs its soul, next moment, Ye Xuan directly disappeared in the same place.

Ye Xuan Kong disappeared, a secondary veteran appeared in the field!

One-in-one guardian!

This elderly, the old man looked at the powerful people who were erased, and his face was incomparably ugly. He turned to look down, this look, directly saw the parallel universe, when he saw Ye Xuan, his eyes were cold enough!

Even the killing of the subordinate!

I don\'t want to take a time to take a time!

The secondary guardian is dead and staring at Ye Xuan, "You will die!

After finishing, he turned directly to disappear.

This is reported!

Because the other party dares to come to the Qianjie killing, it is very likely that the top ten super forces, you have to figure out!

As long as it is not a top ten power, you will die!

Even ten powerful people, this matter, the universe must give a parallel universe!

He is a retreat of a dollar, directly under the temple of the Holy King, although it is just a retreat of the guardian, but that is also to the Holy King Temple.

Even the top ten power, or more or less will give him face!

And the man didn\'t give it a little, but also in his face!

Deceive too much!


Qiu City.

After Qiu Xiao returned to Queen City, he was directly here to his own hall. Inside the temple, an old man respectfully.

After a long time, Qiu Xiao is silent for a long time, "Wang Yan is dead!

Wen said, the old man suddenly stunned, then the face was instantly!

Qiu Xiao shakes his head, "The view Xuancheng is extremely unsurcited, especially the swordsman, actually able to kill Kiu Xiao, is never average!

The old man is deep; "this hatred.

Qiu Xiao shook his head again, "I can\'t report it, but.

This matter can not be done!

Said, he looks to the old, then the cold road; "The Qiu is not joined the Xiao family, is the Xiao people\'s foreign disciple? Now, he is killed, the Xiao people will not sit still!

You go to inform the Xiao family, just say that the Qiu Yan is dead!

The Xiao is in the face, must be tested!

Speaking of this, his eyes slowly closed, "see Xuancheng.
