One Sword Reigns Supreme

2515 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and five chapters: !

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Withdraw? Chu Nan stunned, he thought it was wrong!

At this time, Chu Tianxing suddenly said: "Go!

After that, he turned directly to the end of the starry.

Chu Nan hesitated, and then he was busy with the past.

The two come quickly, go!

I saw two people left, and Ye Xuan took a look at Qin Guan.

This is gone? Qin Guan said softly; "Not science!

Said, she looked at the Qingqiu on the side. "The Chu Southern is always on the Qingqi girl, it is clear that he feels dangerous in the Qingqi girl!

Ye Xuan nod.

He didn\'t pay attention to this. From the beginning, Chu Nan\'s gaze has been green, it is clear that this super strong person from ancient wilderer feels the terrible of Qingqiu!

Ye Xuan low sighs, secret road is a bit unfortunately!

This enemy is not actually!

It is rare to see it!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Qingqiu girl, is it?"

Qingqiu blinks, you are going to talk, Qin Guan immediately said: "I know, I don\'t worry!"

In front of the green girl, it is not very powerful!

Qingqi shook his head smiled, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Do you have time?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Said, he smiled slightly, "I came back, except for you to read you, there is a reason, just want to talk to you!

On Keyway!

Qin Guan turned to look into Ye Xuan, "Xiaoxuanzi, have you floated?"

Qingqiu also laughed to look at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan blinked, then said: "It is taught!

Ask for education!

Qin Guanbai Ye Ye Xuan, then said: "Xiaoxuanzi, I have a great plan, you will go to explore me first!


After finishing, she pulled Ye Xuan into the small tower.

Qingqi shook his head smiled, she looked to the Hongxia in the horizon, and her mood was very comfortable!

Have to say, this feeling is really good!

Once once, she had a day, every day!

And now, she cherishes every day!


Among the star fields, Chu Tianxing looked at the inquiry universe in the distance, and the look was not comparative.

Chuan Shen Sheng said: "But what woman?"

Chu Tianyi nodded.

Chu Nandao: "I also think that this woman is good, but.

You and I join hands, unless the owner is the main shot, otherwise, this is the opponent without our two opponents!

Chu Tianxing shook his head. "When I got ancient times in my life, when I was extremely sensitive to the danger, I just got anxiety in my heart!

Said, his look became more and more dignified. "I can\'t see her depth, and this is the most terrible, her strength should be more than us!

May have reached the other side.

I heard the words, and Chu Nan\'s eyes suddenly contracted, "how it is possible!


This little boundless world is absolutely impossible to have a border!

Even if there is no side, it is absolutely not reached to the other side!

No side: "???"

Chu Tianxing is shook his head, "no!

everything is possible!

No before, it doesn\'t mean that there is no current!

Chu Nan is silent.

He did not refute Chu Tianxing, because he knew that Chu Tianxing got ancient times, the strength is far on him, so Chu Tianxing said that the woman is very dangerous, it is inevitable!

Recovered his thoughts, KUAN Shen Sheng: "How do we do now?"

After Chu Tianxing silent, he said: "Check!

Check out what this universe has happened, and why is the mysterious boundless?

Be sure to check clear!

Chuan Shen Sheng said: "It is our hatred.

Chu Tianxing looked to Chuan, "I have been playing, I will do it, but if I want to, I will understand?"

The face of Chu Nan is quite ugly, "I have a big Yuanzheng army.

Chu Tianxing shook his head, "You think about it, bad!

Said, he turned his head pointed to the depths of the sky.

More than we are strong, really like a wool!

He has seen the world, so I know how small yourself!

Chu Nan is silent.

Chu Tianxing laughed: "I know that you are in your heart, but now we have to do it, we have to know what kind of enemies we have provoke!

Chu Nan nodded, "I immediately let people look!

Chu Tianxing nodded, "first return to the family!

Finished, the two leave!

Chu Nan suddenly said: "Why don\'t you do your family?"

Chu Tianxing slightly, then laughed: "Whether you are doing a family, or I am doing a family, it is for Chu\'s family, there is no difference, isn\'t it?"

Chu Nan looked at Chu Tianxing, did not talk!

Chu Tianxing laughed: "Let\'s go!

Chuan nodded, two people left!


There is a small tower.

Qin Guan and Ye Xuan sat in a seaside, Qin Guan dragged shoes, double feet lightly with sea water at the foot, sea breeze, her short hair suddenly was blown, some messy!

Ye Xuan also dragged his shoes, then said: "Do you say there is a great plan?"

Qin Guan Head, "The Star, Just our first goal, after the establishment of the Academy and Xian Baoge, I have to build a transmission array there, then as a springboard, the sword is the land!

Ancient place!

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan, "Can you talk about ancient land?"

Qin Guan smiled; "A place to connect the universe!

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "Connect the secondary universe?"

Qin Guan Head, "The world we are in this world is just a parallel world, and on us, there is a secondary world.

Some of the strong people now, such as breaking the heart, you can take the power of the universe!

But do you know? They are ingest, just the least least least the universe, and only part of the very small part of the very small extreme!

Ye Xuan Shen said; "So, we now the universe, where can I be in front of the universe?"

Qin Guanzhi Head.

Ye Xuan lied down, and his hands covered in the direct forehead.

Qin Guan blinked, "What happened?"

Ye Xuan low sigh, "I have a headache!

I have been spelling a lot of life, I thought I had already standing in the peak of the universe, and you told me, I still anticone ants, ants.

My mentality has collapsed!

Qin Guanjiao smiled, "Is this not normal?"

Ye Xuan shake his head smile.

Have to say, some brain housings hurt!

I have to spell!

At this time, Qin Guan smiled: "I think it is quite good!"

Can go see the broad and mystery of the universe!

Ye Xuan nod, "indeed!

Qin Guan said again: "My intelligence personnel have reached the ancient land, but their strength is not particularly strong, so the intelligence to explore is not particularly much!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Anyway, let\'s next goal is the land of the ancient, and we want to steadily in that place, it is difficult.

There is different from the other side of the star field, where the power is complicated, the strong is as full!

When she said, she shook his head. "I have to break the technology to break through, and then, otherwise, the past may be beaten!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is the technology breakthrough?"

Qin Guan said: "Fast!

One is the speed, space fold, one is the immortal!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodded, it is two points that you have said at the youth!

Qin Guan suddenly used the arm of the police, smiled, "Next, let me talk to your sister!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan suddenly got up, then said: "The small tower borrows me, I will help it in the way!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, the small tower suddenly said: "Good!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

Qin Guanha smiled and then said: "Xiaoxuanzi, wait for me to come back to find you!"

After that, she took the small tower directly.

Ye Xuan returned to reality, Ye Xuan looked at the field, shook his head, "The small tower has anti-bone!

After a while, Ye Xuan left and came to see Xuan College!

Nowadays, I have already happened the earth-shaking change, because the whole of the current sake of Xuan is the first, the first, the first, the second is the Xianbao Pavilion!

Of course, these two owners are a group, so it can also be called a forces!

In the book, Ye Xuan and Qingqiu stepped on a lake.

Ye Xuan light channel: "Let\'s next place is an ancient place!

Shantou, do you know the land of ancient? "

Qingqi shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Qingqiu, "Do you know the universe?"

Qingqi nod, "know!

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu, "The universe civilization there is better than this, right?"

Qingqi nod.

Ye Xuan asked again, "Will you become an ants?"

Qingqiu smiled: "No!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why?"

Qingqiu smiled and said: "Brother, in fact, it is not so difficult, it is difficult to jump out of this framework, what is this framework? It is a framework set by the avenue, only to jump out of this framework. Calculate is a moniver.

Ye Xuan brows, "Method?"

Qingqiu nod, "in me, there are only three realms, the first, cultivator, the second, practitioner, the third, and the aqual.

In fact, there is still a fourth.

The three belong to the fourth!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: \'What is the difference between these three? \'Qingqi slightly smile, "cultivator is the cultivator, cultivating the rules developed by the avenue pen; the practitioner, the trajectory of destiny, knows how to practice fate, try to jump out of the rules of various types!

And the monk, the repair is not the way the avenue owner is set, but the road, take his own way, and repair his own way.

For example, the necklace, he already has his own way, so the avenue owner is not him!

Speaking of this, her brow is slight, "it is not right, saying that it is not so strict.

It can only be said that the avenue owner is not for him, the rules of the avenue pen owner will not be him, but if the avenue owner is for him, he is definitely playing.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then asked, "Why didn\'t you kill the main one?"

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Do you think?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Qingqiu suddenly stopped, and she looked at an ants crawling on the ground. "Would you truly stepping on the ants?"

Ye Xuan: ".

No side: "???"

Qingqiu pulls the hand of Ye Xuan, walked in the distance, laughed: "She, except for you, see who is antique!


PS: encounter a sudden situation!